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6. How many torr are there in one atmosphere?

8. What is the name given to the equation PV=nRT?
a.) law of partial pressure
b.) ideal gas equation
c.) quadratic equation
d.) Raoult's equation
9. Which of the following elements forms a tetrahedra structure?
a.) carbon
b.) beryllium
c.) boron
d.) fluorine
11. The solidified lava of a volcano belongs to which rock family?
a.) igneous
b.) metamorphic
c.) sedimentary
d.) fossilized
13. What is the relative humidity when the absolute humidity is 3 grams per cubic meter
and the air has a capacity of 12 grams per cubic meter?
a.) 4%
b.) 9%
c.) 25%
d.) 400%
14. Phobos and Deimos are moons that orbit which planet?
15. Who is generally credited for inventing the Incandescent light bulb?
Thomas Alva Edison/ Thomas Edison
16. How many men have walked on the moon?


2. Charles’ Law is an experimental gas law that describes how gases tend to expand when
heated. Which of the following mathematical relationships best describes Charles’ Law?
a.) PV = nRT
b.) V ∝ T
c.) Ptotal ≡ ∑ni=1 Pi
d.) P ∝ T
3. Which of the following minerals is noted for its one perfect cleavage?
a.) calcite
b.) muscovite
c.) quartz
d.) pyrite
4. The ________of a radioisotope is the length of time it takes for one half of the atoms
in a sample to radioactively decay.
Half life
8. A combination of hardware and software that allows engineers to design a variety of
CAD (Computer-Aided Design)
10. Name the English naturalist who, while credited with being the codeveloper of the
theory of evolution by natural selection, is much less famous for this than his
a.) Erasmus Darwin
b.) Robert Ludlow
c.) Alfred Russel Wallace
d.) Rudolf Virchow
11. Unlike rodents, the rabbit has how many incisor teeth?
12. The number of signaling elements that occurs each second, which is named after the
inventor of the Baudot telegraph code, J.M.E. Baudot.
13. A boy is standing on an elevator which is traveling downward with a constant
velocity of 30 meters per second. The boy throws a ball vertically upward with a
velocity of 10 meters per second relative to the elevator. What is the velocity of the
ball, magnitude and direction, relative to the elevator shaft the instant the boy releases
the ball?
20 meters per second down
14. Glands that secrete sex hormones and produce gametes; testes in males and ovaries
in females.
15. As of August 1991, how many different women have won Nobel Prizes in the
scientific fields of physics, chemistry, and physiology or medicine?
a.) 2
b.) 5
c.) 9
d.) 12
16. Superconductivity is a material property associated with
a.) cooling a substance without a phase change
b.) frictionless liquid flow
c.) a loss of thermal resistance
d.) a loss of electrical resistance
17. What invention in about 1450 A.D. revolutionized communication and the world?
The printing press
19. The Statue of Liberty is green because of
a.) green stone
b.) oxidized brass
c.) steel painted green
d.) oxidized copper

