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Table of Contents

Table of Contents 4


2 Installation 3
2.1 Installation procedure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
2.1.1 Install Breakwat . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
2.1.2 Install License . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4

3 Release-Notes 7
3.1 New Features . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
3.1.1 New features VERSION 3.01 VERSUS 3.00.0024 . . . . . 7
3.1.2 New features RELEASE 3.02 RELEASE 3.01.0001 . . . . 8
3.1.3 New features RELEASE RELEASE 3.02.0000 . . 8
3.2 Modifications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
3.2.1 Modifications RELEASE 3.00.0023 RELEASE 3.00.0022 . 9
3.2.2 Modifications RELEASE 3.00.0024 VERSUS 3.00.0023 . . 11
3.2.3 Modifications RELEASE 3.01.0000 VERSUS 3.00.0024 . . 12
3.2.4 Modifications RELEASE 3.01.0001 VERSUS 3.01.0000 . . 14
3.2.5 Modifications RELEASE 3.02.0000 VERSUS 3.01.0001 . . 15
3.2.6 Modifications RELEASE VERSUS 3.02.0000 (=ver-
sion 3.2) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
3.3 Unsolved problems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20

4.1 Known problems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
4.2 Report errors/suggestions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
4.3 Getting complete version number . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24

5 FLeXLM 25

6 Installation DS FLEX 27
6.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
6.1.1 Local, Client . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29
6.1.2 Server and Client . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30
6.1.3 Server Only . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30
6.2 Installation windows . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30
6.3 Local, Client Installation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36

BREAKWAT 3 README v2.0 July 16, 2010

6.4 Server Installation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36

6.4.1 Altering Server License File . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37
6.4.2 Starting Services . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38

7.1 Frequently Asked Questions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47
7.1.1 FlexLM License Manager -”Server/Client installation does
not work while installation on both sides looks fine”: . . . . 47
7.1.2 FlexLM License Manager -” When using a license based
on a MAC-Address, it is possible that the License Manager
does not recognise it”: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47
7.1.3 FlexLM License Manager -”No such feature exists”: . . . . 47
7.1.4 FlexLM License Manager -”Bad encryption handshake with
vendor deamon”: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48
7.1.5 FlexLM License Manager-“System clock has been set back” 48
7.1.6 FlexLM License Manager -“Can not find license file ”error: 48
7.1.7 FlexLM License Manager -“Terminal server Remote Client
not Allowed”: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48
7.1.8 FlexLM License Manager - When I start the program, I
get a “Cannot read dongle”error: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49
7.1.9 FlexLM- Server license does not work: . . . . . . . . . . . 49
7.2 Report errors/suggestions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60

Deltares 4
Chapter 1


BREAKWAT 3 will be useful for everyone who, even if occasional, is involved

in the conceptual design of breakwater structures. This includes for example
teaching (universities), design (consultants), testing (research institutes) or con-
struction (contractors) environments. BREAKWAT 3 is an ideal tool for those
people who wish to apply the results of the latest research and development and
wish to do this quickly and efficiently.
For more than 10 years earlier versions of BREAKWAT have been widely used
as a tool to guide and assist in the design of many types of breakwaters. In these
10 years new developments in the technical aspects of breakwater design as well
as developments in the user-friendliness of computer programs in general have
taken place. The development of BREAKWAT 3 incorporates many of those
new improvements.

With BREAKWAT 3 a conceptual design can be made for statically stable struc-
tures, like rubble mound breakwaters with an armour layer of rock or concrete
units, as well as for dynamically stable structures, like berm breakwaters, reef
type structures and near-bed structures. It is also possible to make calculations
for vertical (caisson) structures. BREAKWAT 3 uses modern design formulae
to perform calculations to the hydraulic response:

• wave height distribution,

• wave run-up,

• wave overtopping, and

• wave transmission

or to the structural response:

• rock stability of armour layer and toe berm

• stability of concrete armour units (Cube, Tetrapod, Dolosse, Accropode,

Core-LocT M )

of several types of structures:

BREAKWAT 3 README v2.0 July 16, 2010

• statically stable structures (rubble mound breakwaters),

• dynamically stable structures (berm breakwaters, reef-type structures, near-
bed structures), and
• vertical (caisson) breakwaters.
BREAKWAT 3 is a windows-based product and runs on Microsoft Windows
ME-2000-NT-XP. It is programmed in the Visual Basic 6.0 program language.
The main general features of BREAKWAT 3 are:
• flexible set-up,
• easy to implement new modules and formulae,
• report-ready graphical presentation of results,
• ability to work with input and output files,
• possibility to calculate and compare more than one scenario at one time
(sensitivity analysis),
• ability to copy data to and from clipboard, to be used for instance in Mi-
crosoft Excel ,
• ‘hard’ and ‘soft’ limits to validity of formulae (‘hard’: no answer outside
range of validity, ‘soft’: answer with warning if outside range of validity),
• extensive digital help function.

Demo animations
To get an impression of the general program layout and the structure of BREAK-
WAT 3, watch the following animations via QuickTime Movie or Aawin (Au-
todesk Animation Player):
• in CreateCase.flc a calculation is carried out to determine the stability of
the top-layer of rock armour of a rubble mound breakwater
• in CreateGraph.flc a graph is created with the generated output of the
stability calculation
• in CompareCasesInGraph.flc the output of two cases is compared in a graph
• in CompareCasesInSpreadsheet.flc the output of two cases is compared in
a spreadsheet
• in VerticalCaissonBreakwater.flc the possibility of copying data from other
software to a specific case in BREAKWAT 3 is shown in a computation
with a vertical (caisson) breakwater.
For more information see PDF brochure BREAKWAT 3 (To view this PDF
brochure the user must have a PDF reader installed on his/her system)

Deltares 2
Chapter 2


Please read this file carefully, before installing BREAKWAT 3. To be able to

view, use and print the digital manual, Adobe or Acrobat Reader (Version 5
and higher) has to be installed on the PC on which BREAKWAT is going to
be installed. This software is freely available and can be downloaded from the
following URL:


2.1 Installation procedure

Please, do not have the hardware key (USB(2.4) & BlackDongle (2.3)
connected to the PC during the installation procedure as it can cause
an incorrect installation of drivers!

After inserting the BREAKWAT 3 installation disk in the CD-ROM the program
Install Shield.EXE starts if the AutoRun functionality is enabled on the system.
The dialog shown in Figure(2.1) will pop up.
This dialog Figure(2.1), enables the user to perform the following actions:

• View the readme file (View Readme File).

• Install

– Install the software package BREAKWAT on the PC (Breakwat 3 )

– Install the software for handling license files (License)

• Browse the CD (Browse the CD)

• Exit the program Install-Shield (Exit)

To start one of these options move the cursor across an item, which will high-
light(color red) the selected text. Double clicking the highlighted text activates
the selected option.

BREAKWAT 3 README v2.0 July 16, 2010

Figure 2.1: Install-Shield

2.1.1 Install Breakwat

After clicking the item ”-Breakwat 3” the setup of the program BREAKWAT 3
starts. One of the dialogs the user will come across is shown in Figure(2.2) In
this dialog the user must select the items to be installed. By default all items
are selected, see Figure(2.2).

The meaning of the items in figure(2.2) is:

• Install BREAKWAT 3 : Selecting this option, the user installs the program
BREAKWAT 3 on the PC. To run BREAKWAT 3 correctly the regional
settings must be set to English UK/US, i.e. numbers and fractions should
be separated by a dot (.).

2.1.2 Install License

To be able to run BREAKWAT one needs a license file. To install a license file
select the option Install License in Figure(2.1). This will start the installation
of DS FLEX which means that software is installed for detecting hardware keys,
handling server and stand-alone licenses. Further, the setup guides the user
through the installation.

For Delft-Chess software two types of hardware keys are available. The first
type is called a BLACK DONGLE 8.0, see Figure(2.3). This type must be at-
tached to the computer via the parallel port and is only delivered with the soft-
ware on request. The second type is called an USB-dongle, see Figure(2.4) which
must be connect to the computer via an USB port. This type of dongle is deliv-
ered with the software by default. In case the user wants to replace a BLACK
DONGLE 8 with the USB-dongle, please contact

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BREAKWAT 3 README v2.0 July 16, 2010

Figure 2.2: Select Components

For more detailed information on the installation of a license file see document
Installing DS Flex, which is located on the CD.


Figure 2.3: Black dongle


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BREAKWAT 3 README v2.0 July 16, 2010

Figure 2.4: USB dongle

Deltares 6
Chapter 3


3.1 New Features

• New features RELEASE 3.01 VERSUS RELEASE 3.00.0024
• New features RELEASE 3.02 VERSUS RELEASE 3.01.001
• New features RELEASE VERSUS RELEASE 3.02.000(=version

3.1.1 New features VERSION 3.01 VERSUS 3.00.0024

The following features are added to this version:

• The user is able to use (if licensed) a new design tool to predict the mean
wave overtopping discharge at coastal structures. The output of this tool
includes the Neural Network prediction of the mean wave overtopping dis-
charge and several other parameters indicating the uncertainty of the pre-
diction. The tool was developed by WL | Delft Hydraulics co-sponsored
by the Commission of the European Communities within the framework of
the CLASH project (‘Crest Level Assessment of Coastal Structures by full
scale monitoring, neural network prediction and Hazard analysis on per-
missible wave overtopping’). Details of the methodology followed for the
development of the prediction tool are described in Pozueta et al. (2004)
and Van Gent et al. (2004).
• The user is able to use (if licensed) a new design formula to determine the
stability of the rock armour at the rear side of rubble mound breakwaters
developed by Van Gent & Pozueta (2004). Based on physical model tests
Van Gent & Pozueta (2004) proposed a formula to estimate the stone
diameter for a given damage level for a wide range of conditions.
• The user is able to use (if licensed) a new set of design formulae to de-
termine the stability of rock armour on the front slope of rubble mound
breakwaters developed by Van Gent et al. (2003). Based on new physical
model tests Van Gent et al. (2003) proposed to apply modifications to
the formulae by Van der Meer (1988) to include situations in which wave

BREAKWAT 3 README v2.0 July 16, 2010

breaking occurs on the foreshore. With these modifications the formulae

are suitable for both shallow and deep water conditions at the toe of the

• The user is able to use (if licensed) a new design formula to determine the
stability of rock armour on the front slope of rubble mound breakwaters
developed by Van Gent et al. (2003). Based on new physical model tests
Van Gent et al. (2003) proposed a new, relatively simple design formula.
There is an influence of the wave period, but this influence is considered
small compared to the amount of scatter in the data due to other reasons.
Therefore, the wave period is not used in this formula and there is no
separation between ‘plunging’ and ‘surging’ conditions. The influence of
the permeability of the structure is incorporated by using the ratio between
the diameter of the core and the diameter of the main armour material.
The formula is suitable for both shallow and deep water conditions at the
toe of the structure.

