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Jamestown John smith convinced the Virginia Company of funding the expedition John smith took control of the colony and it got better. With 30 settlers left. 1609, around 600 colonists arrived and the Powhatan alarmed by this began to destroy the colonists supplies and crops, favouring the “starvation” which only 60 English survived. The development of the colony was mainly due to the plantation of TOBACCO. The desire of the English for more land ended up in uneasy relations with the Native Americans. The English would also ask for tributes of com and labour since they didn't forget about the Powhatan actions during the starvation time. Furthermore, the unfair economic differences, the constant fights with the natives (western) and the lack of representation of the poor settlers (former indentured servants) made Nathaniel Bacon build an army and go against the governor Berkerly. This made ppl aware of the growing power of the colony's indentured servants, The start (1607) was terrible because of disease, hunger and reluctance to work. Smith got injured in 1608 and had to go back to England. Then, another ship with passengers came to put the colony together by being strict with the rules. In order to grow tobacco, field laborers needed, headright system was introduced. Anyone who paid for passage would be granted land. Immigration jumped. Many owners imported indentured servants. In exchange for passage, food and shelter on arrival, 1S agreed to a time of servitude. in 1622, tired of the English taking land, the Powhatan killed more than 340 colonists, leaving the Virg. Comp. almost in bankrupt. James made Virginia a royal colony and sent troops and settlers to strengthen the colony. By 1644, almost 10000 ppl lived there

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