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Exploring Sociology The Concise

Edition Canadian 1st Edition Ravelli

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Ravelli/Webber, Exploring Sociology: Concise Edition, First Edition
Chapter 7

1) A member of a definable category of people that is socially disadvantaged is a member

of a(n) _________________
a. ethnic group.
b. minority.
c. status group.
d. target group.

Answer: b
Diff: Easy
Type: MC
Page Reference: 169
Skill: Conceptual
Objective: Define the term minority and explain its two components.

2) What are the two components of membership in a minority group?

a. The group lacks social power and is definable as being distinct from the majority.
b. The group lacks social power and is patriarchal.
c. The group is distinct from the majority and oppresses the dominant culture.
d. The group is patriarchal and oppresses the dominant culture.

Answer: a
Diff: Easy
Type: MC
Page Reference: 169
Skill: Conceptual
Objective: Define the term minority and explain its two components.

3) Which of the following would probably not increase an ethnic minority's chance of
experiencing prejudice and discrimination?
a. race
b. language
c. religion
d. level of education

Answer: d
Diff: Challenging
Type: MC
Page Reference: 169
Skill: Applied
Objective: Define the term minority and explain its two components.

4) When a member of a social group has been socially excluded on the basis of socially
constructed attributes, that person has been _________
a. characterized.
b. routinized.
c. stigmatized.
d. alienated.
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Ravelli/Webber, Exploring Sociology: Concise Edition, First Edition
Chapter 7

Answer: c
Diff: Moderate
Type: MC
Page Reference: 169
Skill: Conceptual
Objective: Define the term minority and explain its two components.

5) Social scientists today assert that what most people call "race" is little more than a
historical legacy of Western colonialism and ________________
a. ethnocentrism.
b. neo-liberalism.
c. hegemony.
d. religious fundamentalism.

Answer: a
Diff: Moderate
Type: MC
Page Reference: 171
Skill: Conceptual
Objective: Explain the social construction of race.

6) "Black people are natural athletes." This statement is an example of _______________

a. discrimination.
b. biological facts.
c. racialization.
d. internalized racism.

Answer: c
Diff: Moderate
Type: MC
Page Reference: 171
Skill: Applied
Objective: Explain the social construction of race.

7) When members of a racial group assume the attributes associated with a racial
classification and attach it to their identities, they are exemplifying this phenomenon:
a. internalized racism.
b. self-stigmatization.
c. inner objectification.
d. objective valuation.

Answer: a
Diff: Moderate
Type: MC

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Chapter 7

Page Reference: 171

Skill: Conceptual
Objective: Explain the social construction of race.

8) Sociologists refer to a collection of people who identify with each other and share a
common culture, art forms, language, music, traditions, and religious affiliation as a(n)
a. ascribed-status group.
b. ethnic group.
c. ethnocultural group.
d. cultural group.

Answer: b
Diff: Moderate
Type: MC
Page Reference: 172
Skill: Conceptual
Objective: Explain the social construction of race.

9) Research confirms that with each subsequent generation, the immigrant population
becomes ___________________________
a. more isolated.
b. more like the dominant culture.
c. more racist.
d. more prejudiced.

Answer: b
Diff: Moderate
Type: MC
Page Reference: 173
Skill: Factual
Objective: Explain the social construction of race.

10) When you make a negative assessment about what a person or group is like before
you actually meet them, you are exemplifying ______________
a. prejudice.
b. racism.
c. discrimination.
d. bias.

Answer: a
Diff: Moderate
Type: MC
Page Reference: 173
Skill: Conceptual
Objective: Explain the social construction of race.

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Ravelli/Webber, Exploring Sociology: Concise Edition, First Edition
Chapter 7

11) When people draw conclusions about an entire group based on observations of
individuals, they make a mistake called ______________
a. ecological fallacy.
b. exception fallacy.
c. racialization.
d. prejudice.

