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Scientifically sound program that incorporates basic strength and conditioning principles,

including data from the research literature. Includes recommendations from US Army,
Navy and NATO scientific technical reports.

"It is easy to be hard, but it is hard to be smart."

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© Copyright Michael C. Prevost, 2013. All rights reserved. Do not reproduce or redistribute without

Cover photo by LCPL Suzanna,

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Therefore, the author, employees, company, affiliates, or any other parties involved in the creation or
promotion of our products are not responsible for any injuries or health conditions that may result from advice,
opinions, and programs represented in this program or any of our training programs or other products. The
information on this website and in the training program are the opinions of the author and are not a
replacement for medical advice. You should consult a physician before starting any diet or exercise program. If
you choose to follow the program without consulting your physician, you are doing so at your own risk. We
claim no responsibility for any injuries you might sustain. The opinions and assertions contained herein are the
private opinions of the author and are not to be construed as official or reflecting the views of the Department
of Defense.
Introduction: There has been quite a bit of research conducted on the appropriate training for load bearing
marches. The first part of this report will summarize and interpret the research findings. The second part will
discuss how to apply the findings to a ruck training program, and the third part will provide sample ruck training
programs. Two sample programs are provided. The first program is more complete and is closer to optimal.
The “80% solution” program is a minimalist program for those with minimal time to train. It is primarily a
maintenance program, designed to maintain fitness. It is possible to improve, and certainly possible to
maintain performance on this minimalist program, but it is not optimal. It will do the job if you have very little
training time available.
The Research
The load carried by the average foot soldier in combat is very heavy. The table below is from the NATO
scientific technical report on load bearing marches (1):

The loads are not getting lighter. The same report provides the table below from Afghanistan:

Note: these loads are reported in kg, not lbs.

Foot soldiers should be trained to be able to carry, at a minimum, 40% of bodyweight efficiently, and should be
able to handle up to 75% of bodyweight for short periods of time. This type of fitness is not likely to happen
without significant planning. Left on their own for program design, soldiers are not likely to build the type of
fitness to accomplish this task.

What factors lead to improved ruck performance according to the available research?

1. Height is an advantage. Taller soldiers take longer strides. They can also walk faster before having to
change to a jog or run.
2. Strength is an advantage. This is perhaps the biggest factor, especially for heavy loads. Upper body
strength and lower body strength both are very important. For the upper body, core stability/strength as
well as shoulder strength are important. For the lower body, hips are the most important, followed by
strength around the knee joint and ankle.
3. Aerobic fitness is an advantage, but not at the expense of strength. In this case, it is absolute, rather
than relative aerobic capacity that is important. Relative = relative to bodyweight. Those who can
produce the most power in non-load bearing activities (i.e., rowing, cycling) would likely do well at
rucking. Skinny, fast runners are not likely to do well when loaded down with a ruck.
4. Body fat reduces performance.
5. Lean body mass improves performance (but reduces run performance). This is different from running,
where increasing lean body mass does not help performance.
6. Unloaded running ability is not important. This might seem counter intuitive but when you combine
#s 2, 3 and 5 from above, this makes sense. However, most research used relatively heavy loads to
test the relationship of running with ruck ability. It is likely that as loads get lighter (i.e., less than 20%
of bodyweight), running ability is much more relevant.

What type of training has the most impact? Dr. William Kraemer, one of the leading researchers in the field of
strength and conditioning, conducted a study looking at strength training and aerobic training on performance
of a 3.2 KM ruck with a 45 KG load (2). The table below summarizes his findings.

Aerobic training alone was useless. Strength training alone provided some benefit. The best results involved
total body strength training and aerobic training, however, upper body strength training accounted for the
majority of the strength training affect, a conclusion also reached by Knapik et. al (3) in a review of the
research literature. Keep in mind that “core” strength is considered upper body. Also, note that the Kraemer
study used a heavy load and a short distance. It is important to emphasize that upper body strength cannot be
ignored in a good ruck training program.

