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A dose of good music and comfortable ambiance, creates and enjoyable

learning. This concept summarizes the idea and importance suggestopedia. This
monograph will specifically benefit the following:

The language teachers / teachers – through this simple monograph, they will be
able to taste and glimpse the beauty of this language approach. By doing so, they might
be able to apply some of the suggested activities enlisted or mentioned in this

The language learners – through this, the appreciation on the vitality of the Often considered to be the strangest of the so-called "humanistic approaches",

presence and ambiance of the learning environment will be achieve. ¬With this as well, suggestopedia was originally developed in the 1970s by the Bulgarian educator Georgi

the students will be able to give highlight and be updated that there are varied means Lozanov. Extravagant claims were initially made for the approach with Lozanov

as well of learning at the same time acquiring the language. himself declaring that memorization in learning through suggestopedia would be
accelerated by up to 25 times over that in conventional learning methods. The approach
attracted both wild enthusiasm in some quarters and open scorn in others. On balance,
it is probably fair to say that suggestopedia has had its day but also that certain elements
of the approach survive in today’s good practice.

The approach was based on the power of suggestion in learning, the notion
being that positive suggestion would make the learner more receptive and, in turn,
stimulate learning. Lozanov holds that a relaxed but focused state is the optimum state and lighting. After the readings of these long dialogues to the accompaniment of music,
for learning. In order to create this relaxed state in the learner and to promote positive the teacher would then make use of the dialogues for more conventional language work.
suggestion, suggestopedia makes use of music, a comfortable and relaxing In theory at least, large chunks of the dialogues would be internalized by the learners
environment, and a relationship between the teacher and the student that is akin to the during the readings due both to the relaxed and receptive state of the learners and to the
parent-child relationship. Music, in particular, is central to the approach. Unlike other positive suggestion created by the music.
methods and approaches, there is no apparent theory of language in suggestopedia and
There is, however, little evidence to support the extravagant claims of success.
no obvious order in which items of language are presented.
The more obvious criticisms lie in the fact that many people find classical music
The original form of suggestopedia presented by Lozanov consisted of the use irritating rather than stimulating (to some cultures Western music may sound
of extended dialogues, often several pages in length, accompanied by vocabulary lists discordant), the length of the dialogues and the lack of a coherent theory of language
and observations on grammatical points. Typically these dialogues would be read aloud may serve to confuse rather than to motivate, and, for purely logistic reasons, the
to the students to the accompaniment of music. The most formal of these readings, provision of comfortable armchairs and a relaxing environment will probably be
known as the "concert reading", would typically employ a memorable piece of classical beyond the means of most educational establishments.
music such as a Beethoven symphony. This would not be in the form of background
In addition the idea of a teacher reading a long (and often clearly inauthentic)
music but would be the main focus of the reading, with the teacher’s voice acting as a
dialogue aloud, with exaggerated rhythm and intonation, to the accompaniment of
counterpoint to the music. Thus the "concert reading" could be seen as a kind of
Beethoven or Mozart may well seem ridiculous to many people.
pleasurable event, with the learners free to focus on the music, the text or a combination
of the two. The rhythm and intonation of the reading would be exaggerated in order to This is not to say, however, that certain elements of the approach cannot be

fit in with the rhythm of the music. taken and incorporated into the more eclectic approach to language teaching widely in
evidence today. The use of music both in the background and as an accompaniment to
A second, less formal reading would employ a lighter, less striking piece of
certain activities can be motivating and relaxing. Attention to factors such as décor,
music, such as a piece of Baroque music, and this would take a less prominent role.
lighting and furniture is surely not a bad thing. Dialogues too have their uses. Perhaps
During both types of reading, the learners would sit in comfortable seats, armchairs
most importantly of all the ideas, creating conditions in which learners are alert and
rather than classroom chairs, in a suitably stimulating environment in terms of décor
receptive can only have a positive effect on motivation. Whether these conditions are GEORGI LOZANOV
best created by the use of classical music and the reading of dialogues is open to
questions but there is no doubt that suggestopedia has raised some interesting questions
in the areas of both learning and memory.

A native of Sofia, Bulgaria, and a medical doctor specialized in psychiatry and

psychotherapy, Dr. Lozanov has a passion for understanding how human beings learn.
This led him to travel around the world to examine examples of super memory and
learning achievements.

In 1966, he established the Suggestology Research Institute in Sofia to put his

new system of teaching into practice.

Dr. Lozanov and his colleague, Dr. Evelyna Gateva, first applied the new
methodology to the teaching of foreign languages, with astounding results. Students
learned much faster than they had under traditional teaching methods, they retained the
learning much longer, and they had a LOT more fun in class!

