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to kindle the hidden beauties of these places, so

Hidden beauties as to raise awareness on the living conditions of

the residents to the people who are unaware.
Criterion A
I decided to focus on Kibera, which originated as a
settlement in the forests around old-town-
60% of the Nairobian population live in the
Nairobi, inhabited by Nubian soldiers who were
disparaged areas of our beautiful home. 2.5+
given plots of the land by the whites, as awards
million people slum dwellers, only covering 6% of
after the WW1. Today, Kibera exists as the biggest
the land. Regardless of the fact that almost
slum in Africa, housing more than half of Nairobi’s
700,000+ Kenyans live jammed in only Kibera, are
population. 150,000 children living in Kibera are
faced with a range of daily struggles, minor to no
orphaned or/and born to the streets. As the
access to basic needs, I found that people living in
country progresses, the slum continues to grow
such conditions do their best to not dwell on their
and degrade and to dehumanize, characterized by
abject poverty, corruption, periodic violence and
My project expounds on exploiting the beauty and disease- as a result of the pollution toxically
ideas of the underprivileged through deteriorating the environment around.
photography. The expression of new ideas and
a large number of the residents of Kibera are
how creativity is communally celebrated is the
reduced to begging due to the lack of
basis of my project, in order to then raise
employment and opportunity to earn a living for
awareness on the stature of the subject matter.
individual wellbeing and/or provision of their
As to so, I have chosen the global context,
‘Personal & Cultural Expression’.
I took a 3-day trip back and forth to Kibera,
I named my personal project “hidden beauties” as
questioning people and their living standards and
it is about shining the candle light in the dark. My
how it affects them. The average house in Kibera
goal in this project is to change the perspective of
is a 3x3 meter shack, built with mud walls,
others on such propagated places, to kill fear and
concrete, in most cases Iron roofing and walls,
disparagement. I will be photographing different
commonly referred to as 'mabati'. A house as such
places in Nairobi, particularly the slums of the city.
would be rented out for 700 Ksh a month, and
I chose this topic because I would like to help the would house as many as eight, sleeping on the
less fortunate, help in ways I can to build a floor. Only about 30% of Kibera has electricity,
brighter future for my home, Nairobi and open and the UN-Habitat is in the process of providing
the closed-minded people around me. I believe it to some parts of Kibera – this will include street
that my project will help change the perspective lighting, security lighting and connection to
of the less-fortuned residents of Nairobi, which shacks, which costs 900 ksh per house, and in
will subsequently, hopefully shed more light on majority of cases is unaffordable for the residents.
the problems of such aspects of our society.
Kibera had no water and it had to be collected
I look at photography as the most emotional from the Nairobi dam. The dam water is not clean
branch of artistic expression. A photographer has and causes typhoid and cholera. Now there are
the ability to provoke an audience’s emotions and two mains water pipes into Kibera, one from the
precision of thought through the simple aspects of municipal council and one from the World Bank.
a photograph. Which I will be researching on. In Many residents set up buckets to collect
so saying, my goal in this project is to photograph rainwater from their roof when it rains, the
certain aspects of the undermined areas of hazards this water contains are too many to
Nairobi, that bring happiness and hope for the mention, most roofs suffer from the flying toilets
people living a tough row to hoe. This is in order and produce highly contaminated water. In most
of Kibera there are no toilet facilities. One latrine
is shared by up to 50 houses. Once full, young developing the abilities and talents of Kibera’s
boys are employed to empty, and they take the youth.
contents to the river. UN-Habitat and a few other
Such areas are the key of my project, as places like
agencies are trying to help and improve this
this brig out the beauty and light of Kibera, and
situation but it is painfully slow, because of this
morph the image of slum dwellers, to a capable
many Kiberans use the flying toilet. The flying
and talented community. The expression of love
toilet involves a person defecating in a plastic bag
and music, as well as art is vibrant in the area,
and tossing it through the air at night. these are
what I tended to notice quite often. People in
just few of the many unfortunes of the area. much
Kibera don’t sit and grieve their problems, they
attention is needed to pull out kibera and it's
make the most out of their limited lives and are
people out of the abyss of hopelessness it is in,
able to live in joy and companionship -and are
and i hope to help out with my project through
very appreciative of what they call theirs.
raising awareness.
A lot of what I learned in school, was very
It is a sad case, but also an avoidable one, but
valuable on my trip to Kibera, majority of my used
unfortunately the Kenyan government doesn’t
knowledge derived from MYP language subjects;
pay much attention to such unfortunate cases,
Swahili and language and literature. In Kibera,
subsequently birthing dangerous gangs, thieves
everyone speaks Kiswahili, or the redefined slang,
and a spawn of illegal activities going on, all in the
Cheng. Communicating to the residents was 100%
name of survival. Organizations such as DCE
of the time done in Swahili, if not, I wasn’t
(Dance Centre of Kenya) and Anno’s Africa give
speaking at all.
slum dwelling children a chance at hope for a
redefined future, outside of Kibera. People such
as Joel Kioko, fruits of such organizations, who
was born a child of the strain, who’s mother
struggled everyday to provide for he and his two
brothers, is now seen as Kenya’s most promising
male ballet dancer. Such organizations give
people hope, raise awareness of the stature of life
in the slums and lift people out of poverty, all
basing it on the individual’s personal talent.

Another example of such, is the Uweza art school,

which is both an exhibition space and art school.
It’s significant in that Kibera’s kids -in a
community of 250,000 , under constant risk of
disease and misfortune- are freely encouraged to
grow and blossom in a place that nurtures artistic
talent, without interference with their academic
life. It’s a win-win situation for the school and it’s
attendants. Why build a school in the middle of
Africa’s biggest slum? a bustling scene of
ramshackle tin houses and a dysfunctional
railroad lined with garbage? It made perfect sense
to resident Jennifer Sapitro, an American
entrepreneur and public health and international
development graduate who set up the Uweza
Foundation, an organization dedicated to

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