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Nama : Nur Liyana Shaharudin

Jawatan : Intern
Bahagian : Bahagian Pengurusan Korporat, Miri
Tajuk Buku : Crazy
Pengarang : Amy Reed
Penerbit dan Tahun Penerbitan : Simon Pulse
Nombor panggilan : 823 REE

Nota :
Borang “Ulasan Buku Oleh Staff” yang telah lengkap diisi hendaklah diemail kepada ​Rozana
Octovia ( ​Bahagian Rujukan.
Minimum 1 (satu) buku setiap staf bagi setiap sesi ulasan.
Bahan hendaklah dalam bentuk ​BUKU SAHAJA ​(Bahan bacaan boleh berbentuk fiksyen atau
bukan fiksyen diterima).
Bahan tersebut merupakan Koleksi Pustaka Negeri Sarawak dan tahun terbitan adalah 2014 ke
atas sahaja.
Ganjaran akan diberikan kepada pengulas buku terbanyak setiap suku tahun.

Apakah pandangan atau ulasan anda mengenai buku ini?

What is your personal opinion or review of the book?

The book begins in the format of email writing of two teens that met each other during the
summer break. Izzy and Connor kept in contact only through writing email and it begins with
showing that these two teenagers trying to discover their sexuality alongside some other
things that goes on in their lives. At first, the book talks about two teens trying everything
they could think of but it was more than that. It talks about the topic everyone used to shy
away from and hard to put forth. Nonetheless, the book stayed away from trigger words for
those with mental health. It only used the term “suicide” once and mentioned that the word
itself is a taboo among them. The book is not afraid to show the reality of having a bi-polar
personality. The author did this book a justice by not giving it a proper ending. It has an open
ending and it was just right. There is no end to a mental health journey after all. This book is
a good read if someone wants to try and understand ways they could approach a friend who
have such problems.

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Nama : Nur Liyana Shaharudin

Jawatan : Intern
Bahagian : Bahagian Pengurusan Korporat, Miri
Tajuk Buku : The Time of My Life
Pengarang : Cecelia Ahern
Penerbit dan Tahun Penerbitan : HarperCollins
Nombor panggilan : 823.92 AHE

Nota :
Borang “Ulasan Buku Oleh Staff” yang telah lengkap diisi hendaklah diemail kepada ​Rozana
Octovia ( ​Bahagian Rujukan.
Minimum 1 (satu) buku setiap staf bagi setiap sesi ulasan.
Bahan hendaklah dalam bentuk ​BUKU SAHAJA ​(Bahan bacaan boleh berbentuk fiksyen atau
bukan fiksyen diterima).
Bahan tersebut merupakan Koleksi Pustaka Negeri Sarawak dan tahun terbitan adalah 2014 ke
atas sahaja.
Ganjaran akan diberikan kepada pengulas buku terbanyak setiap suku tahun.

Apakah pandangan atau ulasan anda mengenai buku ini?

What is your personal opinion or review of the book?

The book has a neatly written grammar that is not hard to follow. The story follows a woman
that has gotten her life in a predicament to the point she received a special letter informing
her that she has the opportunity to meet her ‘Life’. In this book, a person ‘Life’ is represented
as a human. Lucy, the woman that received the letter was able to meet her ‘Life’ face to face
in flesh and blood. She found the man representing her ‘Life’ looking haggard and unhealthy
but slowly he guides her as best he could in correcting the choices she made for herself. The
story is written in a casual tone with occasional jokes found from time to time. By the end of
the book, Lucy finally got her ‘Life’ together and the man representing her ‘Life’ has turned
into a healthy handsome man. It also signifies that their time together had ended. It is an
experience everyone would want at least once in their lifetime in hope to turn things around.
This story is telling everyone that you have the ability to fix your life only if you want to do it.

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Nama : Nur Liyana Shaharudin

Jawatan : Intern
Bahagian : Bahagian Pengurusan Korporat, Miri
Tajuk Buku : The Hunger Games
Pengarang : Suzanne Collins
Penerbit dan Tahun Penerbitan : Scholastic Press
Nombor panggilan : 813 COL

Nota :
Borang “Ulasan Buku Oleh Staff” yang telah lengkap diisi hendaklah diemail kepada ​Rozana
Octovia ( ​Bahagian Rujukan.
Minimum 1 (satu) buku setiap staf bagi setiap sesi ulasan.
Bahan hendaklah dalam bentuk ​BUKU SAHAJA ​(Bahan bacaan boleh berbentuk fiksyen atau
bukan fiksyen diterima).
Bahan tersebut merupakan Koleksi Pustaka Negeri Sarawak dan tahun terbitan adalah 2014 ke
atas sahaja.
Ganjaran akan diberikan kepada pengulas buku terbanyak setiap suku tahun.