The figure below shows the predicted relationship between load carried and the relative contribution of strength
and aerobic fitness to ruck performance. The percentage contributions are notional and would vary from
individual to individual. The important point of the figure is that at heavier loads, strength matters more than
aerobic fitness. Training for heavier loads would place an emphasis on strength training and heavy rucks. At
lighter loads, aerobic fitness matters more than strength. Training for lighter loads would place an emphasis
on running and lighter, long duration rucks. Somewhere in the middle, they are both very important. Where
that “middle” occurs will vary depending on the training of the individual. Any load above 15% of bodyweight is
going to start to require additional strength. By 30% of bodyweight, the strength requirement starts to become
significant and a dedicated strength training program is recommended, as well as ruck training.
Contribution of Strength and Aerobic Fitness to
Relative Contribution
Ruck Performance


5% 25% 45% 65%

Percent Bodyweight Carried

Now we know that strength training and running can improve ruck march ability and the heavier the ruck, the
more important is the strength portion of the program. What about just training with a ruck? Other research
showed that adding load bearing marches to a strength and aerobic training program further improved
performance. It is hard to beat training specificity and ruck training is as specific as you can get to ruck
performance. The optimal frequency of load bearing march training has also been investigated. Twice per
month was better than once per month but 4 times per month was not significantly better than twice. Keep in
mind that this was within the context of a training program that also included running and strength training.
The minimum recommended frequency of load bearing marches in a program, if accompanied by a suitable
strength and aerobic training program, is every two weeks. It is likely that if ruck training only is used (no
running or strength training) more frequent rucks would be beneficial (i.e., 3 X weekly).

What do we know about ruck training frequency and intensity for a ruck program? The NATO report also
discusses a study comparing weekly VS every two weeks and a program focused on duration VS one focused
on intensity. The figure below shows the results.

The best results were obtained by rucking weekly, and focusing on heavier loads, carried as a series of
intervals, over a shorter distance, rather than long duration, lighter loaded rucks. It is important to note that the
performance criteria involved relatively light loads (17 KG) and a short distance (3.2 KM). What conclusions
can we draw from this research?

1. Training programs should consist of both strength and aerobic training.

2. Ruck training should be added at least 2 times per month, but once per week is better.
3. Heavy, interval ruck training improves the ability to ruck heavy, and also the ability to ruck lighter loads
4. Improving performance over short distances with heavy loads is best trained with an intensity program
(heavy loading, short interval distances, i.e., 15 minute intervals with short rests).
5. It is still unclear if heavy, interval ruck training is optimal for rucking moderate loads over long
distances. If combined with a run training program, this effect is likely.
6. Rucks should be progressively loaded (increase loading and distance over time).
7. Strength training should focus on the whole body, not just the lower body.
8. A mixture of long, lighter loaded rucks, as well as short, heavy loaded rucks is probably best if training
for all distances and loads is desired.
9. If a strength training and running program are also incorporated, rucking once per week is enough. It is
still unclear if there is additional benefit to rucking more often in that context.
10. If a ruck only program is employed (no strength training or running), rucking several times per week is
likely to be better than once per week but the research literature is unclear on this issue.

As a final note with regards to #9 above, we cannot throw out the principle of specificity based on two studies.
The safest conclusion we can draw from the NATO report is that ruck training once per week is enough to
significantly improve. Whether more significant improvements would occur from rucking more often (i.e., 3
times per week) is unknown. We do know that with strength training and endurance training, once per week is
not optimal so we might conclude the same with rucks. Also, the principle of specificity would compel us to
consider replacing most or all of our running with ruck training if rucks are our objective, since unloaded run
performance is not predictive of ruck ability. Hopefully more research will be conducted in this area in the
future. Until then, replacing some running with additional rucks may be a good idea. If it is not logistically
feasible, then a run program, supplemented with one ruck per week will do the job as shown by the research.

Ruck Speed

Field manual 21-18 states that an infantry company with gear can march on unimproved roads at:

4 kilometers per hour (2.5 mph, 24 min mile)

32 kilometers in 24 hours
96 kilometers in 48 hours

These estimates minimize stragglers and ensure that most of the group will be combat ready at the destination.
Moving much faster will result in more stragglers and many soldiers being too exhausted to effectively perform
combat duties at destination.

