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A group is defined as a number of individuals who come together to achieve

a particular task or goal. Group dynamics refers to the attitudinal and

behavioural characteristics of a group. Group dynamics concerns
organizational success because it consists of various groups and a lot
depends on how groups form, how they configuration and process, and most
importantly how they function. Group dynamics are pertinent in both formal
and informal groups of all types. In an organizational setting, groups are a
very common organizational entity and the study of groups and group
dynamics is an important area of study in organizational behavior.

There are several theories on why groups develop. The classic theory,

developed by George Homans, advocates that group development is
based on activities, interactions, and feelings. What it means is when
individuals share common activities; they will have more interaction and will
develop attitudes which could be positive or negative toward each other. The
major element in this theory is what kinds of interaction are shared by the
individuals involved in the group.

Social exchange theory offers an alternative explanation for group

development. According to this theory, individuals form relationships based
on the implied expectation of mutually beneficial exchanges based on trust
and felt obligation towards each other. Thus, an insight that in relationships
exchange of thoughts and ideas is positive and essential if individuals are to
be attracted to and affiliate with a group.

Social identity theory suggests that individuals get a sense of identity and

self-esteem based upon their membership in outstanding groups. The nature
of the group may be demographically based, culturally suitable, or
organizationally based. Individuals are motivated to belong to and contribute
to identical as their character groups because of the sense of belongingness
and self-worth membership in the group imparts.

Do you know that the study of group dynamics is dated back to 1960s by
Bruce Tuckman. He said that groups do not usually perform at maximum
effectiveness when they are first established. They come across several
stages of development as they struggle to become productive and effectual.
Often, groups experience similar developmental stages while they encounter
conflicts and resolutions. According to Tuckman’s theory, there are five
stages of group development: forming, storming, norming, performing, and
adjourning. During these stages group members go through lot of pains as
they need to address several issues and the way in which these issues are
resolved decides whether the group will succeed in accomplishing its tasks or
the group will break up.

Forming: This is the first stage. In this stage lot groups form temporarily;
this stage is characterized by some puzzlement and lot of uncertainty. The
group is not sure about their major goals. Leadership matters here a lot.
Thus, forming is a direction period when members get to know one another
and share expectations about the group. Members learn the purpose of the
group as well as the rules to be followed. If the forming stage is rushed trust
and openness cannot be developed. Individuals are often confused during
this stage because roles are not clear and leadership matters to bring in a
feeling of settlement. If the group is formed on basis of weak leadership, the
group is far from being formed.

Storming: This stage is called

storming because in this stage, the group is likely to see the highest level of
incongruity and conflicts. Members in the group challenge group goals and
struggle for power. Individuals often compete for the leadership position
during this stage of development. This can be a positive experience for all
groups if members can get organized through resolution. Members often
voice concern and criticism in this stage. If members are not able to
determine the conflict, then the group will often split up or continue in
existence but will remain unproductive and never advance to the further

Norming: This stage is categorized by the identification of individual

differences and shared expectations. If in this stage the group members
begin to develop a feeling of group unity and identity the group’s existence
strengthens. They experience cooperative efforts which begin to yield results.
In this stage usually responsibilities are divided among members and the
group decides on evaluating progress. Roles and responsibilities are passed
on to members in the group in norming stage.

Performance: Performance of group occurs when the group matures and

attains a feeling of cohesiveness. During this stage of development,
individuals accept one another and conflicts are resolved through group
discussions. Members of the group make decisions through a sensible
process that is focused on relevant goals rather than emotional issues.

Adjourning: This stage is not is not experienced by

all groups, because it is characterized by the performance discharged by the
group. Some groups stay relatively permanent. There are reasons why
groups disband; they differ from group to group. Some common reasons are
the achievement of the tasks or individuals deciding to go their own ways.
Members of the group often experience feelings of conclusion and sorrow as
they prepare to leave the group. The reasons could be rational or irrational.

We human beings don’t

always make the right decisions because our rational judgment is influenced
not only by our infatuations and emotions but we all have built-in biases and
some other feelings as conceit, egos and illogical dogmas. We don’t
understand sometimes why we behave in a fashion or why we take wrong
decisions. One big factor affecting the quality of decisions is whether a
decision involves a group.

Group dynamics can lead otherwise sensible individuals to agree or disagree

decisions they might not come to on their own. At times the effects are
positive, as when some group members help others overcome discrimination.
But the dynamics of a group often have negative consequences. Since most
organizations   rely on collective decision making in some contexts,
managers must to be on the lookout for group biases and their undesirable
results. There are again some common manifestations of the group
effectiveness. Such as conformity – many people go along with the group
regardless of what they themselves might think as individuals. Then
comes group polarization – it’s a phenomenon which shows that
deliberation can intensify people’s attitudes, leading to more extreme
decisions. A study in US federal courts showed that judges working alone
took a relatively extreme course of action only 30% of the time. When they
were working in groups of three, this figure more than doubled, to 65%.

It has been observed that it is an elating feeling when like minded people
come together in a group. It is an exhilarating to see when a team of
dedicated people meet to discuss and decide a course of action which
benefits each member in the group. If a group is given freedom to choose
whom and whom not it can have in its team, positive performance can be
observed. It is always gratifying to have likeminded people to form groups.
They work together, though each of them coming from different backgrounds
and levels of experience, but each with the same intellectual capacity to
problem-solving and eventually come up with well executed outcomes.
People with similar points of view can supplement and substantiate the
perspectives which help in achieving organizations goals and objectives.

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