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Balsam Apple: A tool for Diabetes, Cancer, and Skin Conditions against


Chapter II

Herbal remedies have been used for huge number of years like conventional
medicine. In fact, herbal medicine is the establishment of modern medicine. This
medicine also has very less herbal side effects. Tragically, herbal medicine usually
takes a backseat when compared with conventional drug therapy, which is a shame
since herbal remedies offer lots of health benefits. In today’s world, herbal medicine
most part used to treating intense and constant sicknesses. Most individuals prefer to
use herbal medicines because it is more affordable than conventional medicine and
easier to obtain than prescription medicine. Herbal medicines can also stabilize
hormones and metabolism. It has fewer side effects, and can help your illness to heal

The balsam apple or momordica charantia has a non-nitrogenous neutral principle

charantin, and on hydrolysis gives glucose and a sterol. The fruit pulp of momordica
charantia has soluble pectin but no free pectic acid. Galactouronic acid is also obtained
from the pulp. Momordica charantia fruits glycosides, saponins, alkaloids, reducing
sugars, resins, phenolic constituents, fixed oil and free acids. The presence of an
unidentified alkaloid and 5-hydroxytryotamine is also reported. The 5HT content is
reported to be present. The ether extract residue of the alcoholic concentrate from the
leaves of Momordica charantia is reported to reveal hypoglycemic activity comparable
to that of tolbutamide. The pure protein termed as P-insulin extracted from momordica
charantia fruits in crystalline form is also tested.

Balsam apple is a valuable vegetable. It is mostly used in metabolic and

physiological processes of the human body. It has the following properties that make it
useful and beneficial. First, balsam apple is composed of various chemicals that have a
hypoglycemic activity, i.e. they reduce the amount of sugar in the blood. Second,
balsam apple stimulates appetite. Third, balsam apple helps in the entire digestion
process. Hence it is used in treatment of digestive problems. Fourth, balsam apple has
emetic, purgative and anthelmentic properties. And it is also anti-flatulent. Fifth, balsam
apple is used in the dissolution of fats from the body. It is known to have anti-lipolytic
properties. Sixth, balsam apple possesses all the essential vitamins in good amounts,
such as vitamin A, thiamine, riboflavin, vitamin C and also minerals like iron. Seventh,
balsam apple is anti-inflammatory and astringent. And it has specific action on the
movement of bowel.

The other contains of Balsam apple are it is rich in nutrients like thiamine, beta
carotene, foliate, riboflavin and minerals like calcium, iron, phosphorus, manganese,
potassium, magnesium, zinc and dietary fiber. The regular use of balsam apple juice
boosts body stamina and prevents chronic fatigue. The beta-carotene content in balsam
apple helps in controlling eye disorders and enhances eyesight. The other benefits of
Balsam apple are: it stimulates a sluggish digestive system and treats dyspepsia.
However, since it promotes secretion of acid, it may make an existing ulcerous condition
worse. In addition, scientific studies show that fresh juice of balsam apple can lower
blood sugar values and keep insulin under check. The hypoglycemic (blood sugar
lowering) action is due to the presence of a unique phyto-constituent called charantin,
insulin-like peptides, and alkaloids, all of which act together to improve glucose
tolerance without increasing blood insulin levels. These compounds activate a protein
called AMPK, which regulates fuel metabolism and enables glucose uptake, processes
which are impaired in diabetics. Balsam apple has been found to increase the number
of insulin-secreting beta cells in the pancreas. Multiple clinical studies have documented
the efficacy of balsam apple, and several pharmaceutical companies have jumped in
and included them in their formulations. And a balsam apple juice can also prevent
jaundice by strengthening the liver. By detoxifying and nourishing liver, balsam apple
juice may be beneficial in the treatment of a hangover. Moreover, researchers
hypothesize that balsam apple is as an immune-modulator. One clinical trial found
limited evidence that balsam apple might improve immune cell function in people with
cancer. If proved, balsam apple could help people infected with HIV. Other potential
uses include treatment for fever, the cold and flu, malaria, cancer and tumors, high
cholesterol, and psoriasis.

However, even though it has benefits, it also has harmful effects in one’s health. It
has potential dangers such as allergies and decreasing blood sugar levels. Those
people should avoid balsam apple if they have a known allergy to balsam apple or any
member of the Cucurbitaceae (gourd or melon) plant families. This includes Persian
melon, honeydew, casaba, muskmelon and cantaloupe. Signs of allergy include rash,
itching or shortness of breath. It also has side effects that have been well tolerated in
studies. Some people may experience headaches. And, balsam apple may also
decrease blood sugar levels. Caution is advised if you take prescription drugs to control
your blood sugar levels. If you have diabetes and are considering using balsam apple,
you should discuss this with your health care provider. People who have been
diagnosed with glucose-6-phosphate deficiency (most common in persons of
Mediterranean or Middle Eastern descent) may experience adverse effects, such as
headache, fever, stomach pain or even coma because of an inability to break down a
component of balsam apple seeds. Balsam apple may affect the ability to get pregnant.

