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University of Los Andes

Faculty of Humanities and Education

Modern Languages

Intercultural Communication

Eric Cartman as representation of American thought and

behavior to other cultural identities


Angie Paucar I.D.27.087.909

Liza Romero I.D.25.004.238

Nayarith Briceño I.D.26.757.808


Emma Palma

October, 2019

INTRODUCTION. .........................................................................................

CHAPTER I.SOCIAL SCIENCE ...................................................................

1.1 Dominant Culture ...................................................................................

1.2 Individualist Identity vs. Collective Identity..............................................
1.3 Stereotypes ............................................................................................
1.4 Types of Migrant Groups ........................................................................

CHAPTER II.INTERPRETATIVE .................................................................

2.1 Identity development issues ...................................................................

2.1.1 Minority identity development.....................................................
2.2.2 Majority identity development .....................................................
Unexamined identity ...................................................................
Acceptance ................................................................................
Redefinition ................................................................................
Integration ..................................................................................
2.3 Cultural adaptation ................................................................................
2.3.1 U-curve theory model .....................................................................
2.3.2 W- Curve model .............................................................................
2.4 Popular culture, intercultural communication and power ........................

CHAPTER III.CRITICAL ..............................................................................

3. Power cultural ………………………………………………………………….

3.1 Culture as heterogeneous .................................................................
2.2. Culture as dynamic ...........................................................................
2.2. Culture as contested zone ................................................................
2.2. Identity ..............................................................................................
3.5 Resisting Ascribed identities..............................................................
3.6. The Dynamic nature of identities………………………………………..
3.7. Cultural Adaptation………………………………………………………
3.7.1. Contextual influences……………………………………………
CONCLUTION .............................................................................................
GLOSSARY .................................................................................................
REFERENCES .............................................................................................
ANNEXES ....................................................................................................

South Park is a comedy series created in 1997 from United States; its main
focus is social criticism through satire and black humor. This series exposes
controversial topics such as racism, xenophobia, religion, sexuality, politics and
others. The scenario normally used is in American, highlighting American culture
alongside the influence and power it has in society. South Park is an adult cartoon
comedy because the themes on display have scenes and vulgar vocabularies not
suitable for children. On the other hand, each protagonist of series has cultural and
social characteristics. The main protagonist is Eric Cartman who according to
Andrés Egáez (2013) Eric is a child that represents the worst of humanity,
especially American culture because he is racist, neo-Nazi, irreamive,
manipulative, xenophobic with leadership ability.

Eric Theodore Cartman is 10-year-old boy; he created from characteristics

of whiteness in the physical as well as personal aspect. He is Caucasian and has
brown hair, blue eyes; his class identity is upper-middle. He is Roman Catholic and
presents major characteristics of American behavior such as blackmail, hate
crimes, nationalist, proud, intelligent, independent in making decisions and he has
a great leadership capacity. Together with his friends Kyle Broflovski, Stan Marsh
and Kenny McCormick who represents other characteristics of American culture
and identity that are grounds for rejection such as being Jewish or poor. . Eric is
the representation of American double moral because he criticizes the lives of
others, but his life is totally disastrous compared to that of his friends. They live
with stable and harmonious families, otherwise Eric; he lives with her mother who
leads a hypocritical life because she appears to be religious and cultured, but she
is actually a prostitute and sometimes both have conflicts.

South Park exposes controversial themes at recent events that occur in

American society as others and adapts them in their characters. He also
exaggerates and taunts important issues with humor and satire. According to
Andrés Egáez (2013):
South Park no sólo satiriza y critica los valores del sistema imperante o
cultura hegemónica, sino también a los otros elementos de su
formación cultural, incluida la contracultura. Ya que la contracultura ha
sido absorbida por la vorágine tecnocrática y capitalista, sus discursos
contestatarios carecen de fondo y sólo se presentan como mera forma.
In this way, south park chapters always have a background and want to
convey a message sarcastically.

