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Haploid and Doubled Haploid Technology



Institute of Crop Science, College of Agriculture and Biotechnology,

Zhejiang University, China

I. Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 182
II. Increasing Microspore Embryogenesis. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 185
III. Efficient Plant Regeneration from Microspore‐Derived Embryos. . . . . . . . . 189
IV. High Frequency Production of DH Plants. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 194
V. Determination of Ploidy Level . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 198
VI. Mutation and Selection for Rapeseed Improvement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 201
VII. Conclusion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 205
Acknowledgments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 207
References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 208

The microspore culture technique has its wide applications in plant genetic research
and breeding programmes in oilseed Brassicas due to its relative simplicity, efficiency
in haploid and doubled haploid production, mutation and germplasm generation, and
gene transformation. Various factors could influence microspore embryogenesis and
haploid production including donor plant genotype, donor plant physiology, micro-
spore developmental stage, culture conditions, culture environment and pretreat-
ments. Stress is also an essential component during embryogenesis induction in
microspore culture. Efficient plant regeneration from microspores mostly occurs
through direct embryogenesis ensuring minimal occurrence of cytogenetic abnormal-
ities. Appropriate stress conditions such as chilling, partial desiccation, cotyledon
excision, and successive subculture of microspore‐derived embryos could promote
plant development in oilseed rape. Medium renovation, phytohormones and plant

Advances in Botanical Research, Vol. 45 0065-2296/07 $35.00

Incorporating Advances in Plant Pathology DOI: 10.1016/S0065-2296(07)45007-8
Copyright 2007, Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
182 L. XU ET AL.

growth regulators, and chromosome doubling agents such as colchicine treatment

also affect plant regeneration in Brassica species. Compared to colchicine treatments
of microspore‐derived embryos and plants, immediate colchicine treatment of
isolated microspores results in high embryogenesis and diploidisation and low chime-
ric percentages. The ploidy level of microspore‐derived plants of Brassica species
could be estimated by different methods at various stages. Mutation breeding tech-
niques are widely used in plant breeding for producing useful mutants and variants.
Microspore culture also provides an ideal method for mutation because the mutated
traits can be fixed in homozygous condition by chromosome doubling, which can
enforce to obtain target mutation traits efficiently. Ultraviolet irradiation, mutagenic
agents ethyl methane sulphonate and sodium azide could be applied to isolated
microspores and the derived embryos of rapeseed. Utilization of microspore‐derived
embryos for production of desired traits such as the altered fatty acids, disease
resistance and glucosinolate compositions through mutagenesis and selection is ad-
vancing and also discussed.


The microspore culture technique has its potential applications in plant

genetic research and breeding programs due to its relative simplicity and
eYciency in haploid production (Palmer et al., 1996a). Since the first report
of isolated microspore culture in Brassica napus by Lichter (1982), there has
been remarkable progress in developing this system (Chuong and Beversdorf,
1985; Polsoni et al., 1988; Swanson et al., 1987), and the techniques have now
been used to generate haploid and doubled haploid (DH) plants in many
Brassica species (Ferrie et al., 1995; Gu et al., 2003b,c, 2004b,c; Zhang et al.,
2003, 2004; Zhou et al., 2002a,b).
In the last two decades, remarkable progress in isolated microspore culture
technology has been made in all major Brassica species, especially in oilseed
rape (B. napus) (Palmer et al., 1996a). Comprehensive utilization of DH
production system has been involved in Brassica‐breeding programs as
well as in gene transfer, biochemical and physiological studies, and other
manipulations (Palmer et al., 1996b). However, all these applications largely
depend on eYcient microspore embryogenesis and embryo development.
Anther culture and microspore culture are nowadays widely used in many
Brassica species (Keller and Armstrong, 1982; Maheshwari et al., 1980).
In angiosperms, the occurrence of haploid plants was first reported in Datura
stramonium (Blakeslee et al., 1922). Thereafter, it was noted that spontaneous
haploidy occurs in many other species. In Brassica, spontaneous haploids
have been noted in number of species like B. napus, B. carinata, B. campestris,
and B. oleracea (Komatsu, 1936; Kuriyama and Watanabe, 1955; Morinaga
and Fukushima, 1933; Olsson and Hagberg, 1955; Ramanujam, 1941;

Stringam and Downey, 1973; Thompson, 1956, 1969). It has been suggested
that haploid plants can be found in all varieties of spring and winter oilseed
rapes that occur naturally (Thompson, 1974), although Banga and Labana
(1986) reported only 10 spontaneous haploids in 76 lines examined. New culti-
vars and breeding lines have been developed using these haploids (Thompson,
1974; Wang et al., 2002; Wu et al., 1999; Zhang et al., 2004).
Following the initial success in the production of pollen‐derived plants
from cultured anthers of D. innoxia (Guha and Maheshewari, 1964, 1966),
attempts were made to culture anthers from Brassica species. The first report
was by Kameya and Hinata (1970) who described callus and haploid plants
from cultured anthers of B. oleracea. Later, microspore embryogenesis was
reported in B. napus and B. campestris (Keller and Armstrong, 1975), and
then haploids from several Brassica species were reported through anther
culture (Jain et al., 1980, 1989; Keller and Armstrong, 1978, 1979; Leelavathi
et al., 1984; Lichter, 1981; Sharma and Bhojwani, 1985).
DiVerent factors are influencing the success of microspore embryogen-
esis and anther culture in Brassica. The most important of these is the
genotype of cultural material. This phenomenon has been described in all
species of Brassica where microspore and anther culture have been attempted
(Arnison and Keller, 1990; Arnison et al., 1990a,b; Baillie et al., 1992; Burnett
et al., 1992; Ockendon, 1985; Thurling and Chay, 1984). The conditions under
which plants are grown are also considered to be important for successful
microspore culture. Pretreatment of isolated flower buds prior to microspore
isolation and culture, such as low level of irradiations, ethanol, modified
environment, and antimicrotubule agents like colchicine, have been known
to enhance embryogenesis in Brassica (Klimaszewska and Keller, 1983;
MacDonald et al., 1988a,b; Pechan and Keller, 1989; Zaki and Dickinson,
1991). Medium composition like amount of carbohydrates used, nitrogen
supply, plant growth regulators, and pH of the medium are also proved to be
important in Brassica anther culture. Most commonly used formulation is the
one developed by Lichter (1982) with various modifications (Gland et al., 1988;
Huang and Keller, 1989; Lichter, 1989; Zhou et al., 2002a,b).
In the process of transferring the genes into oilseed rape, the conventional
method is the consecutive selection of the hybrids, containing the herbicide
resistant genes and other characters (such as yellow seeds, low glucosinolate,
and high erucic acid). These putative pure lines are conventionally obtained
through six to eight generations of self‐pollinations and subsequent stepwise
selections. Thus, the selection eYciency was extremely low, hard, and time‐
consuming. The microspore culture could be an ideal method of haploid
breeding. By doubling the chromosomes (e.g., through colchicine treatment),
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one can get several DH‐regenerated plants of not only pure heredity but also
stable characters (Gu et al., 2003b; Zhang et al., 2004; Zhou et al., 2002b).
Using this method, the breeding process is accelerated and the selection
eYciency enhanced (Gu et al., 2003c, 2004a,b; Kott, 1998; Palmer et al.,
1996a). Adding mutagens or herbicides in microspore culture medium, the
regenerated mutants with herbicide resistant genes have been obtained
(Zhang and Takahata, 1999). Also, the conventionally bred herbicide resistant
oilseed rape presents some risks such as gene drifting, biodiversity erosion,
weeds resistance induction, and weed population dynamics (Momoh et al.,
2002; Pu, 2003).
Anther culture and microspore culture provide the opportunity to produce
haploid embryos at high frequency in many species of Brassica and their
commercial cultivars (Arnison and Keller, 1990; Lichter, 1989; Swanson,
1990). So, this procedure can be used in the development of homozygous
lines for breeding programs (Wenzel, 1980). The chromosome doubling,
that is either spontaneously or induced by chemicals, is among one of advan-
tages of haploid embryo production and is extensively used in Brassica‐
breeding programs (HoVmann et al., 1982; Scarth et al., 1991; Stringam
and Thiagarajah, 1991). A DH population obtained from heterozygous
starting material provides a broad spectrum of genetic recombinants from
which selection can be made easily. For protoplast isolation and culture
from haploid tissues of Brassica, the culture systems have been developed
(Chuong et al., 1987; Li and Hohlenbach, 1982; Thomas et al., 1976). The
advantage of this system is that it provides large number of cells for mutation
and selection in a manner similar to isolated microspores. In B. napus, fatty
acid composition of microspore‐derived embryo is quite similar to that of
normal embryo, and the total fatty acid per unit weight at early stages
of development is comparable (Pomeroy et al., 1991; Taylor et al., 1990).
Thus, embryos derived through microspore culture or haploid culture can be
utilized for basic biochemical and physiological studies (Holbrook et al.,
1991; Johnson‐Flanagan and Singh, 1993).
Utilization of microspore‐derived embryos for production of desired traits
such as the altered fatty acids, disease resistance, and glucosinolate com-
positions through mutagenesis and selection is advancing. For the storage
of germplasm, haploid system presents an attractive alternative where
germplasm in the form of microspores and embryos can be maintained by
cryopreservation without loss of embryogenic or morphogenic potential.
However, success is more likely if fungal toxins are used in these selec-
tions. Microspore population presents a rich source of genetic variation from
which large number of genetic recombinations can be made that serves as a
basis for cultivar improvement and development.


