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org Gynecology Expert Reviews

The medical management of abnormal

uterine bleeding in reproductive-aged
Linda D. Bradley, MD; Ndeye-Aicha Gueye, MD

A bnormal uterine bleeding (AUB)

is a common clinical problem,
affecting up to 14% of women during
In the treatment of women with abnormal uterine bleeding, once a thorough history,
physical examination, and indicated imaging studies are performed and all significant
their reproductive years and impairing structural causes are excluded, medical management is the first-line approach.
their quality of life by creating significant Determining the acuity of the bleeding, the patient’s medical history, assessing risk
physical, emotional, sexual, social, and factors, and establishing a diagnosis will individualize their medical regimen. In acute
financial burdens.1-3 abnormal uterine bleeding with a normal uterus, parenteral estrogen, a multidose
AUB is the preferred term to describe a combined oral contraceptive regimen, a multidose progestin-only regimen, and tra-
spectrum of symptoms, such as heavy nexamic acid are all viable options, given the appropriate clinical scenario. Heavy
menstrual bleeding (HMB), intermen- menstrual bleeding can be treated with a levonorgestrel-releasing intrauterine system,
strual bleeding, and a combination of both combined oral contraceptives, continuous oral progestins, and tranexamic acid with high
heavy and prolonged menstrual bleeding.4 efficacy. Nonsteroidal antiinflammatory drugs may be utilized with hormonal methods
This terminology was established by the and tranexamic acid to decrease menstrual bleeding. Gonadotropin-releasing hormone
International Federation of Gynecology agonists are indicated in patients with leiomyoma and abnormal uterine bleeding in
and Obstetrics (FIGO) Menstrual Disor- preparation for surgical interventions. In women with inherited bleeding disorders all
ders Working Group in 2011 and has since hormonal methods as well as tranexamic acid can be used to treat abnormal uterine
been adopted worldwide. bleeding. Women on anticoagulation therapy should consider using progestin-only
The goal of this review was to provide an methods as well as a gonadotropin-releasing hormone agonist to treat their heavy
updated reference of the medical thera- menstrual bleeding. Given these myriad options for medical treatment of abnormal
peutic options available for treatment of uterine bleeding, many patients may avoid surgical intervention.
patients with AUB, with a view toward
reducing the need for major surgical Key words: abnormal uterine bleeding, heavy menstrual bleeding, International
intervention. Treatment of AUB in selected Federation of Gynecology and Obstetrics classification, medical treatment,
clinical scenarios is described in Table 1. premenopausal women

The normal menstrual cycle

A solid understanding of the normal perimenopausal transition (age >40 ovarian follicles to produce estrogen
menstrual cycle is essential to effectively years) because these age ranges have the from granulosa cells. A dominant follicle
evaluate and treat women with irregu- highest prevalence of anovulatory cy- emerges on days 5e7, leading to another
larities. The normal menstrual cycle oc- cles.5-7 rise in the estrogen level and further
curs over a span of 4.5e8 days every The normal menstrual cycle is a growth of the endometrium.
24e38 days, with cycle-to-cycle varia- manifestation of coordinated interplay The rise in estrogen triggers negative
tion over 12 months of 2 to 20 days.4 within the hypothalamic-pituitary- feedback to FSH at the same time that
Cycle length varies most during the ovarian axis. During the follicular it stimulates a surge in luteinizing hor-
years immediately succeeding menarche phase of the menstrual cycle, follicle- mone (LH), triggering ovulation. The
(age <20 years) and during the stimulating hormone (FSH) causes the remaining corpus luteum produces

From the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology and Women’s Health Institute, Cleveland Clinic, Cleveland, OH.
Received May 13, 2015; revised June 28, 2015; accepted July 30, 2015.
L.D.B. has a research grant from Bayer and is currently the principal investigator of a clinical trial entitled Assess safety and efficacy of vilaprisanin women
with uterine fibroids. She is also on the advisory panel for Bayer, Boston Scientific, and PCORI. She is on the data safety monitoring board for Gynesonics
and has stock in Cooper Surgical/Endosee. Lastly, she receives royalties from the textbook, Hysteroscopy: office evaluation and management of the
uterine cavity, published by Elsevier, as well as up to date chapters on operative hysteroscopy, hysteroscopic fluid management, and office hysteroscopy.
N.-A.G. reports no conflict of interest.
Corresponding author: Linda D. Bradley, MD.
0002-9378/$36.00  ª 2016 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

JANUARY 2016 American Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology 31