Based on the cultural information that the series has along with the events
that have occurred of society. Research can be done in which the cultural clashes
of a dominant culture and a minority culture are analyzed. It is based on the book
Intercultural Communication in Context by Judith N. Martin and Thomas k.
Nakayama. In the book there are three approaches such as social science,
interpretative and critical, these approaches were used to perform the analyses in
the series with three points of view. For this, the following chapters were used:

The main chapter:

S13 x CH14 (Pee)


 S1 x CH8 (Starvin’ Marvin)

 S2 x CH5 (Conjoined fetus)
 S4 x CH1 (Cartman’s Silly Hate)
 S5 x CH9 (Osama bin Laden Has Party Pants)
 S21 x CH1 (White People Renovating Houses)


1. Power Cultural

1.1. Dominant cultural

Eric Cartman as a representation of American thinking and dominant culture

(United States) because meets the stereotypes imposed over time as the standard
conception of American.

Eric is a character that reflects in general terms the behavior and The
American way of thinking. He is ethnocentric; he judges other cultures and
countries because he thinks that they are less than his. Also, Eric Cartman is
nationalist and proud because his thinking about United States is the best country
in the world. Therefore, he believes that being American is taking precedence over
others, regardless of nationality, gender or race.

Secondary dimensions (minorities)

People from minority countries not necessarily underdeveloped because it

encompasses countries like China which is a country power

Individualist Identity vs. Collective Identity

Individualist: Eric represents the Collectivist: Minorities represent the

identity and independence of American identity and collectivist behavior.

Since children, Americans get used to Since children, minority people are
being independent. more familiar and attached.

These behaviors see when Eric and his These behaviors see in Chapter 14
friends are taken to the water park by Season 13 of “South Park” within the
Stan’s father and left alone there. (S13 water park in several scenes show
x E14 episode) minority people and are always together
and as a family, which in Eric´s eyes
are always in pack.

Racism and Xenophobia are an important part of the Erick identity, who
reflects the idea of the consequences of sharing his country with minorities.
According to Erick, blacks, Latinos, native Indians and others. They are the worst
thing that could have happened in his country.

Where did they all come from? Why can´t they leave this land alone?
and it’s such a tragedy feel a bit like dying, we’ve looked the other way
too long we’ve got to change our priorities and get all these minorities
out of my water park. –Cartman (S13, T14)
Beyond being a fictional character, Erick Cartman is a compilation of what
many American whites think. They think that minorities do not contribute to their
country, but quite the opposite; and they feel superior just because they have
American nationality.

1.2. Stereotypes

All have a stereotype of other people, general characteristics with which we

relate or identify someone with a nationality or place. In general terms, not
everyone meet the list of characteristics or stereotypes established, in this case we
can observe what Americans think of minorities, and what minorities think about

Minority people to Americans Americans to minority people

They believe that all Americans are: Americans believe that minorities are:
white, clear eyes, frivolous, Indians, blacks, messy, Lazy, Cheap
independents, serious, unfamiliar, Labor, Depends, invaders, hindrances
racist, xenophobic, proud, ethnocentric, and they speak badly.
other stereotypes.

1.3. Types of Migrant Groups

Motivation of Migration

Voluntary Involuntary
Short-term duration
Sojourners Short-term refugee
Long-term duration
immigrant Long-term refugee

According to the scenes seen in Chapter 14 season 13 of South Park “pee”,

it can be inferred that migrant population found in the park are of they own volition
and could be sojourners or immigrants because the chapter is not specified.

Sojourners or immigrants are not well received by Erick because the arrival
of these people causes certain conflicts. Migrants do not adapt to their culture,
instead they are imposing theirs; this is evident in Chapter 14 season 13 “There
are Mexicans all around me lazy river has never been lazier, it’s a 40-minute wait
to go down one slide and the instructions are in Spanish on the zip line ride”
Cartman. It is seen as in one of attractions, the manager gives the information in
Spanish. He should give them in English because is the official language. The
native hardly ever adapt to the foreigner.


This analysis is performed taking into account different scenes from South
Park series. The influence of American cultural power is denoted primarily in Erick
Cartman. Within cultural power there are different categories found in the series
such as dominant cultural, minority, identity and ethnocentrism.

2. Identity development issues

2.1. Minority identity development

According to Judith N. Martin and Thomas k. Nakayama Minority identity is

"A sense belonging of to a non-dominant group" (p. 204). Therefore, the minority
groups exhibited in the series are: blacks, native Indians, Latinos, Arabs,
Europeans and Asians. These groups are distinguished by always being aware of
the characteristics of their identity.