3.1.2 New features RELEASE 3.02 RELEASE 3.01.0001

• The user is able to print the contents of a case to an Excel sheet.

3.1.3 New features RELEASE RELEASE 3.02.0000

• Cases and projects can be copied.

• Input values, inclusive input tables, are restored again when switching
between different structure types or response factors or fomulae.

• A general calculator (menu item New case|Simple calculator 1.0 ) has been
implemented for the calculation of the following depending parameters:

– 1.1 Period and wave steepness (JONSWAP & PIERSON MOSKOWITZ),

– 1.2 Stability number,
– 1.3 Volume vs. Weight,
– 1.4 Wave steepness (general).

• The formula for X-blocs has been added to the response factor 2. Structural
response 2.2 Concrete armour of the structure type 1. Rubble mound
stucture 1.1 Conventional Breakwater,

• The formulae for reflection of non-standard wave spectra by sloping struc-

tures (Smooth impermeable slope (Dekker, Caires and van Gent 2007) and
Rough permeable slope(Dekker, Caires and van Gent, 2007 ) have been
added to the response factor 1. Hydraulic response 1.5 Reflection of struc-
ture type 1. Rubble mound structure 1.1 Conventional Breakwater,

• The formula for rear-side stability of rubble mound structures with crest
element (van Gent (with crest elements)) has been added to the response

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factor 2 Structural response 2.4 Rear side stability of structure type 1.

Rubble mound structure 1.1 Conventional Breakwater,
• The formula for low crested structures Kramer & Burcharth 2004 has been
added to the response factor 1. Hydraulic response 1.1 Rock armour of
structure type 1. Rubble mound structure 1.6 Low-crested structure,
• The formula for wave transmission (Wide structures (Briganti et al., 2004))
has been added to the response factor 1. Hydraulic response 1.4 Trans-
mission of structure type 1. Rubble mound structure 1.1 Conventional

3.2 Modifications
• Modifications RELEASE 3.00.0023 VERSUS RELEASE 3.00.0022
• Modifications RELEASE 3.00.0024 VERSUS RELEASE 3.00.0023
• Modifications RELEASE 3.01.0000 VERSUS RELEASE 3.00.0024
• Modifications RELEASE 3.01.0001 VERSUS RELEASE 3.01.0000
• Modifications RELEASE 3.02.0000 VERSUS RELEASE 3.01.0001
• Modifications RELEASE VERSUS RELEASE 3.02.0000(=version

3.2.1 Modifications RELEASE 3.00.0023 RELEASE 3.00.0022

The following bugs/imperfections have been solved:
• The WL | Delft Hydraulics mail address has been added to the About-box.
• If File|Save As|Case was used the contents was first written to the file
followed by renaming the file name to the new file name. This caused an
inconsistency in the name displayed in the GUI and the name saved. This
is solved now by first renaming the file to the file name entered in Dialog
Box, then saving the Case to file.
• If File|Save As|Case was selected and the user wanted to overwrite an
existing CASE with a new name, the CASE name did not change within
the BREAKWAT 3.0 user interface. This is now solved.
• Selecting table for parameter Dn50, caused a division by zero error. This
is solved now
• The Information Box at the bottom of the property window is shown if an
error occurs during calculation and is not show if there are no errors. The
message was not removed from the box, so if the button ”I” in property
window was pushed the error could still be seen. This could cause confu-
sion. To avoid the confusion the contents of the information box is also
cleared if there are no errors.

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BREAKWAT 3 README v2.0 July 16, 2010

• Some Textual changes:

– (P) Porosity factor has been changed to (P) Notional Permeability
– (Vol) Volume of overtopping volume per wave per m has been changed
to (Vol) Overtopping volume per wave per m
– For Reef type breakwaters the Stability parameter was defined as
(Hs/Delta*Dn). It has been changed to (Hs/Delta*Dn50)
– For Berm Breakwater Rock Armour the name for wave angle ”phi”
has been changed to ”Beta”, which is according to the manual.
• Default values have been adapted. At startup no errors occur during the
default calculation.
• Pictures in the main window are modified and improved. The pictures are
also better shown in the main window of BREAKWAT 3.0.
• An error occurred in the Profile case. If the depth (h) was adjusted and
an error occurred the change of other parameters had no influence on the
result. This was caused by the Fortran DLL ”DFORRT.DLL” which was
newer than the one the BREAKWAT DLL’s were compiled with. Now the
right DFORRT.DLL is installed in BREAKWAT 3.0 installation directory.
• Another problem occurred in Profile Case when updating the output pro-
files. If an error code was generated the output profiles were not always
updated again correctly because, after the error was generated the loop
was not.
• An extra check has been implemented to see if there are any error mes-
sages in the ”Profile.Log” file. (This file is generated if the Profile Case
is selected). It could happen that an error was generated in Profile.Log
but there was no message in the BREAKWAT 3.0 graphical user interface.
This problem is solved now. After creation and closing of Profile.Log the
LOG file is read again and check for string ”error”. If this string occurs a
message is displayed in BREAKWAT 3.0.
• The restriction rule 1.5 < (At/(h0 c)2 ) < 3.0 has been changed to 1.5 <
(At/(h0 c)2 ) < 3.5.
• The property window for Pressure Forces & Safety Factors (sometimes also
other property windows) caused a crash when create a TABLE was selected
for a parameter. The focus was removed from creating the table while it
was not finished yet. This problem is solved now.
• All greek symbols, supported by BREAKWAT have been converted to
names like [alpha], etc.
• If a Graph was created for “1 Rubble Mound Structures 1.1 Conventional
breakwater|2. Structural Response 2.1 Rock armour|Van der Meer Cumu-
lative Storms” and saved, an error occurred when opening the same case

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again. The reason for this problem was the Zparameter was set to ”NONE”
which caused the program to select another routine to create the graph.
Changing ”NONE” to ”” within BREAKWAT 3.0 solved the problem.

• The box containing CASE icons and PROJECT icons is now not visible
if nothing has been created. After creation of a CASE or PROJECT the
box becomes visible.

• If pause button was pushed, while an edit field in Property Editor was
selected BREAKWAT 3.0 crashed. This is solved now.

• The Breaker parameter is added as output parameter of formula Berm

Breakwater| Transmission and Conventional Breakwater|Transmission

• The calculation of Hst in Berm Breakwater|Transmission was not done

correctly. This has been adjusted.

• Now for both cases Berm Breakwater|Transmission and Conventional Breakwater|Transm

the conditions for wave steepness and breaker parameter are checked.

3.2.2 Modifications RELEASE 3.00.0024 VERSUS 3.00.0023

The following bugs/imperfections have been solved:

• The user is able to put only one value in the input table and generate
output tables with only one input value. This make it possible to put a
single value in a graph.

• A warning (‘Depth limitation error’) appears when determining the profile

development of a Berm Breakwater under wave attack when Hs/h is smaller
than 0.6, while this warning should appear when Hs/h is larger than 0.6.

• The ratio H2%/H1/3 in the ‘wave height distribution’ is not equal to the
ratio H(P)/H1/3, when P has a value of 2 %.

• The installation procedure could be confusing, because of the use of both

a lic-file and a key-file. BREAKWAT 3.00.0024 does not use the key file
any more. Instead all the information is put in the license file.

• If 2 cases are active at the same time with the same name, problems
could arise, now case names are check and the user is informed if two
cases/projects have the same names.

• By entering the value 0 for some parameters, BREAKWAT generated a

run-time error. Especially the significant wave height Hs is sensitive for
this error.

• When calculating overtopping volumes, the output parameter ‘percentage

overtopping waves’ POV has to be multiplied by 100.

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BREAKWAT 3 README v2.0 July 16, 2010

• The wave height factor αHs was not correctly implemented in the Hudson-
formula. This is the case for conventional rubble mound breakwaters, as
well as for breakwaters with a top-layer of concrete armour units. This is
now corrected.
• When closing BREAKWAT 3.0, the user was not always informed correctly
about if a file needed to be saved or not. This problem is solved now.
Files are stored in an object array. Before quitting this array will be walk
through sequentially to see if a file needs to be saved or not.
• A few textual improvements have been made to the GUI as well as the
• New icon has been made for BREAKWAT 3.0
• The undo-button has been removed from the property editor.
• At startup time the Regional Settings of the system are checked. If the
regional settings are not correctly set for BREAKWAT 3.0 the program
BREAKWAT 3.0 shows a warning.

3.2.3 Modifications RELEASE 3.01.0000 VERSUS 3.00.0024

The following bugs/imperfections have been solved:
• For Overtopping (formula TAW-formula) the unit of the parameters Vmax
(Max. overtopping volume per wave, per m) and Vol (Overtopping volume
per wave, per m) has been changed to m3 /m1 .
• For Concrete armour the unit of the parameter nv (Volumatric porosity)
has been changed to (%).
• For Overtopping (formula TAW-formula) and Runup (formula TAW) the
parameter γtot is set to 0.4 if the calculated value is lower than 0.4 else
the calculated value is used.
• For Concrete armour the input parameters N (number of incident waves)
and sm (wave steepness) are disabled for all formula, except for formula
Cubes and Tretrapodes because they are not used by these formula.
• The uninstall button in the start menu of ‘Delft-Chess > Breakwat 3.1’
is not pointing to the correct location. Therefore, the unwise.exe and the
uninstall procedure can only be activated from the installation directory.
This has been improved.
• There is a conflict between the NN Overtopping.dll and a previous version
of the Dforrt.dll. This previous version has been replaced by a newer
version of the Dforrt.dll (version 6.6.910.101).
• The Proba2.dll and the Profile Shallow.dll have been re-compiled. The
compilation has been carried out with Microsoft Visual C++, Compaq
Visual Fortran Edition 6.6.b.

