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Information sheet for blood donors

Risks for the donor

Blood donation involves venipuncture on the inner side of the elbow The following risk situations represent a temporary
contraindication for blood donation
and the withdrawal of about 500 ml of blood in about 10 minutes. This
rapid blood loss is generally well tolerated by a person in good health. 6. Stay during the past 6 months in a region where malaria is en-
That is why it is important for you to be in good health. If the results demic, without any health problem (in case of illness with fever,
of our examinations (arterial pressure and haemoglobin test) or your tell the doctor in charge).
answers to the medical questionnaire show that donating your blood 7. Gonorrhoea or other sexually transmitted disease during the past
may involve an important risk for your health, we will not accept your 12 months
blood donation. Nevertheless, in spite of all precautionary measures, 8. Change of sexual partner* during the past 4 months
certain undesirable events may not be completely avoided during or 9. Sexual intercourse* with multiple partners during the past 12
after blood donation: months
• a transitory blood pressure drop, 10. Stay of 6 months or longer in the past 12 months in countries
• local complications at the puncture site (haematoma, blood vessel where AIDS is epidemic
extension, lesion of the underlying nerve). 11. Sexual intercourse* during the past 12 months with partners ex-
Most of these events are harmless and of short duration. Nevertheless posed to one of the risk situations mentioned under 1 to 5 or 7
exceptional or severe complications (e.g. a reduced mobility of the arm to 10, however deferral after sexual contact with partners with
of longer persistence) cannot be totally excluded. Your Regional Blood hepatitis B or C is 6 months.
Transfusion Service will give you useful advice on the best way to avoid
or to treat them. In case of hazardous occupations or hobbies a minimal *whether protected or not

interval of 12 hours must be respected. 2. Biological tests

The systematic screening of AIDS virus, hepatitis virus (B and C), the
Precautionary measures to reduce the risk of your syphilis agent, if necessary Parvo B19 and HAV virus takes place at
blood donation for the recipient: each blood donation. Should one of the tests give a reactive result, you
will immediately be informed and the blood you donated will not be
1. Risk situations transfused. However there is always a certain lapse of time between
There is a risk whenever infectious agents in your blood are transmitted the moment of infection and the moment when biological tests start
to a patient even if you are not sick or do not feel sick. Your answers to being reactive. It is thus possible that an infectious agent is transmitted
the medical questionnaire help us to evaluate this risk. The T-CH SRC to the recipient without the transfusion center knowing and preventing
has established clear guidance to determine your ability to donate it. Therefore a truthful answer to the questionnaire is of utter impor-
blood. Consequently you may be excluded from blood donation, either tance. In the same way, blood group ABO, Rhesus D and possibly oth-
for a transitory period or in a permanent way. er important blood groups in transfusion medicine are determined for
each donor (if necessary by genetic methods).
The following risk situations represent a permanent
contraindication for blood donation

1. Positive test for the biological markers of AIDS (HIV), syphilis,

hepatitis C and persisting/active hepatitis B
2. Male sexual intercourse* with one or morel men since 1977
3. Sexual intercourse for money, drugs or medication since 1977
11.614 Informationsblatt E 11.2015 Version E

4. Drug injection (at present or in the past)

5. Coagulation diseases treated with blood components (plasma or
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Donors may be from 18 to 75 years of age

3. Please inform your blood donation centre as soon as 5. Recommendations before and after the blood donation:
possible, if: Before donating blood
• you or one of your close contacts fall sick in the course of the next • Prepare for the blood donation by drinking at least 1 to 1.5 litres and
days, eating a light meal beforehand
• you realize that you did not answer correctly one of the questions of • Bring you personal ID card with photo with you and plan around 45
the medical questionnaire, minutes for the blood donation.
• your blood donation is followed by complications. Proved harm may
be covered by a civil liability insurance. After the blood donation:
• Take time for a light snack.
Information given in connection with a blood donation is subject to
• If you feel fit enough, you can drive a car again after an at least 30
medical secrecy. It can only be used by the Swiss Transfusion SRC and
minute rest.
the Regional Blood Transfusion Service.

6. Using parts of the blood for other purposes

4. Further medical reasons that rule out a blood donation
Blood and blood components are not only needed for transfusions:
for safety reasons:
they are also used in making and developing medicines, tests, and de-
Temporary: vices, or for quality control, laboratory, research and teaching purposes.

• After examinations and treatment by a dentist and dental hygienists Your blood may have particular properties that make it valuable and use-
(3-30 days) ful for such purposes and in this way it can help a larger number of pa-
• After illnesses and fever over 38 °C (2 weeks after healing) tients. In such cases we only use either parts of your blood that are not
• After taking certain medication: e.g. antibiotics, tablets against my- used for a transfusion and would otherwise be destroyed (e.g. white
coses (2 weeks) blood cells, plasma, residues from test tubes), or extra test tubes of
• Before a scheduled or after an operation (decision to be taken by blood that are collected at the same time as the donation. Depending
our donor doctor) on the way they are to be used, other tests may also be performed that
• After having a tattoo done or a gastro-coloscopy (4 months) include genetic analyses.
• During pregnancies and 1 year after the birth Interregional Blood Transfusion SRC LTD sometimes works together
• As long as cold sores persist with other companies or institutes when using this blood or supplies
• After inoculations: diphtheria, tetanus, flu, ticks (TBE), hepatitis A them with the necessary blood components. We then charge for our
2 days; hepatitis B 2 weeks; work processing and delivering the sample material. All proceeds are
• Measles, mumps and German measles 4 weeks used in projects to improve the quality and safety of blood units and
• After foreign travel 4 weeks to 6 months blood transfusions.
Your data and parts of your donation will only be used or passed on if
Definitive: anonymized or encoded. They will be handled at all times in compli-
ance with the Swiss Federal Act on Data Protection. Any anonymized
• If certain medication is taken: cancer drugs (chemotherapy prepara-
parts of your donation can no longer be recalled.
tions), cardiac drugs (digitalis, nitroglycerine)
• After the transplantation of foreign tissue Should Interregional Blood Transfusion SRC LTD discover anything im-
• With angina pectoris, after a heart attack and cardiac operations portant to your health or your activity as a blood donor from its own
• With cancer (even if this has been operated), with some very few tests or tests carried out by third parties, our doctors will inform you.
exceptions (please ask the blood transfusion service) When you agree to give blood, you also consent to having your blood
• Trip to England (between 1980–1996 for a total of 6 months) or a used as described above. Thank you!
blood transfusion since 1980

This list is not complete. For further details ask your Regional Blood
Transfusion Service.

You may withdraw at any time before, during and after giving blood without needing to give any reason and you may refuse
the use of any blood you have donated, unless it has already been used for a transfusion (Tel. 031 384 23 33)

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