Pandolf developed equations for predicting maximum sustained performance based on load, bodyweight and
terrain. For prolonged (>5 hours) marches, the average sustainable rate of energy expenditure was 430
Calories per hour. This is for an average soldier (about 75 Kg) with average conditioning (VO2 max of 53
ml/kg/min, or a predicted 1.5 mile run time of 10:15). Using that estimate, the figure below can be plotted. It
estimates maximal sustained speed with different loads on two different surfaces. Notice that the surface has
a larger impact than the load. Sand was one of the worst surface measured. Snow was the most difficult.
Pandolf used old (1960s) estimates for the average soldier size. The reality is that the average soldier today is
significantly heavier, and would probably exceed both the Calories/hour and velocities reported below by
approximately 10%. Bigger, stronger and more fit soldiers will go faster but the Army Field Manual 21-18
estimates are good numbers to work with for a group.
The tables below show the predicted maximum sustained speeds for a 75 kg male and 60 kg female. These
are predictions for medium and long duration (2.5 - 6.5 hour) rucks. This is on the most ideal surface, a black
top road.

5.5 km/h = 3.4 mph, or 17:30 per mile
5.0 km/h = 3.1 mph, or 19:15 per mile
4.5 km/h = 2.8 mph, or 21:30 per mile
4.0 km/h = 2.5 mph, or 24:00 per mile

Pandolf also measured energy expenditure on two surfaces at different speeds and loads. The data are in the
figure below. Expenditures of 800-1000 Calories per hour would only be sustainable for 5-10 minutes for most
soldiers. The 600 Calorie/hr line might be sustainable for 1-2 hours, while 300-400 is more reasonable for long
duration rucks (>5 hours).
Finally, putting all of that information together, the table below can be constructed. It shows predicted time in
minutes for different loads and surfaces.

Again, there will be significant individual variability but these estimates can help you get in the right
ballpark. The only way most soldiers will be able to sustain a rapid pace (> 6 km/hr or approx 4 mph) is by
carrying a lighter load (<35% bodyweight) or by rucking shorter distances (<2 hours).

As with any endurance activity, overuse or biomechanical injuries are common. Knapic et. al. (1996) provided
the table below after reviewing the literature.
The one thing that they do not mention in the table that is always recommended by experienced soldiers is to
make sure that your boots fit and that they are broken in properly. The boots should be roomy enough to allow
your feet to swell slightly but not so loose that your feet move around in them and cause blisters. Fitting boots
for loaded marching takes expertise and patience. Boots are not always immediately comfortable. Frequently,
comfort is increased once the boots are broken in. For leather boots, the break in period can be shortened by
soaking the boots in the bathtub and then wearing them around the house for a few hours, with frequent sock
changes. Then apply polish or leather treatment. Synthetic boots do not need as much of a break in period.
Liberal application of foot powder and frequent changes of socks is helpful during a ruck. Many find the use of
moleskin or duct tape on spots that frequently blister to be helpful. If you are not sure, it is wise to bring both,
along with extra socks, just in case.

Walking gait should be natural, despite the load. Many have developed a "lazy gait" due to tight hip flexors
and poor posture. This results in a forward pelvic tilt and excessive arch in the lower back. This tends to result
in a pronounced heel strike at foot fall with a locked knee. This type of gait exaggerates the impact forces of
the load and is not efficient. Flexible hip flexors and a higher cadence gait will result in a more natural, mid foot
strike with soft knees. This is the preferred gait when walking under a load. The way to achieve this is to focus
on putting a slight tension in the abdominal muscles to rotate the pelvis to the correct position (posterior
rotation), stand with a tall spine and chin tucked, then walk with a faster cadence and land with a slightly bent
knee (softly).
Ruck Training Program
Strength Considerations

Strength coach Dan John likes to say that the body is not segmented, it is one flexible piece. A training
program that is based on that philosophy is movement based. Strength training is loaded movement. In this
type of program, movement is more important than loading. Loading is important, but we never load bad
movement. Movement quality is first, loading is second. There are essentially 6 basic human movements:

1. Upper body vertical push

2. Upper body horizontal push
3. Upper body pull (vertical or horizontal)
4. Hip hinge
5. Squat
6. Core / carries under movement (This is an integration movement that combines many of the above.)