The main feature in chapter 14 Season 13 is Resistance and separatism,

this is observed in the scene in which agents visit the water park's owner (Italian)
to expose rules and limits imposed in the city. This causes the owner to react
negatively because he has managed to develop in the United States with the rules
of his native city (Venice). The water park’s owner said:

Gentlemen, please. I come from the Venice, Venice is almost all pee,
and we do just fire, we swim-a in the pee, we sing-a in the pee you
can’t-a barge in here and tell me, that I have to close down just because
my water park has-a too much pee” (C14xS13, 6:44)
It is common for the immigrant to want to follow the customs of his native
country because they are the characteristics that make up his identity. These
characteristics are learned from birth and are difficult to change them.

2.2 Majority identity development

2.2.1. Unexamined identity

Majority groups understand their culture, but not the others; they believe that
minorities only come to their country to cause trouble. They think only of their well-
being and defend their culture because they believe it is superior to others. A
chapter of South Park shows “Los musulmanes tratando de matarnos, personas
negras amotinándose y mexicanos dando a luz a bebés, es bastante claro son
ellos o nosotros ¡así que digo matémoslos a todos!” (S21xC01, White people
renovating houses). In this chapter, the resentment of immigrants along with the
lack of empathy for them is remarkable.

2.2.2. Acceptance

Cartman is a passive acceptance because he doesn't agree to live with

minority groups, nor does he care about their culture. He believes that members of
the minority really want to impose their culture in other country “han pasado
muchas, muchas horas desde el apocalipsis y en lo único que pienso es por qué
soy el único de mi raza que Dios eligió para sobrevivir en este mundo gobernado
por minorías, cuando el humo se despeje las minorías empezarán a reconstruir,
construirán el mundo a su manera. (S13 x C14 pee). For Cartman, other groups
that don't comply with American stereotype, they are inferior to him and his culture
because he as the social hierarchy is experienced as ´normal´ for the dominant

2.2.3 Redefinition

It focuses on redefining the privileged identity of the imposed American

stereotype and being aware of the oppressions and inequalities that exist.
Therefore, the representation of redefinition is kyle Broflovski, he does not agree
with cartman's thinking about minorities. Kyle said:

Kyle: Well, then they’re not minorities, are they?

Erick: What do you do?
Kyle: Dumb ass, if there’s 60% of then to 40% of us, then who’s then
Erick: The black and brown people
Kyle: No, you´re the minority
Erick: Do I look like a minority to you, stupid?
(S13, x C14, Pee)

Kyle contradicts Cartman and defends the prejudices Erick addresses

about the number of foreigners in the water park, however Cartman does not
accept being the minority for being less, he believes himself superior to

2.2.4. Integration

There is no integration on the part of migrants. They have a sense of self-

identity but do not appreciate or care about other cultural assets groups.

2.3. Cultural adaptation

2.3.1. U-curve theory model

According to Judith N. Martin and Thomas k. Nakayama U-curve theory

model is “The main idea is that migrants go through fairly predictable phases in
adapting to a new cultural situation” (p.327). This theory describes three phases
through which the migrant passes as anticipation, shock/disorientation and
adjustment. The phases are reflected in the S1-C8 (Starvin' Marvin) where a child
from Africa nicknamed "Starvin' Marvin" by Erick Cartman arrives in South Park by
mistake. Starvin Marvin is a child who experiences excistement when he meets
Eric's group of friends and goes to school with them. In addition, you experience
disorientation and surprise from some behavior of the children. However, the
African child adapts easily and adopts other children's customs.

2.3.2. W- Curve model

This model refer to “Scholars refer to this process as the W-curve theory of
adaptation because sojourners seem to experience another U curve: the
anticipation of returning home, culture shock in finding that it’s not exactly as
expected, and then gradual adaptation” (p.327). Therefore, the process of theory is
evident when Starvin' Marvin being in the adaptation process, he decides to return
home feeling excited and nostalgic because he was already getting used to that
environment. As he took a short time in the United States, the culture Shock was
not evident and his gradual adaptation was immediate.

