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Communication Skills and Report Writing

BS Computer Science Course Code/Title: CSENG-1102

Final Examination Summer 2019 Semester -II

Time Allowed: 2 hrs Max. Marks: 48

Name: ____________________________ Roll No.:_____________________ Section: ______

Attempt any four questions:

Q1) Define communication. Draw the model of communication process. Explain it with
examples. (12 marks)
Q 2) a. Write down the advantages and disadvantages of using emails. (6 marks)
b). Briefly explain the elements of consideration and concreteness for effective
communication. (3+3= 6 marks)
Q.3) Why are Reports written? Write a report on any issue of your interest. (12 marks)
Q.4 Briefly explain the following statements with an example for each. (2x6=12marks)
1. Communication is a two way process.
2. Effective communication facilitates the decision making process in any organization.
3. Effective communication can improve the employees’ performance.
4. Conciseness contributes to emphasis for effective communication.
5. To organize information in a logical manner is mandatory to achieve the desired goals.
6. Cultural difference leads to difference in interest, knowledge, values and traditions; one
should pay attention for effective communication.
Q5.Write a letter to a customer about an order that cannot be delivered exactly the way the
customer wanted. Some items are being sent; one item cannot be shipped because the customer
did not provide the needed information and one item is no longer available/ is out of stock. Please
ensure that all mandatory parts of the letter are included while writing the letter.
(12 marks)

Communication Skills and Report Writing

BS Computer Science Course Code/Title: CSENG-1102

Final Examination Summer 2019 Semester -II

Time Allowed: 20 Minutes Max. Marks:12

Name: ____________________________ Roll No.:_____________________ Section: ______

Attempt all questions.

Q1. Write ‘true’ or ‘false’ for the following statements: (6 Marks)

1. Using gender –neutral words is a way of avoiding discriminatory writing.

2. Formal reports are written just to maintain a record of failures or success of the organizations.
3. The increased use of text messaging in business communication is causing a lot of
communication problems for the staff.
4. Memos used to be the internal letters. Presently, email is taking over memos for internal
5. The quickest form of communication is talking face to face.
6. While writing a formal email mentioning the subject is not mandatory.

Q2. Tick the right answer. (6 Marks)

1. Non- verbal communication is:

a) Facial expressions
b) Body language
c) Paralanguage
d) All of the above
2. Characteristics of a good business report are:

a) Accurate and reliable data

b) Clarity and conciseness
c) Subjectively written
d) A and B both

3. Emails should be used when:

a) The message is emotionally charged and requires feedback.

b) Message is long, complicated, or requires negotiations.
c) Message or information is quite clear.
d) The information is confidential and sensitive, or could be misinterpreted.

4. An example of secondary data is

a) Questionnaire
b) Survey
c) Interview
d) None of the above

5. Effective communication takes place when:

a) The message is sent, interpreted and replied to correctly

b) The message is received and feedback given
c) Both parties are happy
d) None of the above

6. Main purpose of public speaking is:

a) To inform
b) To persuade
c) To entertain
d) All of the above

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