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BREAKWAT 3 README v2.0 July 16, 2010

• All icons have been removed from the property editor, except the input,
output and message icon.

• For Accropodes a message “Failure occurs if Nod > 0.5” is generated, if

the criteria Hs/∆Dn≥ 2.5 is met. The value of Nod is set to 1000.

• The manual has been adjusted/updated/extended for:

– wave overtopping
– stability formulae rock armour
– stability formula Cubes
– stability formula Accropodes
– toe berm stability of vertical(caisson) breakwater
– wave transmission over berm breakwaters

• The manual has also been converted to a document in PDF format. The
links throughout the document have been preserved. Users can quite easily
make hard copies of this document themselves. The design formulae are
displayed more clearly in the document.

• The parameter sm−1,0 has been added as a new output parameter for the
formula (TAW ,2002) for runup on conventional RMB’s.

• The roughness reduction factor γf has been changed for the formula (TAW
,2002) for runup on conventional RMB’s. The factor has been made linearly
dependent of the surf similarity parameter ξ0 on the interval 1.8 < ξ0 < 10.

• The stability formula for Accropodes has been changed: the threshold for
failure has been set to Hs/∆Dn = 2.5 is used in the formula, instead of
3.7 and 4.1. The confidence bands have been disabled.

• For several cases the default values have been changed.

• The wave transmission over vertical (caisson) breakwaters is also calculated

for wave heights around Hs = 3m.

• The calculations of wave overtopping of RMB’s does not lead to crashes of

BREAKWAT, also for unrealistically small values of Tm−1,0 .

• The hard/soft limits of the parameters γf and γf −C used in the formulae

for determining the rear side stability of RMB’s:

– γf = 0.47 (default); lower bound= 0.45;upper bound = 0.45

– γf −C = 0.47 (default); lower bound= 0.45;upper bound = 0.45

• Textual changes for error messages and warnings.

• The possibility to work with Projects and/or Cases with the same name
(by using the “Save as” button), which ultimately results in a crash of
BREAKWAT, has been disabled.

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BREAKWAT 3 README v2.0 July 16, 2010

• The possibility to use the same name for different projects by using the
“Rename” button has been disabled.

• The possibility to select a file with any arbitrarily extension as the editor
has been disabled. It is only possible to select files with the extension exe.

• The Rayleigh distribution option in the Graph start window can only be
selected if the active case has a formula with an “Exceedance probability”

• The initial profile for the calculation of the profile development of berm
breakwaters has to be specified with positive x- and y-values. The default
values for the initial profile have been changed slightly.

3.2.4 Modifications RELEASE 3.01.0001 VERSUS 3.01.0000

The following bugs/imperfections have been solved:

• If a value outside the valid range has been entered for the parameter Dn50-
core/Dn50 in formula Rock Armour, Van Gent et al., the error message is
displayed correctly now.

• Switching between Neural Network formula and Toe Berm Stability of

RMB formula leads to comment-free results.

• The file “breakwat.ini” has been updated. Due to this update changing
between Neural Network and Toe Berm Stability of RMD formula will not
result in an invalid range messages.

• File “for.10” is not generated anymore due to the possibility of opening a

Neural Network case/project from an other directory then the installation

• The valid range for cot(αu), Neural Network, has been changed. Values
between -1 and 10 are allowed now.

• A dimension parameter has been added to the header of the input x values
for Profile Development.

• Loading Neural Network cases/projects from directories other than the in-
stallation directory is possible now. Before an error was generated because
the file “nn overtopping.ntd” could not be found.

• During the setup the error message “The procedure entry point for read dir i8
could not be located in the dynamic library Dfortt.dll” could pop up. This
problem is solved now, by installing the file Dforrt.dll in the “c:\windows\system32”
directory instead of the installation directory.

• After pressing the menu option “Save” or “Save All” the files will be saved
at the locations where they have been save before. In previous versions
this was not the case. After pressing these menu options the files were

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BREAKWAT 3 README v2.0 July 16, 2010

always saved to the directory “ Workingfolder” located in the installation


3.2.5 Modifications RELEASE 3.02.0000 VERSUS 3.01.0001

• Dimension of each parameter is added to the print file.

• Extra check has been added to see if text editor exists. The default text
editor can be changed by selecting the menu option: “Settings|[Editor]”.

• The creation of the file “breakwat.txt” if forced every time a case is printed
to a text editor.

• If a new row is added to the input table for the calculation scenarios in the
case “1. Rubble mound, 1.2 Berm breakwater, 2. Structural response, 2.1
Rock armour”, all the values will be kept as they have been entered.

• If more then 2 cases are compared by using the Compare button, the cases
are displayed as rows instead of columns. To change the view press button
“arrow pointing clockwise”, which is situated in the upper left corner.

• If the option “Save All (F1)” is used, all cases are saved to the directory
specified as working folder. By default this will be the directory called
<installation directory>\WorkingFolder

• For formula “Van Gent et al. (2003)” in the case “1. Rubble mound, 1.1
Conventional breakwater, 2. Structural response, 2.1 Rock armour” the
exponent -1 in the term (1 + (Dn50core /Dn ))−1 has been changed to -2/3

• If BREAKWAT is shut down, cases are saved to the location specified by

the user.

• The units displayed for cot(alpha d) and cot(alpha u) for the case “1. Rub-
ble mound, 1.1 Conventional breakwater, 1 Hydraulic response,1.3 Over-
topping” have been changed to (-).

• The formulation for L2 on page 60 has been changed to max( (Ru2%+dh)

; 0).

• The definition sketch for case “Rubble mound 1.1, Conventional breakwater,
Hydraulic response 1.1.1. Wave height distribution” has been improved.

• If BREAKWAT is installed on a laptop in combination with a Black Dongle

it is possible that the installed drivers cannot recognize the Black Dongle.
To be able to solve this program the old version of the Black Dongle drivers
have been incorporated in the setup.

• For the case “1. Rubble mound structure, 1.1 Conventional breakwater,
2 Structural response, 2.1 Rock armour, Probability of damage the input
parameter” the parameter Tm−1,0 is set inactive as it is not used for this

Deltares 15
BREAKWAT 3 README v2.0 July 16, 2010

• For case “1. Rubble mound, 1.1 Conventional Breakwater, 2 Structural

Response, Concrete armour”, the Hudson and none Hudson formulations
have been split in separate cases.

• Several validity ranges have been adjusted.

• For the case “1. Rubble mound, 1.2 Berm breakwater, 2. Structural re-
sponse, 2.1 Rock armour”, the maximum number of row for input calcula-
tion scenarios is limited to 8.

• For the case “1. Rubble mound, 1.2 Berm breakwater, 2. Structural re-
sponse, 2.1 Rock armour”, all values in output tables are reset to zero.
Unfortunately if the user presses the button “All Profile Chart” all profiles
are plotted despite the error.

• For case 1. Rubble mound, 1.2 Conventional breakwater, 2. Structural

response, 2.1 Rock armour”, Van der Meer Cum. the maximum number
of rows for input table “Cumulative Damage” has been limited to 10.

• For case Neural Network, the validity range for the parameter cot(αu) has
been changed for negative values.

• For formula Rock Armour, Van Gent et al.. a wrong value was displayed for
the parameter Dn50-core/Dn50 after entering a value outside the validity

• The menu option “Save”, saves all files to the user specified working folder.
This folder can be set by selecting menu option “Settings|[Environment]

• The menu option “Save As..” has been improved. It is now possible to use
this menu option to save a case without being obliged to change the name.

• The functionality of button “Rename” has been improved. Renaming a

case without changing the name is possible.

• For case “1. Rubble mound, 1.5 Near-bed structures, 2. Structural response,
2.1 Rock armour” the value hc is correctly read from file if value is outside

• For case “1. Rubble mound, 1.2 Conventional breakwater, 1.Hydraulic re-
sponse,1.3 Neural network”, the Quantiles for the mean overtopping rate
are displayed in a graph if more than 1 input scenario is defined.

• For case “1. Rubble mound, 1.1 Conventional breakwater, 1 Hydraulic

response, 1.4 Overtopping TAW formula” the crest freeboard parameter
Rc has been added as output parameter.

• For case “1. Rubble mound, 1.4 Reef type structure, 1 Structural response,
1.4 2.1 Rock armour” if the output parameter Hs is selected and the input
parameter Dn50 is set to 0.1 BREAKWAT does not crash anymore

Deltares 16
BREAKWAT 3 README v2.0 July 16, 2010

• After closing BREAKWAT there are now three confirmation possibilities

namely “Ok”, “Cancel” and “No” instead of the possibilities “Ok” and
“No”. The options have the following meaning:

– Ok :Saves the saves to disk and closes BREAKWAT

– Cancel :Does not save the cases to disk and does not close BREAK-
– No :Does not save the cases to disk and closes BREAKWAT

• For case “1. Rubble mound, 1.1 Conventional Breakwater, 2 Structural

Response, 2.2 Concrete armour, Core Loc TM ” The parameter αHs which
is used in formula HsD=0 has been changed to (αHs)3 .

3.2.6 Modifications RELEASE VERSUS 3.02.0000

(=version 3.2)
• The version number of dynamic library “ Profile Shallow.dll” has been
set to due to changes in error/warning handling and changes in
directory structure.

• The version number of dynamic library “ Proba2.dll” has been set to
due to changes in directory structure, not relevant for the user.