Expert Reviews Gynecology

progesterone, stimulating a secretory

TABLE 1 endometrium. If fertilization does not
Medical management recommendations for abnormal uterine bleeding occur, progesterone and estrogen levels
(choice of therapy depends on the need for contraception and the fall rapidly, leading to synchronous
contraindications) shedding of the endometrial lining
Clinical scenarios Medical treatment options approximately 14  1 day after ovulation
Acute AUB (normal 1. IV CEE has occurred.
uterus without 2. Oral tranexamic acid Fifty percent of the endometrial lining
underlying systemic 3. Multidose combined monophasic OC is shed during the first 24 hours of men-
cause) 4. Multidose oral progestin strual flow.5 Vasoconstriction of the
5. GnRH agonist with aromatase inhibitor or antagonist (to prevent
initial estrogen flare)b
denuded spiral arterioles in the basal layer
of the endometrium (and, potentially, the
Note: Consider 3 or 10 mL intrauterine Foley balloon for tamponade radial arteries in the surface of the myo-
during acute period metrium) brings about the end of menses.
HMB (normal uterus A. Ovulatory AUB Endothelins and prostaglandins are highly
without underlying 1. LNG-IUS concentrated in the endometrium and are
systemic cause) 2. Tranexamic acid responsible for the intense vasoconstric-
3. Combined OC (cyclic, extended, or continuous) tion of the spiral arterioles that leads to the
4. Cyclic or continuous oral progestin (eg, norethisterone),
starting on day 5 for 21 d cessation of bleeding. The duration of the
5. Injectable progestin (DMPA) follicular phase is highly variable, ranging
6. NSAIDs from 10.3 to 16.3 days,8 whereas the luteal
7. GnRH agonist phase remains fairly constant at a mean of
8. Danazol 14.13 days (1.41 days).9
B. AUB with ovulatory dysfunction
1. Combined OC A synchronous rise and fall in estrogen
2. MPA (take for 2 wks every 4 wks) and progesterone levels throughout the
cycle is the most important determinant
Note: Consider using an NSAID in combination with any of the of normal menses. This synchronization
previously listed therapies leads to the organized growth of the
Symptomatic 1. LNG-IUS (approved by the FDA in women with an undistorted endometrial epithelium, stroma, and
leiomyomas uterine cavity size) microvasculature as well as subsequent
2. Combined OCs
controlled endometrial shedding.5
4. Danazol In women who have chronic anovu-
5. Tranexamic acid latory AUB, the cyclic stimulation and
withdrawal of estrogen and progesterone
Note: If medical therapy fails, consultation for surgical intervention, are lost because of the persistent follicular
uterine fibroid embolization, MRI-focused ultrasound may be
and proliferative state. After a prolonged
period of undisturbed estrogen-primed
Inherited bleeding 1. Tranexamic acid endometrial proliferation, without the
disorder 2. Combined OC
3. LNG-IUS influence of progesterone on its stability
4. DMPA and organization, unpredictable slough-
5. Danazol ing of the endometrial lining occurs.
6. GnRH agonist Women with ovulatory AUB without
7. Desmopressin (vWD) any anatomical causes have regular
Anticoagulation 1. LNG-IUS menses that occur every 24e35 days,
therapy 2. Oral progestins accompanied by either of the following:
3. Depo-Lupron
AUB, abnormal uterine bleeding; CEE, conjugated equine estrogen; DMPA, depot medroxyprogesterone acetate; FDA, Food  large volumes of blood loss (ie,
and Drug Administration; GnRH, gonadotropin-releasing hormone; HMB, heavy menstrual bleeding; IV, intravenous; LNG-IUS,
levonorgestrel-releasing intrauterine system; MPA, medroxyprogesterone acetate; MRI, magnetic resonance imaging; NSAID, > 80 mL), 90% of which is lost within
nonsteroidal antiinflammatory drug; OC, oral contraceptive; vWD, von Willebrand’s disease. the first the first 3 days of menstrua-
tion10 or
American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists. Management of acute abnormal uterine bleeding in nonpregnant
reproductive-aged women. ACOG Committee opinion no. 557. Obstet Gynecol 2013;121:891-6; b Bedaiwy MA, Mousa NA,
Casper RF. Aromatase inhibitors prevent the estrogen rise associated with the flare effect of gonadotropins in patients treated  menses lasting longer than 7 days.
with GnRH agonists. Fertil Steril 2009;91(Suppl 4):1574-7.
Bradley. The medical treatment of abnormal uterine bleeding. Am J Obstet Gynecol 2016. The hypothalamic-pituitary-ovarian
axis and steroid hormone production
are normal in ovulatory women with
AUB.10,11 The cause of AUB in these

32 American Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology JANUARY 2016 Gynecology Expert Reviews

women is the dysregulation of the he- ability to control the quantity of men- elicit the nature of the bleeding
mostatic and vasoconstrictive capabil- strual blood loss in women with ovula- and the associated symptoms as
ities of the endometrial lining. There is a tory AUB. described in Table 2 as well as a detailed
rise in the total prostaglandin (PG) sexual and reproductive history. It is
production, with a significant increase Evaluation of AUB important to determine whether the
in PGE2 (promoting vasodilation) as The first step in evaluating a patient patient has any signs or symptoms of
well as a rise in PGE2 (a potent vasodi- with AUB is to determine whether the anemia, including pallor, headache,
lator) and PGI2 (an inhibitor of bleeding is acute or chronic. This shortness of breath, dizziness, fatigue,
platelet aggregation) receptors.12,13 This goal can be achieved through a directed and pica.
disproportionate rise in PG production history, physical examination, and It is also important to elicit any per-
is well documented to disrupt the body’s laboratory testing. The history should sonal or family history of chronic

