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1. To score a goal in soccer you …………………..

a. Must kick the ball

b. Must kicks the ball
c. May kick them ball
d. Must kicks them ball
2. The observation deck at the Sears Tower ………………. In Chicago
a. Is highest than any other one
b. Is more high than any other one
c. Is higher than any other one
d. Is most high than any other one
3. George Washington …………. The first U. S. president
a. Became the
b. Was the
c. Are the
d. Were the

4. Captain Henry, ……….. crept slowly through the underbrush.

a. being remote from the enemy,
b. attempting to not encounter the enemy,
c. trying to avoid the enemy,
d. not involving himself in the enemy,
5. John said that no other car could go ……………..
A. so fast like his car
B. as fast like his car
C. as fast like the car of him
D. as fast as his car
6. Nain : I really want to continue my study, but my parents can’t afford it.
Zul : what will you do then ?
Nain : …………….
a. If I had good a chance, I would try it
b. If I get scholarship, I will enter a collage
c. If my parents permit me, I will enter the university
d. If I studied hard, I could pass examination
7. How to replace a light bulb ?
1. Take a new a bulb
2. Turn the switch on
3. Turn the switch off
4. Install the new bulb
5. Remove the burned-out lamp
a. 3 – 5 – 1 – 4 – 2
b. 2 – 3 – 5 – 1 – 4
c. 1 – 4 – 5 – 2 – 3
d. 4 – 3 – 2 – 1 – 5
e. 5 – 2 – 4 – 3 – 1


Driving lesson in and around your city

Find yourself hard to (8) …….?

Come and join us here.

We provide all types of car and flexible time (9) …….. studying.

Call 112-3045to arrange a lesson or

Text “LESSON” to 085390939002

We will call you back as soon as (10) ……….

8. a. speak
b. speed
c. drive
d. draw
9. a. at
b. on
c. for
d. to
10. a. available
b. portable
c. credible
d. possible
Problems 11-13 refer to the following chart What Kids Should Learn in Preschool

Subject Japan China US

Perseverance 2% 13% 3%
Cooperation 32% 37% 30%
Concern for others 31% 4% 5%
Creativity 9% 17% 6%
Reading & Math Skill 0% 6% 1%
Self-Confidence 11% 6% 34%
Art, Music, & Dance 0,30% 1% 1%
Communication Skills 1% 4% 8%
Physical Skills 0,30% 1% 1%
Health & Hygiene 14% 11% 1%
Gentleness 0% 0% 0%

11. 81. Gentleness is considered … unimportant than physical skills.

a. Less
b. Little
c. Least
d. More
12. In what subject Japan greater than US, but smaller than China?
a. Creativity
b. Perseverance
c. Health & Hygiene
d. Concern for others
13. Working together for Japan and China is at the … rank.
a. Lowest
b. Higher
c. Lower
d. Top

The following problems are not related to the text.

14. Mrs. Brown: “Please accept my condolences on your husband’s death.”

Mrs. Smith: “Thank you. I love him so much that I wish he hadn’t died in the first place.”

It means that Mrs. Smith wished …

a. She had died earlier than her husband.
b. She had not married her husband.
c. She had died after her husband.
d. Her husband had died earlier.
e. Her husband had died first.
15. Olga: “Is it a five-kilo bag of potato?”
Jess: “Yes, each … 5 kg.”
a. Bag weigh
b. Bag weight
c. Bag weighs
d. Bag weights
e. Bag’s weight

16. If I had a car, I would drive to the beach very often. It means I … to the beach very often.
a. Didn’t have a car, so I didn’t drive
b. Don’t have a car, so I don’t drive
c. Didn’t have a car, but I drove
d. Have a car, so I can drive
e. Had a car, so I could drive

Some doctors In the USA believe that obesity should be treated, like any illness, with drug
therapies, but many conservative doctors see obesity as mainly controllable throught diet and
exercise. These doctors are concerned by the use of drug therapies to treat obesity for several
reasons. Firstly, many cause side effect which seem the benefits or weight loss smaller.
Furthermore, these doctors believe that such treatments should be used for short periode of time
but many drug therapies are prepared to use them for long periods of time.
TEKS digunakan untuk menjawab nomer 17 s.d 20.

17. A suitable tittle for text is…

a. Drug therapies
b. Drugs and obesity
c. Diet and exercise
d. Obesity treatment
18. which statement is NOT true according to the text . . .
a. Obesity should be treated with drug therapies.
b. Obesity can be treated through diet and exercise.
c. Conservative doctors agree with drug therapies to treat obesity.
d. Diet and exercise should be used for short periods.
19. What is the main idea of the text?
a. Weight loss seems smaller.
b. Obesity should be treated like illness.
c. Doctors are concerned by drug therapies.
d. There are two reasons to use drug
20. ’....concerned by...’(line 5) has the closest meaning to’...’
a. Agreed with
b. Worried about
c. Supported by
d. Suggested by

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