• The version number of dynamic library “ NN Overtopping.dll” has been

set to due to changes in directory structure, not relevant for the

• The manual has been updated.

• Improved license handling with respect to server licenses to avoid the error
message “Bad Encryption Handshake”.

• The key combination CRTL-Z for the formula editor (property editor) has
been disabled as it serves no purpose and it causes BREAKWAT to crash

• For case “Rubble mound 1.1, Conventional breakwater, Hydraulic response Overtopping, Neural Network” the parameter Tm−1,0 is correctly
read from and saved to file.

• For case “Rubble Mound 1.1 Conventional breakwater 2. Structural Re-

sponse 2.4 Rear side stability” the parameter Rc, rear is correctly read
from and saved to file.

• For case “1. Rubble mound, 1.4 Reef type structure, 2 Structural re-
sponse,2.1 Rock armour, Reef type breakwat” the text “Warning: depth
limitation. . . .” has been adjusted.

Deltares 17
BREAKWAT 3 README v2.0 July 16, 2010

• For case “1. Rubble mound, 1.1 Conventional breakwater, Hydraulic re-
sponse 1.3 Overtopping, TAW”, the automatic restriction for formula γb ∗
γf ∗ γβ ∗ γvw > 4.0 and γb ∗ γf ∗ γβ > 4.0 has been removed. Instead, a
warning is posted if this occurs.
• For case “1. Rubble mound, 1.1 Conventional breakwater, Hydraulic re-
sponse 1.2 Runup, Runup on bermed slopes- TAW formula”, the automatic
restriction for formula γb ∗γf ∗γβ > 4.0 has been removed. Instead, a warn-
ing is posted if this occurs.
• The program DS Flex has been removed from the setup and incorporated
in the program Install Shield.exe. This enables the user to install BREAK-
WAT silently.
• The program DS Flex has been updated, current version is
• After saving a case by using the menu option File|Save the directory name
is stored for this case.
• Deactivated the functions attached to the keyboard key “Pause” as it serves
no usable purpose. This function displayed all the BREAKWAT parame-
ters of the active property window.
• The background picture within the main window is resized after a resize
• After resizing the property window the error text box is resized also.
• The formula for wave transmission of De Jong-d’Angremond has been
merged with the formula of wave transmission of Briganti et al, 2004.
Either one is selected based on the criteria H < 10 or H >= 10.
• For case “1. Rubble mound, 1.1 Conventional breakwater, Hydraulic re-
sponse 1.3 Overtopping, Neural Network” , uncertainty levels are plotted
adding new values to the input table of an input parameter when using
add cell button instead of enter key.
• For case “1. Rubble mound, 1.2 Berm Breakwater, Hydraulic response 1.4
Rock armour, Van der Meer (Profile development)”, when defining profiles,
negative y values are allowed.
• For case “1. Rubble mound, 1.1 Conventional breakwater, Hydraulic re-
sponse 1.3 Overtopping, Neural Network” , BREAKWAT should be able
to find the dynamic library (DLL) ’nn overtopping.dll’.
• For case “Vertical (caissons) structure 2.1, Hydraulic response Over-
topping, Van der Meer (overtopping)” , the manual has been updated due
to a typing error. The term H 2 should be H 3 in the overtopping formula.
• For case “1 Rubble mound, 1.1 Conventional breakwater, 2 Structural re-
sponse 2.4 Rear side stability, Van Gent & Pozueta ” , the parameter γf
has been added to the term (z1% − (γfRc

Deltares 18
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• The correct units are displayed in the first row of the summary tables.

• The working folder can be changed manually or by selection. In case the

working folder does not exist, the directory is created.

• For the case “1. Rubble mound, 1.2 Berm breakwater, 2. Structural re-
sponse, 2.1 Rock armour” the total number, inclusize actual values, of
storm conditions is restored when switching between structure types, re-
sponse types or formulae.

• For case “Vertical (caisson) 2. Structural response 2.3 Toe berm stability”,
the formula Tanimoto has been changed to Tanimoto/Takahashi.

• For “Vertical (caisson) 2. Structural response 2.3 Toe berm stability Tan-
imoto” the calculation of Hs based on Dn50 is performed correctly now.
This has been corrected for the new formula Tanimato/Takahashi.

• For case “ Rubble Mound 1.1 Conventional breakwater 1 Hydraulic Re-

sponse 1.3 Overtopping TAW” the calculation of Rcb and Rcn if output
parameters Rc is selected, is performed correctly now.,

• The user is able to alter a parameter which is specified as integer when

unit value is included,

• When iterative processes do not converge, no ouput is printed for the pro-
vided input,

• Project can be copied correctly now,

• BREAKWAT has been tested on WINDOWS 7.

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Despite these modifications there are still some unsolved problems.

3.3 Unsolved problems

• The digital Technical Manual does not describe all cases sufficiently yet.

• Selecting the parameter db in case ‘Vertical (caisson) breakwater – Pres-

sures, forces and safety factors’, causes BREAKWAT to shutdown auto-
matically sometimes.

• Unfortunately it is not possible to use Greek symbols for every parameter:

– Case : 1. Rubble mound structure, 1.1 Conventional breakwater 2.

Structural response, 2.1 Rock armour
∗ The symbol delta in: buoyant mass density
∗ The symbol delta in: stability number
– Case : 1. Rubble mound structure, 1.1 Conventional breakwater 2.
Structural response, 2.2 Concrete armour
∗ The symbol delta in: armour layer coefficient
∗ The symbol delta in: stability number
– Case : 1. Rubble mound structure, 1.1 Conventional breakwater 2.
Structural response, 2.2 Toe berm stability
∗ The symbol delta in: stability number
– Case : 1. Rubble mound structure, 1.4 Reef type structure 2. Struc-
tural response, 2.1 Rock armour
∗ The symbol delta in: stability number

• Write permission:

– After installing BREAKWAT and resetting the directory access per-

missions to read causes problems for the following cases: “1. Rub-
ble mound, 1.2 Berm breakwater, 2. Structural response, 2.1 Rock
armour”, because these cases uses external library which writes in-
termediate files in the installation directory. Further the following
problems arise:
∗ It is not possible to change the settings (e.g. working folder, text
∗ The function “File | Print to Editor Ctrl+F12” may not work.
∗ Selecting the case “1. Rubble mound, 1.2 Berm breakwater,
Structural Response, Rock armour, Van der Meer (Pro-
file development)” causes BREAKWAT to crash.
∗ The case “1. Rubble mound, 1.1 Conventional breakwater, 1
Hydraulic response,1.3 Overtopping, Neural Network” may not

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BREAKWAT 3 README v2.0 July 16, 2010

• No solution has been found yet, to store the data which has been added to
a graph by the user.

• It is not possible yet to add quantiles (5%, 95%) (Neural Network) to a

user defined graph (via menu option graph).

• The program BREAKWAT seems to be slow sometimes. No solution has

been found yet to solve this problem. However the performance has been
improved by a.o. using different compiler options and loading the INI file
only once.

• If a user creates a case and selects an input parameters, changes it’s value
and selects table, the entered value will be shown in the table, however, if
table is deselected for that particular parameter the entered value is reset
to the default value.

• When inserting a new row to the input table by using the insert button
at the left top of the window containing the table, the value shown after
insertion, varies sometimes from zero, nothing to default value of that
particular parameter.

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Deltares 22
Chapter 4


4.1 Known problems

This section contains solutions to known problems concerned with running BREAK-
WAT 3.

Message -”No valid key file, cannot run Breakwat 3!”:

This error indicates that a corrupt key file or that no key file is present in the
installation directory. Check if there is a ”*.key” file in the installation directory.
Save this file in the installation directory, using the setup or copy the key file
manually. Rename the file to ”Breakwat3.key” and try to startup BREAKWAT
3 again. If there is a ”*.key” file present in the directory, overwrite this one with
the one received from WL | Delft Hydraulics (manually) and then try running
BREAKWAT 3 again. If this does not solve the problem, please sent and email

Message -”Error in parsing vendor information from license file, closing application”:
This error indicates that the VENDOR information in the license file is not
correct. To solve this, please send an email to,
including the license file.

Crash after selecting specific case:

Structure Type: Rubble mound 1.1 Conventional breakwat
Response factor: Structural response Rock armour
Formula: Probability of damage to armour layer.
If after selecting this configuration BREAKWAT 3 crashes, please check the re-
gional settings. It should be set to English UK/US, i.e. numbers and fractions
should be separated by a dot (.). If the crash still occurs, please sent and email

The message ”BAD TABLE”:

This message occurs if one or more cells in an output table are empty. This
does not mean that the calculation is not correct, but that certain values are not
within the valid range of that parameter.

BREAKWAT 3 README v2.0 July 16, 2010

BREAKWAT 3 crashes when creating a TABLE:

This happens if the version of the TeeChart.ocx (located in C:\Windows\System32)
is different than the one BREAKWAT uses.

BREAKWAT 3 cannot start due to missing file WLauth??.dll:

This problem occurs if the option “Install new license file” has been selected
during the license setup and no other Visual Basic application from Deltares has
been installed on the PC yet. If this problem occurs please sent and email to

BREAKWAT 3 crashes after starting Berm Breakwater:

This problem occurs if after installation the read/write permission of the instal-
lation directiry are set to only read permission. If this happens please contact
your administrator.

Dongle is not recognized on Windows XP, service pack SP2:

This problem can be solved by running the the setup version or higher of
program DS FLEX.exe on your system.

4.2 Report errors/suggestions

If any other errors occur, please let us know by sending the information to In this way the software package can be improved.
Other suggestions with respect to improvements or user-friendliness of BREAK-
WAT 3 (or its setup) are off course very welcome. Please send the complete
version number of DS FELX with the error/suggestion-report.

4.3 Getting complete version number

To get the the installed version of the program BREAKWAT 3, go to the instal-
lation directory, select the program ”Breakwat.exe” and press ALT+ENTER.
This will open a property window which contains a tab called ”Version”. Select
this tab to get the version of the installed program.