Focused assessment of abnormal uterine bleeding
1. Bleeding pattern
Quantity, frequency of changing pads or tampons, presence of clots, timing during menstrual cycle, impact on quality of life
2. Symptoms of anemia
Headache, palpitations, shortness of breath, dizziness, fatigue, pica
3. Sexual and reproductive history
Use of contraception, sexually transmitted infections, cervical screening, possibility of pregnancy, desire for future pregnancy, known infertility
4. Associated symptoms
Fever, chills, increasing abdominal girth, pelvic pressure or pain, bowel or bladder dysfunction, vaginal discharge or odor
5. Symptoms associated with a systemic cause for AUB
Overweight, obesity, PCOS, hypothyroidism, hyperprolactinemia, hypothalamic or adrenal disorder
6. Chronic medical illness
Inherited bleeding disorders (coagulopathy, blood dyscrasias, platelet functional disorders), systemic lupus erythematosus or other connective
tissue diseases, liver disease, renal disease, cardiovascular disease
7. Medications
Hormonal contraceptives, anticoagulants, SSRIs, antipsychotics, tamoxifen, herbals (eg, ginseng)
8. Family history
Coagulation or thromboembolic disorders, hormone-sensitive cancers
Physical examination
Vital signs: blood pressure, pulse, orthostatics as clinically indicated, weight, BMI
Neck: thyroid examination
Abdomen: tenderness, distension, striae, palpable mass, hepatomegaly
Skin: pallor, bruising, petechia, signs of hirsutism (male hair pattern distribution, acanthotis nigricans) Pelvic examination/inspection: vulva, vagina,
cervix, anus, and urethra
Bimanual examination of uterus and adnexal structures
Rectal examination if bleeding from rectum suspected or risk of concomitant pathology
Testing: Papanicolaou smear, cervical cultures if risk for sexually transmitted infection
Beta hCG
Complete blood count with platelets
Other laboratory testing as clinically indicated
 Free testosterone
 PTT/PT/fibrinogen or thrombin time or von Willebrand diagnostic panel if available at your laboratory
Office endometrial sampling (as clinically indicated)
Office hysteroscopy (as clinically indicated)
AUB, abnormal uterine bleeding; BMI, body mass index; hCG, human chorionic gonadotropin; PCOS, polycystic ovary syndrome; PT, prothrombin time; PTT, partial thromboplastin time; SIS, saline
infusion sonography; SSRI, selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor; TSH, thyrotropin; TVS, transvaginal sonography.
Bradley. The medical treatment of abnormal uterine bleeding. Am J Obstet Gynecol 2016.

JANUARY 2016 American Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology 33

Expert Reviews Gynecology

medical illnesses that are associated with sonohysterography (SIS) instead of etiology of AUB.4 Under the FIGO sys-
or can lead to AUB (ie, inherited TVS,23 given its higher sensitivity in tem, AUB can be described as either
bleeding disorders such as coagulopathy, detecting submucosal myomas and heavy menstrual bleeding (AUB/HMB)
blood dyscrasias, platelet functional endometrial polyps in premenopausal or intermenstrual bleeding (AUB/IMB).
disorders, etc; hypothyroidism; women.24 If SIS is not available, we The causes of AUB are divided into
hyperprolactinemia; hypothalamic or believe that a diagnostic hysteroscopy 2 groups: those related to uterine struc-
adrenal disorder; systemic lupus ery- should be considered if available. tural abnormalities and those unrelated
thematosus or other connective tissue Also recommended is endometrial to such abnormalities. The first group
diseases; liver disease; or renal disease). sampling in all women with unrelenting consists of polyps, adenomyosis, leio-
A detailed personal and family history AUB who are older than 45 years as well as myoma, malignancy and hyperplasia and
should also elucidate possible coagula- in younger women in whom medical the second consists of coagulopathy,
tion or thromboembolic disorders, therapy has failed or who have risk factors ovulatory dysfunction, endometrial, iat-
hormone-sensitive cancers, and heart for endometrial cancer. These risk factors rogenic, and not otherwise classified
disease and should also be obtained to include anovulation with long-term (Figure). The goals of this new classifi-
help tailor potential treatment options. exposure to unopposed estrogen (ie, cation system are to provide a uniform
In addition, women who are obese are PCOS or obesity), nulliparity, diabetes, and clear communication modality for
at risk for menstrual aberrations and and hereditary nonpolyposis colorectal physicians, scientists, and patients and to
have a higher incidence of polycystic cancer.4 Endometrial biopsies can be facilitate optimal patient care by fostering
ovarian syndrome (PCOS).14 Thirty-five limiting based on the size and location of a common language for research.
to 60% of women with chronic anov- endometrial pathology, size of the endo- A recent study showed 38% of women
ulation and PCOS are obese.15-17 Obese metrial cavity, presence of congenital < 40 years of age have unsupported
women suffer from ovulatory dysfunc- malformations, focal or global endome- pathology at the time of hysterectomy
tion because they have persistently trial process, and sample size obtained with performed for AUB, uterine fibroids,
elevated estrogen levels through office endometrial sample devices.25,26 endometriosis, or pelvic pain.29 In
increased peripheral androgen aromati- Acute AUB is defined as a discrete addition, overall, up to 38% of the
zation; they have elevated free circulating episode of bleeding that, in the clinician’s women who underwent a hysterectomy
estradiol and testosterone as a result of a judgment, requires immediate medical were never offered an alternative treat-
reduction in sex hormone-binding attention to prevent subsequent bleeding, ment option. Therefore, it is crucial to
globulin; and their insulin levels are given an abnormal volume, duration, review the medical options available and
elevated as a result of insulin resistance, and/or frequency.4,27,28 In such cases, the to reduce the reliance on major surgical
which stimulates androgen production priorities are determining the patient’s interventions, when possible. Among
in the ovarian stroma and disrupts volume status and hemodynamic stabil- women in whom medical therapies have
normal follicular development.18 ity and proceeding with appropriate vol- failed, who do not desire future fertility,
Weight loss in these women is ume resuscitation. Transvaginal imaging and who do not desire a hysterectomy,
imperative, and counseling must be a also should be used to evaluate pelvic endometrial ablation can be considered.
component in addressing treatment of pathology. When available, SIS should be Medications used in the treatment of
their menstrual dysfunction. It can lead performed to evaluate for endometrial AUB, as well as their dosages, contrain-
to the restoration of normal menses by pathology. Once the patient is stabilized, dications, and side effects, are listed in
reducing their levels of free insulin and the clinician must swiftly identify the Table 3. The specific treatment of AUB
androgen concentrations.19-22 cause of the AUB. due to ovulatory dysfunction based on
The targeted physical examination Patients with chronic AUB have age groups is outlined in Table 4.
and laboratory assessments are detailed abnormal volume, duration, and/or fre-
in Table 2. It is in our opinion to reserve quency of uterine bleeding for at least Hormonal therapies
transvaginal sonography (TVS), saline 6 months and can safely be evaluated on an Estrogen and progestin contraceptives
infusion sonography, or office hysteros- outpatient basis.4 Women with inter- Combination contraceptive methods in
copy for patients with a normal pelvic menstrual bleeding have regular menstrual the form of a pill,30,31 the vaginal ring,32
examination and laboratory evaluation cycles with random or predictable uterine and the transdermal patch33 have all
who do not respond to routine medical bleeding between each cycle,4 commonly been shown to afford cycle control,
management. TVS is more widely avail- owing to a structural abnormality. reducing menstrual blood loss signifi-
able and often utilized first in the search cantly as well as the incidence of irreg-
for an anatomic cause of AUB. However, Classification of AUB ular bleeding.
it is important to remember that 1 of 6 A classification system developed by the The estrogen component in combi-
intracavitary lesions can be missed on FIGO Menstrual Disorders Working nation estrogen-progestin oral contra-
TVS in women with AUB. Therefore, we Group and supported by the American ceptives (OCs) prevents FSH secretion
believe that when it is possible, it is College of Obstetricians and Gynecolo- and development of a dominant follicle.
preferable to perform saline infusion gists facilitates investigation into the It also provides endometrial stability and

