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Initiating to contemplate sex reassignment surgery leaves you wondering about what

measures to be considered. Anyways to help you out Plastic cosmetic surgeons in

Indore have revealed some facts about the surgery. Thus, the same including what is
required, the potential positive effects and side effects of hormonal therapy, and
the types of surgery available have been discussed below.

Gender Reassignment Surgery (GRS)

Gender reassignment surgery (GRS), commonly known as sex reassignment surgery (SRS)
is performed for individuals with gender dysphoria to their identified gender.
Traditionally, the term transsexual has been used to describe a person who has
undergone some sort of gender reassignment medical or surgical treatment. This can
happen when a transgender woman changes from male to female or when a transgender
man moves from female to male.

The rationale why an individual undergoes surgery for sex reassignment

Most transgender persons experience a pronounced dissonance between their sexual
identity and their sex assignment, recognized as gender dysphoria. Gender dysphoria

can cause people to experience severe social and personal distress and impairment.
Gender role transition, hormone therapy, and sex reassignment surgery allow for
these individuals to adapt their external appearance to what they feel internally.

"Transition" to a different gender may constitute-

� Sex hormones are extracted and/or genitals and reproductive organs are
removed or changed surgically.
� Wearing clothes and living in the role of gender that is consistent without
surgery with their gender identity.

Testosterone's effects on females

Once a biological female begins to take a testosterone transition start which
includes decrease in female sexual characteristics and rise in male sexual
characteristics. Other notable effects include:

� Aggressiveness
� Enhanced sex drive
� Intensification of the voice
� Increased physical hair growth
� Number of red blood cells increases
� Growth of the beard and mustache
� Increased muscle strength and weigh
� Acne production identical to male puberty

Estrogen's effects on males

Once a biological male starts to take estrogen, improvement starts which include a
decrease in male sexual characteristics with a boost in female characteristics.
� Mood swings
� Reduced acne
� Testicles shrinking
� Missing of erection
� Minimized sex drive
� Growth of the breast
� Cleaner and smoother skin
� Reduced muscle mass and endurance

When does one feel the physical effects of hormone therapy?

After consumption of a few doses, the feminizing effects of estrogen and the
masculinizing effects of testosterone may come into sight. However, this is
true for the growth of the breasts.

Life after surgery

Undergoing gender reassignment in Indore may significantly improve your living
conditions. Moreover, studies reveal that surgical satisfaction may range from 94%

Still, today professionals involved in the treatment of gender dysphoria continue
to face major bioethical obstacles and dilemmas. An interdisciplinary approach is
needed to overcome such issues. Additionally, other sensitive issues are associated
with wellbeing of transgender youth, fertility, parenting of these individuals,
and the likelihood of regret after the irreversible part of the treatment of gender
reassignment surgery.

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