Deltares 24
Chapter 5


FLexLM license management has been incorporated in the Delft-Chess software

packages to handle the licensing of the different products. This basically means
that a part of the license management is incorporated in the software product
itself and a part is stored in a file called the license file. To detect and process
the license files additional software needs to be installed on a PC. Installation
of this software is performed by a program called DS FLEX which has been de-
veloped at Deltares. This program sets all necessary environment variables for
locating the license file, installs drivers for recognizing hardware keys (dongles)
and installs the software for hosting server licenses.

The license files issued by Deltares are connected to a hardware key, also
called a dongle. Two types of dongles can be issued. The first type is called the
BLACK DONGLE 8 (see Figure(5.1)) which communicates via the parallel-port
and is issued on request only. The second type is called the USB-DONGLE 9
(see Figure(5.2)) which communicates via the USB-port and is issued with each
software delivery. Clients who currently use a BLACK-DONGLE 8 can exchange
this dongle for an USB-DONGLE 9 at a certain fee or free of charge, depending
on the maintenance contract. For exchanging dongles, please sent your request

Installation of the license software is straight forward as the installation pro-

gram guides the user through the installation process. However, during this
process the user can make several choices which need some additional explana-
tion. The explanation on these choices is given in this document. For more
detailed information on FLeXLM, see the manual LicensingEndUserGuide.pdf,
which is located in the installation directory of the program DS FLEX.

BREAKWAT 3 README v2.0 July 16, 2010

Figure 5.1: BLACK DONGLE 8

Figure 5.2: USB-DONGLE 9

This document is organised as follows:

• FLeXLM (Introduction), first chapter

• Installation DS FLEX , second chapter

• Frequently Asked Questions, third chapter







License Manager(..)|Add License File!

Deltares 26
Chapter 6

Installation DS FLEX

6.1 Introduction
Installing DS FLEX for the first time, consents the user to select a configu-
ration type, see Figure(6.1). Once this configuration type has been set, it
can be changed by simply rerunning the setup of DS FLEX. To add new li-
censes, select the menu item Start|P rograms|Delf t Hydraulics |DHS License
Manager([Configuration T ype])| Add License File. Within the brackets [], the
installed configuration is displayed.

To verify which license type has been issued, check the contents of the license
file. In general a license file contains one or more features. Each feature contains
(not in this order) a version number, expiration date, client information, type of
security (dongle, ethernet or demo) and in case of a server license the number
of licenses which can be issued. Further, a server license contains an additional
keyword called SERVER at the top of the license file. For more detailed infor-
mation on features see the manual LicensingEndUserGuide.pdf, which is located
in the installation directory of the program DS FLEX.

Apart from the installation of software and the license file the setup program
sets several environment variables, which enables programs to access the license
from an arbitrary location on a disk or network. As each FLeXLM version is
connected to a separate environment variable, the setup sets four different en-
vironment variables due to backwards compatibility. The following environment
variables are set:

• LM LICENSE FILE : FLeXLM uses this environment variable by default.

• LMWLDELFT LICENSE FILE : This environment variable is specifically

set for FLeXLM version 7.

• DWLDELFT LICENSE FILE : This environment variable is specifically

set for FLeXLM version 9.

• DHSDELFT LICENSE FILE : This environment variable is specifically

set for FLeXLM version 10.

BREAKWAT 3 README v2.0 July 16, 2010

The environment variables can be viewed or changed manually by selecting:

Start| Settings | Control Panel | (System)|(Advanced)|(Environment Variables).

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BREAKWAT 3 README v2.0 July 16, 2010

Figure 6.1: Configuration Options

One of the first windows the user comes across after starting the program
DS FLEX is shown in Figure(6.1). However, if the program DS FLEX is al-
ready installed on a system, the first window, after the introduction window, the
user comes across is not the window shown in Figure(6.1) but the window shown
in Figure(6.2).

According to Figure(6.1) the following license types can be selected:

• Local, Client

• Server and Client

• Server Only
Each of the items is described in the next sub-sections.

6.1.1 Local, Client

This option is selected if a local (stand-alone) or a client-server license has been
issued. In case of a client-server license this option needs to be selected for a
client installation.
Selecting this option means that software and license software(DS FLEX, includ-
ing the license file) are installed on the same computer. During the installation
process the license file is copied to the installation directory of the program
DS FLEX. Further the environment variables, mentioned above, are set to the
installation directory of the license software(DS FLEX ).

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6.1.2 Server and Client

This option is selected if a server license has been issued and the server-side in-
stallation is performed on a computer which serves as a license server as well as
a client. Using the license manager in this way has the advantage that the work-
station can be approached by Remote Desktop, which is not possible/allowed
when using a stand-alone (node locked, local) license. For information on the
server part see section 6.1.3.

6.1.3 Server Only

This option is selected if a server license has been issued and the server-side
installation is performed on a license server. Bare in mind that for this option
the license server is not the same computer as the client computer. For more
information on the client installation of the license software(DS FLEX ), see sec-
tion 6.1.1.
During the installation several settings are automatically set for starting a ser-
vice (see Section(6.4.2), which would otherwise needs to be done manually. Fur-
thermore in case the user has selected the option ’Yes’ in the OS service win-
dow (see Figure(6.7)) the service is started autmatically by the license software
(DS FLEX ). Remember, in case the dongle is not connected to the server during
the installation, the service has to be restarted manually, see section 6.4.1.

The next section gives a description on the different windows which the user
could come across during the installation process depending on the type of con-
figuration selected!

6.2 Installation windows

As described above the second window (first window will be the introduction
window) which the user comes across if the license software DS FLEX has not
been installed on a system yet is shown in Figure(6.1). In case however, the
license software DS FLEX has already been installed on a system the second
window the user comes across is shown in Figure(6.2).

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BREAKWAT 3 README v2.0 July 16, 2010

Figure 6.2: Previous installation

The window shown in Figure(6.2) notifies the user which license configu-
ration has been installed and that it will be removed before the new selected
configuration is installed.

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BREAKWAT 3 README v2.0 July 16, 2010

Figure 6.3: Choose Driver Installation

The next window the user comes across is shown in Figure(6.3). This window
allows the user to choose between installing just USB dongle drivers, or driver
for both USB(see figure (5.2)) and BLACKDONGLE (see figure (5.1)). The
installation of parallel port dongle drivers is only needed for users with a parallel
port dongle. The installation of ’USB dongle drivers only’ is recommended for
all users not using parallel dongles.
This window will only show up when the license software DS FLEX is in-
stalled one of the following operating systems:

• Windows 2000

• Windows XP 32-bit (All service packs)

• Windows Server 2003 32-bit (Up until Service Pack 1)

Other operating systems will skip this choice and will install USB dongle
drivers only. Users with parallel port dongles using an operating system not
listed above should contact their software support or helpdesk. The general
e-mail address can also be used for this purpose.

Deltares 32
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Figure 6.4: Choose Destination Folder

The next window the user comes across is shown in Figure(6.4). This window
gives the user the possibility to select the destination folder to where the program
DS FLEX is to be installed. By default the installation directory has been set
to “C:\Program Files\DS Flex”.
To alter the location, press the button ’Browse...’ and select a different

Deltares 33
BREAKWAT 3 README v2.0 July 16, 2010

Figure 6.5: Install the License File

The next window the user comes across is shown in Figure(6.5). This window
allows the user to install the license file or to postpone this selection.

Deltares 34
BREAKWAT 3 README v2.0 July 16, 2010

Figure 6.6: Specify License File Location

The next window the user comes across, depending on whether or not the actual
license file needs to be installed, is shown in Figure(6.6). This window allows
the user to select the license file.

Deltares 35
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Figure 6.7: OS service

The next window the user can come across, depending on whether the config-
uration type Server Only or Server and Client has been selected at the beginning
of the installation process, is shown in Figure(6.7). This window allows the user
to start a License Service on a computer. Selecting the option Yes will start
the service after the license software has finished automatically. To start such a
service manually, see section(6.4.2).

6.3 Local, Client Installation

To perform a Local (stand-alone), Client installation, select the option Local,
Client, see Figure(6.1) at the beginning of the installation process. During the
installation process the user comes across nearly all windows described in sub-
section(6.2), except the window shown in Figure(6.7). After the installation
procedure has finished successfully, restart your computer.

6.4 Server Installation

To perform a server installation only, select the option Server Only, see Fig-
ure(6.1) at the beginning of the installation process. During the installation
process the user comes across all windows described in subsection(6.2). After
the installation has finished the created service will be activated in the back-
ground by the license software DS FLEX. To start/update services manually,
please read the next sections:

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BREAKWAT 3 README v2.0 July 16, 2010

6.4.1 Altering Server License File

After receiving a server license file, the following predefined names have to be
altered manually by the user or can be set automatically by using the tool ”Add
License File”.

• SERVER NAME: This predefined name must be set to the name of the
server. Remember, use either lower or upper case for all license files.

• TCP:8555: Change if necessary.

• DHSDELFT DAEMON : This predefined name must point to the program,

depending on FLEXLM version, dhsdelft.exe. This program is located in
the installation directory of DS FLEX.

Below the contents of three example license files is presented.

If FLEXLM 9.0 is used:

This sub-section contains the contents of an example license file, which is gen-
erated by FLexLM version 9. Use the tool ”Add License File” to install this
license file on the server.


185,2629HD Delft’;” \OVERDRAFT=0 INCREMENT FEATURE2 dwldelft
| Delft Hydraulics” etc. #End PACKAGE NAME License

If FLEXLM 10 is used (SERVER SIDE):

This sub-section contains the contents of an example license file, which is gen-
erated by FLexLM version 10. Use the tool ”Add License File” to install this
license file on the server.


User’;FIRMNAME=’WL | Delft \Hydraulics’;PLACE=’Rotterdamseweg 185,2629HD
Delft’;” \OVERDRAFT=0 SIGN= “DD21BF2C47F7 . . . . . . ” INCREMENT FEA-
| Delft Hydraulics” SIGN= “A1955E2C4DF4 . . . . . . .” etc.

