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A. Background

In learning a foreign language, students have to understand what the others

speak and try to speak out what they want to express in a foreign language. Horwitz

and Cope as cited in Worde (2003) found that students are very self-conscious when

they are required to engage in speaking activities that expose their inadequacies, and

these feelings often lead to " fear, or even panic". As expected, the participants were

sensitive to both peer and teacher evaluation of their speaking.

Confidence is the positive attitude of an individual that enables him to

develop a positive assessment both to themselves and to the environment or situation.

Which he feels are competent, confident, and believes he can not because it is nothing

supported by the experience, the actual potential, achievements and realistic

expectations of himself. Whereas, unconfident are negative feeling of an individual.

Especially in conveying information it’s so difficult for them to give the best

performance. This matter is happen our daily life especially in education world.

Self confidence is an attitude that allows people to have positive, realistic views of

themselves and situations that involve them. Self confidence people inspire

confidence in others: their audience, their peers, their bosses, their customers, and


their friends. And gaining the confidence of others is one of the key ways in which a

self-confident person finds success. Self-confidence is extremely important in almost

every aspect of our lives especially in the world education, as a teacher and student,

self confidence must be had. Sadly, there are many students who are so difficult to get

it. When students perform a presentation using English, for example, before they

come up to presentation, their preparation has matured but, when their have came up

in front they are lack confidence.

Grubber (2010) state that self-confidence is an attitude that you hold about

yourself that allows you to move forward and achieve your goals. Thornbury (2005:1)

stated that psychological factors such as anxiety or shyness, lack of confidence, lack

of motivation, and fear of mistakes are the factors commonly that hinder students

from speaking. In addition to that statement, He and Chen (2010:2) state the main

cause of students’ confidence is their low ability in speaking English. In this case, as

they add, many students think that their English is bad and feel that they cannot speak

English well. The other cause of students’ lack of confidence also deals with the lack

of encouragement from the teacher (Brown, 2001:1).

A presentation is a formal talk to one or more person to present ideas or

information in a clear, structured way. Key factors of any successful presentation are

if there are audience, the material to presentation and the presenter. Self-confidence

must be possessed when we present something. So that, the audience can accept and

comprehend our presentation.


Self-confidence is not easy to be built because there are many factors that

influence it. Confidence is not something that can be learned like a set of rules.

Confidence is a state of mind. Positive thinking, practice, training, knowledge and

talking to other people are all useful ways to help improving or boosting our

confidence levels. Confidence comes from feelings of well-being, acceptance of body

and mind (self-esteem) and belief in own ability, skills and experience.

Give an interesting presentation is a dream every presenter. Whatever the

form of the presentation and any number of the audience, the students will be able to

give the best performance by applying the main principles for a good presentation.

But in fact, there are many people especially students it is so difficult to give the best

performance. It is because they have no confidence. The same problem was found in

class presentation of the fifth semester and seventh semester at Faculty of Teacher

Training and Education (FKIP), Christian University of Indonesia Toraja (UKI

Toraja). There are many students have no confidence in English class presentation.

When the students present their presentation in front of class, they become blank and

feel nervous. So, they cannot say anything even though they have prepared it before.

Based on the problem above, the writer is interested to conduct research under

the title “Factors Influence Students’ Confidence in Class Presentation at English

Department of FKIP UKI Toraja”


B. Problem Statement

Based on the background above, the problem statement is composed “what

factors influence students’ confidence in class presentation at English Department of

FKIP UKI Toraja”

C. Scope of the Problem

Scope of the problem on this research is the writer was focused on the factors

that influence the students to have lack of confidence.

D. Objective of the Research

The purpose of the research is to know the factors influence students’

confidence in class presentation at English Department of FKIP UKI Toraja.

D. Significance of the Research

The significance of this research it is expected to be useful for both

theoretically and practically for those who are learning English, in particularly

speaking in front of other people.

For the lecturers, they know the factors that make students have no confidence.

So that the lecturers can be known whether those factors come.


Practically for the lecturers, it helpful for lecturers to develop their teaching

material which can encourage are students motivation to communicate in English,

especially in English class presentation and also lecturers can be manage the class.

While, for the students, it is expected that the finding of this research can be

meaningful to help the students to self-evaluate their own in performance, especially

in English class presentation. They can think about his/her abilities, possibilities,

potentials, limitations, and past performance could affect his future goal expectancy.

So, it can direct practice in learning process.

E. Research Methodology

In this research the writer used qualitative descriptive method.



A. Previous Related Research Findings

There are some researchers who had conducted some related studies with this

research. Those studies are shown as follows:

Lukitasari (2008) conducted a study on “Focusing on the Students’ Strategies

in Overcoming Speaking Problems in Speaking Class”. The results of her study

suggest that in speaking class, the students faced some speaking problems

including inhibition, nothing to say, low or uneven participation and mother

tongue use. The findings of the study also reveal that the students’ speaking

performance was not good because they did not master the three elements of

speaking namely vocabulary, grammar and pronunciation.