Apakah pandangan atau ulasan anda mengenai buku ini?

What is your personal opinion or review of the book?

This book is interesting in a way that it actually speaks in flowery language in order to talk
about the government. Others may think that this book is only fictional and nothing more
than a past time but this book is far deeper than that. The story shows that surviving is
important and people love the idea of ‘love’ itself regardless if it is true. Everyone wants to
watch a show even if it is something as cruel as fighting each other to the death. Katniss is a
character that symbolises the rebellion against the government. She does not want to be
another puppet and was willing to put forth everything in order to win. By the end of this
book, betrayal was not something to be shocked about as it is normal now.

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Nama : Nur Liyana Shaharudin

Jawatan : Intern
Bahagian : Bahagian Pengurusan Korporat, Miri
Tajuk Buku : This is Not a Test
Pengarang : Courtney Summers
Penerbit dan Tahun Penerbitan : St. Martin Griffin
Nombor panggilan : 813.6 SUM

Nota :
Borang “Ulasan Buku Oleh Staff” yang telah lengkap diisi hendaklah diemail kepada ​Rozana
Octovia ( ​Bahagian Rujukan.
Minimum 1 (satu) buku setiap staf bagi setiap sesi ulasan.
Bahan hendaklah dalam bentuk ​BUKU SAHAJA ​(Bahan bacaan boleh berbentuk fiksyen atau
bukan fiksyen diterima).
Bahan tersebut merupakan Koleksi Pustaka Negeri Sarawak dan tahun terbitan adalah 2014 ke
atas sahaja.
Ganjaran akan diberikan kepada pengulas buku terbanyak setiap suku tahun.

Apakah pandangan atau ulasan anda mengenai buku ini?

What is your personal opinion or review of the book?

This book shares a perspective on zombie apocalypse or “the end of the world” through the
eyes of an abused girl who no longer wants to live. It is written in the simplest way it could by
sharing it through the point of view of a teenage girl. The ease of reading allows the readers
to be able to follow the storyline as easy as breathing. The story talks about the point of
living as the girl seeks the answer. She tries to find reason in her life while the world is in
chaos. The truth is shared through the fact that happiness does not come easy as you will
continue losing the people close to you especially during the end of time where everyone is
trying to eat you. The story is heart wrenching that will tear the readers into halves. Readers
of this book might need to be mentally prepared for a downhill ride of emotions.

Sila sertakan gambar muka depan bahan yang dipilih.


Nama : Nur Liyana Shaharudin

Jawatan : Intern
Bahagian : Bahagian Pengurusan Korporat, Miri
Tajuk Buku : Catching Fire
Pengarang : Suzanne Collins
Penerbit dan Tahun Penerbitan : Scholastic Press
Nombor panggilan : 813 COL

Nota :
Borang “Ulasan Buku Oleh Staff” yang telah lengkap diisi hendaklah diemail kepada ​Rozana
Octovia ( ​Bahagian Rujukan.
Minimum 1 (satu) buku setiap staf bagi setiap sesi ulasan.
Bahan hendaklah dalam bentuk ​BUKU SAHAJA ​(Bahan bacaan boleh berbentuk fiksyen atau
bukan fiksyen diterima).
Bahan tersebut merupakan Koleksi Pustaka Negeri Sarawak dan tahun terbitan adalah 2014 ke
atas sahaja.
Ganjaran akan diberikan kepada pengulas buku terbanyak setiap suku tahun.

Apakah pandangan atau ulasan anda mengenai buku ini?

What is your personal opinion or review of the book?

