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I. Completati spatiile libere cu prepozitii de loc sau directie:

1. I live ______ 53, Franklin street. My flat is ________ the 10th floor.

2. The tallest building ______ the world is _______ New York.

3. Father drove ________ the corner slowly, while I went ______ the

4. We’ll leave ______ Brasov tomorrow.

5. They'll stop _______ Paris _______ their way _______ London.

6. They ran _______ school.

7. We went _______ Oradea ______ a business trip last week.

8. Peter isn't ________ home. He must be _______ school.

9. They arrived ___________ cinema early.

10. My uncle drove ______ me _______ his car, but he didn't see me.

11. The coins fell _________ his pocket.

12. She carried the box _______ the stairs ________ her room.

13. Let's sit ________ the sun.

14. He leant __________ the wall.

15. Don't go __________ the street on a red light.

II. Completati spatiile libere cu prepozitii de timp sau durata:

1. I’ll be in the country __________ July _______ September.

2. They travelled ________ the day and slept ______ night.

3. Eminescu was born _______ January 15, 1850.

4. He came ________10 o’clock _________ the same time with his friend.

5. It is very hot here _______ summer.

6. I phoned all my friends _________ New Year's Day.

7. We go to school _______the morning.

8. I hope I'll have finished my homework ______ 9 o'clock.

9. We stayed at home _______ the weekends.

10. I've been living in Bucharest ________ ten years.

11. They'll be here _________ ten minutes.

12. The manager won't be back ________ later this afternoon.

13. School begins _______ September and ends ________ July.

14. I didn't understand him ___________ first.

III. Traduceti in limba engleza:

1. La ce te uiti? 2. El se uita pe fereastra. 3. Pe cine astepti? 4. Cat e ora dupa

ceasul tau? 5. Hai sa mergem la plimbare. 6. E in spital de doua saptamani. 7.
De ce ti-e teama? El e intotdeauna amabil cu pacientii. Ii sunt recunoscator
pentru serviciul pe care mil-a facut. 9. L-am felicitat pentru succesul sau. 10.
Tremura de frig. 11. Nu ma minti! 12. Dimineata s-au plimbat prin oras, dupa-
amiaza au stat acasa. 13. Cursul a durat o luna intreaga. 14. Au pornit-o spre
rau. 15. Sedinta a inceput la ora 11 dimineata si a durat pana la ora 2 dupa-
amiaza. 16. A fost plecat in timpul vacantei. 17. Au calatorit ca de obicei. 1 Tine
o conferinta despre arta contemporana. 19. Tabloul a fost pictat in ulei, nu in
acuarela. 20. E un program bun la televizor diseara.

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