Juhana (2012) conducted a research entitled “Psychological Factors That

Hinder Students from Speaking in English Class (A Case in a Senior High School

in South Tangerang, Banten, Indonesia)”. His concluded that the study revealed

that psychological factors such as fear of making mistake, shyness, anxiety, lack

of confidence and lack of motivation hinder students from speaking in English


class. Those factors, like fear of making mistakes, were commonly caused by

their fear of being laughed at by their friends.

Astuty (2013) conducted a research entitled “The Factors Affecting Students

Motivation in Participating Speaking Activity in Speaking for Particular Purposes

Class”. She concluded that students’ personal traits may also consider as having

motivational impacts on their motivation in speaking. These traits are including

students’ need for achievement and self confidence.

The differences between the finding above and this research is on this

research the researcher was found the factors influence students confidence in

class presentation and previous research focused in factors hinder student

speaking in class.

B. Review of Related Literature

In this study there are some pertinent concepts that can be divided into four

points, as follows;

1. EFL (English as a Foreign Language)

English as a Foreign Language are those who are learning or teaching

English while living in a community where English is not spoken as a first


language. There are four skills in learning English; listening, speaking,

reading, and writing.

According to Verghese (2009) There are so many factors affect the

process of learning English as a foreign language, including attitude, self-

confidence, motivation, duration of exposure to the language, classroom

conditions, environment, family background, and availability of competent


2. Learning Speaking

There are two general types of factors that influence speaking as


a. Intrinsic Factor

Intrinsic factor refer to the factors that influence by own self.

Student speaking performance can be affected by the factors that come

from affective factors (motivation, confidence and anxiety), listening

ability and feedback during speaking activities. There will be several

problems in speaking that mention by Ur (1991:120), the problems are:

1. Students’ inhibition

Speaking activities require a student to have all eyes on him and

exposure to an audience can often give students stage fright. They may

also be worried about making mistakes, being criticized or losing face

in front of the rest of the class.


2. Nothing to say

Another common problem is that students sometimes think they have

nothing to say on a particular topic. In reality, they may be bored or

felt that the topic is unrelated to anything they know. If this is the case,

they will have no motivation to speak other than the fact that they

know they should be participating in the speaking activity. Students

often lack confidence in their speaking ability and feel they have

insufficient language skills to express exactly what they want to say.

3. The low of participation

There will always be dominant students in an English class making it

difficult for more reserved students to express themselves freely.

Dominant students who interrupt frequently or who constantly look for

the teacher's attention tend to create an environment in the ESL class

where more timid students are quite happy to sit back and watch the

lesson unfolding instead of participating.

4. Mother-tongue use

Students who insist on using their mother tongue are students who are

fearful of criticism and need to be encouraged to speak English.

Students must understand that they cannot revert to their mother

tongue as this will take away precious speaking practice time during

lessons and slow down oral progress.


b. Extrinsic Factors

Extrinsic factor refers to the factor from environment individual

(performance condition). Nation and Newton (2009) said that,

performance conditions can affect speaking performance. He suggests four

types of performance condition include; time pressure, planning, the

standard of performance and the amount of support.

3. Factors Influence Confidence in Speaking

a. Internal Factors

Kelly and Watson (1986:7) mentioned that attitude in communicative

situation can influence people’s behavior in that situation. If people

perceive a situation as being too difficult for them to handle, people might

avoid that situation or present themselves that they lack the confidence.

Probably, the people who try to speak more English are included and the

goal at the try to seek is self-acceptance. People who accept themselves

don’t regard themselves as good or bad; value or unvalued; normally they

accept themselves for what they are can or cannot do. Therefore, if the

people have positive attitudes toward speaking English and also have self-

acceptance of what they can do; people can take advantage or get more

opportunities to practice and improve their communication.


b. External factors

Kanar (1995:7) mentioned that if English is the students’ second

language; the students always speak their native language when they are

out of English class. However, most students recognize that English is the

language of international business, so it is advantage for them to improve

their skills; especially, if a career in business is one of their aspirations.

Therefore, to be proficient in English, the student should take opportunity

to meet and interact with others who speak English. Furthermore, if any

student confront any difficulty in learning English, they are able to

observe what successful students do and copy their behaviour. They might

have to join a study group including English native speakers, listen to the

radio, watch TV and read English newspaper or magazine so as immerse

themselves in English speaking and culture.

4. Definition of Class Presentation

The presentation is a method of learning by way of information

delivery through the explanation by the presenter. The presentation is a

communication process that consists of the presenter and audience. Success in

the presentation was very influenced by the presentation materials. The

effectiveness, exciting and powerful of presentation are always based on the

material mastery.

3.1. Point to be Prepared in Presentation as follows;

a. Explore the Main Idea

There are three technique that can be use to explore the main idea. The

techniques include brainstorming, mind mapping, and logical structure.