This type of training program will involve performing just a few high value movements, and training the whole
body in each workout, 2-3 days per week. With good exercise choices, this can be achieved with just a
handful of exercises. The key is to pick big, whole body movement exercises (i.e., standing overhead press
with a barbell), rather than isolated, segmented movements (i.e., seated dumbbell lateral raises). This is not a
bodybuilding program where we are trying to isolate muscle groups. This is an athletic program, where we are
trying to train movements.

The graphic below illustrates the basic loading plans prescribed by the National Strength and Conditioning

For most soldiers, the most important loading plan for our purposes is going to be the Muscular Strength block.
We will put our emphasis on that quality over all others for the purposes of our strength program. In reality,
both strength and hypertrophy will result from either loading scheme. The “bread and butter” of most
productive strength training programs is sets of 5 repetitions, done with 2-3 minutes rest between sets, using
basic, big movement exercises (i.e., standing military press, squats, deadlifts). Very skinny athletes might
consider spending some time focusing on eating big and hypertrophy loading, before moving to strength. This
could be done in a 4-6 week block, before beginning the muscular strength phase. Alternatively, one training
session per week could focus on hypertrophy and the others strength.

The basic ruck strength training program consists of one big movement exercise for each of the 6 basic
movements, performed as 3-5 sets of 5 repetitions, loaded as "sets across" done 3 times per week on non-
consecutive days. The goal is to lift heavy with good form.

Endurance Considerations

In a classic endurance training program, progressive overload is achieved by manipulating intensity and
volume (distance). In the case of running programs, intensity is achieved by running faster. The situation for
ruck training is a bit different. Running speeds can vary from a 4:00 mile to a 13:00 mile. For ruck marches,
the range of paces is not that great (15-20:00 mile). It is not advised to run with a ruck in training. Therefore
intensity is generally achieved by adding weight, rather than speed. Therefore, we generally employ two types
of training, endurance rucks and intensity rucks. Endurance rucks are done as increasing duration rucks with
up to 30% bodyweight. As with running programs, the distance should not be increased more than 10% per
week. Intensity rucks are done as increasing weight rucks, done as intervals, with up to 70% bodyweight. The
load should be increased gradually. The target speed in both cases is 4 mph if on ideal terrain. The basic ruck
program consists of 2-3 runs plus a ruck or 1-2 runs plus 2 rucks. The rucks alternate between endurance and
intensity rucks, with intensity rucks no more than once per week.
Ruck Training Program
Rucks should be done at least weekly. You may substitute a run for the Thursday ruck if logistically it will be
difficult to get in a second ruck. Although the research literature has not sorted out the training frequency issue
yet, the principle of specificity dictates that rucking, rather than running would be optimal. However, the
research is clear that significant improvements are possible with one weekly ruck if supplemented with a
running program. If training for all ruck distance (short and long), alternate endurance and intensity sessions
or include both during the week. The endurance sessions should focus on increasing duration with a fixed load
(i.e., 20-30% of your bodyweight). Because these rucks are relatively light, aim for 4 mph or a 15:00 minute
mile pace. Go faster if you can but do not run. The intensity sessions should focus on adding loading for
shorter, interval focused workouts (i.e., 3-4 intervals of 10-15 minutes with 2-5 minutes rest). The interval
times can be increased, as well as the number of intervals. However, the emphasis is on increasing the
loading, not the duration. Do not sacrifice loading for more duration. Start with a load that is about 10 pounds
heavier than your endurance ruck day and gradually increase the load over time. Supplement the rucks with
1-2 runs per week. A sample ruck plan is provided in the table below. One run is a tempo interval run. The
tempo intervals should be a minimum of 5 minutes (i.e., 5-15 minutes) and should be run at 10K race pace.
The second run is a steady paced distance run. Try to increase the duration over time. Some unstructured
intervals can be added to the distance run but do not overdo it. If time is an issue, hill sprints can be
substituted for the distance run if you keep the rest intervals short.

For the strength training program, pick one exercise from each movement column below and perform 2-5 sets
of 5 repetitions as "sets across." Some of the core exercises can be done for time, rather than reps (i.e.,
planks, dead bugs). Increase loading when able. Although you may pick any of the exercises, the primary
exercises, which are underlined, should be emphasized. It is best to include them at least once per week.
Ensure that exercise technique is flawless. Strength training should be performed three times per week. If
necessary, you can drop the strength training frequency to twice per week without losing too much benefit.
You can vary the exercises every workout or stick with the same exercises for 6 weeks at a time. If you stick
with the same exercises, consider switching them up every 6 weeks for some variety. Take approximately 2
minutes rest between sets.

