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Educating the mind without educating the heart is no education at all - Aristotle

It is true that educating the mind without educating the heart is no education at all. Imagine
living in a society where there are a lot of professionals but they are all arrogant people. It’s like
they have a stone-like heart. They don’t care about anyone but themselves only. What an awful
sight but it is the current situation of our society right now. Many are arrogant, less are humble.
But then again, if we like a society who progresses, let’s start educating the mind and at the same
time educating the heart as well.

The value of Education is not the learning of many acts but the learning of the mind to
think – Albert Einstein
The world is rapidly changing especially in technological, physiological and psychological
aspects. With this scene, we need to not just teach the students in a spoon-feeding manner but we
also have to make them think, analyze every situation critically. Besides, one of the qualification
of a 21st Century learner is a critical thinker. Therefore, it is very essential to make students think
critically for them to be efficiently ready in their journey to becoming a professional.

Employee’s attitude towards job satisfaction and performance

An employee’s attitude is very vital to attain his/her satisfaction for the work he entered
upon which then directly affects his/her performance because if an employee is not really onto
his/her job he/she applied to, difficulties may be experienced. One factor could be unproductivity
because he/she is not interested in what he/she is doing which would lead to his/her negative
performance and probably the consequence is demotion, or if worse it could maybe lead him/her
to being fired out.

Counselling tools and styles

We have different counselling tools and styles which depend on who we are giving counsel
to and if how they would take the counselling – positive or negative way. Anyhow, these
counselling tools and styles are a very good help to everyone who counsels because they provide
a lot of information on how we could give counsel without them being offended. Everyone could
be a counsellor even though not by profession but at least, we have offered help and that is what
really matters most in or society; unified and people helping each other.
School and community relation
Community and school are interrelated because community is our first school. This is
where we are taught with values and attitudes, how to respect our environment and the organisms,
living or non-living, composing it. And in return, a school has a big role in educating or enhancing
not just the skills of the students but also the experiences given by the community because it will
surely help them become the very best of themselves through the help of the community – support,
care and love and the school – knowledge, learnings, and critical thinking.

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