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We’ve all been in that situation where you are talking to someone, the conversation dies

down, and you are both just sitting there as you try to think of a topic to talk about.

Definitely awkward. But hopefully these topics to talk about will help you avoid that
situation in the future. You can commit some of them to memory and you’ll always have
something to talk about.

List of topics to talk about

I’ve separated the topics into sections (topics to get the conversation started, topics to
get to know someone, tech topics, personal history, and random topics).

Under each topic are a few sample questions to get you started and to help you think of
other questions. But remember that these are just the beginning of the questions you
can ask. There are many more possible questions for each topic. Come up with your
own questions based on their answers or from your own creativity.

First though, here are some general tips for a good conversation.

Conversation tips
Make sure to ask lots of follow up questions related to their answers. But remember it’s
a conversation, not an interrogation. So when they ask you a question, make sure to
give a long detailed answer and answer any follow up questions they ask you. Every
conversation should be a give and take of talking and listening.

Two topics that you WON’T find on this list are religion and politics. And that is because
you probably shouldn’t discuss these topics unless you want to get into an argument
with the person or make the person uncomfortable. Seriously, just don’t.

And of course there are some people who might just not feel like talking. Remember, if
someone gives you a lot of one word answers, doesn’t make eye contact, and doesn’t
ask you any questions; that probably means they aren’t in the mood for a conversation.
In that case it’s better to just end the conversation and leave them to their own thoughts.

Okay, enough with the introduction and tips. Here we go, topics to talk about. Enjoy!

Topics to get the conversation started

These are your run of the mill, first meeting someone, topics to talk about. You’ll find
that most people will have at least some things to say about each of these topics.

Once you stumble upon something interesting or something they are interested in, keep
talking about that for a while. Branch off from your initial topic and ask follow up
questions about whatever they seem interested in. Usually people like talking about
themselves, so it’s usually good to focus on them and be a good listener with occasional
prompting follow up questions.

1. Current situation
Usually the best way to start a conversation is to talk about your current situation. The
questions you’ll ask vary greatly on where you are and what you are doing.

So for example, if you are waiting for something you might ask how long they’ve been
waiting. Or if you are at a show or an event you might ask if they’ve seen the performer
or speaker before. If you are traveling somewhere you might ask where the other
person is headed. If you are at place that is serving food, talk about the food. If there is
music playing, talk about the music.

2. Job / Work
What do you do?

How long have you worked there?

Do you like it?

How are your coworkers?

What’s the best / worst thing about being a (their job)?

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