This book is the continuation of the Hunger Games. It began to show the readers that
winning the Hunger Games is not a beautiful as it seems to be. It starts to show the ugly
truth behind it. The government is afraid of rebellion thus kept on finding ways to keep
everyone in their place. Even if you win the games, it does not mean you have freedom.
Instead, the government keeps a closer eye on you and use you for their own benefits.
Katniss, the symbol of rebellion is scaring the government and thus they put her in another
game in the hope that she will die but the underground rebellion team has long prepared for
this and decides to save her at the last minute. The story becomes heated as the battle
between the government and rebellion is coming to its peak. It continues on to the next

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Nama : Nur Liyana Shaharudin

Jawatan : Intern
Bahagian : Bahagian Pengurusan Korporat, Miri
Tajuk Buku : Mockingjay
Pengarang : Suzanne Collins
Penerbit dan Tahun Penerbitan : Scholastic Press
Nombor panggilan : 813 COL

Nota :
Borang “Ulasan Buku Oleh Staff” yang telah lengkap diisi hendaklah diemail kepada ​Rozana
Octovia ( ​Bahagian Rujukan.
Minimum 1 (satu) buku setiap staf bagi setiap sesi ulasan.
Bahan hendaklah dalam bentuk ​BUKU SAHAJA ​(Bahan bacaan boleh berbentuk fiksyen atau
bukan fiksyen diterima).
Bahan tersebut merupakan Koleksi Pustaka Negeri Sarawak dan tahun terbitan adalah 2014 ke
atas sahaja.
Ganjaran akan diberikan kepada pengulas buku terbanyak setiap suku tahun.

Apakah pandangan atau ulasan anda mengenai buku ini?

What is your personal opinion or review of the book?

This book put humanity on its hardest test as the war between the rebellion and the
government comes to an end here. Katniss was put in a situation that she hated as she
questioned herself who had she become by the end of it all. She has lost her dear sister
during the war and now wonders what to do with herself. She finds herself going back to
Peeta and decides that maybe settling down with him and goes back to their root in district
12. War is never pretty nor have a happy ending. It only leaves people the feeling of loss and
dread but humans will continue to rebuild themselves and history may repeat itself unless
they learn from their past mistakes. This book has so much questioned the reliability of the
government and even if we rebel and fight for the change, will anything change? That is a
question that one might have to take to find out.

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Nama : Nur Liyana Shaharudin

Jawatan : Intern
Bahagian : Bahagian Pengurusan Korporat, Miri
Tajuk Buku : Paper Towns
Pengarang : John Green
Penerbit dan Tahun Penerbitan : Scholastic Press
Nombor panggilan : EF 813.6 GRE

Nota :
Borang “Ulasan Buku Oleh Staff” yang telah lengkap diisi hendaklah diemail kepada ​Rozana
Octovia ( ​Bahagian Rujukan.
Minimum 1 (satu) buku setiap staf bagi setiap sesi ulasan.
Bahan hendaklah dalam bentuk ​BUKU SAHAJA ​(Bahan bacaan boleh berbentuk fiksyen atau
bukan fiksyen diterima).
Bahan tersebut merupakan Koleksi Pustaka Negeri Sarawak dan tahun terbitan adalah 2014 ke
atas sahaja.
Ganjaran akan diberikan kepada pengulas buku terbanyak setiap suku tahun.

Apakah pandangan atau ulasan anda mengenai buku ini?

What is your personal opinion or review of the book?

The writing of John Green has always been detailed yet immersive to allow readers to follow
the story step by step and enter the world he created in his book. This time, his book follows
the journey of the young boy named Quentin who is looking for his childhood friend, Margo.
This journey actually signify the path of growing up. Quentin is the type of teenage boy that
likes his dull routine but the search of Margo during the summer along with his other friends
allow him to learn the meaning of growing up. By the end of the book, we learn that Quentin
found himself growing up and has made life decision. The book shows that life is what we
make of it and everything that we do is another step towards maturing.

Sila sertakan gambar muka depan bahan yang dipilih.


Nama : Nur Liyana Shaharudin

Jawatan : Intern
Bahagian : Bahagian Pengurusan Korporat, Miri
Tajuk Buku : Lone Wolf
Pengarang : Jodi Picoult
Penerbit dan Tahun Penerbitan : Hodder & Stoughton
Nombor panggilan : 813.54 PIC

Nota :
Borang “Ulasan Buku Oleh Staff” yang telah lengkap diisi hendaklah diemail kepada ​Rozana
Octovia ( ​Bahagian Rujukan.
Minimum 1 (satu) buku setiap staf bagi setiap sesi ulasan.
Bahan hendaklah dalam bentuk ​BUKU SAHAJA ​(Bahan bacaan boleh berbentuk fiksyen atau
bukan fiksyen diterima).
Bahan tersebut merupakan Koleksi Pustaka Negeri Sarawak dan tahun terbitan adalah 2014 ke
atas sahaja.
Ganjaran akan diberikan kepada pengulas buku terbanyak setiap suku tahun.