Strength Exercises Table

Horizontal Vertical Press Upper Pull Squat Hip Hinge Core /Carries
Press Military press Pullups Back squat Deadlift Planks
Bench press Kettlebell press Barbell rows Front squat K-bell swing Dead bugs
Dumbbell press Push press Dumbbell rows Overhead squat Good morning Ab wheel
One arm press Handstand press Body rows Lunges Stiff legged deadlift Suitcase carry
Dips One leg squat One leg deadlift K-bell windmill
Loaded pushups Split squat Powerclean
Box step up Snatch
Stairs (weighted)

Sample Program

These are sample programs only. Use the strength exercise table above to design your own. There are many
popular strength training programs that can be used in this context (i.e., Starting Strength, the Texas method,
Wendler’s 5, 3, 1, Westside, 5 X 5 and more). The strength training portion can be reduced to twice per week
without losing that much. This would be especially appropriate when time becomes scarce due to operational
commitments. The purpose of the sample program is to give you a template to work with. If logistic concerns
make 2 X week rucking difficult, the Thursday ruck can be replaced by a steady paced run. In that case,
alternate long rucks and intensity rucks on Saturday.
Week 1
Mon Tue Wed Thurs Fri Sat Sun

Strength: Tempo Strength: Intensity Strength: Long Ruck Sleep

Bench Press (4 X 5) Run Weighted Dips (4 X 5) Ruck Box step up (4 X 5) 20-30%
Pull Ups Barbell Row (4 X 5) Dumbbell rows (4X5) bodyweight,
5 min Start with 30% Run:
Military Press (4 X 5) Power Clean (4 X 5) Kettlebell press (4 X 5) increase distance
Squats (4 X 5) easy, 10 Deadlift (2 X 5) bodyweight, 3 X One Arm Dumbbell optional
min tempo 10 min intervals by 10-20% per
Kettlebell Swing (4 X Handstand pushups Press (4 X 5) easy 30-
10) X3 3X? with 2 min rest. Powercleans (4 X 5) week or follow
60 min
Planks (2 X max hold) Farmer’s Walk (4 X 20 Increase loading Suitcase Carry (4 X 20 sample plan below
seconds) weekly according seconds)
to the sample
plan below

Week 2
Mon Tue Wed Thurs Fri Sat Sun

Strength: Tempo Strength: Intensity Strength: Long Ruck Sleep

Bench Press (4 X 5) Run Weighted Dips (4 X 5) Ruck Box step up (4 X 5) 20-30%
Pull Ups 3 X ? Barbell Row (4 X 5) Dumbbell rows (4X5) bodyweight,
5 min Start with 30% Run:
Military Press (4 X 5) Deadlift (2 X 5) Kettlebell press (4 X 5) increase distance
Squats (4 X 5) easy, 10 Handstand Pushups bodyweight, 3 X One Arm Dumbbell optional
min tempo 10 min intervals by 10-20% per
Kettlebell Swing (4 X 3X? Press (4 X 5) easy 30-
10) X3 Farmer’s Walk (4 X 20 with 2 min rest. Powerclean (4 X 5) week or follow
60 min
Planks (2 X max hold) seconds) Increase loading Suitcase Carry (4 X 20 sample plan below
weekly according seconds)
to the sample
plan below
Note: Alternate weeks 1 and 2. Intensity rucks can occasionally be replaced by a run if you need to recover.

