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Student’s name: __________________________

Half-term test B PET Buster

I. Present Simple vs. Continuous for future events. Fill in the gaps.

1. This is a terrible film Tony! When ……………………………….… (finish)?

2. She ……………………………. (not see) Tim tonight or ever again. They broke up last week.
3. The library ………………………………. (close) in five minutes and I have four books to return!
4. …………………………………………… (use) your motorbike tonight? I want to borrow it.
5. I'm going to be late! What time ……………………………………… (this train/arrive) in Chicago?

II. Present Perfect or Past Simple. Fill in the gaps. Then write which tense you have used.

a. The …………………………. (buy) their new motorbike a week ago. (……………………………)

b. John …………………………………………… (be) in that shop for an hour. (………………………..)
c. When ……………………………………………… (you/ see) your friend Robert? (……………………..)
d. …………………………………………………(ever/break) your arm? (..............................................)
e. “Pizza?”, “ No, thanks, I ………………………………………………(already/ eat).” (…………………..)
f. When I …………………. (get up) this morning, I …………………………… (wash), ……………..(have) breakfast
and then ………………………… (take) a taxi to work.( …………............................................…..)

III. Past Simple vs. Continuous. Underline the correct form.

1. We waited / were waiting for Jane, when suddenly Louis was coming / came around the corner.
2. I was cycling / cycled through the park, when I heard / was hearing a strange noise.
3. He gave / was giving her the message when the teacher wasn’t looking / didn’t look.
4. I was falling / fell asleep while I watched / was watching TV last night.
5. While Mike and Jane painted / were painting the walls, their dog was playing / played with the paint pot.

IV. Past Simple vs. Past Continuous. Fill in the correct form of the verb.

1. When her train ………………. (get) to the station, we…………………… (wait)on the platform..
2. Yesterday I .................... (go) to the library, next I ....................(have) a swim, later I ................... (meet) Julie for
3. What ....................................... (they/do) at 10pm last night - it was really noisy?
4. When I ............................. (walk) into the room, everyone ...................................... (work).
5. I ....................................... (sit) in a cafe when you .............................. (call)..
6. While it ………………..….(snow) outside, the children ……..……………….. (make) a snowman.


V. Complete the sentences with the appropriate word. Not all the words are used.

platform hot air balloon holiday destination check-in desk

bungee jumping sunbathing ferry luggage duty free shop

1. ……………………… gets my adrenaline moving and makes me feel alive.

2. Jamaica has always been my favourite ……………………….
3. The holidaymakers were ……………………… when the storm broke.
4. After dad put the ……………………… into the boot, he started the car.
5. He was waiting for the train on the ……………………… when he heard the familiar sound.
6. Once, while travelling on holiday, we drove our car onto the ……………………… . That was very exciting.

VI. Choose the correct word.
a. We haven’t seen each other for/ever/since last May.
b. Freddie has yet/just/already heard A50’s new album. Look at him. I don’t think he likes it.
c. When my grandma have been/ has been/ was twenty, she has been working/worked / was working in the Army.
e. How long ago did you see / have you seen/ you saw Titanic?


VII. Read the text and then decide the correct answer.

Street Art is a very popular form of art that is spreading quickly all over the world. You can find it on buildings,
sidewalks, street signs and trash cans from Tokyo to Paris, from Moscow to Cape Town. Street art has become a global
culture and even art museums and galleries are collecting the work of street artists. Street art started out very secretly
because it is illegal to paint public and private property without permission. People often have different opinions about
street art. Some think it is a crime and others think it is a very beautiful new form of culture. Street artists do their work
for a reason. Some of them do not like artists who make so much money in galleries and museums. They choose street
art because it is closer to the people. Some artists try to express their political opinion in their work. They often want to
protest against big firms and corporations. Others like to do things that are forbidden and hope they don’t get caught.

1. Street Art can be seen almost anywhere in the globe.

A) True
B) False
C) Doesn’t say

2. Street artists have various reasons to do their work.

A) True
B) False
C) Doesn’t say

3. Street art could be considered as a protest against ................ .

A) people on the street
B) artists who are rich
C) political and religious thoughts
D) small companies

4. One of the drives behind street art is ....................

A) rebelling against governments
B) stealing profits of big corporations
C) wanting to do something that is illegal
D) organizing street exhibitions for people

5. It is clear that .......................... .

A) street art did not start very secretly
B) street artists are doing useful things
C) street art is considered a new culture by some people
D) street artists make lots of money selling their works /5

TOTAL / 45

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