2.4. Popular culture, intercultural communication and power

People are in a unique position in relationship to popular culture products of:

movies, music, you tube, TV shows, games, soap operas and popular magazines.
In this case, popular culture exposes and imposes the stereotype established in it;
this achieves an intercultural communication between popular culture and other
cultures. In addition, there is a direct and indirect interaction to disseminate
established information and achieve the American ideal.

The United States is known to be a country with dominant culture over

others and has remained for a long time. The American ideal constitutes the
identity of Native Americans and is imposed on other cultures. This country is
known as cultural imperialism because it has five aspects to nominate by John
Tomlinson (1991) as cultural domination, media imperialism, nationalist discourse,
critique of global capitalism and critique of modernity. Thus, Judith N. Martin and
Thomas k. Nakayama mention that “Tomlinson’s analysis underscores the
interrelatedness of issues of ethnicity, culture, and nationalism in the context of
economics, technology, and capitalism—resources that are distributed unevenly
throughout the world” (pp.371).

The impact of United States in the intercultural communication is of great

magnitude and is reflected in the South Park series because in the first few
seasons, the series is based on American behavior and it ironizes what is politically
correct. This series exposes controversial topics such as religion, racism, sexuality
and recent events with issues of great importance to American country and other
The series stars Erick Cartman alongside his friends and he is distinguished
from the other children by reflecting in general American ideal.

The critical focus ethnocentrism thinking American to minorities though

identity and prejudice. In the “intercultural communication in contexts” book, Judith
N. Martin and Thomas k. Nakayamina said “the identity is a core issue for most
people. It is about who we are and who others think we are”pg.(162.) The identity
is who we are in social, familiar, personal aspects and is unreasonable feelings,
opinions, or attitudes, especially of a hostile nature, regarding an ethnic, racial,
social, or religious group.

In this study, focus in Cartman like main character because he reflects the
standard thinking American, mean, he is American, his color of skin is white, he
speaks English and german, his class identity is medium – class. also he is very
nationalist and proud, xenophobic, racism, etnocentist, manipulator ,leader and
discriminate so much to minorities

In the fist episode of South park (1997), NPR`S Julie Rovner journalist do an
interview to congressmen, senator, presential in political aspect. She interviewed to
Eric Cartman where there could apreciar a part of proud of cartman to his
nationalistic and himself.

Rovner, Julie journalist ask him:

Who`s your hero?

`This might sound kind of egotistical, but it`s actually, i´´d have to say myself
and its only because like, if you, if you, if you could see me, like, I actually do really
cool struff and most of the kids think i`m really cool, and just basically everuthing
everything about me is so cool. I look up to myself, and then it raises me up, and
then i`m looking at myself, and it raises me again I just get cooler all the time´

Ademas of etnocentrisand proud, Eric Cartman is a character that expone

all prejudices of American society. The long man dictionary defined perjuice like an
unreasonable dislike and distrust of people who are different from you in some
way, especially because of their race, sex, religion etc – used to show disapproval.
the prejudice is unreasonable feelings, opinions, or attitudes, especially of a hostile
nature, regarding an ethnic, racial, social, or religious group.

His perjudices like: racism, xenophoby, manipulator like for example: in

the season 13 14 episode (pee) cartman is very perjuice. in this episode when he
is with his friend in the water park, and he say “minority invade our country and
that is a catastrophe” In the song, he say that Mexicans, black people and Asian,
are desordenados, lazier. Here he reflejs his scream that culture is changed y the
rechaza them. All can explain general american perjudices to minority.

Por otro lado all the actions por parte de cartman have its justification this
can see in the episode 14 season 13 “the pee” in various scenes see that the
minorities do it the things how they learned in they culture and they do not adapt to
the new place this type of actitudes molestan a cartman because minority are
amanazando his culture, cambiando cosas tan importantes como el idioma que es
una parte fundamental de su identidad.