Deltares 37
BREAKWAT 3 README v2.0 July 16, 2010

If FLEXLM 10 is used (CLIENT SIDE):

This sub-section contains the contents of an example license file for the client.

# License file Client side. SERVER SERVER NAME 0000481A33D2 TCP:8500


6.4.2 Starting Services

To start a service it is possible to create a new service or to use an existing service.
How to create a new service, is explained in Paragraph(6.4.2). Information on
updating an existing service can be found in Paragraph(6.4.2).

Creating a service: To create a service, start the program LMTOOLS. This

program is started automatically after the configuration type SERVER has
been selected during the installation process of DS FLEX. Another possibility
is to start this program manually. To do so go to the installation directory of
DS FLEX and double click on the program LMTOOLS.EXE.

Deltares 38
BREAKWAT 3 README v2.0 July 16, 2010

Figure 6.8: The program LMTOOLS

After starting the program LMTOOLS.EXE the window in Figure(6.8) is

shown. According to Figure(6.8) the user can select several tabs which each
contain different functions.

• Services/License File

• System settings

• Utilities

• Start/Stop/Reread

• Server Status

• Config Services

• Borrowing

Not all functions are used for starting a service, so only the functions which
are of interest are discussed here.

To create a new service, please go to tab “ Config Services ”, see Figure(6.9).

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Figure 6.9: Configure a Service

According to this Figure(6.9) the following fields are to be set, for specifying
a service:

• Service Name : Enter the name of the service here. It is also possible to
select another service

• Path to the lmgrd.exe file : Select the program lmgrd.exe (deamon) on your

• Path to the license file : Select a license file or specify a path which contains
the license files.

• Path to the debug log file : Specify the name of the log file, including the
location where it needs to be stored.

• Start Server at Power Up : Switch which makes sure that the daemon is
automatically started at power up.

• Use service : Switch which is necessary for using services.

• Save Service : Saves the service information to disk.

• Remove Service : Removes a service from the service list.

After all values have been entered and the service has been saved (press
button Save Service and go to tab “Start/Stop/Reread” to start the service.

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Figure 6.10: Stop/Start/Reread Service

Selecting the tab Start/Stop/Rereads opens the window according to Fig-

ure(6.10). This window enables to user to perform the following actions:

• Button Start Server : Starts the highlighted service

• Button Stop Server : Stops the highlighted service

• Button Reread License File: Rereads a new license file (see Paragraph(6.4.2)
of the highlighted service

• Button Advanced settings>>

• Option Force Server Shutdown

After pressing the button Start Server, please check whether or not the service
has been started successfully by selecting the next tab called Server Status.
Selecting this tab opens the window according to Figure(6.11).

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Figure 6.11: Check Server Status

The window according to Figure(6.11) contains a button called “Perform Status

Enquiry”. After pressing this button the server status is echoed in the dis-
play window below. In case an error is generated, check the log file (by default
Flex WL.log) specified in window “Config Services”. If the error cannot be de-
tected please sent the log file to the following email address
If no problems occurred the service has been started successfully and the user
can select the menu option File|Exit to quit the application “lmtools.exe”.

When to update a service: A service update needs to be performed when

a new version of the license daemon called lmgrd.exe (by default, located in
the installation directory of DS FLEX ) is available or when the currently active
license file needs to be replace with a new one. For both situation the pro-
gram LMTOOLS has to be started. To do so go to the installation directory of
DS FLEX and double click on the program LMTOOLS.EXE or select the menu
item Start|P rograms|Delf t Hydraulics |DHS License Manager([Configuration
T ype])| LMTools .

When to update a service: Before the current license daemon can be up-
dated, all services which use this daemon needs to be stopped. To do this perform
the following actions:

• Select tab “Config Services”,

• Select the service form the list “Service Name” which needs to be stopped,

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Figure 6.12: Selecting services

• Deselect “Start Server at Power Up,

• Deselect “Use Services”,

• Save the selected service by pressing button “Save Service”,

• Select tab “Start/Stop/Reread”,

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Figure 6.13: Start/Stop/Reread a service

• Press the button “Stop Server”. This will stop the service which has been
selected on tab “Config Service”.

• Repeat this for each service which uses the daemon lmgrd.exe.

After all services attached to the daemon “lmgrd.exe” have been stopped, ac-
tivate the new version of the daemon “lmgrd.exe” by performing the following

• Install or copy the new version of the program “lmgrd.exe” and related
programs in the current DS FLEX directory or a new directory,

• After installation go to the installation directory and start the new version
of program “lmtools.exe” if it did not start automatically already after the
installation of the program DS FLEX,

• For each service displayed in the list (see Figure(6.12) perform the following

– Select tab “Config Services” to check if the references to the daemon

are still correct,
– Select option “Start Server at Power Up” again,
– Select option “Use Services” again,
– Select tab “Start/Stop/Reread” and press button “Start Server”,

• After all services have been started, perform a status enquiry (tab Server
Status by pressing button “Perform Status Enquiry”, to check if all services
are running correctly.

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Update a license file: In case the current server license file needs to be
replaced by a new one the user can simply use the option Reread License File
on tab Start/Stop/Reread to activate it. To activate the new license file perform
the following actions:

• Start the program lmtools, which is located in the installation directory of

the program DS FLEX,

• Make a copy of the current license file,

• Overwrite the current license file by the new license or merged license file,

• For each service go to tab Start/Stop/Reread and press button Reread

License File,

• After all services have been started, perform a status enquiry (tab Server
Status by pressing button “Perform Status Enquiry”, to check if all services
are running correctly.

Combining two server license files is also possible before updating the service. To merge two
server license file, copy all information in the new license file except the string which contains
the keyword SERVER. Furthermore if different versions of the VENDOR string (VENDOR
lmwldelft D:\app\flexlm\lmwldelft.exe ) are being used within one license file, put the string
containing the oldest version of the VENDOR daemon on top followed by a newer version (see
VENDOR lmwldelft D:\app\flexlm\lmwldelft.exe (version7)
VENDOR dwldelft D:\app\flexlm\dwldelft.exe (version 9)
VENDOR dhsdelft D:\app\flexlm\dhsdelft.exe (version 10)
After the VENDOR strings are correctly sorted, check if the location of each VENDOR daemon
is still specified correctly. If not enter the correct locations manually.

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Chapter 7


7.1 Frequently Asked Questions

This section contains solutions/answers to known problems concerned with run-
ning the FLeXLM License Manager and installation of DS FLEX.

7.1.1 FlexLM License Manager -”Server/Client instal-

lation does not work while installation on both
sides looks fine”:
When this happens check the following: Be sure there is no firewall active on
the server. Check if it is possible to ping the client from the server and to ping
the server from the client. If one of the two or both are not possible, then repair
your network configuration or ask your network administrator for help.

7.1.2 FlexLM License Manager -” When using a license

based on a MAC-Address, it is possible that the
License Manager does not recognise it”:
Most of the time that happens with MAC-Addresses of wire less devices ot Blue
Toth devices. Take care that they are always active. On laptop computers they
may be disabled when not in use, and then the MAC-Address is not visible for
the License Manager.

7.1.3 FlexLM License Manager -”No such feature ex-

This error indicates that the user does not have a valid license file for the selected
feature. To be entitled to use new features, the user has to have a maintenance
contract or has to purchase the new features. To purchase new features or
to receive more information on maintenance contracts, please sent an email to

BREAKWAT 3 README v2.0 July 16, 2010

7.1.4 FlexLM License Manager -”Bad encryption hand-

shake with vendor deamon”:
This message is generated by FLEXLM. Apparently the server cannot react in
time when a program checks for a valid license. If this error occurs, please sent
and email to

7.1.5 FlexLM License Manager-“System clock has been

set back”
If this message pops up, the system clock has been altered, please sent and email

7.1.6 FlexLM License Manager -“Can not find license

file ”error:
This error can be caused by the incorrect definition of the environment variables
that are used by FLEXnet to search for license files. The FLEXnet error message
contains the license files that are used by the application when it encounters the
error. When only a directory is shown and no license files are shown, the defi-
nition of the environment variable that points to the directory where FLEXnet
searches for license files can be erroneous
For windows XP and Windows 98, the path should have no backslash at the
end:;C:\Program Files\DS Flex;
The ; at the start and end of the string is optional.
For windows 2000 the general rule is that the path should have a backslash at
the end:
;C:\Program Files \DS Flex\;
However it has been reported that on some Windows 2000 machines, the back-
slash should be removed.
The ; at the start and end of the string is optional.
This is taken care of by the DS Flex installer that is part of the Delft3D instal-
To check the environment variables open the window: Start|Settings|Control
Panel| System|Advanced|Environment Variables|[System Variables].

7.1.7 FlexLM License Manager -“Terminal server Re-

mote Client not Allowed”:
This error indicates that the user wants to start an applications secured on a
stand alone license by using VPN software. To be able to start an application
by using VPN, the user needs a server/floating license.

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7.1.8 FlexLM License Manager - When I start the pro-

gram, I get a “Cannot read dongle”error:
This means that FLEXnet can not detect the hardware dongle that is needed to
run the program. You can check if FLEXnet can detect the hardware dongle by
running lmtools.

• Please make sure the dongle is inserted in the computer.