Suggestopedia: A New Way to Learn

Dr. Lozanov called his new methodology Suggestopedia. He developed the In the process, learners uncovered previously hidden capacities and talents,
term by combining two words: suggestion and pedagogy. Dr. Lozanov chose this name which Lozanov called the reserve capacities of the mind.
because of his fundamental concern about the influence of suggestion in teaching. In
The result was that students not only had fun learning, but that they also
doing so, he asked himself questions like:
absorbed subject matter at greatly increased rates. In fact, the results were phenomenal.
What message do we, as teachers, give our learners? That learning is easy and Students learned material 3 to 5 times faster than with “normal” teaching methods.
fun? Or that what we are teaching is so difficult they will never master the subject?
Suggestopedia Comes to North America
What beliefs do learners bring with them about what is possible for them to
Georgi Lozanov's remarkable success with the teaching of foreign languages
soon drew international attention. In 1975 Dr. Donald Schuster and Dr. Charles Gritton
How can teachers help learners move beyond their limiting beliefs and discover their formed the Society for Accelerative Learning and Teaching (SALT) at Iowa State
full human potential? University.

Suggestopedia made learning a pleasurable, natural process by: As a result, the movement in the United States became known as either
Accelerative or Accelerated Learning.
1. Incorporating music, art, role-playing and games into the curriculum. 2. Placing great
emphasis on the quality of the learning environment. The organization experienced great success as it began teaching educators how
to apply suggestion, relaxation and music to the learning process. It also readily
3. Showing teachers how to create an emotionally safe and rich environment that
absorbed new knowledge from cognitive scientists and pioneering educators.
motivates learners to expand their perspectives and increase their capacity to learn.
The Principles Expand
The Reserve Capacities of the Mind
As Dr. Lozanov was developing his methodology in Bulgaria, cognitive
Dr. Lozanov’s main concern was the mental, physical and spiritual health of the
scientists and pioneering educators in America were also making great strides in
learner. His system not only allowed students to learn without trauma and stress, but it
understanding how the brain learns.
also helped them rediscover their natural thirst for learning.
For example, Harvard professor Howard Gardner developed the theory of HOW DOES IT WORK?
Multiple Intelligences, Dr. Antonio Damasio demonstrated how critical emotions are
to learning, and University of California linguist John Grinder, in conjunction with
psychology student Richard Bandler, began laying the foundation for Neuro-Linguistic
Programming (NLP).

As a result, the Accelerated Learning movement in the United States embraced

these new learnings and incorporated them into their best practices in teaching, training
and development.

In 1994 SALT changed its name to the International Alliance for Learning in
order to fully express the foundations of this expansion.
Instead of sitting at tables and desks, students relax in comfortable armchairs
or sit on the floor while the teacher reads to them in the target language.

During the readings, the lights or often dimmed and soft music is played in the
background—usually classical music or the sounds of nature. The purpose of the
background noise is to create a peaceful mood throughout the lesson.

The teacher reads the text as if it were a concert, using dramatic voices and
gestures to capture the students’ attention. Even if much of the vocabulary is
unfamiliar, learners will be drawn into the performance and should be able to absorb
the new words using contextual clues. Because Suggestopedia is about creating a
positive and pleasant experience, students are freed from many of the negative The right classroom environment helps students relax
associations they usually have with learning.
It’s easy to downplay or forget the importance of a comfortable and secure classroom
This all sounds wonderful. But is there any real value to adding the Suggestopedia space.
method to your repertoire?
The Suggestopedia method emphasizes a safe, comfortable space in which students
Possible Benefits of Using Suggestopedia feel at ease and in which they enjoy learning. In the right environment, students feel
safe and cared about, which creates a positive learning experience.
Though we don’t have much data to support the overall effectiveness of
Suggestopedia, we do know that some aspects of it can be great for teaching Physically, they have easy access to materials and resources that they need.
language. Emotionally, they feel comfortable to take risks without fear of judgment or ridicule.
The seating arrangement, decorations, sounds and the lighting all contribute to
Music can facilitate learning
motivating students without distracting them.
Numerous studies have found that using music in the classroom, either as background
noise or as part of memorization exercises, improves learning outcomes. Reading out loud helps students learn

Music can reduce stress, assist in managing behavior and inspire creativity. It
Reading a text or a dialogue to your students, as prescribed by the Suggestopedia
also enhances concentration, making it easier for students to focus on challenging
method, is a wonderful way to pre-teach new vocabulary and review important
material at the end of a lesson.
The best teaching style is a versatile one. FluentU offers teachers a wide-range of
resources to help them engage with their students. By integrating real-world
Reading with dramatic flair, as if you were part of a theatrical performance, can make
curriculum based on news articles, music videos and other forms of popular culture
the experience more engaging and enjoyable. As a result, students are more likely to
into your lesson, you’ll turn your classroom lessons into a language-learning
pay attention.
THE DISADVANTAGES OF SUGGESTOPEDIA If you’ve spent any time in the classroom, you know that not every student is docile
enough to regard the teacher as a figure with absolute authority. Some students are
So if this method has so many benefits, why aren’t more people using Suggestopedia? more open to suggestion than others, especially as they get older, and others want to
challenge or interrogate conflicting views.
Despite its obvious advantages, Suggestopedia does have a few drawbacks. Here are
some things to consider before diving head-first into a Suggestopedia-driven lesson. Suggestopedia lacks a clear structure

Education experts now know that setting clear, linear goals is a necessary component
The wrong music can be a distraction
to successful learning.
Studies show that music can actually hinder certain tasks, including memorization.