There are also therapeutic uses that a balsam apple can provide. First is for
anorexia. Balsam apple is an appetite stimulant. Hence, it is used in the treatment of
anorexia, a disorder in which a person is unable to eat the required amount of food.
Second is for blood impurities. The bitter gourd is used as a blood purifier due to its
bitter-tonic properties. It can heal boils and other blood related problems that show up
on the skin. For treatment, a cupful of the juice of the balsam apple must be taken each
day in the morning, with a teaspoon of the juice of the citrus lemon in it. Third, it can
also help diabetes mellitus and a lot has been written lately about the very beneficial
aspects of balsam apple in the treatment of diabetes. As already discussed above,
balsam apple has a host of bitter chemicals in which, which are hypoglycemic in action.
It also has at least one substance that is like the insulin secreted by the human
pancreatic glands. Hence, balsam apple is extremely effective in the treatment of
diabetes mellitus. Doctors all over the world prescribe having either balsam apple juice
early in the morning or to include it in some other fashion in the daily diet. Regular use
of balsam apple over a period of time helps to bring the blood sugar level down. Fourth,
for diarrhea, the juice of a bitter lemon is mixed with the juice of the spring onions, both
two teaspoons in quantity. This is then added with the juice of a lemon. This juice is
given to the patient twice a day. This remedy is also effective in curing the diarrhea that
is caused due to cholera. Fifth, for hangovers, the juice of the balsam apple is excellent
remedy for hangovers. It is also very beneficial in preventing the liver damage that
occurs due to excessive alcoholism. Fifth, is regarding with the case of piles, the fresh
juice of balsam apples is prescribed to the patient with positive results. Three teaspoons
of juice of the balsam apple leaves is to be extracted each morning, added to a glassful
of buttermilk and then consumed on an empty stomach. Carrying on this routine for
thirty days will treat piles completely. Even externally, the paste of the leaves of the
piles can be applied over the hemorrhoids. Sixth is regarding pyorrhea. Pyorrhea is
bleeding from the gums. Including balsam apple in the daily diet or having some of its
juice every morning on an empty stomach helps to reduce this problem. Seventh, for
respiratory problems, the paste of the leaves of the balsam apple is mixed with equal
amounts of the paste of tulsi leaves. This is taken with honey each morning as a
treatment and prevention for respiratory problems such as asthma, bronchitis, common
colds and pharyngitis.

Furthermore, a balsam apple can assist the following illnesses namely breast
cancer, diabetes and skin conditions. A balsam apple extract exerts a significant effect
against breast cancer cell growth and may eventually become a chemopreventive agent
against this form of cancer. According to Ray (2010), findings suggest that balsam
apple extract modulates several signal transduction pathways, which induces breast
cancer cell death. Another disease that a balsam apple can assist is diabetes. Balsam
apple is linked to lowering the body’s blood sugar. This is because the balsam apple
has properties that act like insulin, which helps bring glucose into the cells for energy.
The consumption of balsam apple can help your cells utilize glucose and move it to your
liver, muscles, and fat. The vegetable may also be able to help your body retain
nutrients by blocking their conversion to glucose that ends up in your blood streams. For
diabetics, skin conditions are more likely to happen. This is because of the reduced
sensitivity of nerves and circulation, thus making it hard for diabetics to spot budding
skin conditions. Balsam apple can also help reduce heat rashes, acne or any type of
skin conditions. Since it is among the best natural blood purifiers in the vegetable world,
drinking bitter gourd juice in the morning on an empty stomach will purify your blood
thus giving you a cleaner and glowing skin. Balsam apple can also help your body deal
with other skin disorders such as eczema and psoriasis.


 Global Alternative Health Care. (2019). Herbal & Traditional Medicine. Retrieved
 Kumar, K.P., & Bhowmik, D. (2010). International Journal of Pharmaceutical
Sciences Review and Research, 4(3), 23. Retrieved from
 Kumar, K.P., & Bhowmik, D. (2010). International Journal of Pharmaceutical
Sciences Review and Research, 4(3), 24. Retrieved from
 Kumar, K.P., & Bhowmik, D. (2010). International Journal of Pharmaceutical
Sciences Review and Research, 4(3), 25. Retrieved from
 Kumar, K.P., & Bhowmik, D. (2010). International Journal of Pharmaceutical
Sciences Review and Research 4(3), 27. Retrieved from
 Kumar, K.P., & Bhowmik, D. (2010). International Journal of Pharmaceutical
Sciences Review and Research 4(3), 26-27. Retrieved from
 Kumar, K.P., & Bhowmik, D. (2010). International Journal of Pharmaceutical
Sciences Review and Research 4(3), 26. Retrieved from
 Dunn, C. (2017). Diabetes Education. Retrieved from
 Desaulniers, V. (2016). Bitter Melon Extract Kills Breast Cancer. Retrieved from

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