Answer: b
Diff: Moderate
Type: MC
Page Reference: 173
Skill: Conceptual
Objective: Explain the social construction of race.

12) ____________ can be defined as a stable and a sweeping generalization about a

category of people that is applied to all members of that category.
a. Prejudice
b. Stereotype
c. Discrimination
d. Racism

Answer: b
Diff: Easy
Type: MC
Page Reference: 173
Skill: Conceptual
Objective: Explain the social construction of race.

13) If an Asian Canadian student in your class is excellent at math and you conclude that
all Asian persons are intelligent, you are engaging in _________________
a. discrimination.
b. racialization.
c. the ecological fallacy.
d. the exception fallacy.

Answer: d
Diff: Moderate
Type: MC
Page Reference: 173
Skill: Conceptual
Objective: Explain the social construction of race.

14) "Dumb blonde" jokes are examples of ___________

a. prejudice.
b. stereotype.

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Ravelli/Webber, Exploring Sociology: Concise Edition, First Edition
Chapter 7

c. discrimination.
d. bias.

Answer: b
Diff: Moderate
Type: MC
Page Reference: 173
Skill: Applied
Objective: Explain the social construction of race.

15) When an employer decides to hire a particular person based on her/his preconceived
ideas about what is to be expected from the group to which that person belongs, that
employer is guilty of _____________
a. racism.
b. discrimination.
c. stereotyping.
d. stigmatization.

Answer: b
Diff: Moderate
Type: MC
Page Reference: 174
Skill: Applied/Conceptual
Objective: Explain the social construction of race.

16) ____________________ occurs when an institution employs policies or practices that

are discriminatory against a person or group.
a. Individual discrimination
b. Direct institutional discrimination
c. Indirect institutional discrimination
d. Exercising your rights under the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms

Answer: b
Diff: Easy
Type: MC
Page Reference: 175
Skill: Conceptual
Objective: Explain the social construction of race.

17) A math teacher gives less attention to Asian Canadian students under the assumption
that “Asians are good at math.” The teacher's actions are an example of ____________
a. prejudice
b. stereotype
c. discrimination
d. racism

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Ravelli/Webber, Exploring Sociology: Concise Edition, First Edition
Chapter 7

Answer: c
Diff: Moderate
Type: MC
Page Reference: 174
Skill: Applied
Objective: Explain the social construction of race.

18) If an employer throws out resumés simply because the last name is not one he/she
associates with “white Canadians,” he/she is guilty of ______________
a. prejudice.
b. discrimination.
c. democratic racism.
d. exception fallacy.

Answer: b
Diff: Moderate
Type: MC
Page Reference: 174
Skill: Factual
Objective: Explain the social construction of race.

19) ________________ asserts that prejudice and discrimination originate in the

frustrations of people who want to blame someone else for their problems.
a. Scapegoat theory
b. Ecological fallacy
c. Exception fallacy
d. Racialization

Answer: a
Diff: Moderate
Type: MC
Page Reference: 176
Skill: Conceptual
Objective: Review and describe the psychological and sociocultural theories of prejudice,
racism, and discrimination.

20) According to this theory, some degree of prejudice is found in people all over the
a. multiracial feminist theory
b. culture theory
c. authoritarian personality theory
d. social distance theory

Answer: b
Diff: Challenging
Type: MC

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Chapter 7

Page Reference: 177

Skill: Conceptual
Objective: Review and describe the psychological and sociocultural theories of prejudice,
racism, and discrimination.

21) _________________ suggests that racist ideologies and the prejudice and
discrimination that they breed often promote social stability.
a. Scapegoat theory
b. Culture theory
c. Functionalist theory
d. Conflict theory

Answer: c
Diff: Moderate
Type: MC
Page Reference: 178
Skill: Conceptual
Objective: Review and describe the psychological and sociocultural theories of prejudice,
racism, and discrimination.