Teachers and students need a roadmap showing where they’ve been and where
For the most part, it’s music with lyrics that cause distractions. But some students
they’re going next. However, the Suggestopedia method lacks the structure to make
also get distracted by music that they don’t particularly like. In situations like this,
this goal-setting process happen. For some students who need a more structured
Suggestopedia can do more harm than good.
learning environment, this teaching style can be confusing or downright
It’s important to keep this in mind when considering Suggestopedia as a teaching
style. After all, it’s unlikely that every student in your classroom will like the same
It’s not always feasible to use Suggestopedia
kind of music.
Depending on where you teach, it simply might not be practical to furnish your room
Suggestopedia relies on infantilization
with armchairs, special lighting and decorations. Moreover, schools that stick to a
more traditional educational model may not be receptive to adopting an unorthodox
In other words, Suggestopedia requires the student-teacher relationship to resemble
teaching method like Suggestopedia.
that of a parent and child for this method to work. The reason is that Suggestopedia
relies on the absolute authority of the teacher for the power of suggestion.
Practical Ways to Incorporate Suggestopedia in Your Classroom Remember that every detail matters: the seating, lighting, decorations and even the
location of objects like bookcases and pencil sharpeners.
Despite these drawbacks, there are a lot of benefits to using Suggestopedia. Here are
some practical workarounds to help you reap the benefits of this unusual method. Everything needs to be arranged in a way that’s comfortable and welcoming—try to
avoid clutter.
Experiment with different kinds of music

Before turning your classroom into a full-blown concert, try playing music in the While it may not be practical to give every student an armchair to sit in, you might

background during various learning activities and take note of how students respond. consider creating a comfy corner with a bookcase and a few beanbag.

Do students perform better if a classical piece is played, or does a pop song get them
more motivated?

One of my favorites is this three-hour playlist of Mozart piano pieces. Another good
choice is to play simple noises in the background, like this 12-hour track of water and
bird sounds.

Also, notice which types of activities lend themselves well to background music.
Your students may find it helps them focus during paired dialogues, but background
music could become a distraction as they read silently.

Pay attention to physical elements of your classroom

If you’ve never given the setup and decor of your classroom much thought, now’s a
great time to do it.
THE METHOD SUGGESTOPEDIA: KEY FEATURES AND EFFECTS ON increasing learning effectiveness by 15 and even 30 times rather than traditional way
Bahodirova G.K. (Republic of Uzbekistan) Email:
Lozanov says: “Suggestopedia ( in its new desuggestive development as well) is a
Bahodirova Gulnoz science for developing different non –manipulative and non-hypnotic methods for
Kamalovna – Teacher,
DEPARTMENT OF teaching / learning of foreign language and other subjects for every age group on the
PEDAGOGY AND level of reserve (potential , unused ) capacities of the brain/ mind. That means: at
least three of five times faster easier and deeper learning; inner freedom; increasing
UZBEK STATE WORLD LANGUAGES UNIVERSITY, TASHKENT, the motivation for learning; joyful learning and psycho psychological well being” [1].
Speaking from personal experience, Charles Adamson says: “In three hours we

Abstract: this paper will illustrate the concept of suggestopedia with the easy learned the Russian alphabet and, the basic sentence structures and 156 words. On the
explanations and its key features. And will provide with the information some test at the end of the class I got 98%. During the following week I did not use
essential elements in conducting suggestopedic class and also will discuss some
Russian. A week later I took up a repeat of the same test. This time I got 99, 5 %.
disadvantages of the method. The conclusion will focus on the benefits of the method
which overweight the disadvantages. Other students from the class reported similar results” [2].

