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Common Problems Among Adolescents Mood Disorders- are types of mental disorders,affect physical
• There are circumstances,hindrances, or problems that social, perpectual and thought processes of an indivual. ex;
come along way. It is normal, it happens to everyone. bipolar disorder (manic-depressive/depression and mania)
• You may encounter environmental situations or Low Self-esteem
stressful events that can hamper your well being. • Self-esteem refers to how well you regard yourself
Problem with Attention/Focusing • Teenagers with low self-esteem suffer from inability to
• At this stage, your energy is high, activities are diverse, maximize there talents and skills, believing that they
your social life is growing, and technology abounds do not have what it takes to do or perform tasks.
with many things to do and get interested with. • You think low or poorly of yourself, and such affects
• Sometimes, you get too excited with the many things you self confidence
happening around that you lose focus. Anxiety
• You end up not being deliver what is expected form • It usually happens when we are anticipating something
you: doing homework, submitting, passing exams, we fearful of, or when faced with with difficult
fulfilling performance tasks etc. situations.
Attention Deficit/Hyperactive Disorder • It is serious when it affects you normal functioning, like
--This is a chronic problem in attention, hyperactivity, and/or when you start to experience sleeplessness, feel scared
impulsivity for no reason etc.
Mood swings Depression
• Moods are less intense and less specific, but last longer • All of us experience feeling depressed once in a while.
compared to emotions. It is normal especially when faced with a lot o
• Moods swings would mean the fast shifting of moods. problems, difficulties, and frustrations.
“She is very moody. She would be happy now, then would be • It becomes a cause of concern if the duration last a
quiet later” number of weeks (4 to 6 weeks or months )
• You my, in some ways blame the hormones which • May have already impaired you from doing your
brings you too many bodily changes to adjust to. normal activities.

Major depressive disorder  Mood swings

--It is marked by persistent,sadness,despair,and loss of  Depression
interest in life activities.  Memory loss
Eating Problems  Paranoia
• Anorexia nervosa is a psychological disorder where in  Academic failure
the person keeps his/her weight as low as possible  Jobloss
because of faulty thinking that she or he is fat and  Relationship with family an friends become strained
would want to be thin as possible.  Finacial loss
Eating Disorder  Arrest and imprisonment
--this is a serious problem in eating behavior brought by
excesive concern over weight and unhealthy eating How can you prevent substance abuse?
practices.ex: anorexia nevosa and bulimia • Keep good company.choose friends carefully. make
Substance Abuse sure their influence is positive
• A Harmful of hazardous us of psychoactive substances, • Deal with peer pressure
including alcohol and illicit drugs. • Face problems
• Psychoactive substances affects the central nervous • Engage in healthy activities(e.g.,choose sports)
system by altering brain function resulting in changes • Seek help.
in perception, behaviour and mood.
• The use of drugs and alcohol is a serious issue and
concern most especially for teens
• The use of drugs and alcohol has serious consequences
your physical health,well-being,as well as academic
and professional life.
Effects Include:
 Organ damage
 Cancer
 Hormone imbalance

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