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Reaction Paper

Chosen Section in Article 3:

(8) Every child has the right to the care, assistance, and protection of the State, particularly when
his parents or guardians fail or are unable to provide him with his fundamental needs for growth,
development, and improvement.

The Good lie is a movie about a group of young people finding their way in life after a tragedy. It
is set in Sudan, where a civil war was happening, and this group of young people happened to be away
from their village when soldiers attacked their village and the people in it. In order to survive, they had to
walk innumerable miles to get to Kenya, where the refugee camp. This is the place where they spent their
lives, up until they were selected by the U.S. immigration system to be given refugee visas.

Unfortunately, the greener pasture they were expecting to have the moment they stepped in in
a refugee camp did not totally happened as desired. On the early days in the camp, many help arrived like
food, clothing, medical assistance and shelter. The Kenyan government as well as other nationals gave
these essential things for the refugees. However, as time goes by, as the government has also been
challenged because of the civil war, the camp was not a place someone would desire to live. They manage
to do things on their own, looking for food, clothing and etc. that could possibly improve their life. They
start teaching the kids in the camp with the things they are supposed to learn in school. There are also
pledged doctors helping in their community hospital.

After 13 long years, some of the refugees were given a new life in the United States. These young
people are given a new family abroad and they started a new life. Though it was challenging because of
the cultural differences, however, they started to feel that there’s hope as long as you’re breathing.
Though there were many left in the refugee camp, however, the government did not fail at all knowing
that it has sent some of the refugees to have a new life abroad.

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