Are you a teacher of a foreign language? Have you ever faced with difficulties Suggestopedic method is based on the idea that people , as they get older inhibit their
concerning memorization of new words and barriers between two languages such as learning to conform to the social norms and in order to reactive the capabilities they
patterns of language? Some people argue that these problems in language learning are used as children , teachers have to use the power of suggestion. Suggestion is
expected and ordinary things to occur. But as one Uzbek proverb says “If the way of considered to be the basic instrument on achieving success in language learning. The
doing is found, even snow can flame”, these problems also can be solved easily. If method mainly focuses on the power of the unconscious mind. But the method is
you wander how, you have to be patient and read the following article. totally different from hypnosis or placebo. Lazanov admitted that the method is not
related to the artificial Trans or pseudo-science. He claims that the more the brain is
The method in language learning called Suggestopedia created by Bulgarian educator
trained and used the stronger and smarter it will be like muscles in our body.
and psychologist Geogri Lozanov promises to make a significant effect including
The suggestopedia uses mostly non verbal forms of the learning. Lozanov has The second, nearly the most essential and having the most influence on the process,
conducted lessons on sugesstopedic lessons where the students can memorize 1000 music plays a significant role in the method. It is obligatory that during the whole
words in an hour. So how to organize a course with suggestopedic method? class the classical rhythmic music is on. The music is vital for the approach. The
approach is well done with the frequent use of baroque music. Baroque music is
Firstly, the whole course can last for a month with 3 or 4 classes in a week. There are
recommended by the creator himself, and Andrea Rohmert, who has done research on
some essential elements or key features of a sugesstopedic class. They are the
the method, recommends mostly the works of Johaan Sebastian Bach, Arcangelo
environment of the class including both equipping staff and the relations between
Coreli, Georg Freidrich Handel, johan Pachebel, Georg Philipp Telemann, Antonio
teacher student and among students. Feeling relaxed is the main factor on
Vivaldi who are considered to be members of baroque “Largo movement”. Baroque
suggestopedic learning. The rooms should be equipped with the furniture which is
“Largo” movements help the suggestopedic student to achieve a certain state of
comfortable for sitting and should be placed so that moving around the class makes
relaxation, which can increase receptivity. It is important to chose the most
no challenges for both teacher and students. It is also important that the background
appropriate music to the class (approximately 60 beats/ min), which has regular
or the surrounding of the class is decorated with the posters or art pieces which is
patterns (works made up by rhythmic and melodic variations on a theme) and has no
directly related to the target language. For instance, the posters with pictures of the
any outstanding solo instrument against whole orchestra. The composition that is used
native speakers, the most commonly used phrases and some stereotypic pictures of
for the method should have a neutral color having the same instruments playing
the target country can be useful while creating wanted atmosphere because these
during whole work. Researches by Lozanow showed that the classical music has a
visual elements have an influence on mind making both students and teachers fell that
great role in recalling or memorizing new words and vise versa if the music is not
they are native speakers and they are in place where the target language is spoken
chosen correctly the effect can be seen in decreasing the ability of recalling with the
without any distractions. Day by day the influence will increase by creating a notion
high rate of distraction on mind. So selecting the right music is also essential for the
in students mind feeling relaxed and interacting easily in the language they are
sugestopedic method. The music is played while reading materials and students are
learning. Lozanov says that the students or learners need a relaxed but focused state
told beforehand that the material is to be memorized and so total effect is increased
as the optimum state for learning.
by suggestion.
The next, third element of suggestopedic lesson is the teacher. The teacher working in relations between learner and teacher but relations among learners should be set up so
the suggestopedic method should be well qualified and certified. A broad knowledge that they could easily ask for help each other and feel comfortable and satisfied to
of the target language is also required from teacher. The materials which will be help others. Lozanov trains suggestopedic teachers though an apprentice system at
given by teacher should cover a huge amount of data and should be placed in order Lozanov’s Suggestopedic Insitute. But there are very few teachers who could use the
that every material should be learned easily basing on the previous one. Moreover the Lozanov’s system as it is laid out.
teacher should have the varying voice tone because in the structure of a suggestopedic
The method, as any others, received many criticisms from experts and non experts.
class there will be parts where teacher will read the material with a suggestic manner
Some methodologists like Tim Bowen, say that there is little evidence to support the
and with appropriate voice tones, with rising tones and normal low tones where it is
extravagant claims of success. The fact is that many educators who tried to conduct
necessary. The teacher uses both verbal and nonverbal ways of communication while
the classes find it difficult and even impossible to plan the lessons, supply the whole
reading. In a suggestiopedic lesson, there will be part called passive concert where
class with sufficient equipments. Moreover the number of students (12) and the
students take position on seats or armchairs which is comfortable for them and close
duration of the course (one month) , the cost of effectiveness of recruiting students
their eyes and listen the teacher reading any authentic or not authentic text in the
become problems to many teachers as charles adamson. Moreover, many learners
target language on a background with a classical music. Here the role of teacher is
find classic orchestra music irritating rather than inspiring. The long dialogs which
that he or she should act or read the text so that there won’t be any artificial tones
held among the staff on the background of classic music may seem to majority of
which can distract the students from listening. In addition, sugesstopedic teachers use
learners ridiculious and some people believe thet it may cause to confusion. Another
art of stage, some puppet shows and can give free drawing tasks to students to do, so
fact that makes suggestopedia unrealistic to every group of learners is lack of
the teacher should be creative too rather than traditional teacher. As it is mentioned
technical and material supplement of language teaching insitutions.Hovewer,
above the atmosphere of the class is necessary to achieve the desired success. The
suggestopedia has many drawbacks the effect acheieved by the method covers all the
relations between teacher and student should not be as a traditional including
disadventages. Attention to factors such as décor , lighting and furniture is surely not
teacher’s direct correction to all mistakes and strict behavior towards students. As the
a bad thing. Dialogues too have their uses [3]. A Some of the suggestopedic methods
feeling relaxed is main factor in suggestopedia teachers should organize the
like the fact that in clas the students take on the names, professions and personalities
communication in a parent- child or learner – consultant character. Again, not only
of native speakers [4].
Suggestopedia Based Storytelling Teaching Model for Primary Students in Salatiga that the teaching model prototype can be further developed to increase the primary
Sunardi [1] Herman J. Waluyo [2] Astini Suudi [3] Nugraheni Eko Wardani students’ story telling skill in Salatiga.

