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SULIT NAMA : _________________________________ TAHUN 6 ___________

1jam 15 minit



1 jam 15 minit


1 Kertas soalan ini mengandungi 2 bahagian. Bahagian A dan Bahagian B.

2 Kamu dikehendaki menjawab semua soalan dalam kedua-dua bahagian ini.

3 Tiap-tiap soalan dalam Bahagian A diikuti oleh empat pilihan jawapan,iaitu A, B, C dan D.
Bagi setiap soalan, pilih satu jawapan sahaja. Hitamkan jawapan kamu pada kertas jawapan
objektif yang disediakan. Jika kamu hendak menukar jawapan, padamkan tanda yang telah
dibuat. Kemudian, hitamkan jawapan yang baharu.

4 Ceraikan Bahagian B daripada kertas soalan ini.

Kertas soalan ini mengandungi 13 halaman bercetak dan 0 halaman tidak bercetak

[ Lihat sebelah

SECTION A (20 marks)

Choose the best answer from the answers to complete the sentences.

1 The boys ______________ running for shelters when the light struck.

A was
B were
C is
D are

2 _________________ you are so helpful, let me by you a gift.

A Because
B Although
C Since
D For

3 Mother _________________ now. She _________________ three times a day.

A cooks, cooks
B is cooking, cooks
C is cooking, cook
D cook, cook

4 Do you have __________ bars of chocolate?

A some
B little
C any
D much

5 Miss Agnes likes Fatimah because she is ___________ honest girl.

A an
B the
C a
D -

Choose the most suitable proverb.
1. Syed returned the wallet that he found at the canteen to the teacher on duty.

A Better late than never

B Easier said than done

C Honesty is the best policy

D Great minds think alike

Choose the best answer for each blank.

Yesterday, Faris and his friends ____________ (7) playing football in the field.

Suddenly, Faris stumbled ____________ (8) a stone and fell down. He hurt his left

knee and it was bleeding. Faris ____________ (9) walked home. His mother cleaned

the cut on his knee and applied some ointment on it.

7 A is
B are
C was
D were

8 A on
B over
C into
D up

9 A sadly
B happily
C excitedly
D quickly
Choose the word that has the opposite meaning as the underlined word.

10 The policemen questioned the suspect for over an hour. He admitted that he was
involved in the robbery.
A agreed
B denied
C disclosed
D confessed

Choose the sentence with the correct punctuation.

11 A. “Help! Help! That man snatched my bag!” shouted the woman.

B. “Help! Help! That man snatched my bag,” shouted the woman.

C. “Help! Help, that man snatched my bag shouted the woman.

D. "Help, help, that man snatched my bag!" shouted the woman.

Choose the best answer for each blank.

After dinner, Encik Ismail and his children ____12______ in the living room. He
was reading his newspapers while ____13_____ television. His elder son, Syafiq was
sitting with his siblings while enjoying a movie. Sazali and Shima were watching a match
on television and sitting _____14______ their father. All of ______15______ were
enjoying themselves.

12 A is B are C was D were

13 A watch B watches C watching D watched

14 A behind B beside C in front of D above

15 A them B they C we D their

Read the e-mail below and answer the questions that follow.

Subject: Points for better communication

Hi Amy,

It is a good thing that you emailed me. I just read an article about better
communication a few days ago. I have some points which you can use for your essay.

First, you must stop to think before you speak. Think of what you want to say before
you say it. Once you say something, you cannot take it back. The article also said that eye
contact is important. You must look a person in the eye when you talk. This shows that you
are an honest individual. You will also get the person’s attention when you look them in the

Another point you can include in your essay is to state your opinions in simple short
sentences. This helps the listener understand your message easily. If you use difficult words
or long sentences, the listener may get confused or lose interest.

I remember another point. You must not talk all the time during conversation. You
must also listen. You need to show interest in listening to what the other person is saying as
well. I totally agree with this.

Amy, I hope the tips are useful and you can add them to the ones you already have. I
have to go now, bye.

