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Drug Dosage/ Classification Indication Contraindica- Side Effects Nursing

Route tion Responsibilities

TRADE Available Pharmacologic -to induce or -hypersensitive CV:  Continuously monitor

NAME: Forms: Class: stimulate to drug when Hypertension, contractions, fetal
labor vaginal delivery increased heart and maternal heart
Oxytocin 10 units/ml in Posterior is advised rate, systemic rate, and maternal
1ml ampule, vial pituitary venous return, blood pressure and
or syringe in hormone - cephalopelvic cardiac output ECG. Discontinue
compatible IV disproportion is infusion if uterine
solution. Therpeutic present GI: Nausea, hyperactivity occurs.
Class: vomiting
-when delivery  Monitor patient
Uterine-active requires RESPIRATORY: extremely closely
agent conversion as Anoxia, asphyxia during first and
in transverse lie second stages of
OTHERS: labor because of risk
Low APGAR of cervical laceration,
score at 5 mins. uterine rupture and
maternal and fetal

 Assess fluid intake

and output. Watch for
signs and symptoms
of water intoxication.

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