34 American Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology JANUARY 2016 Gynecology Expert Reviews

growth and enhances the progestational

impact. The progestin prevents the FIGURE
LH surge and ovulation and creates an FIGO classification system (PALM-COEIN) for causes of
atrophic endometrial lining, thereby abnormal uterine bleeding
reducing overall blood loss at the time of
withdrawal bleeding.5
Dienogest/estradiol valerate (Natazia)
is the only combination OC that was
approved by the US Food and Drug
Administration (FDA) for the treatment
of HMB (March 2012). In a randomized
controlled trial (RCT), Jensen et al34
found this OC to be very effective in
reducing menstrual blood loss,
compared with placebo.
In addition, all forms of monophasic
combination OCs are readily used to
successfully treat acute and chronic AUB,
despite a lack of data from RCTs sup-
porting this use.35 One small RCT dem-
onstrated the utility of short-term
administration of a multidose mono- AUB, abnormal uterine bleeding; COEIN, coagulopathy, ovulatory dysfunction, endometrial, iatrogenic, and not otherwise classified;
HMB, heavy menstrual bleeding; PALM, polyps, adenomyosis, leiomyoma, malignancy and hyperplasia.
phasic OC (norethindrone 1 mg and
ethinyl estradiol 35 mg 3 times daily for 1 Reproduced, with permission, from Munro et al.4

week, followed by daily dosing for 3 Bradley. The medical treatment of abnormal uterine bleeding. Am J Obstet Gynecol 2016.

weeks), compared with oral medrox-

yprogesterone acetate (MPA) 20 mg with
the same dosing schedule.28 Bleeding arteries; promoting platelet aggregation Progestogen-only formulations
stopped within 3 days of the drug admin- and capillary clotting5; increasing Progestational agents are an ideal alter-
istration in 88% and 76% of women, fibrinogen, factor V and factor XI; and native for women who have a con-
respectively, when given to treat acute increasing the production of both estro- traindication to estrogen. Progesterone
AUB in hemodynamically stable patients.28 gen and progesterone receptors. quickly treats AUB by stabilizing en-
A triphasic combination OC (nor- In 1982 DeVore et al conducted a ran- dometrial fragility; inhibiting the growth
gestimate/ethinyl estradiol) successfully domized double-blinded study (n ¼ 34), of the endometrium by triggering
treated HMB and intermenstrual in which the parenteral administration apoptosis; inhibiting angiogenesis; and
bleeding in women with ovulatory of CEE led to the cessation of uterine stimulating the conversion of estradiol to
dysfunction.36 bleeding in 72% of patients, compared the less active estrone.5 It prevents
When a combination OC, transdermal with 38% who received placebo, even with ovulation and ovarian steroidogenesis,
patch, or vaginal ring is used in an the presence of uterine pathology such as interrupting the production of estrogen
extended (12 week cycle) or continuous polyps, hyperplasia, and endometritis.27 receptors and the estrogen-dependent
(365 days) fashion, the amount of blood In hemodynamically unstable women stimulation of the endometrium, lead-
loss per cycle and the number of bleeding with acute AUB, a 25 mg dose of IV CEE ing to an atrophic endometrium.
episodes per year, compared with cyclic can be administered every 4e6 hours for
combined OCs, decrease.33,37,38 An up to 24 hours, followed by progester- Oral progestins. Ovulatory status de-
extended or continuous regimen also may one alone or a combination OC for termines the regimen for oral progestin
be beneficial in the treatment of women 10e14 days. Patients should receive CEE use. For example, in women with
with dysmenorrhea and pelvic pain. for no longer than 24 hours before tran- ovulatory AUB, oral MPA (2.5e10 mg
sitioning to OCs to reduce the duration of daily), norethindrone (2.5e5 mg daily),
Parenteral estrogen exposure to unopposed estrogen.4 If acute megestrol acetate (40e320 mg daily), or
Intravenous (IV) conjugated equine es- AUB is not reduced within 24 hours, micronized progesterone (200e400 mg
trogens (CEE) were approved by the FDA further evaluation of the endometrial daily) taken cyclically (starting on men-
in November 2009 for the treatment of cavity should be done through operative strual day 5 for 21 days) or continuously
acute AUB. High-dose estrogen quickly hysteroscopy with targeted removal of provides cycle control and reduction of
treats acute AUB by causing rapid growth intracavitary pathology. Also consider a menstrual blood loss.39,40
of the endometrial epithelium and work-up for an inherited bleeding disor- The use of a luteal-phase progestin
stroma; stimulating vasospasm of uterine der, when appropriate. alone has not proved to be successful

