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The Effects of Non Traditional Family

Family is the basic unit of the society and have a significant role to place in the

development of children. The traditional family composes of a father and mother who are legally

married and children. However, there is an increase in the breakdown of the tradition family as

cases of cohobating, gay fathers and single parents increase. That trend have affected children in

various ways. The family helps in modeling the children in to their will and is the guide to their

success. However due to the loss of traditional family the children have a possible of been

emotionally unstable that affects the family negative. Various articles have tried to analysis the

impact of non-traditional family on children development.

In the article children of Gay fathers Robert L. Barret and Bryan E. Robinson identified

the effects of homosexuality on the development of children (Barrett and Bryan 2000). The

relationship of gay parents with their parents have a little for time with their children. The

children raised by gay parents have are do able to connect emotionally with others. In addition,

homosexuality is exposed to criticism that affects the confidence of those children. The study by

Pauline Irit Erera the diversity of non-traditional family is presented a different option on the

impact of non-traditional families in the children development (Erera, 2001). The study defended
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the non-traditional families and indicated that there are just like any other family and does not

have any effect on the development of a child.

James Q also evaluated the effect of cohabitation rather than marriage on children

development (McClain, 2014). The study reviewed the cost of cohabitation instead of marriage

and conclude that marriage was better than cohabiting. The analysis review that children from

cohabiting parents were more mentally unstable than those from tradition families. In conclusion

children from non-traditional families are affected negatively. For parents to ensure that their

children are modelled correctly they should ensure to have a stable family.
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Work Cited

Barrett, R. L., and Bryan E. Robinson. "Gay fathers: Encouraging the hearts of gay dads and

their families." (2000).

Erera, Pauline Irit. Family diversity: Continuity and change in the contemporary family. Sage,


McClain, Linda C. "James Q. Wilson's--And Society's--Marriage Problems." Forthcoming in

book on the legacy of James Q. Wilson: Political Science Rightly Understood (R. Shep Melnick

et al., editors) (2014): 14-61.

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