Haploid Brassica plants from seed occur naturally in low frequencies and
have been used in breeding programs. However, the capacity to truly exploit
Brassica haploids originates with the discovery of methods to induce embryos
from anthers and isolated microspores in vitro. Since haploid plants were first
obtained from microspore culture of B. napus (Lichter, 1982), there has been a
rapid development in the application of this technique in rapeseed breeding
and for the understanding of basic biochemical and physiological aspects
of embryogenesis. Microspores provide a uniform, synchronous, and easily
accessible population of cells for such studies (Kott, 1996; Palmer et al.,
The microspore culture protocol used was developed in our laboratory
(Zhou et al., 2002b) with a few modifications for various Brassica species.
The donor plants were grown under growth cabinet conditions with a 16‐h
photoperiod (350 E/m2 s), a day/night temperature of 20/158C and a high
nutritive status. Vernalization of winter B. napus genotypes was conducted
with a combination of 48C and 8‐h photoperiod for 8 weeks. The donor
plants were grown in individual 3‐liter pots, watered daily, and fertilized once
a week with liquid NPK fertilizer. One week before microspore isolation,
the temperature was adjusted to 12/108C day/night regime. Approximately
10 plants were grown for each genotype (Zhou et al., 2002a). For each
treatment, 9–12 flower buds at the late uninucleate stage and early binucleate
stage of microspore development were selected. The proper stage was deter-
mined from a combination of bud size (usually 2–3 mm in length for B. rapa,
3–4 mm for B. napus, and 5–6 mm for B. oleracea) and ratio of petal length to
anther length (P/A, usually 0.5–0.75 for B. rapa and B. napus, 1.0–1.2 for
B. oleracea), followed by the identification of microspore development under
a dissecting microscope (Gu et al., 2004a).
The flower buds were surface sterilized in 1% Gevonium (0.5% sodium
hypochlorite) for 18 min prior to washing three times with sterile water. The
buds were then macerated in cold B5‐13 medium (Gamborg et al., 1968; can
be provided by Duchefa Biochemie BV) with 13% sucrose, buVered at pH
6.0, and filtered through a 40‐m nylon filter into a centrifuge tube. The
crude microspore suspension was centrifuged at 750 rpm for 5 min, and the
microspores were resuspended in NLN‐13 medium (Lichter, 1982; can
be provided by Duchefa Biochemie BV) with 13% sucrose at pH 6.0. After
adding activated charcoal (AC), the microspore suspension was then dis-
pensed into 60‐mm  15‐mm Petri dishes, 4 ml in each. A microspore density
of about 2  104 per ml was used, that is, one flower bud equaled one Petri
dish. The dishes were sealed with double layers of Parafilm, incubated at 308C
186 L. XU ET AL.

in the dark for 7 days (B. napus), or at 328C for 2 days (B. rapa and B. oler-
acea), and then moved to 248C still in the dark. Medium refreshing was
conducted after 1 day of induction following microspore isolation. The sus-
pension was collected and recentrifuged at 750 rpm for 5 min. The medium
was then changed with the same amount of fresh NLN‐13 medium, and
cultured as described above (Gu et al., 2003b, 2004a).
As soon as embryos were visible to the naked eye (about 9–15 days after
isolation), cultures were transferred to a slow rotary shaker (45 rpm), still in
darkness at 248C. At the late torpedo stage, large embryos were transferred
to solid MS regeneration medium (2% sucrose, half‐strength macronutrients
and 0.1‐mg/liter GA3, solidified with 0.9% agar, pH 5.8) in plastic growth
containers. After an initial period of 10 days at 28C, the cultures were
incubated in a growth chamber with 248C and 16‐h day length and low
light intensity (60 E/m2 s) from fluorescent tubes. After about 30 days of
microspore culture, embryos with normal shape (healthy‐looking) at the
cotyledon stage were counted. These embryos were then transferred to plastic
growth containers containing solid MS‐2 medium (Murashige and Skoog,
1962; 2% sucrose, 0.9% agar, pH 5.8). Approximately 3 weeks later, shoots
developed from the embryos. They were then cut oV from any callus or
hypocotyl tissue and transferred to plastic growth vessels with fresh solid
MS‐2 medium for roots induction. Recalcitrant embryos could be trimmed
by cutting to induce germination. After another 3 weeks, rooted plantlets
were transferred to a soil–perlite mixture and were kept for 2 weeks in a
nursing room with a temperature of 248C, 16‐h daylength, low light intensity,
and high relative humidity. Gradual adaptation to glasshouse conditions
followed (Zhang et al., 2006; Zhou et al., 2002a).
Various factors could influence microspore embryogenesis including donor
plant genotype, donor plant physiology, microspore developmental stage, cul-
ture conditions, culture environment, and pretreatments (Dunwell, 1996).
In Brassica microspore culture, a short heat shock treatment is required to
stimulate microspore embryogenesis, although it may be replaced by other
stresses such as low levels of ‐irradiation, ethanol, and colchicine (Pechan and
Keller, 1989; Zhao et al., 1996). Compared to heat shock stress, cold pretreat-
ment is less frequently used in Brassica species in spite of its critical role in cereal
microspore culture (Pechan and Smykal, 2001; Touraev et al., 1997).
Genotype of the cultural material is one of the most important factors
among various factors influencing success of microspore and anther culture
in Brassica (Arnison and Keller, 1990; Arnison et al., 1990a,b; Baillie et al.,
1992; Burnett et al., 1992; Ockendon, 1985; Thurling and Chay, 1984) and
even plant‐to‐plant variation within genotype is common (Ockendon, 1985;
Phippen and Ockendon, 1990; Seguin‐Swartz et al., 1983). The situation is

