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Malnutrition (mal means faulty) refers to deficiencies, excesses, or imbalances in a

person’s intake of energy and/or nutrients. It includes both under nutrition or
deficiency and over nutrition or excessive consumption.


Under nutrition is defined as insufficient intake of energy and nutrients to meet an

individual's needs to maintain good health. An undernourished person is underweight.


Over nutrition or hyper alimentation is a form of malnutrition in which the intake of

nutrients is oversupplied. The amount of nutrients exceeds the amount required for
normal growth, development, and metabolism.


Food is Vital to our lives and is often consumed to satisfy hunger and nourish our
body.Food also influences our social life ,association with nature.The functions of food are
discussed in the following para.


The most important functions of food is to maintain the normal structure and function of
our body.This can be done by providing energy,building and maintaining body
structures,regulating various metabolic processes and protecting from diseases.The
physiological functions of food are discussed below.


Food act as fuel for human body just like petrol for the car.Food provides us energy to
perform various voluntary and involuntary activities throughout the day.Voluntary activities
are those which are performed by our will and can be controlled such as brushing
teeth,bathing,walking,cooking,writing and speaking.Beating of heart,functioning of
kidney/lungs ,blinking of eyes,perspiration etc. are involuntary activities as we do not have
any control over them.Carbohydrates,proteins and fats present in our meals are source of
energy for our body.


At birth the weight and length of an average Indian infant is 2.5-3.5kg and
50cm,respectively.However when the same child reaches 18years,the average weight
and height are 49.7-58.3kg and 156-172cm.This increase in body mass is the result of cell
multiplication which is at peak during infancy and adolescence.The nutrient important for
this is function is protein(Amino Acids).

Protein Rich Foods:- Milk,eggs,cheese,yogurt,meat,poultry,aquatic animals,pulses

legumes and certain nuts.
If protein rich foods are not consumed in proper amount during growing years of an
individual,full growth potential is not achieved.These foods also provide the protein
necessary for repairing the usual wear and tear occurring in our body.


Blood clots at the site of injury but not within the blood vessels during circulation, gastric
juice is released in the stomach when we feel hungry or eat food.,air is inhaled and
exhaled continuously in rhythmic manner,co-ordination of various body movements are
the eg. Of some well regulated body process.Fruits and vegetables play a significant role
in regulating body processes because they are rich source of
vitamins,minerals,phytochemicals and fibers.

Orange red coloured foods are rich in vitamin A which helps in maintaining normal vision.

Animal food are rich source of vitB12 which maintains integrity of RBC.

Fish oils promote cardiovascular health because they contain good amount of n-3 fatty

Body Building Foods Regulatory Foods Protective Foods

 Eggs,Meat,Poultry, water  All fruits and  All fruits and

animals. vegetables especially Vegetables
 Milk,Cheese,Curd, yogurt Orange red color and citrus.  Yeast
and ice cream.  High fibre foods  Liver
 Legumes and pulses including husk/bran of  Wheat germ
 Nuts and certain Oil seeds cereals and pulses,edible  Eggs,meat,milk
peels of fruits and pulses,legumes and nuts

Protection from Disease/Adverse Conditions;

Certain Individuals suffer from common cough and cold more frequently than others.The
frequency of illness due to infections is closely related to food choices.Certain foods help
to enhance our immune system by promoting the synthesis and function of micro
phages,lymphocytes and antibodies such as citrus fruits and vegetables.Protein rich fruits
promote synthesis of certain immunoglobulins which strength our immune,red and purple-coloured foods provide protection against cancer,prevents
cell distribution and promote precise cell multiplication.Food such as almonds,sunflower
seeds and wheat germ oil where are good source of vitamin E help to protects tissues of
the heart,lungs,eyes,liver,breast and muscles against oxidative damages and certain type
of cancer.If variety of food is consumed in adequate amount for a considerable duration,it
is easier to pass threw periods of lean food intake such as missing of meals,fasts,surgery
and natural disaster.

Food facilities social interactions.The role of food in the hospitality industry can best justify
this function.Food is served and shared by the hosts with their guests.Specific foods are
associated with different types of social interactions.For example,sharing ice cream with
friends,coffee with subordinates or boss,cakes during birthday parties,and ladoos and
sweet meats during house warming/religious functions.Sharing of food helps to develop
positive/cordial relations with family ,colleagues,friends and the society at large including


People tend to develop positive and negative associations with food which is based on
their experiences in life.Food is often used as reward or punishment by parents for their
children which later on influences their likes and dislikes.A mother usually prepares
favourite food for her child who scores well in exams or makes an achievement.Food
provides emotional comfort to people;many tend to eat more when anxious ,depressed or
bored.Snacking is frequently observed among children preparing for exams.Sharing of
food during bereavement provides comfort and an opportunity to share sorrow with each


Certain foods are used as a token of respect to God and Nature.Holy

water,coconut,puffed rice,sugar balls and sweet meats are few examples of foods
associated with prayer and religious rituals.Following vegetarian dietary habits,avoidance
of non-vegetarians foods during Navratras by Hindus and on Friday during Lent by
Christians is a mark of respect for life.Food is also distributed free of cost through
community kitchens to minimize discrimination based on caste,income,gender or religion.


The Amount of food needed to ensure good health will vary from one individual to
another.All people do not require the same amounts of nutrients.Requirements vary
depending upon age,sex,body size,activity,state of health,etc.For example a person doing
a sedentary job will require lesser energy giving foods as compared to a farm labourer
doing heavy manual work.

The Indian Council for Medical Research (ICMR) has prepared Recommended Dietary
Allowances for Indians.These recommendations are revised and updated at regular
intervals on suggestions from experts.This guide tells us the amounts of different nutrients
we should consume daily.The allowances are calculated for different age groups for
males and females based on activity levels and ensure that good health will be
maintained.These tables are based on scientific knowledge and accordingly nutrient
intake is recommended for infants,preschool and school children,adolescents and
adults.Additional allowances for some nutrients are included for periods of physiological
stress such as pregnancy and lactation.
No two individuals of similar height,weight and age have the same nutritional
requirements as the actual requirement is influenced by many factors.The RDA are not
the actual requirements but allowances that are high enough to take care of almost
everyone in that particular group.

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