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The Pastor Search Team has a responsibility to the church to find the one person best suited to the
needs of the church and desires of the members. In order to come up with a profile of that person, we
request each person to complete this survey and turn it in today.

Place an “X” by the three items below that you feel are the most important for a new pastor.

The ideal candidate for pastor of our church should be:

_____ 1. An outstanding speaker
_____ 2. Fellowship and activities
_____ 3. Visiting the sick and shut-ins on a regular basis
_____ 4. Visiting prospects on a regular basis
_____ 5. Experience in church growth
_____ 6. Missions oriented
_____ 7. A good administrator
_____ 8. Concerned about our youth
_____ 9. Concerned about our elderly and shut-ins
_____ 10. Mostly concerned with ministering to church members
_____ 11. A graduate of a seminary
Please indicate your opinion on the following points which will be considered in our search for and
discussions with any prospective pastor.
I prefer a pastor whose age is: (check one)
____ 25-35 ____ 36-45 ____ 46 +

I think our pastor should be: (check one or check both for either)
____ Married ____ Single

Our pastor should have the following years of experience as a pastor: (check one)
____0-5 ____6-10 ____11-15 ____16-20

I think our pastor’s total compensation package should be: (Consists of salary, travel, insurance,
retirement, utilities): (check one)
____ $30,000 - $35,000 ____$45,000 - $50,000
____ $35,000 - $40,000 ____$50,000 - $55,000
____ $40,000 - $45,000 ____$55,000 - $60,000
You are the church. Please give this your prayerful, careful, and thoughtful attention. The Pastor Search
Team desires suggestions and recommendations in regard to the selection a pastor. We are providing
the following “survey” as a means of your communicating your thoughts to us. The Pastor Search Team
does not feel that this survey should provide any exact rules for seeking a pastor, but can be used as a
guide only in beginning our search.

1. Educational Qualifications: (check as many as you desire)

____High School ____College ____Seminary ____Doctorate ____Doesn’t matter

2. Educational Level: (Should we consider someone who has been educated in non-Baptist schools?
Undergraduate: ____Yes ____No ____Doesn’t matter
Seminary: ____Yes ____No ____Doesn’t matter

3. Experience: Previous experience in religious work (check one)

____0-5 years ____6-10 years ____11-15 years ____16+ years

4. Age: (check one and circle nearest age desired within bracket)
____ 20-30 ____ 30-40 ____ 40-50 ____ 50 + ____Doesn’t Matter

5. Size of Family: (check one)

____ Married ____ Not Married ____ Married, no children
____ 1 or more children ____ More than 2 children ____Doesn’t Matter

6. Leadership Abilities: While a minister ought to be interested in each of these which do you feel are
most needed: List all items in order of importance to you (1, 2, 3, etc.)
____ Preaching ____ Visitation ____ Counseling ____ Teaching
____ Interest in Youth ____ Interest in middle age ____ Interest in senior adults
____ Civic leaders in community ____ Administration ____ Mission Interest
____ Fraternal or social organization

7. Doctrinal Matters: (check one) Should he accept the 2000 Baptist Faith and Message as adopted by
the Southern Baptist Convention?
____Yes ____No ____Doesn’t matter

8. Personal Characteristics (Spiritual): Use back of page for your comments.

9. Geographical Background Preference:

____North ____South ____East ____Mid-West ____Doesn’t matter
1. About what age person would you like for our next pastor to be, assuming that other
characteristics are favorable? Check one
____ Age should not be a factor ____ Under 30 ____ 30-39 ____ 40-49 ____ 50 +

2. What preference, if any do you have regarding formal education beyond college? Check one
____ Formal Education should not be a factor
____ At least college training
____ Doctoral program in theology or ministry
____ Other (describe) ____________________________________________________________

3. Consider this list of typical activities of a pastor. In thinking of our church’s pastor, our church
need and its programs, which of these activities should our pastor ideally spend most of his time
and the least of his time?
a. Attending meetings or functions of the church
b. Counseling, advising individuals
c. Denominational (Associational, State)
d. Office work, administration
e. Personal evangelism, soul-winning
f. Personal prayer, Bible study
g. Preparing sermons
h. Reading books, magazines
i. Visiting church members
j. Visiting prospective church members
k. Other _____________________________________________

On which should he spend the MOST time 1st ____ 2nd ____ 3rd ____ (choose letters)
On which should he spend the LEAST time 1st ____ 2nd ____ 3rd ____ (choose letters)

4. Consider this list of qualities or characteristics of a pastor. In thinking of our church needs and your
personal need which do you feel are the most important
Pick your top 6 (1-6 *1 being most important)
____ Appearance ____ Family Man ____ Passion for Ministry
____ Caring ____ Good Listener ____ Respectable
____ Compassion ____ Good Personality ____ Sense of Humor
____ Down to Earth ____ Loving ____ Enthusiasm
____ Mission Minded ____ Other ________________

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