further complicated by genotype  environment interactions (Dunwell et al.,

1985; Roulund et al., 1990; Thurling and Chay, 1984). In B. oleracea convar.
capitata (L.) (Alef.), it was reported that field‐grown plants were more respon-
sive than those grown in greenhouse conditions (Roulund et al., 1990). This
shows that some genotypes may have specific environmental requirements in
order to yield embryogenic microspores. In order to investigate the molecular
events occurring during the embryo induction process, attempts were made by
using two‐dimensional gel electrophoresis of protein of DH plants previously
characterized as responsive and unresponsive to culture (Fabijanski et al.,
1992). These experiments indicated that the initial phase of culture involves a
typical heat shock response that was similar to the one previously documented
in the other broccoli tissues (Fabijanski et al., 1987).
Growth conditions are also important factor for successful microspore
culture in Brassica and other species. It is well established that plants grown
at low temperatures yield the most responsive microspores (Dunwell et al.,
1985). Although the temperature under which plants are grown is a critical
factor, physiological state of donor plant is also important. In B. napus,
higher frequencies of embryogenesis were obtained with older inflorescences
than that with younger ones (Takahata et al., 1991). It shows the influence
of donor plant age on microspore embryogenesis. It is well established
that embryogenesis is related to specific stages of microspore and pollen
development (Fan et al., 1988; Kott et al., 1988a; Telmer et al., 1993), and
it varies from early uninucleate to early binucleate stage. The highest fre-
quency of microspore embryogenesis was observed with microspore at late
uninucleate stage in two genotypes of B. napus (Kott et al., 1988a). Pretreat-
ments of isolated flower buds prior to microspore isolation and culture have
also been proved eVective in Brassica species. These treatments include low
levels of irradiations; ethanol, modified atmosphere, and antimicrotubule
agents, for example colchicine, have been known to enhance embryogenesis
in Brassica (Klimaszewska and Keller, 1983; MacDonald et al., 1988a,b;
Pechan and Keller, 1989; Zaki and Dickinson, 1991).
Colchicine can be applied practically at any stage during the microspore
culture process, from isolated microspores to the regenerated plants. Colchi-
cine added in vitro to the induction medium with freshly isolated rapeseed
microspores within the first 3 days of culture reportedly produced improved
embryogenesis and with no negative eVect on embryo development (Iqbal
et al., 1994; Zaki and Dickinson, 1991). Short‐term exposure of isolated
microspores to colchicine increases the number of symmetric cell divisions
and the frequency of embryogenesis in B. napus (Zhang et al., 2003). The
optimal time for such treatment seems to be the first 12–15 h after microspore
isolation. Further methods are being explored involving the use of other
188 L. XU ET AL.

antimicrotubule compounds such as trifluralin, oryzalin, amiprophos‐methyl

(APM), and pronamide, in addition to colchicine, to aVect embryogenesis
and chromosome doubling during the early stages of microspore culture. The
combination of colchicine concentration and treatment duration is critical
for embryogenesis and diploidization. Results of our experiments showed
that an eYcient embryogenesis and diploidization of haploid microspores of
spring and winter B. napus could be achieved by treating them immediately
with colchicine (Zhou et al., 2002a,b). A high doubling eYciency of 83–91%
is obtained from 500‐mg/liter colchicine treatment for 15 h. In addition, at
this level only few polyploid and chimeric plants are formed.
AC is often used in culture media due to its ability to modify the medium
composition and sometimes can improve or regulate plant growth in vitro.
It also increases embryogenesis from microspore in some plants when added
to culture medium (Johansson, 1983), and in B. napus, Gland et al. (1988)
reported that addition of AC into culture medium did not increase the num-
ber of embryos per flower bud but promoted the development of embryos
to develop into whole plants. This positive eVect is probably related to
absorption of toxic metabolites which may be produced by nonembryogenic
microspores (Kott et al., 1988b). In nine morphotypes of B. oleracea, eVect
of addition of a 0.1‐ml drop of AC on microspore culture embryogene-
sis was studied (Dias, 1999). Embryogenesis was greatly increased in all
morphotypes by addition of 0.1‐ml AC to the microspore culture media.
However, the magnitude of response to the addition of AC varied with
diVerent plants and morphotypes.
Stress is an essential component during embryogenesis induction in micro-
spore culture. Cold pretreatment has been used in cereal microspore culture
but very seldom attempted in Brassica microspore culture. The eVect of cold
pretreatment on flower buds subjected to a liquid medium on microspore
embryogenesis was investigated in spring and winter B. napus, as well as in
B. rapa and B. oleracea. Cold pretreatment significantly enhanced microspore
embryogenesis (by one‐ to sevenfold) compared to commonly used micro-
spore culture protocol in B. napus, while it was less eVective in B. rapa or even
negative in B. oleracea. A significant enhancement of microspore embryogen-
esis by cold pretreatment of flower buds was reported in B. napus (Gu et al.,
2003a). The same promoting eVect of cold pretreatment was also observed in
B. napus (Lichter, 1982) and B. oleracea (white cabbage) (Osolnik et al., 1993),
and the more recently reported in B. rapa (Sato et al., 2002).
The highest rates of germinated embryos (90%) and plantlets development
(58.46%) are obtained by exposing microspore‐derived embryos to chilling at
48C. These results indicated that cold treatment not only enhanced micro-
spore embryogenesis but also improved the germination and development of
plants from microspore‐derived embryos in B. napus (Gu et al., 2004a; Zhou

et al., 2002b). Partial desiccation of the embryos can increase the rate of
germinated embryos and plantlet development, and it is closely related to the
duration of treatment used.
In Brassica microspore culture, cold pretreatment alone cannot stimulate
microspore embryogenesis. It should be combined with other treatments
such as heat shock so as to increase microspore embryogenesis (Pechan and
Smykal, 2001). In ordinary protocols of Brassica microspore culture, if donor
plants have been grown under optimal environmental conditions, where a
low temperature is considered as a favorable and important factor for micro-
spore embryogenesis, cold pretreatment of flower buds seems less important
or has even been omitted (Palmer et al., 1996a). However, cold pretreatment
of flower buds could further enhance microspore embryogenesis and embryo
development in B. napus even if donor plants have been grown under such
a low‐temperature condition which infers that cold pretreatment may have
other functional eVects on microspore embryogenesis. As far as the reason of
beneficial eVect on microspore embryogenesis by cold pretreatment of flower
buds is concerned, many eVorts have been made to explain this process.
In B. rapa as well as in other crops after cold pretreatment (Sato et al.,
2002; Sopory and Munshi, 1996), increased percentage of bicellular stage
microspores with two equal nuclei was observed, which was supposed to
be the necessary developmental stage for embryogenesis induction. It was
suggested that the induction eVect of osmotic stress under cold pretreatment
conditions could be a possible reason for increased microspore embryogenesis
potential. Proper culture osmoticum has proved to be essential to the stimula-
tion of microspore embryogenesis. This osmotic requirement for microspore
induction and development could be met by sucrose, but can also be substituted
by polyethylene glycol (PEG) (Ilić‐Grubor et al., 1998). On the other hand, cold
pretreatment could be substituted by osmotic stress for the induction of cereal
microspore embryogenesis (Raina and Irfan, 1998; Roberts‐Oehlschlager and
Dunwell, 1990), which implies that osmotic stress rather than cold pretreat-
ment may be the key factor aVecting microspore embryogenesis. Prolonged
cold pretreatment of flower buds showed similar promoting eVect in micro-
spore embryogenesis. Thus, flower buds or inflorescences for microspore
culture can be stored for certain periods under low temperature.