Teaching and learning speaking skills should be able to engage students in a creative Brown (2007:20) argued that one of language activities that can bring students closer
process. Students have to be able to speak in front of the class, create a dialogue, tell a to the authentic context is speaking. Storytelling, as a part of the speaking skill, is
story, and produce the language creatively. The teaching and learning of the speaking essential both in the classroom context and in the daily activities. Hence, the mastery
skill focusing on story telling ability can work well when supported by the appropriate of the skill is necessary due to its fundamental role in oral communication, including
choice of teaching method. This study attempts to: 1) identify the list of things needed in a lecture, discussion, and seminar. Yet, the biggest challenge to apply this skill is the
by teachers of primary schools to teach Bahasa Indonesia in fun and creative ways, 2) lack of courage to communicate clearly, spontaneously, and meaningfully. Due to its
design a prototype of suggestopedia based storytelling learning model to teach Bahasa importance, speaking skill must be taught as an integral part of language skills in
Indonesia in primary schools, 3) develop the prototype into a suggestopedia based primary schools. As a consequence, the mastery of the skill is compulsory for primary
storytelling learning model to teach Bahasa Indonesia in primary schools, 4) determine school students. This is closely related to the advantages of speaking skill for students,
the effectiveness of the application of suggestopedia based storytelling learning model especially primary students, which include improving students’ communication skills,
to teach Bahasa Indonesia in primary schools. This research is a model development developing virtuous characters, giving a humane touch in education, and developing
study based on the procedures by Borg and Gall. This study demonstrated that a students’ language skills (BSNP, 2007). Unfortunately, a preliminary observation in a
teaching model is created through the following steps: 1) identifying and analyzing the fifth grade classroom showed that the teaching model used in Bahasa Indonesia lesson
needs of the students and teachers, 2) designing and evaluating the model, 3) was still traditional. The teaching and learning activities was still teacher centered, and
developing and testing the model. The effectiveness test showed a significant increase did not actively engage students. As a result, students tended to passively wait for the
of 3.03 or 8.11% in the experimental group’s mean score, from 18.94 in the pretest to teacher’s instructions. In addition, they were not enthusiastic nor creative, and mostly
21.97 in the posttest. Meanwhile, the control group only experienced a 2.51 or 6.36 % silent throughout the lesson. Consequently, the condition did not optimally provide
in the mean score, from 18.50 in the pretest to 21.05 in the posttest. Hence, it can be authentic learning experiences for the students, whereby the lesson became less
concluded that the students’ story telling skill in the experiment class using the teaching meaningful and less exciting. Based on the preliminary result, it can be concluded that
method developed in this study was higher than in the control class. The result implied teachers need a new teaching model to solve the problem. The address the issue, first
of all, a need analysis should be done. According to Dick, Walter; Carey, Lou & Carey, develop their own simple teaching models. The study applied the suggestopedia
James O. (2009: 17-33) a need analysis can be administered based on the frontend teaching model prototype. Tembang dolanan , i.e. Javanese nursery rhymes, were used
analysis, which involves analyses at the beginning and at the end of the lesson to decide in the model. Some suggestive sentences were inserted in the rhymes to produce
the appropriate steps needed to address particular issues. Dick, Walter; Carey, Lou & relaxing, motivating and entertaining effects, expected to be a means for effective and
Carey, James O. (2009:22) outlined three steps to analyze the teaching and learning stimulating lesson. Based on the background, the research was aimed to address the
needs including: 1) set the standards and goals of the teaching and learning as a following issues: (a) how was the current teaching practice used in Bahasa Indonesia
reference of expected status, 2) determine the actual status of the expected teaching and lessons, and what did the students and teachers need to include in a suggestopedia based
learning process, and 3) identify the gap between the expected status and the real storytelling method in primary schools in Salatiga?; (b) how was the preliminary draft
condition. The gap, consequently, reflects the problems and needs concerning the of the suggestopedia based storytelling method used to teach Bahasa Indonesia in
education system that need to be solved. Observing the phenomenon, the writer set out primary schools in Salatiga?; (c) how was the teaching model prototype developed into
to design an alternative teaching model for the benefit of both the teachers and the the suggestopedia based storytelling method to teach Bahasa Indonesia in primary
students. This is relevant with Tucker & Stronge (2005) who believed that teachers school?; and (d) how effective was the suggestopedia based storytelling method to
need to develop a more effective teaching model. Thus, teachers should be skillful in teach Bahasa Indonesia in primary schools?
choosing the right model. The alternative model developed in this study is
suggestopedia based storytelling model, whereby each student has to work in groups TEACHING MODEL

