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I.Decide whether to use Present Tense Simple or Present Tense Continuous.

1. Sometimes Susan (to watch) science fiction films, but she normally ( to prefer) love stories.
2. Look! Mr. Cooper ( to work). He usually (to start) work at about 8 o’clock.
3. We (to go) to a football match next Saturday.
4. Can you (to answer) the phone, please, I (to have) a bath right now.
5. I never ( to eat) spinach, but we ( to have) some this evening.
6. When I (to see) him, we always (to go) to a pub.
7. We usually( to meet) when we (to go) to work.
8. Listen! Mrs. Jones (to play) the piano. You can (to hear) her very clearly.
9. When John (to sleep), he sometimes (to talk).
10. Sorry, Mr. Smith, I cannot (to speak) to you right now, because I (to be) very busy.
11. Paul and Tim (to go) to London three times a year, but next summer they (to stay) at home.
12. Occasionally he (to go) to the cinema, but he (to go) to the theatre at least once a week.
13. John (not/to be) here, he(to work) late this evening.
14. At the moment I (not/to like) fish.
15. Peter always (to sing) while he (to have) a bath.

II. Translate the following sentences.

1. Auzi! Dna Simon cânta iar la pian, cu toate că știe ca vecina ei este bolnavă și stă la pat.
2. Câteodata bătrâna doamnă nu parăsește casa toata ziua, dar azi ea își petrece toată ziua în
3. El își viziteaza ocazional fratele în Hampstead, dar altfel nu pleacă des în călătorie.
4. Lady Mary își bea ceaiul în fiecare zi la ora 17, dar majordomul Charles este bolnav. De aceea
servește Sue ceaiul astăzi.
5. Bill tocmai își învață cuvintele la franceză, cu toate că el în mod normal se joacă pe afară pe la
ora aceasta. Dar el mâine scrie o lucrare de control.
6. Iată! Aici în fotografie Susan și Mar stau tocmai la plajă.

III.Put the verb in brackets in the correct tense.

1. If I get a dog for Christmas, I (to go) for a walk every day.
2. If I had car, I (to lend) it to you.
3. If you had tried, you (to be) successful.
4. If the weather is fine, we ( to go) out.
5. If he had watched the football match on TV, he (to know) the result now.
6. He (to be) here now if the train hadn’t been late.
7. We(to go) to Spain in our next holiday if we can afford it.
8. If you (to like), I’ll get the ticket for you.
9. If we went to Spain, we (to stay) at a first-class hotel.


I.Decide whether to use Present Tense Simple or Present Tense Continuous.

1. Sometimes Susan (to watch) science fiction films, but she normally ( to prefer) love stories.
2. Look! Mr. Cooper ( to work). He usually (to start) work at about 8 o’clock.
3. We (to go) to a football match next Saturday.
4. Can you (to answer) the phone, please, I (to have) a bath right now.
5. I never ( to eat) spinach, but we ( to have) some this evening.
6. When I (to see) him, we always (to go) to a pub.
7. We usually( to meet) when we (to go) to work.
8. Listen! Mrs. Jones (to play) the piano. You can (to hear) her very clearly.
9. When John (to sleep), he sometimes (to talk).
10. Sorry, Mr. Smith, I cannot (to speak) to you right now, because I (to be) very busy.
11. Paul and Tim (to go) to London three times a year, but next summer they (to stay) at home.
12. Occasionally he (to go) to the cinema, but he (to go) to the theatre at least once a week.
13. John (not/to be) here, he(to work) late this evening.
14. At the moment I (not/to like) fish.
15. Peter always (to sing) while he (to have) a bath.

II. Translate into English:

1. Nu-l deranja pe tatăl tău acum. Tocmai îi telefoneaza președintelui.

2. El citește întotdeauna “ Financial Times”; nu știu de ce astăzi citește “Wall Street Journal”.
3. Auzi zgomotul acela? Vecinul meu exersează iarăși la vioară.
4. De obicei ne ducem la mare,însă din când în când ne petrecem vara la țară.
5. Tatăl meu nu se uită niciodată la televizor duminica.
6. Detest mulțimile, așa ca ma duc rareori la cumpărături.

III.Put the verb in brackets in the correct tense.

1. If I get a dog for Christmas, I (to go) for a walk every day.
2. If I had car, I (to lend) it to you.
3. If you had tried, you (to be) successful.
4. If the weather is fine, we ( to go) out.
5. If he had watched the football match on TV, he (to know) the result now.
6. He (to be) here now if the train hadn’t been late.
7. We(to go) to Spain in our next holiday if we can afford it.
8. If you (to like), I’ll get the ticket for you.
9. If we went to Spain, we (to stay) at a first-class hotel


I.Put in “ a”,” an” or “the”where necessary.

1. Hans had to stay in …… for 2 weeks.

2. In this photo you can see …….. Tower of London.
3. We can talk about it at ………lunch.
4. …… begins at 8 o’clock.
5. We can go by……..bus for ……..change.
6. He goes on holiday twice ……..year.
7. Mr. Moore turned ……..Socialist.

II.Put in “the” where is necessary.

1. … of Charlie Chapin was very interesting.

2. They charged us double…….price, because we were tourists.
3. Don’t be late for…….dinner.
4. When…… school begin?
5. He works at…….hospital in……Main Street.
6. …..lady over there is an actress.
7. On …….Sunday before our holidays we went to see ……grandma.

III.Fill in the gaps with either do or make .

1.What he did was terrible. He didn’t even……… apology.

2. I always …………… bed before breakfast.

3. Who’s going to…………….dinner? You or me?

4.The doctor told me I have to……………exercise regulary.

5. Would you ………… a favour and feed the cat while I’m away?

6. This cake is delicious. Did you really ………………

IV. Write a short paragraph (5-8 sentences) about your favourite city.

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