Sample Ruck Plan

Week Week 1-3 Week 4-5 Week 6-7 Week 8-9 Week 10-11 Week 12-13 Week 14-15 Week 16-17 Week 18-19

Long Ruck 20% 20% 25% 25% 25% 30% 30% 30% 30%
bodyweight, bodyweight, bodyweight, bodyweight, bodyweight, bodyweight, bodyweight, bodyweight, bodyweight,
60 minutes 70 minutes 60 minutes 70 minutes 80 minutes 80 minutes 100 minutes 110 minutes 120 minutes

Intensity 30% 35% 35% 35% 40% 40% 40% 40% 40%
Ruck bodyweight, bodyweight, bodyweight, bodyweight, bodyweight, bodyweight, bodyweight, bodyweight, bodyweight,
3 X 10 min 2 X 10 min 3 X 10 min 3 X 10 min 2 X 10 min 2 X 10 min 3 X 10 min 3 X 12 min 3 X 15 min
intervals intervals intervals intervals intervals intervals intervals intervals intervals
with 2 min with 2 min with 5 min with 2 min with 5 min with 2 min with 5 min with 3 min with 2 min
rest. rest. rest. rest. rest. rest. rest. rest. rest.

Note: Go fast without running on the rucks. The idea is to move swiftly, but efficiently with a heavy load. Do
not run, ever. If you experience any aches or pains, drop the load and build back up slowly.

Sample Ruck Plan

Week Week 20-21 Week 22-23 Week 24-25 Week 26-27 Week 28-29 Week 30-31 Week 32-33 Week 34-35 Week 36-37

Long Ruck 30% 30% 35% 35% 35% 35% 35% 35% 35%
bodyweight, bodyweight, bodyweight, bodyweight, bodyweight, bodyweight, bodyweight, bodyweight, bodyweight,
130 minutes 150 minutes 120 minutes 130 minutes 150 minutes 160 minutes 180 minutes 190 minutes 200 minutes

Intensity 40% 40% 45% 45% 45% 50% 50% 50% 55%
Ruck bodyweight, bodyweight, bodyweight, bodyweight, bodyweight, bodyweight, bodyweight, bodyweight, bodyweight,
3 X 15 min 3 X 15 min 2X 10 min 3 X 10 min 2 X 15 min 4 X 5 min 2 X 10 min 2 X 10 min 4 X 5 min
intervals intervals intervals intervals intervals intervals intervals intervals intervals
with 2 min with 2 min with 2 min with 2 min with 2 min with 2 min with 5 min with 2 min with 2 min
rest. rest. rest. rest. rest. rest. rest. rest. rest.

Note: If you are experienced and are currently training with a ruck, you can start somewhere after week 1.
Where you start depends on your current condition. Highly conditioned individuals might start with week 20.
How fast should you go? The excerpt below is from a US Army pamphlet on preparing for Special Forces
training. It compares ruck march time with pass rates. A good goal is to be able to achieve a 15 minute mile
pace for 4 miles with a 45+ pound ruck. Achieving this standard with a 55 pound ruck would be a notable
achievement. A 54 minute time is going to take faster than a 14 minute mile pace. Shorter individuals are not
going to be able to walk that fast without breaking into a jog, which is not advised. Once you can sustain
between a 14 and 15 minute mile pace, progress by adding weight (intensity rucks) or distance (long rucks),
rather than going faster for any loads over 30% bodyweight. You would not want to run with anything over
30% bodyweight, and even then should be cautious about limiting distance and introducing it slowly.

Ruck Maintenance Program:

Paretto’s law states that 80% of your results come from 20% of your work. This example is for the busy athlete
who has very little time to train but wants to sustain, and possibly improve performance. Ideally, prior to
starting this program you will have spent some time with the more complete program and built significant ruck
fitness. This maintenance program is plenty to maintain performance and some may see improvements. This
program is not optimal. It is a compromise. If you have limited time, you cannot expect optimal results.
However, with smart choices, much can be achieved with minimal time invested. The 80% solution training
program consists of:

● Strength Training: One big movement exercise (see list below)performed as several sets, done twice
weekly (i.e., Mon and Thurs)

Strength exercises (pick one, load heavy):

● Powercleans from the floor 4 sets of 5 reps
● Squat clean from the floor 4 sets of 5 reps
● Heavy kettlebell swings 4 sets of 15 reps.
● Barbell thrusters 4 sets of 5-8 reps
● Farmer’s walk 4 sets of 20-30 seconds
● Suitcase carry 4 sets per side of 20-30 seconds
● Snatches 4 sets of 5 reps
● Clean and press 4 sets of 5 reps

● Rucking: Progressive ruck done once per week. Increase load and distance over time. Alternate a
distance ruck and an intensity ruck. Distance rucks are progressively longer rucks with 25-30% of your
bodyweight. Intensity rucks are done with heavier loading (40-50% of bodyweight) and are done as
intervals (i.e., 3 X 15 minutes with 2-5 minutes rest each interval).

