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effective cure of  Diabetes ( sugar ) following  Homeopathic combination is best in mother
tincture  :--
OCIMUM SANCTUM  or  Tulsi  ( shyam ) 
TERMINALIA ARJUNA or   Arjun chhal
CINAMOMUM  or  Dalchini 
How to take ?
Start  above process 1 hour before taking meals.  Take 10 drops of  first medicine then 10 of
next and so on after 10 minutes each strictly in above order  . So if you will have lunch , say , at
1 pm  medicine should be taken  at 12.10 , 12.20 , 12.30 , 12.40  and 12.50 . After taking meals ,
dose of   no. 5 i.e. SYZYGIUM JAMBOLANUM or   Jamun should be repeated. Other precautions
i) not to delay evening meal ( best is at  7 pm )
ii) sugar-free cup of milk at 9 pm
iii) no sweet / potato  etc
iv ) Yoga / asanas and exercise in the morning  and light breakfast after that . Paranthas/ Puris /
eggs / meat / fish / alcohol  are a strict NO NO  for diabetics.
v) weekly tablet of Liv52  or Devbati  keeps the liver  intact and life of  Diabetic patient is
prolonged.  Trifala (  with  Aleovera  and Ghiya / Louki  ras ) takes care of eyes and gas problems " 3 idiots " and acidity 

ABROMA AUGUSTA Q - Abroma Augusta is the top Homeopathic medicine to

treat Diabetes Mellitus. Its use is highly recommended in those patients who are losing flesh
and suffer from extreme weakness due to Diabetes Mellitus. The patients who can greatly
benefit from this Homeopathic medicine have an increased thirst with dryness of mouth. They
also have an increased appetite and the urination is very frequent day and night. Excessive
weakness is felt after urination. Homeopathic medicine Abroma Augusta is also of great help in
treating sleeplessness in a person with Diabetes. Another sphere in which this Homeopathic
remedy yields good results is skin complaints like boils and carbuncles in a diabetic patient.
Burning sensation in the whole body is a prominent general symptom that can be found in
persons requiring Abroma Augusta

CEPHALANDRA INDICA Q- A specific remedy for diabetes. Dryness of mouth. Great thirst for
large quantities of cold water

PHOSPHORUS 200--Phosphorus is a Homeopathic medicine of great help for treating Diabetes

Mellitus, though its use depends completely on the constitutional symptoms of the
patient. Homeopathic medicine Phosphorus is a remedy of great help for weakness of vision
in a diabetic patient

RHUS AROMATICA Q- Rhus aromatic is an effective remedy for diabetes. Passing large
quantities of urine of low specific gravity

SYZYGIUM JAMBOLANUM Q-Syzygium Jambolanum is among the best Homeopathic remedies

for the treatment of Diabetes Mellitus. It acts promptly and efficiently in decreasing the sugar
levels. Excessive thirst and excessive urination are always present in the patient. Homeopathic
medicine Syzygium Jambolanum also gives wonderful results in treatment of long-standing
ulcers in a diabetic patient

PHASEOLUS 3X—Diabetes with heart disease

PHOSPHORIC ACID Q-Phosphoric Acid is an excellent Homeopathic remedy for extreme

weakness, either mental or physical, in a diabetic patient. Such patients feel exhausted all the
time. They have a weak memory and are forgetful. Some sort of history of grief may be found in
patients requiring this Homeopathic medicine. For numbness of feet in patients
of Diabetes Mellitus, Phosphoric Acid is the best Homeopathic remedy

MEMORDICA CHARANTIA Q- An excellent specific remedy for diabetes.