Apakah pandangan atau ulasan anda mengenai buku ini?

What is your personal opinion or review of the book?

This book shares a story about a father who abandoned his family for his career. When he
was found unconscious during one of his hike, his ex-wife was contacted since she was still
his emergency contact. Here, his all grown-up kids had to decide whether or not to pull the
plug and end his life or not. The decision varies from each kids but all of them start to
reminisce about their past with him. All of them barely knew him since he was not always
often at home. The title is actually describing their father who had long abandoned their
family to be one with nature. His daughter believes that after they had pulled the plug, her
father truly has become one with nature. It is a story that asks everyone where each of them
place their family. It also shows that sometimes as a family member, we may need to face
the hard decision relating to the life and death of a family member who is declared to be

Sila sertakan gambar muka depan bahan yang dipilih.


Nama : Nur Liyana Shaharudin

Jawatan : Intern
Bahagian : Bahagian Pengurusan Korporat, Miri
Tajuk Buku : Dark Highways
Pengarang : Megat Ishak
Penerbit dan Tahun Penerbitan : Fixi Novo
Nombor panggilan : EF 823 MEG

Nota :
Borang “Ulasan Buku Oleh Staff” yang telah lengkap diisi hendaklah diemail kepada ​Rozana
Octovia ( ​Bahagian Rujukan.
Minimum 1 (satu) buku setiap staf bagi setiap sesi ulasan.
Bahan hendaklah dalam bentuk ​BUKU SAHAJA ​(Bahan bacaan boleh berbentuk fiksyen atau
bukan fiksyen diterima).
Bahan tersebut merupakan Koleksi Pustaka Negeri Sarawak dan tahun terbitan adalah 2014 ke
atas sahaja.
Ganjaran akan diberikan kepada pengulas buku terbanyak setiap suku tahun.

Apakah pandangan atau ulasan anda mengenai buku ini?

What is your personal opinion or review of the book?

This book contains several gruesome short stories relating to cannibalism and other
mysteries. Each story always have an interesting twist at the end that put the readers in
shock. The stories in this book shows a darker side of human that would not be acceptable
in the modern day society. These people are looked down upon because they would murder
and even eat the flesh of another human beings. The writing style of this book is casual and
everyone can easily follow from one story to another. The writer is a Malaysian writer and it
sets a new precedent to the type of stories that Malaysia author can produce. It is interesting
and highly inspiring.

Sila sertakan gambar muka depan bahan yang dipilih.


Nama : Nur Liyana Shaharudin

Jawatan : Intern
Bahagian : Bahagian Pengurusan Korporat, Miri
Tajuk Buku : Spirits Abroad
Pengarang : Zen Cho
Penerbit dan Tahun Penerbitan : Fixi Novo
Nombor panggilan : EF 823 CHO

Nota :
Borang “Ulasan Buku Oleh Staff” yang telah lengkap diisi hendaklah diemail kepada ​Rozana
Octovia ( ​Bahagian Rujukan.
Minimum 1 (satu) buku setiap staf bagi setiap sesi ulasan.
Bahan hendaklah dalam bentuk ​BUKU SAHAJA ​(Bahan bacaan boleh berbentuk fiksyen atau
bukan fiksyen diterima).
Bahan tersebut merupakan Koleksi Pustaka Negeri Sarawak dan tahun terbitan adalah 2014 ke
atas sahaja.
Ganjaran akan diberikan kepada pengulas buku terbanyak setiap suku tahun.

Apakah pandangan atau ulasan anda mengenai buku ini?

What is your personal opinion or review of the book?

This was absolutely fantastic. Funny, sad, deeply anger-inducing, warm and fuzzy by turns.
Steeped in Malaysian mythology, which sounds purely amazing, as well as Chinese and
some English, and written in switching voices with loads of Malay-English and no
concessions to non-speakers so you just have to immerse yourself. It is an interesting take
on the mythology that surrounds Malaysia. Stories that have been passed over from
generations to another are being told in the most interesting way possible.

Sila sertakan gambar muka depan bahan yang dipilih.

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