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Yuson, Jasmine Kaye C.

Bachelor of Arts in Political Science- 3

Mwf- 6:00pm- 7:00pm Global Politics

1. Explain the reason for the happening of cold war using the realist point
of view?

Given the fact that the international system is an anarchy, it is

understandable that Cold War is unpredictable. The International
condition of anarchy will give signal that the two powerful countries will
enter into conflict. They will going to balance each other through
military buildup, alliance formation, and sphere-of-influence.
Therefore, the behavior of United States and Soviet Union is natural.

The absence of central authority is also one of the reason. States are
sovereign and thus autonomous of each other; no inherent structure or
society can emerge or even exist to order relations between them.
They are bound only by forcible consent or coercion of their own.

In such an anarchic system, State power is the key—indeed, the only

variable of interest, because only through power can States defend
themselves and hope to survive. Realism can understand power in a
variety of ways, for example militarily, economically, diplomatically, but
ultimately emphasizes the distribution of coercive material capacity as
the determinant of international politics.

2. Discuss how distribution of power in the international system affects

the likelihood of war between states. Give examples.

In International system, security issues such as: terrorism and nuclear

proliferation is affected by the distribution of power. For example in the
status quo, United States is considered as a great power. It possesses
economic and military predominance. United States was referred by
an analyst as experiencing a “unipolar moment” after the Cold War.
The position arguably led the United States to pursue unilateral
policies. It was during the time of President George W. Bush. He had
set in motion a revolution in American foreign policy. Once the
distribution of power in the international system changed, as it did end
the Cold War.

3. How can the anarchic nature of the international system bring the
likelihood of war between states?

Since there’s no international government, most likely to happen is

states will enter into war. When two powerful states, U.S. and Soviet
Union during the Cold War, will come into conflict and attempt to
balance each other through military buildup, alliance formation, and
sphere of influence.

In such a world, it is the Great Powers—the States with most economic

clout and, especially, military might, that are decisive. In this view
international relations is essentially a story of Great Power politics.

4. How would the degree of complex interdependence affect the

likelihood of war?

Due to the rise of complex interdependence, Global politics become

the product of more non-state actors, particularly with the increase in
Multinational Corporations and Non-governmental organization in
economic and other non-security issues.

Since states in this perspective are more economically incline, there’s

a bigger possibility that the vulnerability is the economic race of every
state. It will serve as a loophole that will create chaos; however, it will
always doff to the concept of cooperation.

5. In what way do interest groups influence foreign policy in

In democracies, where opposition is legal and allowed, and citizens
can hold their leader’s accountable for their actions through
competitive elections.

Interest groups uses the media, support the lobbying personnel, and
contribute to the campaign of their friendly politicians.

In the state level of analysis, decision makers may have persuaded the
lobbying groups to favor the adopted policy, not vice versa. Finally,
some powerful third group, like the media, may have infl uenced both
the lobbying group in question and the political decision makers to
favor a given policy. Infl uence is diffi cult to trace.

Test II
1. Large Population
2. Size and quality of its military establishment
3. Industrial Capacity
4. Natural Resources
5. Urban population
6. Steel and iron production
7. Energy consumption
8. Multinational Corporation
9. Non-governmental Organization
10. Terrorist Groups
11. Carry out policy research
12. Monitor State commitments to various international agreements
13. Participate in international negotiations about states and
business activities and positions.
14. Facilitate ratification
15. They also function in outside traditional governing structures.
16. Interstate Wars
17. Internal Wars
18. Polarity/ Unipolar
19. Bipolarity
20. Multipolarity
Test III
1. Gross Domestic Product
2. Human resources
3. Power Transition theory
4. Psychoanalytic approach
5. Operational Code
6. Standard operating Procedure
7. Registration to United Nation
8. Core Values
9. International Terrorist Groups
10. Geopolitics

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