3. Electric power is less expensive at night because

a.) more hydroelectric generation is brought on line at night.
b.) there is less demand at night.
c.) pollution control is less stringent at night.
d.) power plants are more efficient at night.
5. How many of Jupiter's moons did Galileo see with his first telescope?
8. What country currently has the third largest number of satellites in orbit?
9. The first American Astronaut to orbit the Earth was
a.) Alan Shepard
b.) John Glenn
c.) Gus Grissom
d.) Scott Carpenter
10. Nitrous oxide, commonly called laughing gas, has been a matter of concern to
environmentalists recently because
a.) it is thought to cause cancer at low concentrations.
b.) it produces photochemical smog.
c.) it is a greenhouse gas.
d.) none of the above
11. What does IUPAC mean?
International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry
12. Seawater freezes at
a.) the same temperature as fresh water.
b.) at a slightly higher temperature than fresh water.
c.) at a slightly lower temperature than fresh water.
d.) seawater does not freeze.
13. Name the California scientist who won the Nobel Prize in 1962 for elucidating the
details of the photosynthetic process.
(Melvin) Calvin
14. The launch of the first liquid-fuelled rocket in the world is attributed to
a.) China
b.) Russia
c.) United States
d.) Germany
15. A ball leaves a girl's hand with an upward velocity of 6 meters per second. What is
the maximum height of the ball above the girl's hand?
1.8 meters
16. Four identical samples of a metal are heated to different temperatures. Based on
the colors of their incandescences, which sample is the hottest? The sample that is
a.) blue-white
b.) bright red
c.) yellow
d.) orange
18. The Magellanic cloud is a
a.) nebula
b.) galaxy
c.) super nova remnant
d.) star cluster
20. A device which would not work on the Moon is:
a.) thermometer
b.) siphon
c.) spectrometer
d.) spring balance
6. Glaucoma is treated by which of the following
a.) androgenic drug
b.) androgenic blocking drug
c.) cholinergic drug
d.) anticholinergic drug
7. Laura weighs 50 Newtons and pushes against a stationary brick wall that weighs 1,000
Newtons. Her arm is two-thirds of a meter long. According to the laws of physics, how
much work does she do?
None or Zero
8. It is a very hot day. You are in a special kitchen, in that there are no exits and the
walls of this kitchen are thermally very well insulated. If you open the refrigerator door,
the room will eventually
a.) cool off.
b.) remain the same.
c.) heat up.
9. This black engineer was granted a patent in 1872 for the first automatic oil lubricator.
The lubricating cup regulated the flow of oil onto moving parts of machines,
revolutionizing the machine industry.
a.) Elijah McCoy
b.) Lewis Latimer
c.) Leonard McFall
d.) Branville Woods
10. What is the specific density of gold given that its density is 19,320 kg/m3?
a.) 109.32
b.) 1.932
c.) 10.932
d.) 19.32
11. An aluminum rod at a temperature of 100o Celsius radiates energy at a rate of 10
watts. If its temperature is increased to 200o Celsius, at approximately what rate will it
radiate energy?
a.) 15 watts
b.) 20 watts
c.) 26 watts
d.) 80 watts
12. Name the order of insects which includes among its members the: Hawk, Death's
Head, Brown-Tail, Carpenter, Clear-Winged, Clothes and Gypsy. Name this insect order.
Moths / Butterflies (Lepidoptera)
14. What animal did Erwin Schrodinger use as an example in his famous thought-
experiment about the uncertainty principle of quantum mechanics as it is applied to
everyday life?
a.) dog
b.) frog
c.) cat
d.) mouse
15. Which Jovian planet rotates slower than the earth?
17. The doorbell on your house requires a 12 volt alternating current. A transformer
having a primary winding of 1,600 turns is to be used to step down your house's 110-
volt alternating current. How many turns are there on the secondary winding?
175 turns
18. It is the year that marks the beginning of the Scientific Revolution and is also known
as the “Year of Science.”
a.) 1492
b.) 1543
c.) 1666
d.) 1905
19. It is the SI unit defined as the duration of 9,192,361,770 periods of the radiation
corresponding to the transition between the two hyperfine levels of the ground state of
cesium – 133 atom.
*Do or Die
1. Used primarily in fertilizers, which element is never found free in nature even though
it makes up about 2.5% of the earth's crust?
3. In geological studies, a dome shaped intrusion is called
4. Occasionally, a bad cold will cause a decrease in a person’s hearing ability. What is
the name of the tube that becomes blocked to cause this problem?
Eustachian tube
5. The space between a false ceiling and the floor above, through which cabling can be
7. Who was the first man to hit a golf ball on the moon?
Alan B. Shepard, Jr
9. "The Swan" is the English name for this constellation. Give me the Latin name by
which this constellation is known.
10. A pattern of stars recognized on Earth's night sky. It may form part of an official
constellation, or be composed of stars from more than one.
11. Regular change in biology or behavior that occurs in a 24-hour cycle.
Circadian rhythm
13. Group of 16 small volcanic islands in the Pacific Ocean 966 kilometers (600 miles) off
the west coast of South America, where Darwin made some of his most important
observations during his voyage on the HMS Beagle.
Galapagos Islands
14. Colony of prokaryotes that is stuck to a surface such as a rock or a host’s tissue.
15. The straight-line configuration of three celestial bodies in a gravitational system.
16. A partly enclosed coastal body of water with one or more rivers or streams flowing
into it, and with a free connection to the ocean.
17. Who are the Inventors of the internet?
Robert Khan and Vint Cerf
20. If a quiet whisper is 10 decibels, then what is the average pain threshold in decibels
for humans?
120 decibels (accept 110 to 130 decibels)

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