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Activity Monitoring

In the last decade, desktops, mobile and portable devices have gained
popularity in a rapid pace. Smartphone and hand held devices are part of our
daily life, be it work related need or personal use. Using devices for long hours is
harmful for health and also distracts from our everyday activities. Many times, it
happens that we may miss an important task, for example: taking medicines,
attending a meeting, returning paying the bills, etc. Activity Monitoring provides
solution to these problems.
Activity Monitoring monitors your device and notifies you when a task has to
be started or completed. Activity Monitoring alerts user when user uses his device
for a long period of time and also averts the user from distraction and also
provides tips on health and exercises.
Activity Monitoring brings you not only doing tasks remainder but also helps
maintain health and ensure’s productivity and efficiency.
System Requirements:
Hardware Requirements:
➔ Processor: Pentium 4
➔ Ram: 1GB
➔ Hard disk: 1GB

Software requirements:
➔ Operating System: Any Dos/Unix based
➔ Database: MongoDB/MySQL
➔ Programming Language : Node.js/ Java

Group Members : Batch No : 18

Vinesh Reddy : 16TK1A05A5
Akhil Reddy : 16TK1A0567
Shiva Krishna : 16TK1A05B0

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