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Ad 1 – HP - Reinvent Connections - Dad

As far as demographic segmentation, this particular ad made by HP appears to be
targeting the middle-aged people, most likely married and having an average to high income,
judging by the man that appears in it and that is presumably narrating in the background, this is
why internet content sharing sites were chosen as a platform for this specific campaign.
If we look at the behavioral criterion, then it is probably aimed at light users, and
especially at potential users that may be persuaded into creating a relationship with the brand.
The most obvious segmentation is made using Psychographics and Lifestyle profiling.
The ad targets mostly Principle oriented people, the “belongers” category, according to VALS.
The ad contains heavy themes of family, family principles, family values, legacy, tradition, it all
revolving around remembering the ones that came before and “carrying the torch forward”.
The ad also has the “achievers” category in mind, looking at the successful achievements of both
past and present generations, even having the outlook of future generations (the infant to whom
the man is talking to).

Ad 2 – HP - Touchsmart PC TV ad
This ad is targeting a similar demographic as the previous one, that being middle-aged,
middle to high class income wise and maybe even a younger category, given its curious nature.
Given the meticulous and complex gestures of the man in the video, it is most likely aimed at
heavy users, with the ease at which he makes each move “inviting” potential users to check out
what the product is all about.
As far as Psychographic Segmentation goes, this is most likely made to appeal to the
“integrated” category of people, it being a completely new technology and appearing at the
“dawn” of the “touchscreen era”. It can also reach out to the “experiential” ones, this being a
personal computer that can create your preferred experience with ease.
Benefit segmentation is also a key criterion. The depiction of the man creating such complex art
with what looks like no effort at all creating the impression of innovation and ease of use,
without introducing the complexity of other new technologies.

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