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All of these are Homeopathic methods.

Arsenic Album: It is an excellent remedy in homeopathic treatment for Achalasia

Cardia with symptoms like dyspepsia, heartburn, and dysphagia. Everything patient
swallows seems to have lodged in the esophagus.

Baptisia: This is a wonderful remedy in homeopathic treatment of Achalasia Cardia

with dyspepsia and dysphagia accompanied muscular soreness. Patient can only
swallow liquids and often vomits due to spasm of esophagus.

Ignatia: Patient feels a lump like sensation in the throat that cannot be
swallowed. Difficulty in swallowing with tendency to choke. Patient feels better
when swallowing solids and finds liquids harder to swallow. It is a leading remedy
in homeopathic treatment for Achalasia Cardia.

Asafoetida: Indicated remedy for spasmodic contraction of esophagus and stomach

with reversed peristalsis in homeopathic treatment for Achalasia Cardia. Globus
hystericus - sensation of a ball rising in throat with a feeling as if esophagus
were driven from stomach to throat.

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