Plant regeneration from cultured anthers and microspores mostly occurs
through direct embryogenesis and all the developmental stages characteristic
of zygotic embryogenesis can be identified in the cultures (Palmer et al., 1996a);
190 L. XU ET AL.

however, developmental process may proceed through secondary embryo-

genesis (Loh and Ingram, 1982; Loh et al., 1983; Lott and Haube, 1983).
Only few examples have been reported about callusing before plant regener-
ation occurred (Govil et al., 1986; Sunderland, 1971), and few studies have
been carried out on plantlet development from microspore‐derived embryos
in Brassica species. With B. napus, the frequencies of plantlet development
varied from 1 to 47% (Chuong et al., 1988; Kott and Beversdorf, 1990), while
with B. campestris (B. rapa), the frequencies ranged from 5 to 20% (Baillie
et al., 1992; Burnett et al., 1992). The eVects of genotype, bud size, micro-
spore stage, culture condition and diVerent media on embryo production,
and plantlet development have been also investigated (Ferrie and Keller,
1995; Gland‐Zwerger, 1995).
Almost every culture has some older microspores that do not divide but do
release some toxic elements that aVect the rest of the potentially embryogenic
microspores. Fletcher et al. (1998) and our results (Zhou et al., 2002a) show
that a change of induction medium 15–24 h after microspore isolation
may be essential to allow normal embryo initiation and development. Poor
embryogenesis and embryo germination are observed from ordinary micro-
spore culture without change of induction medium and without in vitro
colchicine treatment. Subculturing over an extended period (6–10 weeks) is
required to induce germination and produce shoots, which originate from
secondarily initiated embryos from hypocotyl epidermal cells. Obviously,
this trimming procedure is quite labor intensive as well as expensive and
should be avoided in a breeding program.
In terms of plant development from microspore‐derived embryos, the stage
at which embryos are transferred to solidified medium is critical for the
plantlet formation (Niu et al., 1999). Moreover, embryos transferred at the
cotyledonary stage resulted in the highest frequency of plant regeneration
from isolated microspores (Burnett et al., 1992). It was reported that the cul-
ture medium was crucial to the plantlet development (Chuong and Beversdorf,
1985). Some reports showed that 1/2 MS (Murashige and Skoog, 1962) or
1/2 B5 (Gamborg et al., 1968) media had a better eVect on the plantlet forma-
tion than full MS or B5 media (Gland‐Zwerger, 1995). In addition, the geno-
type of donor plant influenced the plantlet development, and the rate of plantlet
formation reached from 9.5 to 37.5% (Mathias, 1998).
Cold pretreatment significantly enhanced microspore embryogenesis (by
one‐ to sevenfold) compared to commonly used microspore culture proto-
col in B. napus, while it was less eVective in B. rapa or even negative in
B. oleracea. The appropriate duration of cold pretreatment was found to be
2–4 days, which stimulated the best microspore embryogenesis. Cold pre-
treatment was also able to promote embryo development including the

Fig. 1. Four‐week‐old embryos from isolated microspores of B. napus cv. Topas

line 7038. (A) The control (direct isolation without cold pretreatment or medium
refreshing). (B) Medium refreshed after 1 day of induction of isolated microspores
(Medium refreshing was conducted after 1 day of induction following microspore
isolation. The suspension was gathered and recentrifuged at 750 rpm for 5 min. The
medium was then changed with the same amount of fresh NLN‐13 medium, and
cultured as before), without cold pretreatment. (C) Two days of cold pretreatment of
flower buds before microspore isolation (cold pretreatment of flower buds was sub-
jected to a liquid culture medium containing 13% sucrose. The dishes were sealed with
double layers of Parafilm, and were then placed for 0, 1, 2, 3, and 4 days at 48C in
the dark. Microspore isolation and culture procedure was the same as before.),
without medium refreshing. (D) Two days of cold pretreatment of flower buds before
microspore isolation, followed by medium refreshing 1 day after microspore isolation.

improvement of embryo quality and acceleration of embryogenesis. When

incorporating with medium refreshing, cold pretreatment could initiate
the most microspore embryogenesis than any other treatment used. With
further improvement, cold pretreatment method may have a positive eVect in
Brassica‐breeding programs (Gu et al., 2004a) (Fig. 1). The highest rates of
germinated embryos (90.0%) and plantlet development (58.46%) are obtained
192 L. XU ET AL.

by exposing microspore‐derived embryos to chilling at 4 8C. These results indi-

cated that cold treatment improved the germination of microspore‐derived
embryos and development of plants from embryos in B. napus (Zhang
et al., 2006).
Partial desiccation of the embryos can increase the rate of germinated
embryos and plantlet development, and it is closely related to the duration
of treatment used. The drying of the embryos for 1 or 2 days could signifi-
cantly accelerate the embryo germination and development of plants from
microspore‐derived embryos. Prolonged partial desiccation of the embryos
(i.e., 3 days) showed embryos that might suVer from nutrient starvation as
indicated by the loss of embryo fresh mass. When drying for over 4 days,
most embryos lost the viability and died (Zhang et al., 2006). This interaction
of partial desiccation and starvation stress requires further investigation.
It is known that the culture medium is an important factor aVecting the
plantlet development (Li et al., 2005; Zhang et al., 2005, 2006). Benzylami-
nopurine (BAP) is helpful for the growth and development of shoots in vitro
of oilseed Brassica (Tang et al., 2003). Zhang et al. (2006) evaluated the
eVects of chilling, partial desiccation, cotyledon excision, and successive
subculture of microspore‐derived embryos on plant development in oilseed
rape (B. napus L.). The results showed that of the five media, all the geno-
types showed the best response when the embryos were cultured on the
half‐strength (Murashige and Skoog, 1962) medium with 2.0‐mg/liter BAP.
Desiccation for 1 day also increased the embryo germination and plantlet
development in all B. napus genotypes tested. Cutting the cotyledons of the
embryos at late cotyledonary stage significantly increased the frequency of
plantlet development. The highest rate of plantlet development was obtained
from cultures of embryos sampled with size of less than 4.0 mm. The succes-
sive subculture further improved the embryo germination and development
of plantlets from microspore‐derived embryos.
The treatment of cotyledon excision of the embryos is another eVective
way to stimulate the embryo germination and development of plants from
embryos. It was showed that cutting the cotyledons of the embryos at late
cotyledonary stage significantly increased the frequency of plantlet develop-
ment. Subculturing over an extended period is helpful to induce germination
and produce shoots, which originate from secondarily initiated embryos
from epidermal cells of hypocotyls. Meanwhile, it was observed that without
cotyledon excision treatment, for the genotype ZJU436, the embryos ex-
panded after transfer to the induction media but did not produce shoots.
The results indicated that without cotyledons, nutrition in the embryos could
concentrate on the process of plantlet development. This was the first report
to remove the cotyledons from the microspore‐derived embryos, with the

Fig. 2. (A) Large and healthy‐looking embryos at late cotyledonary stage, regen-
erated from microspores of B. napus L., have a normal elongated root/shoot axis with
two very conspicuous cotyledons surrounding the shoot apex. These embryos are also
used for the treatment of cotyledon excision, that is, the half or all of both cotyledons
were excised from the embryos (but the apical shoot meristem, elongated root/shoot
axis, and the distal root meristem all remained), and then transferred to the solid
induction medium (1/2 MS þ 2.0‐mg/liter BAP) with 2.0% sucrose and 0.9% agar.
(B–D) Direct plant regeneration from microspore‐derived embryos treated immedi-
ately with 500‐mg/liter colchicine for 15 h in F1 hybrid 5396 of winter B. napus.
A 0.2% stock solution of colchicine in the induction medium (NLN‐13 medium)
was prepared and filter‐sterilized using a 0.2‐m bacterial filter (Sartorius NML).
Appropriate volumes of stock solution were added to the culture medium immediate-
ly after microspore isolation in order to give the desired colchicine concentration.
After colchicine treatment in darkness at 30 8C for 6 and 15 h, the microspores were
washed twice by centrifuging the microspore suspension with fresh induction medi-
um. For further culture, the microspores were resuspended in fresh NLN‐13 medium
and cultured as before. After transferred to solid MS regeneration medium for
4 weeks (B); subcultured to solid MS medium for 2 weeks (C); and transferred to a
soil–perlite mixture (D).

improved germination and development of plants from embryos (Zhang

et al., 2006) (Fig. 2). In addition, the cotyledon excised from the embryos
could also be used for the quality selection at very early stage of breeding
program in oilseed Brassica, as reported by Albercht et al. (1995).
Medium renovation, phytohormones and plant growth regulators, and
chromosome‐doubling agents, such as colchicine treatment, also aVect plant
development in Brassica species (Gu et al., 2004c; Sato et al., 2002; Zhang et al.,
2005; Zhou et al., 2002b). High frequency of plant development could be
194 L. XU ET AL.

obtained by abscisic acid (ABA) treatment of embryos (Hansen, 2000). These

are areas that need to be further explored in order to achieve better plant deve-
lopment from microspore‐derived embryos in Brassica‐breeding programs.


