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Scientific Method

Recognise problem

Information that we already know.

Observation: Make observations about a problem.

Inference: Make a conclusion about our observations.

Hypothesis: A testable explanation for the details you observe.

Making a prediction about what is going to happen.

Experiment: The experiment will test the hypothesis.

Make a plan.

Aim: Your target, what you expect /see/hear to happen from the

Variables: Things that can change the experiment/results/outcomes.

Materials: Tools and materials required for the experiment.

Method: Steps required in your experiment.

Apparatus Diagram: Flow chart (Diagram)

Results: Final outcomes of your experiment.

Observation: Make more observations from the results of the


Conclusion: Sum up/Summary

Analyse: Review experiment and the outcomes.

Evaluation: If the experiments don’t support the hypothesis, then

the hypothesis has to be re-thought and the experiment may need
to be repeated with a revised hypothesis. You may need to repeat
the experiment.

If lots and lots experiments do support the hypothesis, the

hypothesis can become a theory.

Explanatory Statement: Is a theory that has been repeatedly

confirmed through experimental testing.

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