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Reach Out

A pleasant morning to everyone. Please lend me your ears for a while as I go along my
speech. I want to grab this opportunity to tell you a short story about how my parents raise me
on who I am today. I was just a typical girl who experience how happy and terrible life can be.
As the days go by I observe what life really is. It’s not all about playing games with your
playmate, watching cartoons all day or being carefree. It’s not all about being happy. Along
your journey, there you will see how life can bring you down. They say it’s hard to be so happy
because tomorrow you might cry. It is because if you will not experience being a failure or being
sad you will never know the feeling of happiness. When I experienced such thing my mama was
there to comfort me, she is not an ordinary mother, she is also my best friend and a shoulder to
cry on in short she can be anything you could asked for. She said to me that I am at the process
of being a lady. That all of the struggles and challenges that I will face will try to tear me down
but it is up to me if I will choose to fight or I will surrender thus at the end of the day I will be
left with no choice but to fight because that is what life is. You need to be brave and strong to
fight to what hinders you through happiness because if you surrender you will never know the
feeling of victory against all odds. My papa, who is my idol for being determined and strong,
also told me to be humble. He told me that not all battles are worth fighting for. There are
some instances that I need to accept the fact of losing because it will lead me through the real
meaning of happiness. Truth will set us free. Why embrace the lie if it is hurting you? Why insist
yourself to those who can’t see your worth? Why do you need to push yourself to the things
you don’t want to do? Why are you still fighting if you already knew that you will lose? It is
because you want to show them that you can and you are willing to take the risk to prove
yourself. My parents told me, it’s not bad to love yourself. They taught me to see beauty in
simple things and be happy without depending on anyone. They taught me on how to be
contented because happiness is achieved from contentedness. Before I end this speech, I will
share one of my favourite bible verses, Psalm 55:22, “God is greater than the burdens you are
carrying. Cast your burden upon the Lord and He will sustain you.” I also want to tell you all to
reach out. Reach out to your parents about what you are feeling because believe me the best
advice will came from them. Thank you for listening. God bless us all.

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