• Start lmtools by activating Start\Programs\Delft Hydraulics\DHS License


• Select the System Settings tab. In the FLEXID box, the dongle number of
the dongle should be visible. The reading of lmtools is not always accurate,
i.e. sometimes lmtools does not report the dongle although the program
starts without problems and does not report an error. So always check
if the dongle works with both the program and lmtools. When lmtools
does report the dongle then the program should be able to use the dongle.
When the dongle is attached and the error still occurres or lmtools does not
detect the dongle,the dongle drivers needed for this dongle are not installed

• Perform an installation with the latest DS Flex installer

This installer can be found at the Delft Hydraulics Support Site:
“Delft Hydraulics Software/FLEXnet/DS Flex.exe”
The installation instructions can be found at
“Delft Hydraulics Software/FLEXnet/
During the installation the dongle should be removed from the computer.
In some cases, due to a history of installations on a computer, the don-
gle drivers for a black dongle (FLEXid 8) are still not properly installed.
Then it can be useful to try to install an old version of the dongle drivers,
<flexidsilent.exe>. This installer can be found at the Delft Hydraulics
Support Site: Hydraulics Software/FLEXnet/tools
/Black dongle 9.2/flexidsilent.exe
Next to the incorrect installation of drivers it is also possible that the
printer port (see BIOS) has been set to bi-directional which is not allowed
for the dongle FLEXid 8.

7.1.9 FlexLM- Server license does not work:

This error can be the result of several causes. Each possible cause, as far as we
know, is described in a separate subsection.

License files & Server Names:

If there are several server license files which contain different server names with
respect to upper and lower case. To solve the problem modify the server names

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in all license files so that the case (upper or lower) that is used in all the license
files is the same. Take care to use the server name that is defined in a license
files from Delft Hydraulics that have been added to the server computer using
the ‘add license tool’ or alternatively use the server name that is defined in the
registry key
“System\CurrentControlSet\Control\ComputerName\ComputerName”. The ‘add
license tool’ uses the same registry key to determine the server name on during
installation of the license file.

Error on client (Server node is down or not responding):

Server node is down or not responding, although server log file looks fine. I
have configured my license Server and the server log does not contain any errors.
When I start my application on the Client PC, I get the error: Server node is
down or not responding
The client application needs to connect to the license daemon and vendor dae-
mon processes that are running on the Server. You need to check if there is a
fire wall configured on the Server that blocks the connection to these processes.
In the FLEXnet (FLEXlm) server log file the port numbers that are used by the
license daemon lmgrd and the vendor daemons lmwldelft, dwldelft and dhsdelft
are reported.
14:53:18 (lmgrd) ———————————————–
14:53:18 (lmgrd) Please Note:
14:53:18 (lmgrd)
14:53:18 (lmgrd) This log is intended for debug purposes only.
14:53:18 (lmgrd) In order to capture accurate license
14:53:18 (lmgrd) usage data into an organized repository,
14:53:18 (lmgrd) please enable report logging. Use Macrovision’s
14:53:18 (lmgrd) software license administration solution,
14:53:18 (lmgrd) FLEXnet Manager, to readily gain visibility
14:53:18 (lmgrd) into license usage data and to create
14:53:18 (lmgrd) insightful reports on critical information like
14:53:18 (lmgrd) license availability and usage. FLEXnet Manager
14:53:18 (lmgrd) can be fully automated to run these reports on
14:53:18 (lmgrd) schedule and can be used to track license
14:53:18 (lmgrd) servers and usage across a heterogeneous
14:53:18 (lmgrd) network of servers including Windows NT, Linux
14:53:18 (lmgrd) and UNIX. Contact Macrovision at
14:53:18 (lmgrd) for more details on how to
14:53:18 (lmgrd) obtain an evaluation copy of FLEXnet Manager
14:53:18 (lmgrd) for your enterprise.
14:53:18 (lmgrd)
14:53:18 (lmgrd) ———————————————–
14:53:18 (lmgrd)
14:53:18 (lmgrd)
14:53:18 (lmgrd) Done rereading
14:53:18 (lmgrd) FLEXnet Licensing (v10.1.3) started on WL06008 (IBM PC)

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14:53:18 (lmgrd) Copyright (c) 1988-2004 by Macrovision Corporation. All rights
14:53:18 (lmgrd) US Patents 5,390,297 and 5,671,412.
14:53:18 (lmgrd) World Wide Web:
14:53:18 (lmgrd) License file(s): C:\Program Files\DS Flex\delft3d.8-5E700060C1CF.lic
C:\Program Files\DS Flex\delft3d.of.8-5E700060C1CF.lic
14:53:18 (lmgrd) lmgrd tcp-port 8500
14:53:18 (lmgrd) Starting vendor daemons ...
14:53:18 (lmgrd) Started dhsdelft (pid 1660)
14:53:18 (lmgrd) Started dwldelft (pid 4012)
14:53:18 (dwldelft) Server started on WL06008 for: PHAROSUI
14:53:18 (dhsdelft) Server started on WL06008 for: MCI PHAROS GUI
14:53:18 (dhsdelft) DHS Delft3D FLOW
14:53:18 (lmgrd) dwldelft using TCP-port 1245
14:53:19 (lmgrd) dhsdelft using TCP-port 1249

In this example you need to make sure that the port numbers used by the
license Server lmgrd (8500) and the vendor daemon dwldelft and dhsdelft (in the
session that is shown in the log file: 1245 and 1249) are available and can be
reached by the Client computer.
To specify the port numbers that are used by the license Server and the vendor
daemon, you can modify the license file:

SERVER WL06008 FLEXID=8-5E700060C1CF TCP:8500

VENDOR dhsdelft ”C:\Program Files\DS Flex\dhsdelft.exe” PORT=8550
VENDOR dwldelft ”C:\Program Files \DS Flex\dwldelft.exe” PORT=8570
(See also the end-user guide pg. 106, 107.)
You need to check in the firewall configuration if these ports can be reached. If
you are running Windows XP Server SP2, be aware that a fire wall is installed

My server client licensing system is not running properly:

Check if the Server is running properly, which means: You need to check if the
license Server supports all the licensing features that you expect it to support.

You can do this by inspecting the Flex WL.log file in the DS Flex directory
on the Server.
In this file you will find the license files that are read by the license Server process
(lmgrd.exe) and a list of features that are supported.
If not all license files are listed in the log file
Check if the service configuration of the license Server is correct

1. Start lmtools by activating Start|Programs|Delft Hydraulics|DHS License


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2. Go to the Config Services tab.

3. Check if the Path to the license file contains only the DS Flex directory
and no specific license file, see Figure(7.1)

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Figure 7.1: lmtools: Config Services tab

If you have edited the path to the license file, you should save the service and
stop and start the license Server. Stopping and starting the license Server can
be done with the Start/Stop/Reread tab, see Figure(7.2).

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Figure 7.2: lmtools: Start/Stop/Reread tab

Now you can check the log file again and see if all license files and features
are logged in the log file.
Have all the license files in the DS Flex directory been added with the Add Li-
cense File tool that can be found under
Start|Programs|Delft Hydraulics|DHS License Manager|Add License File?
This can be diagnosed by inspecting the first two lines in the license files. When
they look like:

It has not been processed by the Add License File tool; when the first two
lines look like:
SERVER WL06008 FLEXID=9-23EE9562 TCP:8500
VENDOR dhsdelft ”C:\Program Files\DS Flex\dhsdelft.exe”
Then the license file has been processed by the Add License File tool. It has
replaced the string “SERVER NAME ”with the actual server name, in this
example “WL06008 ”and it has replaced the string “DHSDELFT DAEMON
”with the actual path to the vendor daemon, in this example “C:\Program
Files\DS Flex\dhsdelft.exe”.

If files are found that have not been processed with the Add License File tool,
remove them from the DS Flex directory and add them with the Add License
File tool. Now stop and start the license Server, see Figure(7.2), and inspect the
log file of the license Server. All the files should be logged in the log file.

If not all features that you expect can be found in the log file
Make sure that all the license files that you have received from Delft Hydraulics
have been added with the Add License File tool. Restart the Server if necessary.

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Figure 7.3: lmtools: System Settings tab

If the log file reports a hostId error

14:38:28 (dhsdelft) Wrong hostid on SERVER line for license file:
14:38:28 (dhsdelft) C:\Program Files\DS Flex\delft3d.9-23EE9562.lic
14:38:28 (dhsdelft) SERVER line says FLEXID=9-23EE9562, hostid is (Can’t
get hostid of
type 15 [Cannot read dongle: check dongle or driver. (-110,511)])
14:38:28 (dhsdelft) Invalid hostid on SERVER line
You can also use lmtools to check if the USB dongle is recognised by the com-
puter. You can start lmtools and activate the System Settings tab, see Figure(??).
In the FLEXID box, the dongle number of the USB dongle should be visible:

• Step I: Check if the dongle is inserted in the USB port of the computer. If
the dongle is not inserted in the USB port, insert the dongle and check if
lmtools reports the dongle now.

• Step II: Perform an installation with the latest DS Flex installer. This in-
staller can be found at the Delft Hydraulics Support Site: “Delft Hydraulics Software/FL
the installation the dongle should be removed from the computer.

Check the client:

When the Server is running correctly, it is still possible that the application on
the client is not running correctly.
Use the Add License File tool to select a license file on the Server.
The Add License File tool on the Client PC only stores the path to the license
file on the Server in an environment variable. This environment variable is used
by the application to find the license files in the DS Flex directory on the Server.
So only 1 license file (on the Server) needs to be selected from the Client PC and

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no files are copied to a loc at directory on the Client PC.