GYMNEMA SYLVESTRE Q--Gymnema Sylvestre is a Homeopathic medicine of great help for

patients of Diabetes Mellitus who are losing weight with weakness and exhaustion. In such
patients, this Homeopathic remedy works as a tonic resulting in improvement of overall health.
With Homeopathic medicine Gymnema Sylvestre,the patient puts on weight and feels

URANIUM NITRICUM 3X- Diabetes with weakness and losing flesh


SECALE COR 30- An excellent remedy for diabetic gangrene . Dry gangrene of toe. Dusky blue
tinge. Skin feels cold to touch yet covering not tolerated. Warmth aggravatio

ARSENICUM ALBUM 30- Diabetic gangrene. Burning and soreness , relieved by warmth. Fetid
smell from the wound. Restlessness

APIS MELLIFICA 30-Spreading cellulitis with burning stinging pain. Sensitive. Blebs are seen

ANTIMONIUM CRUDUM 30- Callosities are seen. Dry gangrene

CARBO VEGETABIS 30- Carbuncles and boils becomes gangrenous. Wet , purple and icy cold
gangrene.Moist gangrene. There is great prostration

HEPAR SULPH 30- Blebs are seen. Very sensitive to touch

LACHESIS 200- Bluish purple surroundings around gangrene. Traumatic

RHUS TOX 30- Spreading cellulitis

SULPHURIC ACID-30- Blue and purple surroundings of the gangrene. Bleeding under the skin

THIOSINAMINUM 30-Specific for callosities. Dry gangrene

TARENTULA CUB 30- Painful and inflamed abscess with a tendency to gangrene

ECHINACEA Q- Emitting a foul smell from gangrene . 5 drops in a little of water every 2 hours .
Externally wash with a Echinacea lotion. It act as a cleaning and antiseptic agent.


LYCOPODIUM CLAVATUM 30—Lycopodium is an effective remedy for diabetic nephropathy.

Urine scanty , cries before urinating, red sand in urine, must strain, suppressed or retained.
Urine milky and turbid. Sometimes haematuria . Urine is burning and hot. The right kidney is
mainly affected. The patient experiences impotency.The patient likes warm food and drink, also
there is intense craving for sweets.
SERUM ANGUILLAE 6X—Serum Anguilae is one of the best remedies for diabetes nephropathy.
It is very effective in acute nephritis. Kidney failure. It is prescribed when hypertension and
oliguria without oedema is present. Urine contains albumin.

ARALIA HISPIDA 30-Aralia hispida is found to be effective for diabetes nephropathy. There is
dropsy of renal origin. Urinary tract infection is present. Urine is scanty leading to complete
suppression of urine. Renal diseases with constipation.

AMPELOPSIS QUINQUEFOLIA 30- Ampelopsis quinquefolia is another effective remedy for

diabetes nephropathy. There is uraemia or uremic coma. Vomiting, purging, tenesmus , cold
sweat and collapse are the leading symptoms. 

CUPRUM ARSENITUM 3x-Cuprum ars is also a very effective remedy for diabetes nephropathy.
There is kidney inefficiency and uremia. The urine smell like garlic. Urine of high specific gravity
increased, acetones and diacetic acid.

CUPRUM ACETICUM 3X- In Cuprum aceticum the tongue is pale , coated with lot of mucus.
Anemia. Pulse rapid. The patient is chilly. Breathlessness with dry cough. Cannot eat or drink
without retching.

ARSENICUM ALBUM- 30-Arsenic alb. Is also an effective remedy for diabetes nephropathy.
Urine is scanty, burning when urinating. Albuminuria. Epithelial cells, cylindrical clots of fibrin
and globules of pus and blood in urine. Feeling weakness in abdomen after urination. Retention
of urine. Urine black as if mixed with dung.

Diabetes mellitus is a chronic condition wherein the body doesn’t

metabolise sugar properly. Insulin, a hormone produced by the pancreas, is responsible for
carrying the sugar or glucose, from the bloodstream to the individual cells. When the
pancreas fails to produce insulin, glucose builds up in your bloodstream and enters your
urine. Homeopathy focuses on the overall health of the individual. Homeopathic medicines
for diabetes include:

1. Abroma Augusta: This homeopathic medicine is best for diabetics who have weak
muscles, increased appetites and frequent urination.

2. Phosphorus: If symptoms include weak vision, Phosphorus is the best remedy for it.

3. Syzygium Jambolanum: This is one of the best homeopathic remedies for diabetes

mellitus. It acts efficiently and promptly in lowering sugar levels.