designed accordingly to ensure that all students participate actively and effectively in
Bruce Joyce and Marsha Weil (2009:7) defined teaching model as a tool used by
the lesson. The teaching model developed in this study is essential for teachers,
teachers to help students get information, ideas, skills, values, point of view, and
students, and policy makers. For teachers, the teaching model guides the active,
purpose to express themselves. Meanwhile, Chauhan in Wahab (2008:52) explained
creative and meaningful learning. For students, it can encourage students to actively
that “model of teaching can be defined as an instructional design which describes the
perform. Also, this can encourage the students to perform actively in the lesson as well
process of specifying and producing particular environmental situations which cause
as to train students to work together as team while creating a competitive learning
the students to interact in such a way that specific change occurs in their behavior”.
atmosphere. For the policy maker, this model can hopefully stimulate teachers to
However, unlike the previous definition, Wahab (2009:52) pointed that a teaching
model developed by teachers is aimed at helping teachers to increase their competence in order to meet learning objectives. In general, a teaching model include approaches,
to recognize students and create a more stimulating learning environment needed to methods, and techniques as an integral unit. Regarding the suggestopedia based
improve the learning process. The expected final result is students’ increased ability to storytelling model, teaching scenarios have to be executed by teachers according to the
learn more effectively, whereby they become more adept to master new knowledge, prescribed procedures. Gibbs (2002) holds that an effective teachers can survive threats
skills, and content of the lesson. Furthermore, a teaching model development is needed and challenges of various teaching situations. Not only can an effective teacher cope
in an educational process. Reizer (2007:4-7) with the difficulties, but he can successfully deliver the lesson. An effective teacher is
always ready to find new solutions and try new teaching techniques, and is willing to
pointed out that teaching model development is an analysis, design, construction, take risk to try new alternatives. According to Anthony (1963), a procedural teaching
implementation, evaluation, and the management of teaching and non-teaching model should include approaches, methods, and techniques. He defined approach as a
process, including the resources needed to improve performance in various situations, set of correlative assumption concerning the nature of language teaching and learning.
educational institutions, and locations. Iskandarwassid (2010:40- 41) noted that various Meanwhile, Brown (2001:14) defined language teaching approach as a set of basic
teaching models had been developed, ranging from the simplest to the sophisticated assumptions of basic definitions regarding language, learning and teaching, which are
ones. A model is considered sophisticated when it needs a lot of teaching aids in the correlated into a basic definition of language teaching and learning. Next, Anthony
implementation. Janali in Wahyo (2007:25) explained three types of model (1963) defined a method as an overall plan on how to deliver language learning
development, including (1) theoretical model, i.e. a model that describes the framework materials in sequential order, in which there is no contradicting part, based on a certain
based on relevant theories and empirical data; (2) an analytic conceptual model, which approach. Similarly, Brown (2001:14) explained that language teaching method is a
lists the product components and shows the relations between each component with the language teaching plan. Regarding the technique, Anthony (1963) defined it as specific
other; and (3) a procedural model, which consists of steps should be taken in order to ways taken in the classroom to implement a certain method, which is in sync with a
get maximum result. Out of the three models, the current study used the procedural certain approach. In the same light, Brown (2001:14) defined a technique as a specific
model. This type describes the system to organize learning experiences through and concrete activity manifested in a language learning pattern according to certain
learning steps in order to meet the expected learning objectives. Therefore, the learning method and approach. Overall, Richard and Rodgers (1986:16) pointed out that
steps were set as a guideline for the teachers to teach the lesson. Therefore, in this study, hierarchically the order from the highest to the lowest will be approach, design, and
teaching method is defined as a systematic procedure to organize learning experiences
procedure. During the lesson, the model is combined with background music with build their understanding about numerous things outside of themselves, and started to
suggestive lyrics called suggestopedia. Suggestopedia is a strategy developed by cooperate with others. In this stage, they will benefit more when working in a creative
Lozanov, a Bulgarian psychologist. Lozanov (1978:2- 5) argued that the main factor and imaginative environment. One way to stimulate the environment is by using songs
that hindered the students’ learning, including learning language and literature, is the and stories. Kelly in Hayes (2007:14) urged the importance of nurturing students’
psychological hindrance. He believed that a successful lesson should be able to touch imagination to increase their enthusiasm to learn their surroundings. In this study,
students’ subconscious level. Fortunately, the hindrance can be eliminated by suggestive songs and stories used in the storytelling lesson are several tembang
incorporating drama, physical activities, and music in the lesson. Next, he maintained dolanan, or Javanese nursery rhymes. Students living in countries throughout Java are
that relaxation and concentration techniques should help students to open their sub mostly familiar with tembang dolanan. Moreover, tembang dolanan is also included in
consciousness and help them master more new vocabularies as well as other structures. Bahasa Indonesia national curriculum as a part of ‘local poetry’ material (BSNP, 2007).
Norland & Pruett-Said (2006:15) explained that the use of music in the classroom was Hence, tembang dolanan can be used as an instrument to encourage students to tell
proven to create relaxing ambience which improved students’ ability to absorb more stories. Further, Waluya (2008:14) explained that tembang dolanan is actually a form
information. The suggestopedia method is also known as suggestive-accelerative of Javanese poetries. In a tembang, physical and emotional structures synergize. To
learning and teaching or the Lozanov method (Meier, 2002:49). Scovel (1979: 258) compose a tembang, rules concerning the physical and emotional structures have to be
proposed several techniques to give positive suggestive effects to students, including followed. Thus, the physical structure by itself is not sufficient, as a prescribed
making them sit comfortably, playing background music during a lesson, using dim emotional structure should also be met. As a result, tembang dolanan becomes a refined
light, increasing individual participation, using posters as informational media, and literary art. Tembang dolanan can be classified as old poems. Michell (2003:150) called
providing teachers who are trained in suggestive teaching arts. Bancroft (2005) added this type of old poems that has become a part of oral tradition known as nursery rhymes.
that a relaxing teaching atmosphere is necessary. According to Nurgiyantoro (2010: 106), there is no precise information on when
tembang dolanan was composed. One thing for sure, tembang dolanan is always simple,
Furthermore, a fun learning environment is a prerequisite of this strategy. Therefore, and commonly sung by children in the rural areas. Nurgiyantoro (2010:110) identified
creating a safe and fun learning experience which is appropriate with the students’ several messages embodied in tembang dolanan, including: traditions, virtues,
