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Scrieti verbul din paranteze la timpul viitor simplu, cu "will" (Future Tense), in acord cu subiectul.

1. I ___ (to study)

2. You ___ (to start)

3. We ___ (to dance)

4. He ___ (to sing)

5. They ___ (to write)

6. She ___ (to cook)

7. It ___ here (to be)

8. My brother ___ tomorrow. (to leave)

9. The airplanes ___ fast. (to fly)

10. The painter ___ a brush. (to get)

11. You ___ in the park. (to run)

12. It ___ three windows. (to have)

13. She ___ my homework. (to do)

14. I ___ some nuts. (to eat)

15. You ___ a green shirt. (to wear)

16. I ___ 2 hours. (to wait )

- Treceti fiecare propozitie la forma specificata intre paranteze. Pentru ca raspunsul sa fie corect, la
negativ folositi forma prescurtata: "won't", iar propozitiile interogative terminati-le cu semnul
intrebarii (?).
1. I will stop there. (interogativ)

2. We'll find. (negativ)

3. You will walk. (interogativ)

4. It will stop. (interogativ)

5. He will have a white car. (negativ)

6. They will eat many chocolates. (negativ)

7. She will cook salads. (interogativ)

8. George will write a book. (negativ)

9. You will go to zoo. (interogativ)

10. I will see a tiger. (negativ)

11. The turtles will run slow. (negativ)

12. We'll make the bed. (interogativ)

Traduceti urmatoarele propozitii folosind Viitorul Simplu, cu "will" (In limba romana fara
Pentru negatie folositi forma prescurtata.
1. Eu voi merge acasa.

2. Veti desena?

3. Diana won't sing.

4. The life will be beautiful.

5. Noi nu vom povesti (spune).

6. This cart will dissapear.

7. Unde veti locui?

8. Veti semna acolo?

9. My mother will come.

10. Nu voi mai face iar.

11. Va zbura? (el /ea, neutru)

12. I won't repeat.

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