Brainstorming is a technique to explore the idea by writing down ideas in the

mind spontaneously in a media without a vote. The next, Mind Map. Mind map is

tool brain is extraordinary is a way of noting the creative, effective and literally will

map our thoughts. Using a mind map in addition to good to map out the main ideas of

presentation, it can also help us remember the sequence and flow of presentation.This

is because the mind map contain of keywords, any ideas organized and linked to a

clear and final because the mind map using colors that stimulate the imagination. The

end is Logical Structure, This tool is useful to guide the audience thought so from the

beginning they already know where the presentation.

b. Evaluate the Ideas

After a successful to explore the main idea, next step is evaluation of the

main ideas of mind. Choose any of the ideas that will be used and which ones

not to use. In getting the main ideas of the best takes thought observant and

think hard to pick an idea that will be used.

c. Structuring the Ideas


After the evaluation is completed and has found the main ideas that will

be used. The next, structure the main ideas of mind, sort those ideas so


d. Develop the Ideas

After all the main idea gathered, ideas are in order, the next step is to

complete the main ideas into a presentation that is intact. Main ideas should

be equipped with an accurate explanation. And also need to add the relevant

supporting information, quotes, data or facts to reinforce the main ideas.

3.2. Structure of the presentation.

a. The beginning of a presentation follow some steps, such as;

1. Getting the audience’s attention

2. Welcoming the audience

3. Introducing yourself or someone

4. Giving your position, function department

5. Introducing your topic

6. Saying why your topic is relevant for your audience

7. Stating your purpose

8. Structuring and sequencing

9. Questions and comments from the audience

b. The affective opening is the second point in presentation as follows;

1. Asking a question or recognizing the knowledge of the audience


2. Problem to think about

3. Interesting fact

c. The main body of presentation is the third point in presentation follow some

steps, such as;

1. Saying what is coming

2. Indicating the end of a section

3. Moving on to the next point

4. Referring to what you have said previously

5. Giving an example

6. Rephrasing

7. Summarizing a point

8. Emphasizing a point

d. Conclusion. There are some point to make conclusion in presentation as


1. Indicating the end of your talk

2. Summarizing points

3. Making recommendations

4. Inviting questions

e. Dealing with Question is the last point in presentation, the steps of this point

as follows;

1. Clarifying a question

2. Avoiding giving an answer

3. Admitting you don’t know

4. Delaying the answer.


English is one of foreign language. In learning English there are two types

such as: factors affective and instructional media. The factors affective in speaking

consist of two they are extrinsic factor and intrinsic factor. Both of these factors affect

confidence. On this research the writer focuses of instructional media in class

presentation. Confidence and class presentation are related each other in the class

presentation. It frequently found that students are lack of confidence. So, the writer is

going to find out the factors cause the students’ are lack of confidence.

(English as a Foreign Language)

Factor Affective Instructional Media

Extrinsic Factor Intrinsic Factor

Confidence Class Presentation

Students’ Confidence

Factor students’ lack of


Figure 2.1 Conceptual Framework



A. Setting

This research was conducted at UKI Toraja. This research was conducted in

Campus II at English Department Faculty of Teacher Training and Education

(FKIP), Christian University of Indonesia Toraja (UKI TORAJA) located on

Kakondongan, Jl. Poros Sa’dan, North Toraja on 31st January 2017 and 01st

February 2017.

Christian University of Indonesia Toraja was enrolled in the directorate of

Higher Education since 1971 under the name of Sekolah Tinggi Keguruan dan

Ilmu Pendidikan (STKIP) Kristen Makale, who by virtue of a decision of the

Directorate of Higher Education , Head of Organization Development of Higher

Education. Furthermore, along with the development and programs of UKI Toraja

in education and by holding to the principle and vision to achieve the goal

predicate Higher education realized in 1992, the name of STKIP Kristen Makale

transformed into the Christian University of Indonesia Toraja.


B. Participant

The participants of this research are English Department students. The

researcher used purposive sampling technique in gathering data.

C. Research instrument

In this research the writer used interview. Interview is an interaction in which

one person is trying to gain information from other sources. The research used

semi-structured interview. Dawson (2002:28) states that in semi-structured

interview the researcher wants to know specific information which can be

compared and contrasted with information gained in other interviews. To do this,

the same questions need to be asked in each interview. However, the researcher

also expects the interview to remain flexible so that other important information

can still arise. In this interview, the researcher used a written list of question as a

guide, while still having the freedom to digress and probe for more information.

D. Technique of Collecting Data

In this research, the researcher used some procedures to collect the data. The

procedure could be organized as follow:

1. The researcher interview the student English Education program study of

FKIP UKI Toraja with some question that prepared by the researcher.

2. The researcher analyzed the data collection.

E. Technique of Analyzing Data

The technique of analyzing data, researcher used Miles and Huberman

(1948:337) technique, those state consist of three procedures as follows:

1. Data Reduction

The process of selecting, focusing, simplifying, abstracting, and

transforming the ‘raw’ data that appear in written-up field notes.

2. Data Display

Data display is an organized assembly of information that permits

conclusion drawing and action taking.

3. Conclusion Drawing/ Verification

Conclusion drawing is only half of procedure. Conclusions are also

verified as the analyst proceeds.


Data Collecting

Data Reduction

Data Display


(Milles & Huber, 1984)

Figure 3.2 Data Analyzing


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