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1. Write the third person singular of the verbs in the list in the correct box. Scrie
persoana a treia a verbelor din listă în căsuta corespunzătoare.

dance / brush / cry / swim / run / miss / go / try / buy / put / kiss / like / catch / wash / watch / play / sit /
fly / study / teach / pay / pass / begin / say / eat / drink / sing / paint / make / listen / mix / climb / jump
-s -es -ies
dances brushes cries

2. Write affirmative, negative and interrogative sentences as in the examples.

Scrie propozitii afirmative, negative și interogative ca în exemple.


Peter / run. (?) → Does Peter run?

Mum / eat. (+) → Mum eats.
I / drink. (-) → I don’t drink.

℘ The birds / fly. (-).


℘ Monique / cry. (+)


℘ We / read a book. (?)


℘ My father / swim / in the pool. (+)


℘ They / drink milk. (+)


℘ You / watch TV. (+)


℘ My best friend / study in the room. (-)


℘ Daniel / work in the garden. (?)


℘ Mike / draw a portrait. (-)


3. Write negative sentences. Scrie propozitii negative.

℘ I live in Spain with my mum.


℘ I play football every evening.


℘ We go to school by bus every morning.


℘ Mary likes French.


℘ John and Mary speak English.


℘ Mark watches films on TV.


℘ Tom plays basketball every summer.


℘ My cat eats fish and drinks milk.


℘ We go to the cinema.


4. Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the verbs in brackets. Competează
spatiile libere cu forma corectă a verbului din paranteză.

℘ Mark (wake) _____________________ up at seven o’clock.

℘ Does Mark (play) _____________________ handball in the evening?

℘ Ann (go) _____________________ to the bathroom and (wash) her face every morning.

℘ _____________________ Ann (prepare) _____________________ breakfast for her and her


℘ Everyday Ann (take) _____________________ her dog for a walk in the park.

℘ _____________________ they (go) _____________________ for a walk in the park near their

℘ Ann’s grandmother (drink) _____________________ a cup of coffee in the morning.

℘ Mark (brush) _____________________ his teeth in the morning.

℘ _____________________ Ann (go) _____________________ to bed at 10 o’clock?

5. Write the following sentences in the interrogative form. Then answer the
questions. Scrie propozitiile următoare la forma interogativă. Apoi răspunde la întrebări.

You / eat / meat.
Do you eat meat?
Yes, I eat meat.

℘ He / play / football / in the school team.


No, _____________________.

℘ Mark / take / his sister home.


Yes, _____________________.

℘ Sue / speak German.


No, _____________________.

℘ They / stay out late / every night.


No, _____________________.

℘ You / work / on the computer / every weekend.


No, _____________________.

6. Complete the sentences with do, does, don’t or doesn’t. Completează

propozitiile cu do, does, don’t, doesn’t.

Do you like apples? → Yes, I do.

℘ ____________ he play football? → No, he ____________.

℘ ____________ they speak French? → Yes, they ____________

℘ ____________ you like ice cream? → Yes, I ____________.

℘ ____________ Mary play a computer game? → No, she ____________.

℘ ____________ you swim? → Yes, I ____________.

℘ ____________ she visit her grandparents? → No, she ____________.

℘ ____________ they walk to school every day? → Yes, they ____________.

℘ ____________ Mary play tennis? → No, she ____________.

℘ ____________ it climb? → Yes, it ____________.

7. Translate into English. Tradu în engleză.

℘ Fratele meu merge în parc în fiecare zi.


℘ Eu înot în fiecare vară.


℘ Bunica mănâncă înghețată în fiecare seară.


℘ Ei se uită la televizor în fiecare zi.


℘ Pisica bea lapte în fiecare dimineață.


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