JANUARY 2016 American Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology 35

Expert Reviews Gynecology

Medical options for treatment of abnormal uterine bleeding
Medication Regimen Efficacy Contraindications (select list) Side effects (select list) Contraception
Combined Acute: monophasic pill 35 mg High Pregnant, smoking (aged  35 years Spotting, nausea, Yes
contraceptives estradiol 3 times daily for and  15 cigarettes/d), history of headache, breast
1 week, then daily dosing for malabsorptive bariatric surgery, tenderness,
3 wks multiple risk factors for arterial breakthrough bleeding,
HMB: cyclic monophasic or cardiovascular disease (ie, older VTE, stroke, MI
triphasic oral contraceptive age, smoking, diabetes, and
pills, extended or continuous hypertension), hypertension (systolic
monophasic oral contraceptive  160 mm Hg or diastolic  100
pill, transdermal patch or mm Hg), active or previous venous
vaginal ring or arterial thromboembolic disease,
known thrombogenic mutations,
current or past ischemic heart
disease, stroke, complicated
valvular heart disease, SLE with
vascular disease, nephritis, or
antiphospholipid antibodies,
headaches with aura, current or past
history of breast cancer, diabetic
nephropathy, retinopathy,
neuropathy, or diabetes for > 20 y,
liver cirrhosis, or tumora
Conjugated Acute: 25 mg IV every 4e6 h High Pregnant, active or previous venous Spotting, nausea, No
equine for 24 h or arterial thromboembolic disease, headache, breast
estrogen breast cancer tenderness,
Use with caution in obese women breakthrough bleeding,
VTE, stroke, MI
Oral progestins Acute: MPA 20 mg 3 times High Pregnant, history of malabsorptive Irregular bleeding No
a day for 7 days bariatric surgery, liver disease or
HMB: oral MPA (2.5e10 mg), tumor, breast cancer, current or past
norethindrone (2.5e5 mg), ischemic heart diseasea
megestrol acetate (40e
320 mg), or micronized
progesterone (200e400 mg)
Without ovulatory dysfunction,
take 1 tablet daily starting day
5 for 21 d
With ovulatory dysfunction, take
1 tablet daily for 2 wks every
4 wks
LNG-IUS HMB: intrauterine placement High Pregnant, unexplained abnormal Irregular bleeding and Yes
every 5 y, releases 20 mg/d vaginal bleeding, untreated cervical spotting, cramping,
or uterine cancer, large or distorted breast tenderness, mood
cavity should sound to a depth of 6e changes, acne, nausea,
10 cm,b breast cancer, cervix or decreased libido
uterus abnormalities, pelvic
inflammatory disease within 3 mo,
STI such as chlamydia or gonorrhea
within 3 mo, liver disease or tumor
DMPA HMB: 150 mg IM injection Low Pregnant, multiple risk factors for Decreased bone mineral Yes
every 12 wks arterial cardiovascular disease (ie, density, irregular
older age, smoking, diabetes, and (reversible) bleeding,
hypertension), current or past weight gain, amenorrhea,
ischemic heart disease, stroke, bloating, breast
hypertension with vascular disease, tenderness, and fluid
CAD, CVD, current or previous retention
history of breast cancer, liver
disease or tumora
Bradley. The medical treatment of abnormal uterine bleeding. Am J Obstet Gynecol 2016. (continued)

36 American Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology JANUARY 2016 Gynecology Expert Reviews

Medical options for treatment of abnormal uterine bleeding (continued)
Medication Regimen Efficacy Contraindications (select list) Side effects (select list) Contraception
Leuprolide HMB: 3.75 mg IM monthly or High Pregnant Hot flashes, sweating, No
acetate 11.25 mg IM every 3 mo and vaginal dryness
(effects minimized with
add-back therapy with
estrogen and progestins),
trabecular bone loss with
use for longer than 6 mo
Danazol HMB: 100e400 mg orally daily Low Pregnant, unexplained vaginal Weight gain, acne, No
(in divided doses) bleeding, impaired hepatic, renal, or androgenic effects
cardiac function
NSAIDs HMB: Moderate Pregnant, gastrointestinal bleeding, Gastrointestinal adverse No
Meclomen: 100 mg 3 times inflammatory bowel disease, severe effects (bleeding,
daily asthma, use after CABG procedure, ulceration, and
Ibuprofen 600-800 mg every renal disease, CVD, CHF perforation), worsening
6-8 h, respectively (best if used of asthma, effect on
in combination with other platelet function
Tranexamic Acute: 1.3 g orally every 8 h for High Current or past thromboembolic Headaches, nausea, No
acid 5 d (indicated in ovulatory disease, acquired impaired color vomiting, diarrhea,
women with excessive vision (cannot be used with muscle pain,
menstrual bleeding) combined oral contraceptives)c dysmenorrhea
CABG, coronary artery bypass graft; CAD, coronary artery disease; CVD, cardiovascular disease; CHF, chronic heart failure; DMPA, depot medroxyprogesterone acetate; HMB, heavy menstrual
bleeding; IM, intramuscularly; IV, intravenously; LNG-IUS, levonorgestrel-releasing intrauterine system; MI, myocardial infarction; MPA, medroxyprogesterone acetate; VTE, venous
World Health Organization. Medical eligibility criteria for contraceptive use: a WHO family planning cornerstone. 4th ed. Geneva (Switzerland): World Health Organization; 2010; b Mirena
(levonorgestrel-releasing intrauterine system) [package insert]. Whippany (NJ): Bayer HealthCare Pharmaceuticals Inc; 2014; c Lysteda (tranexamic acid) [package insert]. Parsippany (NJ): Ferring
Pharmaceuticals Inc; 2013.
Bradley. The medical treatment of abnormal uterine bleeding. Am J Obstet Gynecol 2016.

