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Assessment #1

Name: _____________________________ Grade Section: _______________ Score: __________

A. Identification of terms
Direction: Choose your answer in the box that best fit the descriptions below. Write your
answer in the blank provided.

Balanced Entrepreneurship Agents of Change

Technopreneurs Extrapreneur Risk taker Networkers
Leader self-employed Entrepreneur
Social Entrepreneur Communicators Decisive
Specialists innovative Proactive

____________1. They do not settle for gray areas or unclear solutions. They do not leave an issue
unsolved without a disposition.
____________2. They will not be successful if they do not take risks.
____________3. Having new ideas about how something can be done.
____________4. They have the heart and became the source of inspiration to their subordinates.
____________5. They know the key people to connect with.
____________6. Specialized I.T. as their business.
____________7. Know how to give feedbacks and appraise subordinates.
____________8. Reactive rather than passive. Always think positive outlook.
____________9. Experts of their chosen field or business.
___________10. Willing to consider different ideas and opinions from others.
___________11. Who hops from one company to another to serve as champions for innovations.
___________12. A unique person that has the ability, extraordinary dedication and determination to
establish and manage a business venture.
___________13. It is a process of seeking different market opportunities. A proactive process of
developing a business venture to make profit.
___________14. They don’t settle for mediocrity and status quo.
___________15. People who are self-reliant, not comfortable with the routines of desk job.

B. Identify which among the following descriptions refer to the Entrepreneurs and which refer to
employees. On the Blanks, Write EN for Entrepreneur and EM for Employee.(10 pts)

______1. Income is earned whether the business is successful or unsuccessful.

______2. He or she is usually comfortable with routines and minimal risks.
______3. He or she is fully responsible for serving customers, making the business
profitable/sustainable, and providing employee satisfaction.
______4. He or she prepares policies, procedures, and memoranda for the business.
______5. He or she is fully dependent on the employer’s performance.
______6. He or she is comfortable in doing multiple and challenging tasks and takes accountability
with the risks and profits of the business.
_______7. Income is generated on working hours only.
_______8. He or she has a flexible schedule and can take unlimited number of vacation days.
_______9. He or she is taxed on gross income.
_______10. He or she has the power to disengage nonperforming employees, applying the due
process policy of disengaging personnel.
Prepared by:

Vinza E. Acob

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