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Frago, Vina Q.

October 13, 2014



Rizal have fought, to free the Philippines

He is a poet, an educator, and a journalist
He mastered 23 languages, and studied medicine
He wanted to have the Filipino’s rule our own country.

He keeps on writing, and tried to accomplish his goals

To make a difference, now in our lives
Have got a compassion, perseverance and confidence
And he is helpless, strong and fair.

Rizal formed a civic movement, called La Liga Filipina

Spoke of social reforms, but disbanded by the governor
Declare as an enemy of the state, by authorities of Spanish
Because his writing were against, the Dominican Friars.

There are a lot of qualities that can describe every hero

And Jose Rizal indeed, being open minded, intelligent and hardworking
He really wanted to have freedom, in the Philippines from Spain
So that Filipino’s did not have to be controlled by the other country.

All in all, Rizal deserve to be our national hero

He’s works and sacrifices, is for us Filipino
Who would like to see, Filipino to attain our freedom
His death inflamed the hearts, of his countryman.

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