22) According to this theory, the powerful economic elite benefit the most from prejudice
and discrimination.
a. symbolic interactionist theory
b. post-structural neo-colonial theory
c. functionalist domination theory
d. Marxist exploitation theory

Answer: d
Diff: Moderate
Type: MC
Page Reference: 179
Skill: Conceptual
Objective: Review and describe the psychological and sociocultural theories of prejudice,
racism, and discrimination.

23) You complain every time you notice a woman being a bad driver, but you don't make
a mental note when you see them driving well. This is an example of ________________
a. selective perception.
b. Marxist exploitation theory.
c. contact hypothesis.
d. multiracial feminism.

Answer: a
Diff: Moderate
Type: MC
Page Reference: 180

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Ravelli/Webber, Exploring Sociology: Concise Edition, First Edition
Chapter 7

Skill: Applied
Objective: Review and describe the psychological and sociocultural theories of prejudice,
racism, and discrimination.

24) This theory focuses most explicitly on the importance of addressing inequalities of
the past, particularly those dealing with property rights.
a. critical race theory
b. humanist race theory
c. Marxist exploitation theory
d. dual labour market theory

Answer: a
Diff: Moderate
Type: MC
Page Reference: 179
Skill: Conceptual
Objective: Review and describe the psychological and sociocultural theories of prejudice,
racism, and discrimination.

25) Which of the following is not one of the five categories of minority relations?
a. genocide
b. segregation and separation
c. scapegoat
d. assimilation

Answer: c
Diff: Easy
Type: MC
Page Reference: 182–187
Skill: Conceptual
Objective: Describe the five general categories of intergroup minority relations

26) When the dominant group forces a minority to leave the country or confines them to a
particular location, it is known as _______________
a. cultural genocide.
b. expulsion.
c. segregation.
d. separatism.

Answer: b
Diff: Moderate
Type: MC
Page Reference: 184
Skill: Conceptual
Objective: Describe the five general categories of intergroup minority relations

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Ravelli/Webber, Exploring Sociology: Concise Edition, First Edition
Chapter 7

27) The Canadian Aboriginal reserve system is an example of this pattern.

a. cultural genocide
b. expulsion
c. segregation
d. separatism

Answer: c
Diff: Moderate
Type: MC
Page Reference: 185
Skill: Conceptual
Objective: Describe the five general categories of intergroup minority relations

28) The Canadian government sent Japanese Canadians to internment camps during the
Second World War. This is an example of ______________
a. genocide.
b. expulsion.
c. population transfer.
d. segregation.

Answer: c
Diff: Challenging
Type: MC
Page Reference: 184–185
Skill: Applied/Conceptual
Objective: Describe the five general categories of intergroup minority relations

29) The one-way process that occurs when a minority group sheds its differences and
assumes the traits of the dominant group is known as ___________
a. segregation.
b. assimilation.
c. separatism.
d. convergence.

Answer: b
Diff: Easy
Type: MC
Page Reference: 186
Skill: Conceptual
Objective: Describe the five general categories of intergroup minority relations

30) The Canadian federal government's 1969 White Paper sought to

a. assimilate First Nations people into Canada's culture.
b. segregate Canada's First Nations people from Canada's dominant culture.
c. end the separatist movement of Quebec.

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Chapter 7

d. affirm multiculturalism in Canada.

Answer: a
Diff: Challenging
Type: MC
Page Reference: 186
Skill: Factual
Objective: Describe the five general categories of intergroup minority relations

31) The contemporary Canadian approach to minority integration is _____________

a. multiculturalism.
b. assimilation.
c. separatism.
d. rationalization.

Answer: a
Diff: Moderate
Type: MC
Page Reference: 187
Skill: Conceptual
Objective: Describe the five general categories of intergroup minority relations

32) Where in Canada are immigrants most likely to settle?

a. northern regions
b. populous provinces
c. the prairie provinces
d. along the coastline

Answer: b
Diff: Moderate
Type: MC
Page Reference: 188
Skill: Factual
Objective: Review the changing demographic picture of immigrants to Canada.