3. Power cultural

3.1 Culture as heterogeneous

The culture can be heterogeneous because the society includes cultural

group to their culture and exist an respect to cultural group. Judith N. Martin and
Thomas k. Nakayamina (199) explain the “Culture as heterogeneous may
associate to a society or group that includes individuals of differing ethnicities,
cultural backgrounds” (90page). In America, generally there are some etnic
society, the minorities try of adapt to country but keep origin culture and a part of
American reject it and in this context Cartman is representation of this society.
An example is In the season 13 and episode 14(pee) of south park serie, Eric
and his friend go to water park but when they arrived there, there are much
minorities and cartman sing an song, and a fragment is :

“Somebody do something where did they all come from? Why cannot they
leave this land alone?” … And it`s such a tragedy feel a bit like dying. God I am
asking please get all of these minorities out of my water park my water park”

In this fragment, see that there is not a correct acceptation to presence of

ethnic groups. There is not a culture as heterogeneous because its society, in this
case is cartman, is not included cultural backgrounds and ethnicities but that
shows the individual separation between cultures because he feel strangers and
his group cultural is not majority and the norms of park changed to root of
migrants. However, culture heterogeneous can be present in the minority because
they try to comply the norms park, in little words, they integrate and assimilate the
cultural formats park .

3.7. Cultural Adaptation

Assimilation: In an assimilation mode, the individual does not want to

maintain an isolated cultural identity but wants to maintain relationships with other
groups in the new culture. The migrant is more or less welcomed by the new
cultural hosts (314).

Segregation: The policy or practice of compelling groups to live apart from

each other. (316)

Separation: an individual retains his or her original culture while interacting

minimally with other groups (315 page). Equal

Collins Diccionary Adaptation is the act of changing something or changing

your behaviour to make it suitable for a new purpose or situation.

Integration: occurs when migrants have an interest both in maintaining their

original culture and language and in having daily interactions with other groups
(316 page).
Marginalization occurs when individuals or groups express little interest in
maintaining cultural ties with either the dominant culture or the migrant culture.
this situation of being out of touch with both cultures may be the result of actions by
the dominant society (318 page).

Identity and Adaptation

According to Judith N. Martin and Thomas k. Nakayama in “intercultural

communication in contexts book ´ Identity and Adaptation is how individual
migrants develop multicultural identities depends on three issues. One is the extent
to which migrants want to maintain their own identity, language, and way of life
compared to how much they want to become part of the larger new society. Recall
that the immigrant–host culture relationship can be played out in several ways´
(340 page) the identity and the adaptation indiviualist develop depending of
expectative that people have with other people. A example is the season 13
episode 14(pee), there are two scene that can base it:

In the water park, Cartman is meeting with his friends and realized a
stadistis about how the majorities y minority there and how can it affect him. In the
place, cartman and his friends are minorities and minorities are majority but he
does not accept this y reaffirm that his friend and him are majorities:

Kyle: Well, then they’re not minorities, are they?

Erick: What do you do?

Kyle: Dumb ass, if there’s 60% of then to 40% of us, then who’s then

Erick: The black and brown people

Kyle: No, you´re the minority

Here, to reinforce ethno centrist, xenophobic, racist identity of cart man to
minority and the power that have his ethnocentrism in all aspects. The blindness of
his identity doesn`t do that difference the reality and fiction in his Statistics and this
cause that there is not an adaptation with minority. This ethnocentric identity can
became in a personal discrimination.

In all chanced episodes focus in the level non- adaptation of minority and
majority groups, but specifically in s13 c14 minority adapts the norms of water park
except Italian owner of park :

Gentlemen, please. I come from the Venice, Venice is almost all pee, and
we do just fire, we swim-a in the pee, we sing-a in the pee you can’t-a barge in
here and tell me, that I have to close down just because my water park has-a too
much pee” (C14xS13, 6:44)

He is owner of Water Park but he does not adapt to legal norms of country
but that he keeps Italian culture and prioritizes. In this episode he is minority, he
does not adapt to migrant and does not accept that in the water park he and his
friend are minority and emphasize that they still are majority. They segregate to
migrant. When Migrants is in a new country they want learn, visiting, know and
adaptation to a country but they do not want o lost his cultural identity but there that
assimilate to integrate and adopt to economic, political and cultural aspects of a
country to what your stay in that country be quiet and hassle-free but the process
of adaptation is difficult and society of visited country help them, this process can
be bad.

