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Emily Poole

September 8, 2019

Movies Over Books

Things I don’t want to forget, I tend to write them down. Not in my phone, or on my laptop, but

with a pen and paper. When having the option to type or write notes, I am the first to grab my

notebook and pen and begin to write the class lecture for the day. When writing most things

down, I tend to remember things a lot easier. When I was a child, if I wrote down my spelling

words 10 times each, I knew I was to expect a good grade on my test. As tedious as it was, it was

the best way for me to remember the words.

Over the course of the semester I want to become more confident in my writing towards

others. When writing something now, I usually write it and expect that only my professors and I

are the only ones reading it. I am usually shy when writing and never fully express the message I

want to get across to the reader. I want to become more confident in my writing habits and styles

and be able to clearly and concisely show my thoughts whether that be someone I know or not

reading it.

A time I remember struggling with writing was with my college essays. I would sit for

hours pondering about what to write about that would interest people enough to keep reading. I

began to think negatively about myself wondering if I was even interesting enough to write an

essay to qualify me for a particular college. I thought there was nothing to me, no story behind

me justbecause I hadnot gone through a tragic eventor had a life changing experience to write

about. Eventually I just disregarded my train of thought and began to run my mind freely.I wrote

about my laugh and the effect it has on people. My laugh is so unique and despite its high pitch
and loudness, it makes me who I am and differentiates me from everyone else. My laugh is

almost always contagious and gets everyone in the room to laugh along with me. I am to this day

so proud of the college essay I wrote and it truly sparked my interest and boosted my confidence

in writing.

Contrary to many, I prefer movies to books and I would rather be showed what is happening than

read it and have the freedom of imagining it in my head. After watching a movie, I enjoy reading

the book, already knowing what is going to happen in the end. I tend to always look for a laugh

in movies, which leaves me to the comedy genre. One of my all time favorites is Just Go With It,

with Adam Sandler and Jennifer Anniston being my favorite Actors and Actresses. It is the

perfect comedy and despite watching it over 100 times and on every airplane I have ever been

on, it gets me every time.

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