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What is HIV and Aids?

Human Immunodefiency Virus (HIV) firstly, identified in 1981 it is a virus that attack cells, that the help
the body fight infections, While, Acquired Immounodfiency Syndrome (Aids), is a complication caused by
HIV. HIV, is spread by contact with certain body fluids of a person with HIV (e.g. Blood, Semen, Having
unsafe sex).if left untreated, HIV can lead to AIDS – ( AIDS, is a complication of the virus

A person who is said to have Aids, when their immune system is too weak to fight off infection and they
develop certain illnesses. If left untreated it can lead to death. Nowadays, HIV/Aids infection in the
Philippines, might be low but growing. The country has one of the highest rates, yet has the one of the
fastest growing number of cases worldwide. The Philippines is one of the seven countries with growth in
number of cases of over 25% from 2001 to 2009 -( HIV, causes our immune system to not
to able to fight off infections. AIDS on the other hand make the body more susceptible to infections who
are opportunistic to shut our defenses against infection that would result to Tuberculosis, Chronic Lung
Infections and Certain types of cancer even worst, DEATH. In our opinion, we are able to see the
destructive effects and the solutions are in the silver lining that would make the Philippine islands and
HIV/AIDS free. First, is by educating the citizens how can they protect themselves from this disease, how
can it destroy the bodies of people. Second, the subject of Sex Education and health, shall be taught on
how to prevent the spreading of the virus. Because the victims are getting younger and younger as the
time passes. Third and last, is abstaining from pre-marital sex and having multiple partners. And also the
society should practice not isolating the the infected person. They should be shown the love and care as
much as we can give. The stigma should end. We are in the new millennia; we have learned how much
it can damage the not just physically but also emotionally as a person. It’s how we should show infected
people some love and respect.

Therefore, HIV/AIDS are interconnected in terms of infecting and harming a person. At present there is
no cure. But by ending the stigma, by showing love and care to people with it. Love can be the best cure
for this. Lets be a HIV/AIDS free country.s

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