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● Tell me something about yourself

● What are your three major accomplishments?
● How would your friends describe you in 3 words?

Goals/Career prospects

● What are your short and long-term career goals?

● Describe the job or the activity which has had the greatest impact on your career goals.
● Describe your most significant achievement in life
● Describe your biggest failure in life

Previous Bosses/Companies

● Situations when you stood up to your superiors: Both where you failed, and where you
● What did you enjoy most about your last employment? Least?
● Describe any event / situation in your life which has impacted / influenced you

Leadership and Teamwork styles/situations

● Situation when you successfully resolved a conflict

● Situation where you led a team to achieve something significant
● Biggest Failure of your life/ Part of a team and failed
● Describe a situation where you initiated a new idea or approach and implemented it.
How did you go about it?
● Describe a situation where you had to persuade others to achieve a goal after
overcoming resistance. How did you go about it?
● Have you ever adopted a non-traditional approach to manage a project/situation or to
solve a problem? Briefly describe the project/situation of the problem, the approach and
the outcome.
● Describe a situation when you had to accomplish an objective after overcoming
obstacles. What did you do to handle the situation? What was the outcome? What did
you learn?

Qualities and Culture fit questions

● Please describe yourself as a person. What are the 3 most important values that guide
your thoughts & actions?
● What are your strongest abilities?
● What is your biggest weakness?

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