33) What is the largest country of origin for Canadian immigrants?

a. United States
b. China
c. Philippines
d. India

Answer: c
Diff: Moderate
Type: MC
Page Reference: 188
Skill: Factual

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Ravelli/Webber, Exploring Sociology: Concise Edition, First Edition
Chapter 7

Objective: Review the changing demographic picture of immigrants to Canada.

34) In 2006, approximately ________ percent of the population of Canada was born in a
country other than Canada.
a. 5
b. 10
c. 15
d. 20

Answer: d
Diff: Moderate
Type: MC
Page Reference: 188
Skill: Factual
Objective: Review the changing demographic picture of immigrants to Canada.

35) In 2006, Aboriginal peoples accounted for approximately ______ percent of Canada's
total population.
a. 1
b. 4
c. 8
d. 12

Answer: b
Diff: Moderate
Type: MC
Page Reference: 189
Skill: Factual
Objective: Discuss Canada’s two special status groups as well as Chinese and black
minority groups.

36) ____________ and ____________ constitute Canada's two special status groups.
a. Aboriginal peoples; Québécois
b. Aboriginal peoples; Chinese minority groups
c. Québécois; Chinese minority groups
d. Chinese Canadians; black Canadians

Answer: a
Diff: Easy
Type: MC
Page Reference: 189–191
Skill: Factual
Objective: Discuss Canada’s two special status groups as well as Chinese and black
minority groups.

37) Canada's charter groups consist of ____________________

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Ravelli/Webber, Exploring Sociology: Concise Edition, First Edition
Chapter 7

a. the French and English.

b. Aboriginals and Chinese Canadians.
c. Aboriginals and Québécois.
d. black Canadians and Chinese Canadians.

Answer: a
Diff: Moderate
Type: MC
Page Reference: 190
Skill: Factual
Objective: Discuss Canada’s two special status groups as well as Chinese and black
minority groups.

38) ____________ people had to pay a head tax in order to immigrate to Canada in the
early twentieth century.
a. French
b. Chinese
c. Black
d. Indian

Answer: b
Diff: Moderate
Type: MC
Page Reference: 191
Skill: Factual
Objective: Discuss Canada’s two special status groups as well as Chinese and black
minority groups.

39) Which of the following is not included in the Canadian Charter of Rights and
a. freedom of expression
b. the protection of Canada's multicultural heritage
c. sexual orientation
d. the rights of Canada's Aboriginal peoples

Answer: c
Diff: Moderate
Type: MC
Page Reference: 193–194
Skill: Factual
Objective: Explain the role of the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms in preserving
minority rights.

40) Sociologists define a minority as


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Ravelli/Webber, Exploring Sociology: Concise Edition, First Edition
Chapter 7

a. any definable category of people who make up a proportionally small part of the
b. any definable category of people who are visibly different from other members of a
c. any definable category of people who are not defined by any inherent characteristics.
d. any definable category of people who are socially disadvantaged.

Answer: d
Diff: Moderate
Type: MC
Page Reference: 169
Skill: Conceptual
Objective: Define the term minority and explain its two components.

41) Which of the following statements about minority groups is true?

a. Minorities always face discrimination.
b. It is not the size of a given group but rather its lack of power that makes it a minority.
c. It is not the power held by a group but rather its proportional size that makes it a
d. Minority discrimination has become less problematic since the abolishment of

Answer: b
Diff: Moderate
Type: MC
Page Reference: 169
Skill: Conceptual
Objective: Define the term minority and explain its two components.

42) Stigmatization
a. occurs primarily in countries with apartheid systems of governance.
b. occurs when members of minority groups are excluded from cultural and societal
c. occurs when members of the majority assign perceived attributes to members of a
minority group.
d. occurs when members of the majority assign negative attributes to members of a
minority group.