Haploid plant regeneration directly from the shoot apex of microspore‐

derived embryos is an important step in DH production. Direct and quick
regeneration ensures minimal occurrence of cytogenetic abnormalities, which
is extremely important in a breeding program (Fletcher et al., 1998). Large
and healthy‐looking embryos obtained from colchicine‐treated microspores,
after transfer to solid regeneration medium and an initial period of low
temperature (28C) for about 10 days, germinate well at 248C and can easily
regenerate vigorous plants. These plants have complete roots, stems, leaves,
and shoot apex, and are ready for transfer to the soil. The time period from
microspore isolation to regenerated plants in soil is only 8–10 weeks, and
more importantly, most of these plants can be DH plants already.
Although microspore culture is an eVective technology for the production
of DH parental lines required for producing F1 hybrids of modern cultivars
with desirable genetic recombinants, and plant regeneration from isolated
microspores has been reported in B. rapa subsp. oleifera (Baillie et al., 1992;
Burnett et al., 1992; Ferrie et al., 1995; Guo and Pulli, 1996; Lichter, 1989),
subsp. pekinensis (Kuginuki et al., 1997; Sato et al., 1989), subsp. chinensis
(Cao et al., 1994), and subsp. parachinensis (Wong et al., 1996), the applica-
tion of this technique for wide utilization as a breeding tool for these crosses
still remains an obstacle. The less eYcient production of DH plants is
especially pronounced in B. rapa subsp. chinensis.
Plants regenerated from microspore‐derived embryoids can be haploid,
diploid, or polyploid. From rapeseed microspore culture, it is reported that
70–90% of regenerated plants are haploid (Charne et al., 1988; Chen and
Beversdorf, 1992). The most widely used method of chromosome doubling
has been the use of the antimicrotubule agent colchicine. Colchicine treat-
ment of isolated microspores increases the doubling eYciency of regenerated
plants in B. napus (Chen et al., 1994; Hansen and Andersen, 1996; Möllers
et al., 1994; Zhao et al., 1996). The usual methods of chromosome doubling
involve soaking roots or whole plants in a colchicine solution (Fletcher et al.,
1998), or culturing plantlets in colchicine‐containing medium in the green-
house (Mathias and Robbelen, 1991). Other alternatives are injecting colchi-
cine into the secondary buds or applying a colchicine‐soaked cotton swab to
axillary buds (Gland, 1981; Lichter et al., 1988). Such methods often result in

the formation of chimeric plants with relatively small sectors of diploid tissue
which will produce few selfed seeds. Consequently, an extra cycle of seed
multiplication becomes necessary in the greenhouse before the first field
Zhou et al. (2002a) reported that an eYcient diploidization of haploid
microspores of spring B. napus can be achieved by treating them immediately
with colchicine. A high doubling eYciency of 83–91% is obtained from
500‐mg/liter colchicine treatment for 15 h. In addition, at this level only
few polyploid and chimeric plants are formed. These results are in good
agreement with previous reports of the eVects of such treatments. Concen-
trations of 50‐ to 500‐mg/liter colchicine are required and treatment duration
should be prolonged to 18–24 h in order to achieve a maximum diploidiza-
tion of 90–94% (Chen et al., 1994; Hansen and Andersen, 1996; Iqbal et al.,
1994; Möllers et al., 1994).
Treatment duration of colchicine is another critical parameter for diploi-
dization, and it is closely related to the concentrations used. Our experiment
revealed that treatment duration of 30 h had less positive eVects on embryo-
genesis and doubling eYciency, especially at higher colchicine concentrations
(Zhou et al., 2002a). However, even 42‐ to 72‐h treatment duration is also
very eVective when applying at low concentration (10 mg/liter) of colchicine
(Iqbal et al., 1994; Möllers et al., 1994; Zhao et al., 1996).
Compared to colchicine treatments of microspore‐derived plants and
microspore‐derived embryos, immediate colchicine treatment of isolated
microspores results in high embryogenesis and diploidization and low chi-
meric percentages in B. napus (Chen et al., 1994; Zhou and Hagberg, 2000).
Plant treatment for chromosome doubling significantly delays plant growth
and development. This process also reduces seed set so that an additional
growth cycle is necessary to produce suYcient seed for field testing. In
addition, plant colchicine treatment generates large amount of colchicine
waste, which needs specialized handling and disposal. Therefore, immediate
chromosome doubling by colchicine application of isolated microspores is
safer, quicker, and more eYcient.
We found that colchicine treatment during the first 15 h in microspore cul-
ture caused an increase in doubling eYciency, which was the highest (84.5%
and 88.2%) with 500‐mg/liter colchicine treatment. Application of colchi-
cine for 6 h was less eVective. High concentration (1000 mg/liter) of colchicine
treatment generated significant numbers (4.7–9.5%) of polyploids, even trea-
ted for 6 h (5.5% and 9.5%). The study also revealed that changing of induc-
tion medium 15 h after microspore isolation induced higher spontaneous
doubling eYciency, as compared with medium change 6 h after isolation
(Zhou et al., 2002b).
196 L. XU ET AL.

An improved protocol for production of DHs through microspore culture

of B. rapa subsp. chinensis has been established by Gu et al. (2003b) (Fig. 3).
Among other modifications, this protocol is mainly characterized by change
of culture media and reduction of sucrose concentrations after the first 48 h
of culture initiation, which results in a high frequency of microspore em-
bryogenesis and good embryo quality. Almost every culture includes some
unavoidable older microspores that do not divide but release some toxic
compounds that aVect the rest of the potentially embryogenic microspores
adversely. A change of induction medium at the initial stage of microspore
culture may be essential to get rid of any toxic elements released from the
older microspores, thus allowing normal embryo initiation and development.
Furthermore, diVerent concentrations of sucrose are required at diVerent
stages of microspore development, which is also rather genotype dependent.
It would be interesting to further investigate the response of B. rapa genotypes
to the replacement of medium from NLN‐13 (Lichter, 1982; 13% sucrose) to
new NLN‐13, as it works well with B. napus genotypes tested. Similar results
are reported in B. napus (Hansen and Svinnset, 1993), B. rapa (Baillie et al.,
1992; Burnett et al., 1992), and B. juncea (Lionneton et al., 2001).
In the previous studies reported by Cao et al. (1994) and Wong et al. (1996)
with the same variety of subsp. chinensis, the embryo production was quite low
and the rate of plant regeneration was not reported. Gu et al. (2003b) reported
that in B. rapa subsp. chinensis, a high frequency of spontaneous DHs obtained
without any subculture or any treatment with chromosome‐doubling agents.
The percentage of spontaneous diploidization reported is more than 70% of
regenerated plants compared to 35% in the B. napus controls, which indicates
that this modified method produces suYcient numbers of DH plants (Fig. 3).
Zhang et al. (2001) reported a similar percentage of spontaneous diploids in
Chinese cabbage, but the rate of embryo development was not reported. Half of
45 genotypes produced 70% of DH plants. However, ploidy level was estimated
at the flowering stage by flower morphology, pollen fertility, flower size, and
seed set. This method is likely to misjudge some fertile plants like tetraploids for
diploids and therefore overestimates the percentage of actual DH production.
A high percentage of spontaneous diploids were found in cauliflower (56%) and
broccoli (55–71%) (Chatelet et al., 1999; Wang et al., 1999). Such high sponta-
neous diploidization has not been reported in other Brassica species. In B. rapa
subsp. oleifera, the percentage of spontaneous diploids reported is 30%
(Keller and Armstrong, 1975), compared to 5–50% in B. napus (Charne et al.,
1988; Chen and Beversdorf, 1992; Möllers et al., 1994; Zhou et al., 2002a,b) and
10–20% in B. juncea (Lionneton et al., 2001), which is insuYcient for exploita-
tion in actual DH‐breeding programs, and thus requires an additional step
treatment with chromosome‐doubling agents.