development level is an essential thing to do. According to Murray & Christison politeness, moral lessons, ironies, hygiene, environmental issues, health and religiosity.
(2011:74), characteristically, primary school students of third to fifth grades start to
In general, the prominent parts of tembang dolanan are the fun, playful and humorous think creatively, be proactive, and able to self-evaluate their own products. Along with
elements that invite both the singers and the listeners to laugh. According Ras this, Covey (1997:179) claimed that to help students master the skills, lessons should
(1982:314), children generally sing tembang dolanan while playing along with their be planned based on four pillars of learning process, which are: (1) learning to know;
friends. Then, they can learn more about animals, plants, and their natural as well as (2) leaning to do; (3) learning to be; and (4) learning to live together. A meaningful
social environment through the song. Thus, despite its simple and playful nature, lesson should be started since the first minute the teacher entered the class. As Einstein
tembang dolanan is rich of meaningful lessons for life. A teaching model for primary in Chatib (2013:78) once put it, “if the idea at first is not crazy, then there is no hope
school students should incorporate the learning-while-playing principle. Roopnarine for it.” When related to learning process, this means that the first minutes of a lesson
and James E Johnson (2011:45) stated that students of primary school move from are critical for the next one hour. Hence, Meier (2001:111) stated that teachers’ first
understanding the world through kinesthetic and physical tests to the conceptual and task is encourage students and make them ready to learn. To do so, teachers can give
abstract understanding of the world. As a consequence, teaching in primary school positive suggestions to remove learning obstacles. These hindrances, among others,
should incorporate physical activities through play. Roopnarine and James E Johnson may include: (1) students’ fear of failure or public humiliation; (2) a sense that they do
(2011:425) added that teachers should provide physical and psychological spaces to not benefit anything from learning; (3) boredom; (4) lack of challenges in learning; (5)
stimulate children to create. teachers’ statement that may sound, “There are too many materials to learn within
limited time. This material is very complex and difficult. If you cannot understand this,
Uno (2008:18) argued that professional teachers must have the competence to deliver then you won’t be able to get any job.” All the hindrances should be replaced by
the lessons successfully. Hence, the currently developed model can hopefully provide positive suggestion by playing instrumental music with motivating stories or sentences
a guideline for teachers to conduct the lessons according to the students’ and teachers’ at the beginning of the lessons. The currently developed model can create a learning
needs. The student centered learning requires teachers to simultaneously be a planner, environment, which optimalizes students’ storytelling skill. This is relevant with
facilitator, motivator, mediator, and evaluator in order to create interesting and Iskandarwassid’s and Dadang’s (2011:27) statement that a well-planned lesson that is
supporting learning environment. This becomes the key component to ensure the applied in the classroom can maximize students’ potentials. In addition, Suwandi
success of the storytelling teaching model to improve students’ storytelling skill. A (2011:21) explained that lesson planning determines what, when and how the lesson
group learning must be meaningful for students. Therefore, in this research, lessons will be conducted. Therefore, an appropriate planning will ensure a maximal result.
were planned using an approach that emphasizes on students’ skills to solve problems,
The result of the storytelling lesson should be observable in each student. Therefore, which are built on previous learning experiences. Furthermore, Jensen & Nickelsen
this model should be equipped with an assessment rubric to grade the students’ (2011: 35-37) stated that all instruments of a lesson should be related with students’
performance. Suwandi (2011:45) stated that a storytelling assessment can be done learning types, i.e. visual, auditory and kinesthetic. Visual learners study through what
through intensive observation on students’ performance during the lesson, especially they see, while the auditory learners study more effectively through what they listen,
while they interact, discuss, and perform in front of the class. Nurgiyantoro (2012:406) and kinesthetic learners study through what they do and touch. Thus, in this research,
holds that a performance assessment must be able to reveal information on students’ the suggestopedia approach was used to accommodate all learning types through the
storytelling competence in an accurate and concrete way, instead of merely predicting use of tembang dolanan as both the suggestive media and the game. Losanov (1978:1)
the students’ performance. In this research, the assessment was done through observing stated that playing music during a lesson could increase the level of students’
students while they had a discussion, interacted and performed the story in front of the selfcontrol and attention. Meanwhile, in this study, tembang dolanan was used to
class. The assessment was based on the students’ activities so that the result would be stimulate students to move, sing and play roles according to the lyric of the rhyme. The
able to describe students’ overall competence. This means that the leaning process application of the approach supported by the use of media in the lesson changed the
strongly determines the success of the lesson. Therefore, learning process should be teacher’s role, from being the center of the lesson to being the facilitator). In that,
interestingly and meaningfully designed. A storytelling lesson will be more easily teachers should be able to base and function various available teaching approaches,
understood when students are equipped with strategies to apply their skill according to media, and methods optimally to create fun, passionate, and impressive learning
their level of competence and needs. Concerning with the story telling skill, experiences. This is in line with Chatif’s (2013:75) statement that a facilitator should
Nurgiantoro (2005:42) claimed that a skill course is relatively more difficult to deliver, be able to build students’ experiences. Metaphorically, a facilitator should be like a
especially to the beginners. In this study, students need to make a conversation based farmer with a bucket full of water used to water the plants. Students are like plants,
on the appropriate word choices, grammatical rules, correct pronunciation, fluent flow, which will thrive and bloom when watered, nurtured, and fertilized. Teachers’ role in
appropriate expression, and right comprehension of the story they tell to others. Piaget the learning process is combining various available sources and facilities to help
in Brown (2007:13) explained that students should learn using all of their senses and students learn something. According to Hattie (2012:23), a powerful, passionate, and
bodies. Therefore, learning as a development process should involve changes, identity accomplished teacher must be able to help student focus themselves to study, develop
revealing, and construction, their thinking and problem solving skills, appreciate new knowledge, comprehend
learning objectives, and become empathetic. The currently developed teaching model (2008) who reported that teaching models developed as a form of innovative learning
is expected to help teachers do those things. The results of the trial and the experiment could increase the targeted skills and potentials.
of the storytelling model consistently showed an increase in students’ learning and
storytelling skills. This study proved that even since the limited and large-scale trials, This study produced a teaching model. The steps used to design the storytelling

