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What are the habits of successful person? Read them and use them.

Do you dream of a bright future and a sense of fulfillment spurred by the realization of the dream for a
significant success? Who does not want to be successful? Completed goals, proud people, good salary –
every ambitious person wishes one day with pleasure to be called successful. But success does not come
by accident. There is no magic formula for hanging to the top. Only the appropriation of good habits and
the nurturing of determination, persistence and discipline bring forth fruit.

So what can you learn from those who have achieved much?

They do not “run” to infinity for salary, but luckily. Money is never enough, it can always be more.
Chasing more pay is a chase that never ends, a goal that will never be fulfilled and a success that will
never be achieved. At one point you should say “I have enough” so that you can focus on what really
matters – to you, to your own happiness and to everything you have beside yourself.

They know to say “no”. It is better to say “no” if you can not fulfill a certain task, rather than say “yes”
and you fail to realize it. Successful people know it and apply it.

They are not afraid to say “no” to the unreasonable demands of individuals who do not know much.

They are widespread and every day wake up at the same time. People who keep up with success have
good sleeping habits – they go to bed early and get up early. They know that the morning is a time they
can dedicate only to themselves, without the phone or computer to distract them and use it to do
something that will bring them a happier and more productive day – exercise, reading a book, time with
children, walking …

Focus on being productive, not just working. The rule “Work smarter, not diligent” is not just a cliché.
Successful people do not go to work just to work, but to make the most productive use of time. Focusing
is crucial.

Do not compare with others and do not envy them for success. Instead, they focus on their own goals.
Successful people know that every person is different and that everyone has their own way of walking.

They often make sacrifices. The road to success is not sent with a red carpet. Ambitious people often
sacrifice their own interests or the things they want, so they have time to follow the set goals.

They learn from other people’s mistakes before they do it themselves.

They see failure as part of a great journey. Everyone at some point in life faces failure, but while some
give up, the successful ones continue to try. They learn from their mistakes so as not to repeat them in
the future. You will not hear them talking about the past using terms like “error” and “failure” but as
“lessons learned”. “Success is passing from failure to failure without loss of enthusiasm” – Winston

Balancing between personal and professional life. You can not be considered successful if you keep up-
to-date, neglecting the family. Successful people are constantly making adjustments in order to find a
balance between different areas of life.

They learn from what they once were, and focus on what they want to be.

They see obstacles as opportunities and risk. “Do not go where the path leads you, instead go where
there is no way and leave a trace.” – Ralph Waldo Emerson. Successful seldom play for sure, and more
often they choose the path that others do not dare to pass. They have clear goals and do not allow
unforeseen challenges to prevent them in the realization, on the contrary, see them as chances to be

They choose to be surrounded by successful people. The environment has the power to inspire you to
do great deeds or discourage you. It’s hard to be successful if you are surrounded by unmotivated,
unambitious, boring and disinterested people. Instead, choose to be honest and ambitious people who
take initiatives. Or, as the founder of Dropbox said, Jim Ron: “You are the average of the five people you
spend most of the time.”

They do not complain. They never see themselves as victims because they know that it will only bring
them negative energy and make them unproductive. They will not hear them complaining that
something has prevented them from accomplishing the goal, you will not hear excuses from them. You
will recognize the successful ones by continually moving forward, knowing that only this will bring them

They accept constructive criticism, and ignore words filled with hatred. You can not learn if you do not
want to listen. They know how to listen to the advice, and then evaluate which of them will follow (the
constructive), and who will forever delete them from their memory (negative). People who have
succeeded know the importance of faith in themselves, in conditions when the world is full of people
who try to prevent them from walking along their path.

Do not leave tasks unfinished. “What is not written down will not be fulfilled” – successful people write
their goals in a detailed plan and always meet them.

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