This simple plan will sustain fairly high level performance if a reduction in training time/frequency is required, or
it can build performance if not much training time is available (especially in deconditioned individuals). A big
movement exercise like cleans from the floor will load the most important upper and lower body movements
necessary to carry a heavy ruck, and the weekly rucks provide a very specific fitness stimulus. This simple
program is not optimal, but it will easily maintain high level performance that was previously achieved with a
more complete program and it will certainly lead to considerable improvement in untrained soldiers. It you
have minimal time to train, it is the 80% solution. Viable substitutes for cleans would be heavy farmers walks,
or heavy suitcase carries, and heavy kettlebell swings or any of the exercises in the list above. An extra run
thrown in once or twice per week would also help (though an extra ruck would be better). If the run is short,
make it hard (think intervals or hill sprinting). A sample weekly schedule is below:

Sample Program

Mon Tue Wed Thurs Fri Sat Sun

Strength: Strength: Ruck

Long: 20-30% bodyweight,
Heavy Kettlebell Squat Clean (4 X 5) increase distance by 10-20%
Swing (4 X 15) per week
Alternate with:
OR Intensity: Start with 30%
bodyweight, 2-3 X 15 min
Deadlifts (3 X 5)
intervals with 2 min rest.
Increase loading 5-10 pounds
per week


1. van Dijk J. Chapter 3 - Common Military Task: Marching. Optimizing Operational Physical Fitness.RTO-TR-
HFM-080.NATO Research and Technology Organisation. 2009.

2. Kraemer, WJ, Vescovi, JD, Volek, JS, Nindl, BC, Newton, RU, Patton, JF, Dziados, JE, French, DN, and
Hakkinen, K. Effects of concurrent resistance and anaerobic training on load-bearing performance and the
Army Physical Fitness Test. Mil Med 169: 994–999, 2004.

3. Knapik, J., Reynolds, K., Santee, W. R., Friedl, K., & Borden Institute (U.S.). (2010). Load carriage in military
operations: A review of historical, physiological, biomechanical, and medical aspects. Washington, D.C.:
Borden Institute.

4. US Army Recruiting Command Pamphlet 601-25.

5. Field manual 21-18.

6. Pandolf, K.B., Givoni, B., Haisman, B. and Goldman, R.F. (1977). Predicting energy expenditure with loads
while standing or walking very slowly. Journal of Applied Physiology, 43: 577-581.

7. Knapik, J.J., Johnson, R., Ang, P., Meiselman, H., Bensel, C., Johnson, W., Flyn, B., Hanlon, W., Kirk, J.,
Harman, E., Frykman, P. and Jones, B. (1993). Road marching performance of special operations soldiers
carrying various loads and load distributions. Technical Report T14-93, United States Army Research Institute
of Environmental Medicine, Natick, USA.
About the Author

Mike Prevost earned a PhD in exercise physiology from Louisiana State University in 1995. He
specialized in muscle physiology and metabolism. Throughout his college years (10 years total) he
worked as a personal trainer in various gyms and fitness centers. He has trained athletes for many
different sports including triathlon, ultra running, surfing, power lifting, bodybuilding, mixed martial
arts, football, basketball and more. After finishing his PhD, he took a commission in the U. S. Navy
as an Aerospace Physiologist in the Navy Medical Service Corps. While serving in the Navy he
developed human performance training material for the U. S. Special Operations Command. He
developed new fitness standards for Navy rescue swimmers. He served as a consultant to the
USMC in evaluating the safety of the USMC Combat Fitness Test. He also served on a Navy
committee tasked with proposing alternatives to the Navy physical fitness test. He trained thousands
of aviators and aircrew on survival techniques, physiology, and human performance. He also served
as the Director of the Human Performance Laboratory at the U. S. Naval Academy, where he
performed physiological testing of athletes to improve performance, developed the Principles of
Strength and Conditioning Course for all Midshipmen, and served as the director of remedial fitness
training programs. He has over 25 years of experience in working with athletes.

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