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growth in employment, wages, benefits ,working conditions ,status of the worker

.educational facilities etc, with the growth and spread of industry .Moreover ,career
patterns have also changed wi9dely by providing change for wide varieties of jobs to the
working communities .This has been possible only through fast industrial development
which, in its turn ,depends on Industrial peace. There has been an acute necessity in
India especially during the post-independence period ,to industrialise her economy in
order to tackle the multifarious socio-economic problems .In the words of Pandit
Jawaharlal Nehru “ The alternative (to industrialization ) is to remain in a backward
.under-developed ,poverty –stricken and a weak country .We can’t even retain our
freedom without industrial growth.” Hence one of the main goals of the Five Year Plans in
India has been rapid industrialization and more employment in secondary and tertiary
industries .It is also viewed that one of the essential steps for building up an economically
free and self-sustaining India is, large scale industrialization at rapid and steady
growth. With the attainment of independence and with the launching of Planning era
,serious and earnest efforts have been made towards rapid economic development of India
.India has been … in the midst of an ambitious and critically important effort to raise the
living standards of her people by a integrated …industrial and economic development
plan.” The size of Industrial labor in India has increased remarkably due to rapid and
planned industrial development .The increase in Industrial labor led to the formation and
development of trade unions and various social groups. It has also been recognized that
management would be disorganized .ill- equipped and ineffective It is realized that the
concrete co-operation between labor and management is highly essential to fulfil the
demonstrated the fact that,” an economy organized for planned production and
distribution ,aiming at the realization of social justice and the welfare of masses can
function effectively only in an atmosphere of industrial peace. All these necessitate the
maintenance of harmonious industrial relations so as to maintain higher productivity to
fulfil the goals of the Five Year Plans in India. The investment in and the scope of
industries in India have been growing plan after plan .Much of the success or failure of
Indian Five Year Plans would be dependent on the maintenance of harmonious employee-
employer relations Frequent industrial conflicts not only affect the management and labor
but also tend to impoverish the community as a whole. They lead to wastage ,forment
class hatred .embitter mutual relations and inflict damages on the progress of the nation.
They affect production and national income in an adverse manner .They also clog the
progress and development of the nation .Further ,it is not an exaggeration to say that if
we are successful in industry the answers to class-antagonisms and world conflicts
becomes easier. Need for Industrial Peace. The objectives of maintenance of industrial
peace is not only find out way6s and means to solve conflicts or to settle differences but
also to secure the unreserved cooperation of and goodwill among different groups in
industry with a view to drive their energies and interest towards economically viable
commercially feasible ,financially profitable and socially desirable channels. It also aims
at the development of a sense of mutual confidence ,dependence and respect and at the
same time encouraging them to come to closer to each other for removing
misunderstanding ,redressing grievances ,if any ,in a peaceful atmosphere and with open
mind and fostering industrial pursuits for mutual benefits and social progress ,But the
maintenance of congenial industrial relations ,particularly in a democratic society like
ours is not only a significant task but also a complicated one.

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