in the treatment of ovulatory HMB.41,42 In 37.7% of women also experienced weight as long as 5 years.49 Lethaby et al50-52
women with anovulatory bleeding, gain of more than 10 pounds at demonstrated a reduction in menstrual
a cyclic progestin (ie, MPA, norethin- 24 months.45 Discontinuation because of blood loss of 86% after 3 months and
drone, or norethisterone), given for side effects occurred in at least 2% of 97% at 12 months of use in the treatment
12e14 days each month, leads to regula- the patients (8.2% abnormal bleeding, of HMB. Other studies have produced
tion of the menstrual cycle in 50% of 2.0% weight gain).45 Overall, there is similar findings.50-52
women.43 In patients presenting with a lack of clinical data on the utility of The LNG-IUS is superior to luteal
acute AUB, a multidose progestin (ie, DMPA for the treatment of acute or phase oral MPA; norethindrone for 21
MPA 20 mg 3 times daily for 1 week, fol- chronic AUB. days42,53; oral progestin (norethisterone
lowed by daily dosing for 3 weeks)28 can in extended use)54; DMPA55; combina-
significantly reduce menstrual blood loss. Intrauterine progestogen-releasing sys- tion OCs56,57; and mefenamic acid.58
tems. The levonorgestrel-releasing intra- Hemoglobin and serum ferritin levels
Injectable progesterone. Depot medrox- uterine system (LNG-IUS; Mirena) are significantly improved after insertion
yprogesterone acetate (DMPA), a reliable administers 20 mg of the progestin every of an LNG-IUS in women with iron
contraceptive, produces amenorrhea in 24 hours locally to the endometrium, deficiency anemia.59,60
more than 50% of users after 1 year. reducing endometrial thickness and the In women with HMB, quality of life is
However, many women report un- mean uterine vascular density.46-48 The improved remarkably when the LNG-
scheduled bleeding during the first few LNG-IUS was approved by the FDA in IUS is used. In a multicenter random-
months of use.44 In large clinical trials October 2009 for the treatment of ized trial of 571 women with HMB,
that included about 3900 women, HMB in women who also require patients were randomized to the LNG-
57.3% experienced abnormal bleeding at contraception. It remains effective as a IUS or the usual medical treatment
12 months and 32.1% at 24 months, and contraceptive and treatment for AUB for (tranexamic acid, mefenamic acid,

JANUARY 2016 American Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology 37

Expert Reviews Gynecology

GnRH agonists
TABLE 4 Gonadotropin-releasing hormone
Medical treatment of AUB-O based on age groups (GnRH) agonists down-regulate GnRH
Age groups Causes Management receptors, thereby inhibiting gonado-
13e18 y Immature HPO axis, PCOS, obesity, Acute AUB: parenteral estrogena tropin secretion and creating a hypo-
inherited bleeding disorder HMB: gonadic state that leads to endometrial
1. Low-dose combination hormonal atrophy. In the treatment of HMB
contraceptive (20e35 mg ethinyl caused by leiomyoma-associated hor-
2. Weight lossb monal imbalance, GnRH agonists have
proved to be effective, but menopausal
19e39 y PCOS, obesity, premalignant or Acute AUB:a side effects, including vasomotor
malignant endometrial pathology 1. Parenteral estrogen
(if risk factors are present) 2. Multidose oral progestins symptoms, vaginal atrophy or dryness,
HMB: depression,73 and trabecular bone loss,
1. Cyclic or continuous low-dose limit their long-term use.74,75
combined hormonal contraceptive Add-back therapy with low-dose es-
2. Progestins including LNG-IUS trogen and norethindrone helps mini-
3. Weight lossb
mize adverse effects and should be
40 y to Intermittent anovulation, Acute AUB:a considered if therapy is expected to
menopause premalignant or malignant Multidose progestin-only regimen
endometrial pathology HMB:
exceed 6 months.76 Short-term and
1. Cyclic progestin therapy long-term use should be considered in
2. LNG-IUS clinical scenarios that have strong con-
3. Cyclic combined hormone therapy traindications to all other medical or
4. Weight lossb surgical interventions.
AUB, abnormal uterine bleeding; HMB, heavy menstrual bleeding; HPO, hypothalamic-pituitary-ovarian; LNG-IUS, Few RCTs have explored the efficacy
levonorgestrel-releasing intrauterine system; PCOS, polycystic ovary syndrome.
of GnRH agonists in the treatment of
American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists. Management of acute abnormal uterine bleeding in nonpregnant
reproductive-aged women. ACOG Committee opinion no. 557. Obstet Gynecol 2013;121:891-6; b Guzick DS, Wing R, Smith AUB. Leuprolide acetate is FDA
D, Berga SL, Winters SJ. Endocrine consequences of weight loss in obese, hyperandrogenic anovulatory women. Fertil Steril approved for short-term use in the pre-
operative treatment of uterine leiomyo-
Adapted from American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists.122
mata to delay surgery and, potentially,
Bradley. The medical treatment of abnormal uterine bleeding. Am J Obstet Gynecol 2016.
reduce intraoperative blood loss. Uterine
volume can be reduced by 30e60%, and
anemia is improved in women with
combination estrogen-progesterone, or Danazol HMB and fibroids.77,78 Subcutaneous
progesterone alone) over 2 years. The Danazol is a synthetic steroid ethisterone goserelin acetate also has FDA approval
Menorrhagia Multi-Attribute Scale do- that inhibits pituitary secretion of FSH for the induction of endometrial atrophy
mains of practical difficulties, social life, and LH and has a weak androgenic prior to ablation for AUB. Atrophy and
family life, work and daily routine, psy- influence, causing thinning or atrophy amenorrhea usually occur among pre-
chological well-being, and physical of endometrial tissue.66,67 In the treat- menopausal women within 3e4 weeks
health were significantly higher among ment of HMB, danazol is superior of the drug’s administration.79
women using the LNG-IUS, as were the to luteal-phase oral progestins (ie,
domains for quality of life. Surgical rates norethindrone)38,41,64,68 and mefenamic Nonhormonal therapies
and sexual activity were comparable acid.69 In clinical trials, danazol reduced Nonsteroidal antiinflammatory drugs
between the 2 groups.61 menstrual blood loss by as much as (NSAIDs)
Many clinical studies have com- 80%.66,70 However, danazol is associated NSAIDs suppress prostaglandin synthe-
pared the efficacy and acceptability of the with significantly more adverse ef- sis by inhibiting cyclooxygenase.80 They
LNG-IUS to those of surgical treatments fects, including weight gain, acne, and may also alter the equilibrium between
for AUB. When menstrual loss and androgenic effects, than other medical thromboxane A2 (which causes vaso-
quality of life were compared between therapies.71 constriction and platelet aggregation)
the LNG-IUS and endometrial ablation, Low-dose vaginal danazol is an alter- and prostacyclin (which causes vasodi-
the LNG-IUS was either superior to62 or native being considered as a way to pre- lation and prevents platelet aggrega-
comparable with52 ablation. When the serve the benefits of the drug while tion).13,81 Because prostaglandin E2 and
LNG-IUS was compared with hysterec- reducing systemic side effects, although prostaglandin F2a are highly concen-
tomy for the treatment of HMB, most few data are currently available.72 Larger trated at the menstrual endometrium in
trials showed a similar quality of life studies are needed to determine the women with HMB,82,83 treatment with
years later as well as lower cost for the utility of lower-dose danazol in the an NSAID increases thromboxane A2,
LNG-IUS.63-65 treatment of AUB. thereby increasing platelet aggregation