Fig. 3. High‐frequency spontaneous production of DH plants in microspore

cultures of B. rapa subsp. chinensis using an improved protocol primarily by replace-
ment of culture media and reduction of sucrose concentrations from 17 to 10% after
the first 48 h of culture induction. Large and healthy embryos of B. rapa subsp.
chinensis genotypes 6986 (A) and 6987 (B) obtained in liquid NLN induction medium
for 4 weeks, after the change of culture media and reduction of sucrose concentra-
tions immediately after the microspore isolation. Direct plant regeneration from
microspore‐derived embryos of B. rapa subsp. chinensis genotypes 6986 (C) and
6987 (D) in the solid B5‐2 regeneration medium (2% sucrose, 0.8% agar, pH 5.8),
after cut free of any callus or hypocotyl tissue from the embryo‐derived shoots.
Normal rooted and DH androgenic plants of B. rapa subsp. chinensis genotypes
6986 (E) and 6987 (F) in a soil–perlite mixture, after kept for 2 weeks in a nursing
room [248C, 16‐h photoperiod, low light intensity (40 E/m2 s), and high humidity].
198 L. XU ET AL.

It is generally assumed that the occurrence of spontaneous diploids is

primarily governed by genetic factors (Chen and Beversdorf, 1992; Keller
and Armstrong, 1978). The basic diploid Brassica types such as B. rapa and
B. oleracea might be more prone to spontaneous diploidization. For these
types, a slightly higher percentage of early bicellular microspores are opti-
mum for most embryogenesis in microspore cultures. On the contrary, for
the synthetic amphidiploid Brassica types such as B. napus and B. juncea,
predominantly late uninucleate microspores are needed for the microspore
culture. But the real mechanism of spontaneous diploidization in microspore
cultures still remains uncertain, and thus requires further investigation.
B. rapa subsp. chinensis is a very important vegetable, which is normally used
for its leaves and stems. Gu et al. (2003b) reported that a certain number of
tetraploids were obtained in two genotypes investigated. Tetraploid plants can
develop into a very vigorous vegetative body, and have larger leaves and stems
than those of diploid plants, which might be very useful (as some kinds of novel
types) for vegetable breeders. Therefore, these tetraploid plants from isolated
microspores could be directly exploited as new varieties in breeding programs.


The ploidy level of microspore‐derived plants of Brassica species could be
estimated at various stages. For practical breeding purposes, the ploidy level
analysis was generally determined at the flowering stage by flower morphol-
ogy, pollen fertility, flower size, and seed set (Fletcher et al., 1998; Hansen
and Andersen, 1996; Zhou et al., 2002c). By using both microspore‐derived
haploid plants and seed‐germinated plants of B. napus as materials, the
diVerence of stoma guard cell circumferences between them was significant
and the stoma guard cell circumferences in the fifth leaf among these plants
were relatively steady. Thus, the stoma guard cell circumferences of plants
could be used as a subsidiary index to estimate the ploidy level of B. napus
(Liu et al., 2002). But these methods are likely to misjudge some fertile plants
like tetraploids for diploids and therefore overestimate the percentage
of actual DH production. So the precise ploidy level analysis should be
conducted by a flow cytometer (FCM) such as the ploidy analyzer (PA)
(Partec GmbH, Germany) (Zhou et al., 2002a; see below).
FCM analysis of ploidy levels of microspore‐derived plants in oilseed Bras-
sica species was made from newly emerged young leaves of 3‐week‐old andro-
genic plants in soil (Zhou et al., 2002a). A small portion of fresh leaf blades was
placed in a 6‐cm Petri dish in 0.6‐ml detergent solution [100‐ml deionized water,
0.1‐mol/liter citric acid, 0.5‐g Tween 20 (Serva 37470)], and was chopped with a
sharp razor blade. One minute later, 2.4‐ml staining solution [100‐ml deionized

water, 0.4‐mol/liter Na2HPO4, 0.2‐mg DAPI (Partec 7202)] was added to the
chopped material. The suspension of cell nuclei and debris was filtered through
a 40‐m nylon gauze and the filtrate was immediately analyzed with the FCM.
The channel for the peak of the frequency curve representing DNA from
diploid cells was calibrated by using leaf tissue from normal diploid rape that
was used as a standard throughout the experiments. The DNA distribution
curves were automatically analyzed by the FCM and recorded by a printer. The
DNA peaks were compared to the standard peak and assigned to the ploidy
level of haploid, diploid, triploid, tetraploid, and so on (Fig. 4).

Count Count
300 300

250 250

200 200

150 150

100 100

50 50

0 0
0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500
Partec CCA Intensity Partec CCA Intensity

Count Count
300 300

250 250

200 200

150 150

100 100

50 50

0 0
0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500
Partec CCA Intensity Partec CCA Intensity

Fig. 4. FCM histograms of (A, 1n) haploids, (B, 2n) diploids, (C, 3n) triploids,
and (D, 4n) tetraploids of microspore‐derived plants in B. napus L. FCM analysis of
ploidy levels of microspore‐derived plants in oilseed was made from newly emerged
young leaves of 3‐week‐old androgenic plants in soil. A small portion of fresh leaf
blades was chopped in 0.6‐ml detergent solution (100‐ml deionized water, 0.1‐mol/
liter citric acid, 0.5‐g Tween‐20), and was then added 2.4‐ml staining solution (100‐ml
deionized water, 0.4‐mol/liter Na2HPO4, 0.2‐mg DAPI). The suspension of cell nuclei
and debris was filtered through a 40‐m nylon gauze and the filtrate was immediately
analyzed with the FCM. The instrument was calibrated against normal diploid plant
that was used as a standard throughout the experiments. The frequency curve of the
sample DNA was compared to the standard peak and assigned to a ploidy level of
haploid, diploid, triploid, tetraploid, and so on.
200 L. XU ET AL.

Count A






0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500
Partec CCA Intensity







0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500
Partec CCA Intensity

Count C






0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500
Partec CCA Intensity

Fig. 5. FCM histograms of chimerics such as haploid plus diploid (A, 1n þ 2n),
diploid plus tetraploid (B, 2n þ 4n), and triploid plus hexaploid (C, 3n þ 6n) of
microspore‐derived plants in B. napus L. FCM analysis of ploidy levels of microspore‐
derived plants in oilseed was made from newly emerged young leaves of 3‐week‐old
androgenic plants in soil, in the same way as described in Fig. 4.

By using this method of FCM analysis, the ploidy level of microspore‐

derived plants could be well determined from fresh, newly emerged leaves
by flow cytometric analysis at the much early stage (seedling stage). For
instance, colchicine treatment during the first 15 h in microspore culture
caused an increase in doubling eYciency, which was the highest (83.3% and
91.3%) with 500‐mg/liter colchicine treatment. Application of colchicine for
30 h was less eVective. High concentration (1000 mg/liter) of colchicine treat-
ment generated significant numbers (7.3–14.3%) of polyploids and (few)
chimerics, especially when treatment duration was 30 h (11.8% and 14.3%).
The experiment also revealed that changing of induction medium 15 h
after microspore isolation showed higher spontaneous doubling eYciency,
as compared with medium change 30 h after isolation (Zhou et al., 2002a).
Furthermore, an unequivocal identification of haploids, diploids, triploids,
and tetraploids (Fig. 4), as well as chimerics such as haploid plus diploid,
diploid plus tetraploid, and triploid plus hexaploid of microspore‐derived
plants in B. napus, was possible from their discrete peaks of histograms
[similar results see Zhou et al. (2002b)] (Fig. 5).
Gu et al. (2003b) also reported a large number of regenerated B. rapa
plants that were relatively stable and consistent on ploidy level at that time,
and they were haploids, diploids, and tetraploids. The results showed that
more than 70% of regenerated plants in B. rapa genotypes were spontane-
ously DHs, less than 15% were haploids, and about 8.5% were tetraploids.
B. napus genotypes had on an average of about 35% spontaneously
DHs, about 50% haploids, and no tetraploids. Less than 10% of the plants
tested in B. rapa were other polyploids, such as triploids, pentaploids, hex-
aploids, or chimerics with haploid and diploid cells and diploid plus tetra-
ploid cells.



