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Closing Prayer

Heavenly Father, loving God, as we prepare to conclude this

seminar, we once again lift up our hearts to You. Our hearts praise
you for your utmost wisdom in granting us solutions to the
problems offered today. The Divine Source of All Life, we thank
you for the gifts that have been present within this act of service.
For the gifts of fellowship and understanding, of mutual respect
and shared vision, we are grateful for the gifts of perseverance and
insight into the common concerns we share. For these and all
other graces, we are thankful. As we leave this seminar to proceed
to our designated tasks, may your grace be with us as we fulfill our
duties and responsibilities. As You have blessed our coming
together, now please do bless our departure and journeys

You taught us to love, to be humble and to see you in others.

May we perceive your face in each of our students, our colleagues,
faculty and staff, and the people around us. May we serve you
through them and love them as you have loved. All these we ask,
Glory be to the father and to the son and to the holy spirit, as it
was in the beginning, is now and ever shall be, world without end.


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