the students’ storytelling skill had increased. Further, the experiment demonstrated that teaching model were 1) exploration and library study, 2) designing a prototype of

before the study the control and the experimental group had relatively similar academic storytelling teaching model, 3) developing a prototype using limited and large-scale

performance. This was shown by the almost similar pretest score average of the two trials, and 4) testing the effectiveness of the teaching model. In the effectiveness test

groups, which was 17.96 for the control group and 17.76 for the control group. The phase, the pretest score average was 18.94 for the experimental group, and 18.50 for

posttest, on the other hand, showed a significant performance difference in the score the control group. There was only 0.44 difference between the two groups. Thus, it

averages of two groups, which was 20.74 for the experimental group and 19.99 for the could be interpreted that the two groups were not significantly different. On the

control group. Teachers’ role and effort to help students master the learning materials contrary, the posttest score average was 21.97 for the experimental group and 21.01 for

required by the essential and basic competences in the curriculum were more the control group, which showed a 0.96 difference between the two groups. Thus, the

prominent. As a result, students’ role in the experimental group was more dominant. difference in the posttest was significant. The analysis of the effectiveness test showed

Consequently, besides increasing the storytelling skill, this teaching model also that the mean increase in the experimental group, from 18.94 in the pretest and 21.97

improving self-confidence, which according to Muijs and David Reynold (2008:226) in the posttest indicated a significant increase of 3.03 or 8.11%. Whereas, the control

contributes to the students’ performance. The result of the study showed that the group only experienced a 2.51 or 6.36% increase, from 18.50 in the pretest and 21.05

suggestopedia based teaching model using authentic themes taken from students’ actual in the posttest. From the result, it can be concluded that the storytelling skill in the

experiences were more relevant to the students’ conditions, needs, interests, and experimental group was higher than in the control group. This means that the teaching

abilities. As a result, the learning was more interesting and meaningful. Consequently, model can be further developed to increase the storytelling skill of primary school

this learning environment encouraged students to learn and improve their skills, which students in Salatiga.

resulted in the higher performance in the experimental group. The finding was in line
with other studies conducted by Trianto (2005), Subyantoro (2007), and Andayani


 Bowen, Tim. “Teaching approaches: what is suggestopedia?”
 Gardner, Amy. “Everything You Need to Know About Using the
Suggestopedia Method of Teaching” .


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