Mutation‐breeding techniques have been widely used in genetic study and

plant breeding for the production of useful mutants and variants. According
to the statistic of mutation variety database (MVD) by FAO/IAEA, the
number of mutated varieties registered online reached 2271, with 59 oil plants
and rapeseed occupied only 15 (FAO/IAEA, 2003). Mutated varieties and
mutated genes had accelerated agricultural production and economic devel-
opment. Large number of mutation techniques in vitro were greatly devel-
oped in these years and widely used for improving quality and resistance of
crop plants (Maluszynski et al., 1995).
202 L. XU ET AL.

Microspore culture provides an ideal method for mutation because the

mutated traits can be fixed in homozygous condition by chromosome dou-
bling. In contrast, selection with diploid cells may allow recessive genes to
remain undetected and to be carried unnoticed in the heterozygote. In vitro
mutation technique to isolated microspores provides a novel approach in
rapeseed mutation breeding, which can enforce to obtain target mutation
traits eYciently and speed up the breeding process. The current progresses
on in vitro mutagenesis and selection combined with microspore culture
technology and mutant applications were summarized by Gu et al. (2003a).
There are two major mutation methods for isolated microspores, micro-
spore‐derived embryos and cotyledons of oilseed Brassica in vitro, one is the
chemical mutation such as using mutagenic agents ethyl methane sulfonate
(EMS) and sodium azide (NaN3), and the other is physical mutation as
ultraviolet (UV) and ‐irradiation ( ‐radiation). In Brassicas, the eYcient
regeneration of plants from microspores provides a useful system for
mutagenesis and selection. In addition, haploid suspension cell cultures of
Brassicas and haploid embryos that are capable of sustained secondary
embryogenesis are equally useful for such studies (HoVmann, 1978; Ingram
et al., 1984; Loh and Lim, 1992; MacDonald et al., 1988; Prabhudesai and
Bhaskaran, 1991; Shu and Loh, 1987).
Breeding oilseed rape resistant to herbicides is now one of the most
important objectives in breeding programs. The method of microspore
and embryo culture, selection of the embryos resistant to the herbicide at
the embryo stage, was used for herbicide‐resistant breeding. Furthermore,
the DH population was successfully produced by colchicine treatment. Its
genotype was pure and the population could acquire stable inheritance.
Through the physical and chemical mutations, the mutants with herbicide
resistance were obtained in B. napus (Swanson et al., 1988, 1989). Adding the
mutagens or herbicides in microspore culture medium, the regenerated
mutants with herbicide resistant genes have been obtained in Chinese cab-
bage (B. campestris subsp. pekinensis) (Zhang and Takahata, 1999). Resis-
tant oilseed rape plants to glyphosate and haloxyfop were obtained after
addition of these chemicals to the culture media. Culturing the embryos
in vitro in the herbicide‐containing media could produce these regenerated
plants quickly and eVectively. Moreover, the DH‐regenerated plants can also
be obtained by doubling the chromosomes (Xu et al., 2005). These pure DH
populations could be used to select new oilseed rape varieties directly or as
the parents in the oilseed rape breeding. Compared with the conventional
breeding method, the microspore culture approach greatly saves time and
labor, enhances the selection eYciency, and oVers a high potential in

accelerating the breeding program of oilseed rape. Further studies are neces-
sary for yield stability, quality, and resistance in the descendants of resistant
plants, obtained from the microspore culture.
The fatty acid contents and components aVect the quality of rapeseed
greatly, including oil content, oleic acid, unsaturated fatty acid, linolenic
acid, and so on. By chemical mutation, the oleic acid contents were enhanced
from 60 to 85% and the linolenic acid contents were decreased from 10 to 3%
(Kott, 1996). Through radiation mutation, the oleic acid contents were lifted
from 47.1% to more than 50% and the highest was up to 70.4%, the linolenic
acid contents were decreased to below 8% from the normal 11.4%, and the
saturated fatty acid was also decreased to below 5% from the original 5.7%
(Ferrie, 1999). According to the diVerent uses of erucic acid (high erucic acid
content has the special usage in industrial process), the mutants with diVerent
erucic acid contents were selected. Using UV treatment, Fletcher et al. (1998)
had got the mutant with low erucic acid content (0.1%) from the initial 0.36%;
however, Barro et al. (2003) enhanced the erucic acid from 42.8 to 49.5%. The
seed oil content increased from parental 38.2 to 44.3% with about 16%
increasing through being exposed to UV (Fletcher et al., 1998).
The fodder from rapeseed with high glucosinolates was harmful to animals.
Through the application of microspore mutation technology, the mutants with
lower glucosinolates than parents’ were obtained. In the B. napus, the lowest
glucosinolate content was 16 M compared with 99.6 M of the parents after
the microspore treated with UV. In the B. carinata, the average of parents’
glucosinolates was 80.6 M, after the microspore treated with UV, the average
glucosinolate content of mutants was 37.5 M, which was nearly half of the
initial (Barro et al., 2003).
Combining the rapeseed microspore induction and culturing together with
pathogen selection, mutants with rapeseed Alternaria brassicicola resistance
were obtained in B. napus (Ahmad et al., 1991). Using the same method,
mutants with Sclerotinia sclerotiorum resistance were selected in rapeseed
(Liu et al., 1997) and the mutants which were resistant to root rot disease
were observed in Chinese cabbage (B. campestris subsp. pekinensis) (Zhang
and Takahata, 1999). Some excellent agricultural characters can also be
obtained through microspore mutation. Shi et al. (1995) reported that the
mutants with the characters of long pod and dwarf in B. napus were obtained
by using the chemical mutation of 0.2% and 0.25% EMS.
We have also carried out some mutation experiments in vitro in B. napus:
UV irradiation, mutagenic agents EMS, and NaN3 were applied to isolated
microspores and microspore‐derived embryos of four B. napus genotypes
in vitro (He et al., 2007a). In the UV light irradiation experiment, the isolated
204 L. XU ET AL.

microspores and microspore‐derived embryos were exposed for diVerent

time duration. Embryo yield showed a sharp decrease with increasing UV
exposure. Embryo germination was also decreased when isolated micro-
spores and microspore‐derived embryos were treated by UV irradiation.
Mutagenic treatments, NaN3 and EMS were applied to the isolated micro-
spores and embryos at early cotyledonary stage for various time intervals.
When the isolated microspores were treated, chemical mutagens with low
concentration promoted the embryo yield. With increasing of the mutagen
concentrations and prolonged exposure time, embryo yield reduced gradually.
When the concentration reached the maximum, no embryo was observed.
Rate of embryo germination and plant regeneration decreased when the
isolated microspores were treated by EMS. Many fertile microspore‐derived
embryos died after the applying of EMS. Embryo germination was also de-
creased with the treatment of EMS. But surprisingly, when 0.01% EMS treated
each genotype for 5 h, the rate of embryo germination and plant regeneration
all exceeded the control, among which the rate of embryo germination for
genotype h58 reached 52.38%, which was twice over the control. DiVerent
mutagens had diVerent eVects. The application of NaN3 had a promotive
eVect on embryogenesis and plant regeneration. When the isolated microspores
were treated by 10‐M NaN3 for 1 h, rate of plant regeneration of genotypes
M9, h57, and h58 reached 11.11, 15.79, and 22.22%, respectively, which all
exceeded over the controls. When 10‐M NaN3 treated microspore‐derived
embryos of genotype h58 for 1 h, rate of plant regeneration reached 19.05%,
which showed significant increase over the control. But when the concentration
of NaN3 reached 100 M, no plant was regenerated in all four genotypes. So it
is very important to use the appropriate concentration of NaN3 in the in vitro
UV irradiation, mutagenic agents EMS, and NaN3 were also applied to
cotyledons of two B. napus genotypes in vitro (He et al., 2007b). Cotyledons
were exposed in the UV radiation for diVerent time intervals, and the results
showed that suitable UV treatments strongly promoted the plant regeneration.
When the cotyledons were exposed in the UV for 120 s and 60 s, the rate of
callus induction and plant regeneration of the two cultivars reached the maxi-
mum respectively. When EMS was applied to cotyledons, the rate of callus
induction and plant regeneration decreased with increasing of the mutagen
concentrations and prolonging of the treatment time. When the treatment (1%
EMS for 25 h) was applied to cotyledons, the rate of plant regeneration reduced
to zero. NaN3 significantly increased the callus induction with the increasing of
the mutagen concentrations used. When cotyledons were treated 1000‐M
NaN3 for 5 h, the rate of callus induction of cv. N1 reached 89.29%, which