38 American Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology JANUARY 2016 Gynecology Expert Reviews

and vasoconstriction and reducing more local fibrinolytic activity than uterine contraction to compress the
menstrual blood loss. women with normal menses.92-94 vessels on the surface of the
Overall, treatment with an NSAID In the treatment of HMB, tranexamic endometrium.104
may reduce blood loss by as much as acid has proved to be superior to pla- The medical treatment of HMB has
40%.84-86 In a Cochrane metaanalysis cebo,94-100 mefenamic acid,101 and variable effects based on a multitude of
of 18 RCTs involving women with luteal-phase progestins.102 In a double- factors. GnRH agonists are approved by
HMB, treatment with an NSAID was blind, placebo-controlled study of the FDA to reduce the size and volume
more effective than placebo in reducing 115 women with HMB, Lukes et al103 (30e50%) of leiomyomas in preparation
menstrual blood loss.87 In comparison, treated patients with oral tranexamic for surgical intervention105-107 and to
tranexamic acid, danazol, and the LNG- acid 3.9 g/d or placebo for a maximum of potentially reduce intraoperative bleeding.
IUS were associated with greater 5 days over 6 cycles. All women in the The following medications have been
menstrual blood loss. When treatment treatment group experienced a signifi- shown to help reduce menstrual blood
with an NSAID was compared with cant drop in menstrual blood loss loss in women with fibroids and prolong
oral luteal-phase progestogen, ethamsy- (e69.6 mL [40.4%]), compared with the the time to surgery or prevent the need
late, an older progesterone-releasing 72 women taking placebo (e12.6 mL for surgical intervention altogether:
intrauterine system (Progestasert), and [8.2%]). In addition, the women taking
an OC, no difference was found in tranexamic acid believed that the  LNG-IUS (approved by the FDA for
the amount of menstrual blood loss, reduction in menstrual blood loss was the treatment of HMB in women with
although these studies were largely meaningful enough to improve their an undistorted uterine cavity)
underpowered.87 overall quality of life, including social,  Combined OCs
Mefenamic acid and naproxen are leisure, and physical activities, as well as  NSAIDs
the 2 most widely studied NSAIDs in work inside and outside the home.103  Danazol
the treatment of HMB and appear The most commonly prescribed and  Tranexamic acid (helps significantly
to be equivalent in efficacy.84,86 A studied treatment regimen is oral tra- reduce menstrual blood loss86,98,108
well-designed study by Vargyas et al88 nexamic acid 1 g to 1.3 g every 6e8 and causes fibroid necrosis and
examined the efficacy of meclofena- hours during menstruation. infarction109).
mate sodium (100 mg 3 times daily)
in a double-blind, placebo-controlled, Desmopressin Many other medications, such as
crossover study in women with un- This drug, a synthetic analog of vaso- mifepristone, asoprisnil, ulipristal ace-
explained HMB. Menstrual blood pressin, promotes the release of von tate, and epigallocatechin gallate, are
loss was measured by the alkaline Willebrand factor from endothelial cell currently under investigation for their
hematin method, and 26 of 29 pa- storage sites.5 It is used to treat patients ability to shrink leiomyomas and
tients experienced a significant reduc- with bleeding disorders, notably, von improve symptoms.110
tion in blood loss (42.4%  3.0% to Willebrand’s disease, during episodes of Ulipristal acetate is used readily in
55.8%  8.3%) during their treat- acute AUB. It should be utilized only Canada and has been shown to be effec-
ment cycles. when all other hormonal and non- tive in treating HMB in 3 phase 3 studies
NSAIDs are fairly underutilized in hormonal therapies have failed. Collab- from Europe.111-113 It is a selective pro-
the treatment of HMB but could be oration with a hematologist is strongly gesterone receptor modulator that in-
beneficial in combination with other encouraged before treatment of AUB duces apoptosis and prevents cell
medical therapies to further reduce with desmopressin. proliferation and neovascularization.114
menstrual blood loss while treating the It is important to note that medical
dysmenorrhea that often accompanies Special considerations therapies are most successful in the
HMB.89 These NSAIDs also have a low Symptomatic leiomyomas absence of a submucosal myoma.115 In
side-effect profile. In women who have symptomatic fi- the clinical scenario in which all the
broids, it can initially be unclear whether appropriate medical options have been
Tranexamic acid the fibroids are a passenger or the tried and failed for the treatment of
Oral tranexamic acid is FDA approved problem. The location of the leiomyo- AUB in women with leiomyomas, the
for the treatment of ovulatory AUB; an ma(s) and the patient’s clinical history recommendation is to proceed with either
IV formulation is approved for use in can provide clues as to whether the uterine artery embolization, focused ul-
hemophilia. This medication works by leiomyoma is involved in AUB. For trasound surgery, radiofrequency abla-
competitively blocking plasminogen- example, submucosal fibroids often tion, or surgical management.115 If the
binding sites, preventing plasma cause unpredictable and heavy uterine patient desires future fertility, she can
formation, fibrin degradation, and clot bleeding because of unsteady vasculature preserve her uterus and undergo a myo-
degradation.90,91 Women with HMB of the endometrium with inadequate mectomy to treat her symptoms of
appear to have higher numbers of rebuilding and healing, increased endo- AUB.116 If a patient does not desire
endometrial plasminogen activators and metrial surface area, and inadequate fertility but prefers uterine preservation a

