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The Best Dog Anti Chew Sprays in 2019

Dog chewing particular by puppies is okay and natural behavior that helps their teeth and jaw.

However, if the pet chew valuable items like shoes and chairs in to piece than it is a problem.

Dogs cannot make a variation between the items to chew and not to chew. We as owners have a

responsibility to help them to make this variation. A dog owner can achieve this by applying an

anti-chew spray. The following is a list of the best anti-chew sprays that are recommended by pet

experts and dog lovers.

Bodhi Bitter Lemon Dog Anti Chew Spray

The spray is gentle and safe on the dog. It a safe way for a pet owner to stop their precious pets

from chewing. The product is made from natural ingredients and is totally non-toxic. A

combination of natural bitters and lemon extract creates a bad taste that makes the dog not to

return to where it was applied. It is good to protect shoes, clothing, and furniture from been

chewed by the dog. It does not have harsh chemicals or artificial additive and is safe for

application on pet areas and outdoors. The spray is also suitable for all ages and breeds of dogs.

The brand name of the product is Bodhi Dog and weighs 9.8 ounces.

The Company of Animals Pet Corrector

The company of Animals Pet corrector applies noise as a distractor to prevent chewing in dogs.

The spray is a quick burst of compressed air that mimics the warning hiss of a snake or cat. It

helps to distract the dog from bad behavior. Humans can use it to hinder chewing and other

conduct. The spray is recommended by behaviorist experts as a good training method for dogs of

all ages with an exception of puppies. But caution is needed in the case of dogs with a nervous
disposition or that are made anxious by loud noises. The brand name of the product is the

company of animals and weights 5 ounces.

Grannick’s Bitter Apple Dog Anti Chew Spray

The spray is non-toxic and safe to be applied to target areas to prevent gnawing, licking and

chewing. It leaves a bitter taste on the items that are applied. The taste helps to prevent dogs

from licking or chewing those items. It is normally successful in a week when it is applied first.

The product can be sprayed anyway including leash, bed, rugs, household furniture, and rugs. It

is also suitable to be used on fur, bandages, and wounds. The brand name of the product is

Grannik’s and weighs 1 pound.

Emmy’s Best Anti-Chew Bitter Spray

The spray is a combination of a bitter element and with a tea tree oil that prevents and soothe the

dog. The bitter elements help to prevent chewing while tea tree helps to soothe and heal hot

spots. It is used to deter starching and bad chewing behavior. The spray is more appropriate

when the problem is the dog chewing itself due to the tea tree oil. It can be applied to various

items from electrical cords, pet beds, shoes, household furniture and pet themselves. The spray is

applied to all breeds and ages of dogs. The brand name of the product is Emmy’s best and

weights 8 ounces.

Fur Goodness Sake No Chew Spray for Dogs

The brand name of the spray is Fur Goodness Sake, it is anti-chew bitter apple spray and weighs

10.2 ounces. The spray is suitable for application on all surfaces from curtains, shoes, and

furniture. It has natural ingredients comprising of Tea Tree oil that helps to heal when the

problem is the dog chewing itself. It a combination of bitter elements of tea tree oil. The bitter
tastes help to prevent the dog from chewing while the tea tree oil helps in healing and soothing

the dog. The product is also suitable to be applied to various items.

Fooey Ultra-Bitter Training Aid Spray

The spray is made from grapefruits and other kinds of natural ingredients. It is highly bitter and

created to prevent various bad behaviors by pets that include licking and biting. The spray can be

used as a component of a training regime when the dog is brought home for the first time. In

addition, the spray can be a refresher at the pup. In all of the situations, the spray should be

combined with various reinforcement and treats. It is non-acid and non-toxic making it good to

be applied in the house. It is safe to be applied on the skin of the dog to prevent it from gnawing

and licking. It is also suitable to be used in outdoor to prevent the dog from chewing flower bed

and plants.

Vet Recommended Anti Chew Dog Spray

The product has an extremely bitter lemon taste that is safe for use on items and skin of the pet.

Dogs also have another problem of gnawing their wounds that end up making them worse. The

spray is specially created to prevent gnawing by dogs. The solution is non-toxic and contains no

alcohol. It can be used on the animal and dogs without the fear that the dog may be harmed in

any way. The spray is also recommended by the vet and weighs 8 ounces.

Vet’s Best Bitter Cherry Dog Spray

The spray is made with a natural formula of ingredients, it also has a cherry-scented that gives

the home a good smell. However, it is very effective in preventing chewing. Because it does not

contain alcohol it does not sting the skin of the dog. Thus, it can be applied directly to the skin to

prevent chewing and licking of bandages and itchy skin that may prevent healing. The product
can be sprayed on household targeting items that the dog likes to prevent them from chewing. It

is no-staining and clear and can be reapplied on the skin of the dog if the need arises. It is

recommended by vets as the best anti chewing spray and weighs 9.3 ounces.

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