The interculturality and multiculturalism work in union to form a great cultural

world, it is positive or negative interaction between them and it is the diverse
cultural in world. The interculturality support to fix world conflicts like wars, politic,
economy, cultures between countries. The governments use these conflicts with
the objective to grow their country.

In the ´South park´ serie, focus in various intercultural conflicts like:

migration, sexuality, morality, politic, xenophobia, racism, ethnocentrism, etc. But
there is a topic that is present in the serie, it is minority and American thinking. The
minority ( migrants, black color people, Asians, Jews, homosexuals and other
people), the American thinking and a standard American must : native, white
people, conservationist, nationalist and love to his country, but also, he is
ethnocentrism, double moral, racism, discrimination. In the program this thinking is
Eric Cartman. All people do not have this behavior and thinking about ethnocentric

In The program, sometimes, there a inequality with some theme. Program

should maximize cooperation within groups and minimize competition and focus in
the equality between the members of different group, they should be of equal
status, both within and outside the contact situation (education, socioeconomic and

The possible objective of creators was to use in South Park, the inequality
as satiric of ´political correct´ theme in recent events of that time.

The main objective of monograph focuses in the ethnocentrism American

and minorities though of south park program. Then we chanced season and
episodes that can based this work. Main season and episode (S13 x E14)
because it has more examples of ethnocentrism discrimination. We decided to Eric
Cartman because his identity represent to American people and with minorities, we
do not chance specific groups.
We determined with it that the thinking of Americans is acceptable in a
specific point (the love to their country, economic, politic, each other) but it is not
acceptable that they use it to do ethnocentrism discrimination to minority. The
minorities live to visit the country to know it or got American dream. The
discrimination is not correct, we should respect and help to someone for equal.

Assimilation: A type of cultural adaptation in which an individual gives up his or

her own cultural heritage and adopts the mainstream cultural identity. The migrant
is more or less welcomed by the new cultural hosts. Intercultural communication in
context book (314 page)

Cultural adaptation: How one adapts and depends to some extent on the host
environment-whether it is welcoming or hostile. equal

Cultural hybrid: Migrants and their family often combine these four different
modes of relating to the host. equal

Cultural identity formation: The driving force behind a critical approach is the
attempt to understand identity formation within the contexts of history, economics,
politics, and discourse. Equal

Culture shock: A feeling of confusion that results from suddenly experiencing a

culture with customs that are not familiar to you. Dictionary cambridge

Dominant cultural groups: They attempt to perpetuate their privileged position in

many ways. These groups can resist this domination in many ways cultural groups
can use political and legal means to maintain or resist domination, through of
economic groups can negotiate relations. Equal

Ethnocentrism: The idea that one`s own group`s way of thinking, being and acting
in the world is superior to other. equal

Identity: The concept of who we are. Characteristics of identity may be understood

differently depending on the perspectives that people take. Equal

Immigrants: People who come to a new country. Dictionary cambridge

Integration: A type of cultural adaptation in which individuals maintain both their

original culture and their daily interactions with other groups. Book

Long-term refugees: People who are forced to relocate permanently because of

war, famine, and oppression. book

Marginalization: A type of cultural adaption in which an individual expresses little

interest in maintaining cultural ties with either the dominant culture or the migrant

Migration: It is the movement of people from one place to another with the
intentions of settling, permanently or temporarily at a new location (geographic
region) dictionary cambridge

Positionality: How we are positional in relation to others and how we are

positioned in terms of power. Book

Power cultural: It is pervasive in communication interactions, although it is not

always evident or obvious how power influences communication o what kinds of
meaning are constructed. We often thinking of communication between individuals
as being between equal. Book

Secondary dimension: People attempt to perpetuate in educational background,

geographic location, and marital status. Book

Segregation: It happens when separation is initiated and enforced by the

dominant society. Equal

Separation: When migrants choose to retain their original culture and avoid
interaction with other groups. Equal

Short- term refugees: People who are forced for a short time to move from their
region or country. Book

Sojourners: People who move into new cultural contexts for a limited period of
time and for a specific purpose, such as for study or business-book

Stereotypes: Widely held believes about a group of people. Book


©2019 South Park Digital Studios LLC. South Park ©2019 Comedy
Partners. Cambridge Dictionary© Cambridge University Press 2019


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