Answer: c
Diff: Moderate
Type: MC
Page Reference: 169
Skill: Conceptual
Objective: Define the term minority and explain its two components.

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Ravelli/Webber, Exploring Sociology: Concise Edition, First Edition
Chapter 7

43) As a general rule, the more ____________ the defining characteristic of a minority
group is, the ______ severe the stigma attached to the group.
a. abrasive; more
b. positive; less
c. negative; more
d. obvious; more

Answer: d
Diff: Challenging
Type: MC
Page Reference: 170
Skill: Conceptual
Objective: Define the term minority and explain its two components.

44) The assignment of people to racial categories is primarily ______________

a. a social construction.
b. based on skin colour.
c. based on genetic characteristics.
d. a cultural construction.

Answer: a
Diff: Moderate
Type: MC
Page Reference: 171
Skill: Conceptual
Objective: Explain the social construction of race.

45) Which of the following statements about race is not true?

a. Race is real as a social category.
b. Race is socially constructed.
c. The concept of race is useful as a scientific way of distinguishing people from different
genetic backgrounds.
d. Race accounts for a very small proportion of a person's genetic makeup.

Answer: c
Diff: Easy
Type: MC
Page Reference: 170–172
Skill: Conceptual
Objective: Explain the social construction of race.

46) "Chinese students are good at mathematics." This statement is an example of

a. discrimination.
b. positive prejudice.

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Ravelli/Webber, Exploring Sociology: Concise Edition, First Edition
Chapter 7

c. racialization.
d. internalized racism.

Answer: c
Diff: Moderate
Type: MC
Page Reference: 171
Skill: Conceptual/Applied
Objective: Explain the social construction of race.

47) Which of the following is not a reason that sociologists prefer not to use the term
a. Race is not a meaningful way of describing genetic differences between groups of
b. The term race has an ethnocentric bias.
c. The term race is itself an example of internalized racism.
d. Race is a socially constructed term.

Answer: c
Diff: Moderate
Type: MC
Page Reference: 171
Skill: Conceptual
Objective: Explain the social construction of race.

48) Internalized racism occurs

a. when people are racist toward minorities without realizing it.
b. when members of a racial group assume the attributes associated with them and
internalize them as part of their identities.
c. when members of a minority group discriminate against members of the dominant
d. when members of a racial group reject the attributes associated to them.

Answer: b
Diff: Moderate
Type: MC
Page Reference: 171
Skill: Conceptual
Objective: Explain the social construction of race.

49) Which of the following is an example of an ecological fallacy?

a. Brenda assumes that the black student in her calculus class listens to rap music.
b. Brenda assumes that the black student in her calculus class is not very intelligent.
c. Brenda assumes that everyone in her calculus class comes from the same cultural
background as she does.

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Ravelli/Webber, Exploring Sociology: Concise Edition, First Edition
Chapter 7

d. Brenda assumes that everyone in her calculus class was born in the same country that
she was.

Answer: a
Diff: Moderate
Type: MC
Page Reference: 173
Skill: Conceptual/Applied
Objective: Explain the social construction of race.

50) Which of the following is not true about stereotypes?

a. Stereotypes are sweeping generalizations about a category of people.
b. Some stereotypes might actually appear to be favourable.
c. Stereotypes are relatively easy to alter.
d. Stereotypes may be accurate for some members of a group.

Answer: c
Diff: Moderate
Type: MC
Page Reference: 173
Skill: Conceptual
Objective: Explain the social construction of race.

51) Before travelling to France, Krista assumes that the people she meets there on her trip
will be rude and stuck up. This is an example of _____________
a. discrimination.
b. institutional prejudice.
c. prejudice.
d. overt prejudice.

Answer: c
Diff: Easy
Type: MC
Page Reference: 173
Skill: Applied/Conceptual
Objective: Explain the social construction of race.