Order in which license files are accessed

License file locations that are used by FLEXnet to locate license files can be spec-
ified in the environment, the registry and within the application itself. What is
the order in which these locations are used?
The order in which these sources are used is:

1. The environment
The environment variables that are used are:

• LM LICENSE FILE This environment variable is used by all FLEXnet

enabled applications. For instance PHAROS, Delft3D, Matlab and
• LMWLDELFT LICENSE FILE This environment variable is used by
all Delft Hydraulics applications that have vendor daemon lmwldelft.
• DWLDELFT LICENSE FILE This environment variable is used by
all Delft Hydraulics applications that have vendor daemon dwldelft.
Delft3D software from version 8.00 up to version 8.02 uses this envi-
ronment variable.
• DHSDELFT LICENSE FILE This environment variable is used by
all Delft Hydraulics applications that have vendor daemon dhsdelft.
2. The registry
xxx<in future this will be described>

Running a license server with license files for PHAROS version 8.01 or lower
generates errors
When you use the latest distribution of license files on a license Server it is pos-
sible that the oldest vendor daemon , lmwldelft, will generate errors.
14:45:28 (lmgrd) ———————————————–
14:45:28 (lmgrd) Please Note:
14:45:28 (lmgrd)
14:45:28 (lmgrd) This log is intended for debug purposes only.
14:45:28 (lmgrd) In order to capture accurate license
14:45:28 (lmgrd) usage data into an organized repository,
14:45:28 (lmgrd) please enable report logging. Use Macrovision’s
14:45:28 (lmgrd) software license administration solution,
14:45:28 (lmgrd) FLEXnet Manager, to readily gain visibility
14:45:28 (lmgrd) into license usage data and to create
14:45:28 (lmgrd) insightful reports on critical information like
14:45:28 (lmgrd) license availability and usage. FLEXnet Manager
14:45:28 (lmgrd) can be fully automated to run these reports on
14:45:28 (lmgrd) schedule and can be used to track license
14:45:28 (lmgrd) servers and usage across a heterogeneous

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14:45:28 (lmgrd) network of servers including Windows NT, Linux

14:45:28 (lmgrd) and UNIX. Contact Macrovision at
14:45:28 (lmgrd) for more details on how to
14:45:28 (lmgrd) obtain an evaluation copy of FLEXnet Manager
14:45:28 (lmgrd) for your enterprise.
14:45:28 (lmgrd)
14:45:28 (lmgrd) ———————————————–
14:45:28 (lmgrd)
14:45:28 (lmgrd)
14:45:28 (lmgrd) Done rereading
14:45:28 (lmgrd) FLEXnet Licensing (v10.1.3) started on WL06008 (IBM PC)
14:45:28 (lmgrd) Copyright (c) 1988-2004 by Macrovision Corporation. All rights
14:45:28 (lmgrd) US Patents 5,390,297 and 5,671,412.
14:45:28 (lmgrd) World Wide Web:
14:45:28 (lmgrd) License file(s): C:\Program Files\DS Flex\delft3d.8-5E700060C1CF.lic
C:\Program Files \DS Flex \delft3d.8-5E700060C1CF.perm.lic C:\Program
Files \DS Flex \delft3d.of.8-5E700060C1CF.lic C:\Program Files \DS Flex \delft3d.of.8-

14:45:28 (lmgrd) lmgrd tcp-port 8500
14:45:28 (lmgrd) Starting vendor daemons ...
14:45:28 (lmgrd) Started dhsdelft (pid 3832)
14:45:28 (lmgrd) Started dwldelft (pid 2708)
14:45:28 (lmgrd) Started lmwldelft (pid 1592)
14:45:29 (lmwldelft) Cannot open license file C: \flexlm \license.dat
As long as you run PHAROS version 8.02 or higher this will cause no problems
running PHAROS. We advise you to migrate to a higher version of PHAROS.
When this is not possible, you need to contact the Ed Ehrlich.

Restarting vendor daemons on a license Server:

When you run a license Server with multiple license daemons, as is the case with
many PHAROS set-ups, it is possible that you get restarting license daemons.
This results in no licenses being served by the license Server. This problem can
also occur when you run license files from several suppliers on one license Server.
To illustrate the contents of alog file is printed below.

Log file
15:04:36 (lmgrd) ———————————————–
15:04:36 (lmgrd) Please Note:
15:04:36 (lmgrd)
15:04:36 (lmgrd) This log is intended for debug purposes only.
15:04:36 (lmgrd) In order to capture accurate license
15:04:36 (lmgrd) usage data into an organized repository,
15:04:36 (lmgrd) please enable report logging. Use Macrovision’s

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15:04:36 (lmgrd) software license administration solution,

15:04:36 (lmgrd) FLEXnet Manager, to readily gain visibility
15:04:36 (lmgrd) into license usage data and to create
15:04:36 (lmgrd) insightful reports on critical information like
15:04:36 (lmgrd) license availability and usage. FLEXnet Manager
15:04:36 (lmgrd) can be fully automated to run these reports on
15:04:36 (lmgrd) schedule and can be used to track license
15:04:36 (lmgrd) servers and usage across a heterogeneous
15:04:36 (lmgrd) network of servers including Windows NT, Linux
15:04:36 (lmgrd) and UNIX. Contact Macrovision at
15:04:36 (lmgrd) for more details on how to
15:04:36 (lmgrd) obtain an evaluation copy of FLEXnet Manager
15:04:36 (lmgrd) for your enterprise.
15:04:36 (lmgrd)
15:04:36 (lmgrd) ———————————————–
15:04:36 (lmgrd)
15:04:36 (lmgrd)
15:04:36 (lmgrd) Done rereading
15:04:36 (lmgrd) FLEXnet Licensing (v10.1.3) started on WL06008 (IBM PC)
15:04:36 (lmgrd) Copyright (c) 1988-2004 by Macrovision Corporation. All rights
15:04:36 (lmgrd) US Patents 5,390,297 and 5,671,412.
15:04:36 (lmgrd) World Wide Web:
15:04:36 (lmgrd) License file(s): C:\Program Files\DS Flex\delft3d.00055de1034c.lic
Program Files
DS Flex
15:04:36 (lmgrd) lmgrd tcp-port 8500
15:04:36 (lmgrd) Starting vendor daemons ...
15:04:36 (lmgrd) Started dhsdelft (pid 1960)
15:04:36 (lmgrd) Started dwldelft (pid 3976)
15:04:37 (dhsdelft) Server started on wl06008 for: DHS Delft3D
15:04:37 (dwldelft) Server started on wl06008 for: Delft3D
15:04:37 (dwldelft) RGFGRID D3D GIS RGFGRID
15:04:37 (lmgrd) dhsdelft using TCP-port 4523
15:04:37 (lmgrd) dwldelft using TCP-port 4524
15:04:37 (lmgrd) dhsdelft using TCP-port 4523
15:04:37 (dhsdelft) No master, exiting
15:04:37 (lmgrd) REStarted dhsdelft (pid 1968)
15:04:37 (dwldelft) No master, exiting
15:04:37 (dhsdelft) Server started on wl06008 for: DHS Delft3D
15:04:37 (lmgrd) REStarted dwldelft (pid 3660)
15:04:37 (lmgrd) dhsdelft using TCP-port 4530
15:04:37 (lmgrd) dhsdelft using TCP-port 4530
15:04:37 (dhsdelft) No master, exiting

Deltares 58
BREAKWAT 3 README v2.0 July 16, 2010

15:04:37 (dwldelft) Server started on wl06008 for: Delft3D

15:04:37 (dwldelft) RGFGRID D3D GIS RGFGRID
15:04:37 (lmgrd) REStarted dhsdelft (pid 2720)
15:04:37 (lmgrd) dwldelft using TCP-port 4533
15:04:37 (dwldelft) No master, exiting
15:04:37 (dhsdelft) Server started on wl06008 for: DHS Delft3D
15:04:37 (lmgrd) REStarted dwldelft (pid 3816)
15:04:37 (lmgrd) dhsdelft using TCP-port 4537
15:04:37 (lmgrd) dhsdelft using TCP-port 4537
15:04:37 (dwldelft) Server started on wl06008 for: Delft3D
15:04:37 (dwldelft) RGFGRID D3D GIS RGFGRID
15:04:37 (dhsdelft) No master, exiting
This error is caused by mixing up upper and lower case server names in the
license files that
are used.
License file delft3d.00055de2986c.lic
# FLEXLM version 7.0 used
# Created by LicFilGen (License File Generator), 2.44, January 2006
SERVER WL06008 00055de2986c TCP:8500
VENDOR dhsdelft ”C:\Program Files\DS Flex\dhsdelft.exe”
# Begin Delft3D license
# Delft3D : 3.25.00
# Cfg-file: 3.09.09
# Date : 03 feb 2006
FEATURE DHS Delft3D dhsdelft 3.39 01-jan-2007 21
Delft Hydraulics’ ;” DUP GROUP=UHD SIGN=”0100 414C 4A9A 49D6
2546 5FFB 6A31 F417 C721 F561 CCD4 3130 47CD B8B7 7CCA 0F03
A411 911B 25C4 8FEC EF92 C4F2 C0D3 72F4 E030 98BA B8CB EAFA
1ED6 13CD”
# Grid and bathymetry modules
License file delft3d.of.00055de2986c.lic
# FLEXLM version 7.0 used
# Created by LicFilGen (License File Generator), 2.44, January 2006
SERVER wl06008 00055de2986c TCP:8500
VENDOR dwldelft ”C:\Program Files\DS Flex\dwldelft.exe”
# Begin Delft3D license
# Delft3D : v3.23.05.10
# Cfg-file: v3.8.9
# Date : 14 Dec 2005

Deltares 59
BREAKWAT 3 README v2.0 July 16, 2010

FEATURE Delft3D dwldelft 3.39 01-jan-2007 22 34793B375BAB
Delft Hydraulics’ ;” DUP GROUP=UHD
# Grid and bathymetry modules
FEATURE RGFGRID dwldelft 4.29 01-jan-2007 2 54452261BA84
FEATURE D3D GIS RGFGRID dwldelft 4.29 01-jan-2007 1 419423F9D5EC

• Case 1: Only License files from Delft Hydraulics are used on this server
When the Add License File tool is consequently used when adding the
license files to the Server computer, this problem will not occur. To solve
the problem, take the license files that were originally provided by Delft
Hydraulics and add them, using the Add License File tool.

• Case 2: License files from multiple vendors are used on this Server Modify
the server names in all license files so that the case (upper or lower) that
is used in all the license files is the same. Take care to use the server name
that is defined in license files from Delft Hydraulics that have been added
to the Server computer using the Add License File tool or alternatively use
the server name that is defined in the registry key “System
ComputerName”. The Add License File tool uses the same registry key to
determine the server name on during installation of the license file.

7.2 Report errors/suggestions

If any other errors occur, please let us know by sending the information to In this way the software package can be improved.
Please send the complete version number of DS FLEX with the error/suggestion-

Deltares 60

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