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Mineral Depletion

Curing Mineral Deficiency Eliminates Diseases

Dr. Hisatake Nojima published a book in Japan called "The Mineral Deficiency Has
Been the Cause of All Modern Day Diseases and Life Style Illnesses". The title of the
book is self explanatory. He writes "If our government forces farmers to mineralize their
soils, there won't be any cancer, diabetes, and heart related illnesses. Medical facilities
will not be required other than for emergency and cosmetic surgery."

Imagine the implication of this statement. Insurance companies, government controlled

medical services, hospitals, and drug manufacturers would have to find something else
to do. Dr. Nojima showed that our body can be made whole with the use of ionic
minerals. He owns a clinic in a fashionable part of Tokyo where he cured over 4,500
stage four cancer patients in 11 years of his practice in Tokyo. As you'd expect, he was
ostracized by the medical establishment.

Dr. Robert O. Young asks a challenging question in his book "The pH Miracle": "If a fish
is sick, would you treat the fish or change the water?" Our cells are the fish. Our
lymphatic fluid is the water in the aquarium. Dr. Emoto and other researchers say that
we are water based life forms.

We must constantly replenish the stagnant water in the body. We must be using Living
Water to build healthy tissue, not the dead water supplied us by the industrial water

Can you see the connection between stagnant polluted water and aging? What then is
this "Living Water"?

If water that can cure our internal problems, as Dr. Batmanghelidj documented, what
are the minimal components to sustain life? Let us list it here:

• Oxygen – not stale, polluted air, but negative-ion-rich humidity-energized air.

• Nutrients – not dead, fried, industrial food, but nature-grown whole living foods.
• Water – not dead, chlorinated and fluoridated water, but micro-clustered
low-surface-tension water.
• Minerals – not ground up rocks or colloids, but ionic or chelated minerals.
• Circulation – not a stagnant sedentary swamp, but exercise and activity supported


If you lack:

• Calcium (Ca): Susceptibility to illnesses associated with bones. Bones can become
more easily broken and teeth become weaker. Also necessary for the neutralization of
acids in the body.

• Sodium (Na): Loss of appetite, vomiting, dehydration, low blood pressure and
dizziness. It can also be responsible for bloating due to the body hoarding its water
reserves. Necessary to neutralize acids.

• Molybdenum (Mo): Anemia, rapid breathing, higher blood pressure (pushing blood
circulation faster), decreased sexual function.

• Vanadium (V): Increases cancer risks and heart related problems. Abnormality in fat
metabolism can affect growth hormones resulting in growth associated problems.

• Germanium (Ge): Susceptibility to age associated illnesses.

• Magnesium (Mg): Fatigue (general and muscular), appetite loss, numbness in feet and
hands, tightness in muscles. It can cause irregular heartbeats, heart attacks, and other
heart related illnesses. Also necessary to neutralize acids.

• Potassium (P): Muscle weakness, increased incidence of; arthritis, high blood
pressure, irregular heart beat, as well as other heart related problems. Also necessary
to neutralize acids.

• Manganese (Mg): Dizziness, loss of balance, diabetes, weight loss, dermatitis,

unhealthy growth, impaired fertility.

• Nickel (Ni): Decreases intestinal ability to absorb nutrients and minerals. Possible
kidney/liver disease.

• Cobalt (Co): Can cause Pernicious Anemia.

• Selenium (Se): Rigidity of heart muscles, heart attacks, hardening of the arteries.
Susceptibility to cancers, lowered immune function, premature aging, lowered sexual

• Iron (Fe): Anemia, shortness of breath, fatigue, headaches, and dizziness. Menstrual
pain, excessive nervousness, loss of appetite and concentration. Problems associated
with the tongue.

• Copper (Cu): Anemia, sickly/pale skin, gray hair, and split hair ends. Heart weakness,
hardening of the arteries, impaired lymphatic circulatory function.

• Phosphorus (P): Fatigue, inability to sleep although tired, poor growth, bone

• Zinc (Zn): Dermatitis, cuts slow to heal, growth impairment, depression, change in
taste buds. Irregular menstruation reduced sexual appetite and function, impotence,
immune system suppression.

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