JANUARY 2016 American Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology 39

Expert Reviews Gynecology

Screening criteria for inherited bleeding disorders for women with AUB
Menses last longer than 7 days, bleeding through a pad or tampon in 1 hour, with clots greater than 1 inch in diameter, resulting in anemia or low
iron level
Bleeding requiring blood transfusion
Refractory heavy menstrual bleeding
Family history of bleeding disorder
History of heavy or prolonged bleeding after a procedure or surgical intervention (ie, tooth extraction, surgery, delivery)
Prolonged bleeding from small wounds, lasting more than 15 minutes or recurring spontaneously during the 7 days after the wound (NIH)
Extremely heavy bleeding since menarche
Bleeding requiring blood transfusion
 One of the following conditions:
Postpartum hemorrhage
Surgery-related bleeding
Bleeding associated with dental work
 Two or more of the following conditions:
Epistaxis, 1-2 times per month (requiring more than 10 min to stop or needing medical attention)
Frequent gum bleeding
Family history of bleeding symptoms
AUB, abnormal uterine bleeding; NIH, National Institutes of Health.
Reproduced, with permission, from Dean et al. von Willebrand disease in a pediatric-based population: comparison of type 1 diagnostic criteria and use of the PFA 100 and a von Willebrand factor/
collagen-binding assay. Thromb Haemost 2000;3:401-9.
Reproduced, with permission, from Drews et al. Screening questions to identify women with von Willebrand disease. J Am Med Womens Assoc 2002;57:217-8.
Reproduced, with permission, from Laffan et al. The diagnosis of von Willebrand disease: a guideline from the UK Haemophilia Centre Doctors’ Organization. Haemophilia 2004;10:199-217 (http://
Bradley. The medical treatment of abnormal uterine bleeding. Am J Obstet Gynecol 2016.

myomectomy, uterine artery emboliza- given that 50% will be diagnosed with a Anticoagulation therapy
tion,117 magnetic resonance imaging coagulopathy.104 The screening of adults Women who require anticoagulation
guided focused ultrasound surgery,118 or and adolescents with a suspected for a diagnosis such as deep venous
radiofrequency ablation119 can be offered. bleeding disorder is based on the his- thrombosis, pulmonary embolism, arti-
Otherwise, a hysterectomy can be per- torical criteria described in Table 5. ficial heart valves, atrial fibrillation,
formed, preferably in the most minimally The treatment of acute AUB and etc often have some form of menstrual
invasive method possible, based on the HMB in women with a bleeding disorder, most commonly AUB. These
practitioner’s training and the experience disorder is similar to that in women women often have heavier and longer
and the clinical scenario.120 without a bleeding disorder except that menses, even if menses were normal
the use of NSAIDs is contraindicated, prior to the initiation of anticoagulation.
Inherited bleeding disorders given their antiplatelet effects. The Huq et al125 found that 70% of women
AUB is the most common symptom estrogen component of OCs aids in on oral anticoagulation therapy experi-
of an inherited bleeding disorder in enhancing von Willebrand factor and enced changes in their menstrual
women. Eighty-four percent of women factor VIII activity.121,122 Therefore, cycle after starting therapy. Of these
with von Willebrand disease present oral estrogen in combined OCs is effi- women, 50% experienced a greater
with HMB, but only 10e20% of all cient in treating HMB as well as number of days of menstruation, and
women with AUB have an inherited parenteral estrogen in the treatment of 66% experienced HMB. Therefore, it
bleeding disorder. Von Willebrand dis- acute AUB. is crucial to provide pharmacological
ease is the most common inherited If standard medical treatments for options for these women without
bleeding disorder (70% of all cases) and AUB fail, consider consultation with a further increasing their risk for
therefore is the most common cause of hematologist and initiation of desmo- thrombosis.
acute AUB or HMB after menarche. pressin. Desmopressin should be used as The management of women with
It is imperative to have a high index of needed during the 2 or 3 heaviest days of active or prior thrombotic disease
suspicion in adolescents with HMB, the menstrual cycle.123,124 is challenging. Tranexamic acid is

40 American Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology JANUARY 2016 Gynecology Expert Reviews

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