52) An exception fallacy occurs when people draw conclusions about _________ based
on ___________.
a. individual members of a group; data gathered from an entire group
b. an entire group; interactions with individual members of a group
c. an entire group; stereotypes
d. individual members of a group; stereotypes

Answer: b
Diff: Moderate

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Chapter 7

Type: MC
Page Reference: 173
Skill: Conceptual
Objective: Explain the social construction of race.

53) A modelling agency refuses to represent any models that are above a certain weight
and below a certain height. This is an example of ___________________
a. prejudice.
b. indirect institutional discrimination.
c. gender discrimination.
d. direct institutional discrimination.

Answer: b
Diff: Moderate
Type: MC
Page Reference: 175
Skill: Applied/Conceptual
Objective: Explain the social construction of race.

54) Self-reports by racialized minorities of discrimination in the workplace include all of

the following except
a. being passed over for jobs.
b. being treated differently than other employees who are members of the dominant
c. being passed over for promotions.
d. being paid less for doing the same job as other employees who are members of the
dominant group.

Answer: d
Diff: Moderate
Type: MC
Page Reference: 175
Skill: Factual
Objective: Explain the social construction of race.

55) Members of the Frankfurt School, particularly Theodor Adorno, were responsible for
developing which theory to explain prejudice and discrimination?
a. scapegoat theory
b. critical race theory
c. authoritarian personality theory
d. cultural authority theory

Answer: c
Diff: Moderate
Type: MC

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Chapter 7

Page Reference: 176

Skill: Factual/Conceptual
Objective: Review and describe the psychological and sociocultural theories of prejudice,
racism, and discrimination.

56) Darryl believes that immigrants are responsible for taking away jobs from native-
born Canadians. This is an example of __________________
a. indirect institutional racism.
b. direct institutional racism.
c. scapegoating.
d. prejudice.

Answer: c
Diff: Easy
Type: MC
Page Reference: 176
Skill: Applied/Conceptual
Objective: Review and describe the psychological and sociocultural theories of prejudice,
racism, and discrimination.

57) Critical race theory

a. is the Frankfurt School's most notable contribution to the study of discrimination of
b. emerged in Europe as a response to the devastation of the Second World War.
c. views the powerful economic elite in a society as benefiting from discrimination
against the poor.
d. began as an initiative to examine legal rulings that appeared to be negligent in
upholding the legal principle of equality under the law.

Answer: d
Diff: Challenging
Type: MC
Page Reference: 179
Skill: Factual/Conceptual
Objective: Review and describe the psychological and sociocultural theories of prejudice,
racism, and discrimination.

58) Chantal's job as a restaurant server is insecure and temporary, with her boss telling
her she can be "replaced anytime." She earns an hourly salary and receives no fringe
benefits. Chantal's job is part of ____________________
a. the primary labour market.
b. the secondary labour market.
c. the exploited labour market.
d. the dual labour market.

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Chapter 7

Answer: b
Diff: Moderate
Type: MC
Page Reference: 179
Skill: Conceptual/Applied
Objective: Review and describe the psychological and sociocultural theories of prejudice,
racism, and discrimination.

59) Amarnath is a Ph.D. student in sociology studying how the lives of South Americans
were affected by the arrival of Europeans in the sixteenth Century. Which of the
following theoretical positions would Amarnath most likely adopt?
a. postcolonial theory
b. Marxist exploitation theory
c. Marxist colonial theory
d. multiracial theory

Answer: a
Diff: Moderate
Type: MC
Page Reference: 180–181
Skill: Conceptual/Applied
Objective: Review and describe the psychological and sociocultural theories of prejudice,
racism, and discrimination.

60) Which best describes why individuals continue to carry racist attitudes, despite
scientific evidence to the contrary?
a. selective perception
b. contact hypothesis
c. stereotypes
d. racialization

Answer: a
Diff: Challenging
Type: MC
Page Reference: 180
Skill: Conceptual
Objective: Review and describe the psychological and sociocultural theories of prejudice,
racism, and discrimination.

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