4. Phosphoric acid: If you feel exhausted or weak all the time, either physically or mentally,
then Phosphoric acid is beneficial. Weak memory, forgetfulness and numb feet are also
treated with Phosphoric acid.
5. Gymnema Sylvestre: Sometimes, diabetics drastically lose weight and have low energy
levels. Gymnema Sylvestre is an excellent remedy for such symptoms.

Sometimes one or more homeopathic medicines may be combined to treat symptoms of

diabeties. Some common combinations include:

1. Lachesis, Arnica, Belladonna and Phosphorus are combined in a treatment to treat

retinopathy, which is damage to the eyes caused by diabetes.

2. Serum Anguillae, Arsenic Album and Lycopodium are used together to treat kidney
damage (nephropathy) in diabetics.

3. Helonias, Sulphur and Phosphoric acid are taken to deal with neuropathy  or nerve
problems such as numbness in feet and hands.

4. Syzygium Jambolanum is combined with Secale Cornutum to treat skin ulcers, which is a
common problem among diabetics.

5. For people suffering from constipation due to diabetes, Natrum Sulph, Defloratum and

Carlsbad are the best medicines.

6. To improve weak memory, Phosphoric acid, Nux Vom and Kali Phos are the best remedies
for diabetics.

7. Sometimes diabetics complain of extreme, incapacitating weakness. To improve energy

and boost overall health, Carbo Veg, Phosphoric acid, Phosphorus and Arsenic Album are

Dibonil Drop: 20 Drops before 1 hour of meal.

Syzygium Jambolanum θ (Mother Tincture)/ 1X (Schawabe)- Jamun : Two Tablets after 1 hour
after meal.

Homoeopathy can be used effectively in the treatment of diabetes. Here we

mainlyconcentrate on functioning of the pancreas in efficient insulin production. Medicines
such as Helonias 200, Iodum 200, Syzygium Jambolanum θ (Mother Tincture) are used by us
effectively in the treatment of all the stages of the diseases.

Natrum Sulph, which is made of two elements i.e. Sodium and Sulphur, has the ability to
produce important internal body changes. It is intimately related to the liver and is very useful
in diabetes. Natrum Sulph given once or twice a week, in potency 200, along with Calcarea
Phos, Kali Phos and Natrum Phos, three to four times a day in 6X potency, has proven to be a
widely effective formula for diabetes. Sometimes all these four remedies can be given in 6X
potency with good results.

Natrum Sulph is also the best remedy for asthma, particularly in those patients, whose asthma
becomes worse in humid weather. It starts with the nasal catarrh, which soon becomes worse
and then invades the chest, leading to the onset of asthma. The cough with a lot of phlegm is
accompanied by severe difficulty in breathing. The phlegm (expectoration) is whitish and sticky.
The patient becomes short of breath on slight movement or walking.

Natrum Sulph given regularly can even dissolve stones in the gal bladder. The other important
remedy for this disease is Lycopodium in 200 potency, which with Chelidonium 30, should be
given three times a day. If the stomach becomes distended with gas and there are griping
pains or the abdominal glands have become enlarged and hardened, then also, Natrum Sulph is
very beneficial.

(Spanish Spider)

Due to persistent grief and anxiety, a patient may contractdiabetes. In such a situation,
associated with aching of the arms and legs, Tarentula is very useful. It may not just offer
temporary relief but may even result in a complete cure.
(Phosphate of Sodium)
Natrum Phos is a compound present in the blood, muscles, nerves, brain tissue and various
secretions of the human body. It keeps the sugar level balanced and is very good for the
treatment of high blood sugar. However, its general symptoms include nervous tension and
its related ill effects, mental disposition, fear and anger. Furthermore, Natrum Phos is very
effective against the diseases resulting from moral transgression and inappropriate sexual
conduct during the youthful years. Usually it is given in 6X potency. If the desired
results are not produced with 6X, then it becomes necessary to give the remedy in potency 30
or 200 or sometimes even in higher potency.

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