was a significant increase over the control. However, 1000‐M NaN3‐treated

cotyledons for 25 h completely impeded regeneration. Similarly, higher con-
centrations of mutagens (EMS and NaN3) turned cotyledons yellow and some
even deceased. With the further development of these protocols of in vitro
mutagenesis on isolated microspores, microspore‐derived embryos, and coty-
ledons of B. napus, some novel rapeseed germplasms or genotypes with unique
agronomic and quality characters could be obtained, which are ultimately
necessary for crop improvement and sustainable development.


Anther and microspore culture techniques are mostly used for haploid produc-
tion in Brassicas. These techniques have been widely utilized for breeding
commercially important species. In the Brassicas, plant microspore culture
and haploid breeding have several advantages such as DH breeding, mutation
breeding, and gene transformation breeding, and play an important role in crop
improvement and germplasm generation. With the development of micro-
spore culture technology and its related breeding method, more and more
international seed companies and breeding workers are using this technology.
DiVerent factors are considered to be important for the successful hap-
loid production, such as donor plant genotype, donor plant physiology,
microspore developmental stage, culture conditions, culture environment,
and pretreatments. Stress is also an essential component during embryo-
genesis induction in microspore culture, and such stresses including the
medium refreshing, cold pretreatment, heat shocks, addition of colchicines,
and AC to culture media are reported to promote the embryogenesis in
Brassicas. Furthermore, proper culture osmoticum is also essential to the
stimulation of microspore embryogenesis. This osmotic requirement for
microspore induction and development could be met by sucrose, PEG or
carrageenan oligosaccharides.
A significant enhancement of microspore embryogenesis by cold pretreat-
ment of flower buds was reported in B. napus (Gu et al., 2003a). Gland et al.
(1988) reported that addition of AC into culture medium promoted the
development of embryos to develop into whole plants in B. napus. Short‐
term exposure of isolated microspores to colchicine increases the number of
symmetric cell divisions and the frequency of embryogenesis in B. napus
(Zhang et al., 2003).
Plant regeneration from microspores mostly occurs through direct embryo-
genesis. Successful embryogenesis after passing through all zygotic stages
206 L. XU ET AL.

leads to the plant development. Factors like donor genotype, bud size, micro-
spore stage, culture condition, diVerent media, medium renovation, phy-
tohormones, plant growth regulators, and chromosome‐doubling agents
such as colchicine treatment all aVect plant regeneration greatly in Brassica
species. Cold treatment not only enhanced microspore embryogenesis (Gu
et al., 2004a; Zhou et al., 2002b) but also improved the germination and
development of plants from embryos in B. napus. ABA treatment of embryos
can also lift the frequency of plant development.
Appropriate stress conditions, such as cotyledon excision, chilling, partial
desiccation, and successive subculture of microspore‐derived embryos, are also
considered to aVect plant development in oilseed rape (B. napus L.). Cutting the
cotyledons of the embryos at late cotyledonary stage can significantly increase
the frequency of plantlet development. Subculturing over an extended period
is helpful to induce germination and produce shoots, which originate from
secondary initiated embryos from epidermal cells of hypocotyls.
Microspore culture is an eVective technology for the production of DH
parental lines required for producing F1 hybrids of modern cultivars with
desirable genetic recombinants, but the application of this technique for wide
utilization as a routine breeding tool for these crosses still remains an
obstacle because of the less eYcient production of DH plants. Also, haploid
plant regeneration directly and rapidly from the shoot apex of microspore‐
derived embryos is an important step in DH production. Direct and quick
regeneration ensures minimal occurrence of cytogenetic abnormalities, which
is extremely important in a breeding program (Fletcher et al., 1998). The
most widely used method of chromosome doubling is the use of the anti-
microtubule agent colchicine. Colchicine treatment of isolated microspores
increases the doubling eYciency of regenerated plants in B. napus obviously.
Compared to colchicine treatments of microspore‐derived plants and
microspore‐derived embryos, immediate colchicine treatment of isolated mi-
crospores results in high embryogenesis and diploidization and low chimeric
percentages in B. napus (Chen et al., 1994; Zhou and Hagberg, 2000; Zhou
et al., 2002a). Large and healthy‐looking embryos obtained from colchicine‐
treated microspores, after transfer to solid regeneration medium and an initial
period of low temperature (28C) for 10 days, germinate well at 248C and
can easily regenerate vigorous plants. Plant treatment for chromosome
doubling significantly delays plant growth and development. This process
also reduces seed set so that an additional growth cycle is necessary to produce
suYcient seed for field testing. Therefore, immediate chromosome doubling
by colchicine application of isolated microspores is safer, quicker, and more

An improved protocol for production of DHs through microspore culture of

B. rapa subsp. chinensis has been established by Gu et al. (2003b). This protocol
is mainly characterized by replacement of culture media and reduction of
sucrose concentrations after the first 48 h of culture initiation, which results
in a high frequency of microspore embryogenesis and good embryo quality.
Mutation‐breeding techniques are widely used in plant breeding for
producing useful mutants and variants. Microspore culture provides an
ideal method for mutation because the mutated traits can be fixed in homo-
zygous condition by chromosome doubling, which can enforce to obtain
target mutation traits eYciently and accelerate the breeding process.
In contrast, selection with diploid cells may allow recessive genes to remain
undetected and to be carried unnoticed in the heterozygote. UV irradiation,
mutagenic agents EMS, and NaN3 were applied to isolated microspores,
microspore‐derived embryos, and cotyledons of rapeseed.
The method of microspore and embryo culture, selection of the embryos
resistant to herbicide at the embryo stage after the mutations are used for
herbicide‐resistant breeding. The mutants with high oil contents and high
oleic acid, low linolenic acid, and low erucic acid were obtained through
mutations. Combining the rapeseed microspore induction and culturing
together with pathogen selection, mutants with some rapeseed disease resis-
tance were obtained in B. napus. The excellent agricultural characters can
also be selected by using mutation techniques. Therefore, haploid micro-
spore culture and DH technology have great potential for breeding crops due
to their wide utilization and convenience, and at the same time they can be
used as tools for more fundamental research in plant development and
biotechnological processes.


This work was supported by the Science and Technology Departments

of Zhejiang Province (2004C22013, 2005C22004) and Hangzhou Municipality
(2003132E32), the Zhejiang Natural Science Foundation of China (Y304162),
the National Basic Research Program of China (2006CB101600), and the
National Natural Science Foundation of China (30370852). I (W. J. Zhou,
the corresponding author) am grateful to Per Hagberg (Svalöf Weibull AB,
Sweden), and my other postdoc fellows and graduate students, past and
present, for their contributions in this and related researches. The authors
thank Dr. Raziuddin (a visiting professer in Zhejiang‐University from NWFP
Agricultural University, Peshawar‐Pakistan) for critically reading the
208 L. XU ET AL.


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