Happy writing.
Your friend,


16 Why do you think Suzanne sent an email to Amy?

A To give Amy points about an essay
B To get Amy’s advice about an essay
C To inform Amy about an essay-writing competition
D To suggest to Amy how to be a better communicator

17 The word points can also be replaced with ______
A advice
B items
C ideas
D plans

18 When you “look at someone in the eye when you talk” ,they will ______
A understand your message
B know you are honest
C also listen to you
D not get confused

19 Simple and short sentences can _______.

A be very confusing
B be easily understood
C help for good opinions
D create interesting the topic

20 Which of the following statements did Suzane agree with?.

A Talk little and listen more
B Show the listener that you want to listen
C Talk as well as listen to the other person
D Show interest in the topic of the conversation

Section B (30 marks)
Question 21

Based on the given pictures, give the correct answers in full sentence. Write your
answers in the space provided.


a) _______________________________


2 marks


b) _______________________________


2 marks


c) _______________________________


2 marks

Read the story below and answer the questions that follow.

Johnny could not sleep. He had switched on his fan but his room was still very
warm. He tossed and turned continuously on his uncomfortable bed.

Suddenly, he heard Lassie barking fiercely. It went on for quite some time. Then
there was silence again. Johnny turned over and tried to go back to sleep. However, he
could not doze off. He had a strange feeling that something was wrong.

He decided to get up and investigate. He switched on all the lights in his house.
He went all over the house, calling Lassie’s name but it was nowhere to be seen. He
decided to search the garden for his pet.

There, in the garden, lay a huge python. In its stomach area was a big lump. Johnny
burst into tears. His Lassie was gone forever.

Tick(✓) the correct answer.

a) What was Lassie?



(1 mark)

b) The phrase “nowhere to be seen”, tells us that

Lassie was sleeping

Lassie was hiding

Johnny could not find Lassie

(1 mark)
Write your answers in the spaces provided.

c) Why couldn’t Johnny sleep?

(2 marks)

d) Why did Johnny burst into tears?

(2 marks)

e) Do you think Johnny came to a conclusion too fast? Give a reason for your answer.

(2 marks)

Questions 23

Read the text below carefully and answer the questions that follow.

What a great day! I left to Putrajaya for the first time today. I’m glad Dad decided
to take all of us to Kuala Lumpur this school holidays just so we could visit this new
capital. Once our flight touched down in Kuala Lumpur, we made our way to KL Sentral
and checked into a hotel in the city centre. Then we went to KLCC and the KL Tower. It
was amazing! The view from the KL Tower was fantastic. I could see almost the whole

Today we took the KLIA transit to Putrajaya. We got to Putrajaya in only 25
minutes. Then we hired a taxi to take us around. The taxi driver knew the place well, so
he took us to see the beautiful buildings there. He told us that Putrajaya used to be
known as Perang Besar.

Putrajaya is beautiful. There are so many parks and botanical gardens and lakes.
We took many photos. We went to see Perdana Putra. The Prime Minister’s office is in
this building. Another beautiful building is the Putrajaya International Convention Centre.
When I saw it, it reminded me of something. I said to Dad, “It looks like a cowboy hat.”
Our guide said that was exactly what the people there called it.

In the evening, we went for a lake tour and then had dinner at the nearby
Alamanda shopping centre. What a long day! Tomorrow morning, we will head south to
another historical city to continue our holiday. I can’t wait to see this city which
Parameswara discovered centuries ago.

Tick (√) the correct answer.

(a) Ronnie and his family travelled to Kuala Lumpur

By car
By taxi
By plane
(1 mark)

(b) The most suitable title for the story is

A journey to Kuala Lumpur

A journey to Putrajaya

My memorable journey
(1 mark)

Write your answer in the space provided.

(c) Why do you think they could almost see the whole city when they were in the KL

(2 marks)

(d) Where is the Prime Minister’s office located?


(e) State TWO interesting places in Putrajaya as mentioned in the text.


Read the text and answer the questions that follow.

Questions 24 and 25
Tick (√ ) the correct answer.

24 a. Which line tells us that we must respect other’s right?

He / She is helpful and considerate, willing to put others first

He / She is someone who respect others and their property
He / She is well mannered and pleasant
He / She respects the environment and does not damage it in any way

(1 mark)

b. What do you think the phrase ‘not in a position to help themselves’ means?

People who are helpless or need other’s help

People who are helpful
People who like to help others
People who do not like helping others

(1 mark)

25 (a) Can you give an example of a good citizen? Why do you say so about him or

(2 marks)

(b).Give two qualities from the text above that a pupil should have.


(2 marks)


Being helpful and considerate, willing to put others first.

What will you do?

(2 marks)



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