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Edward Orlando Liscano Martinez.
Danna Paola Molano.
Fundación Universitaria María Cano.

Presentado a:
Juanita Ponce De León.

Neiva (H)

1.Who is the main carácter?
 The main characteris Vilijar Hanssen.

2.Who is the shooter?

 The shooter is a terrorist called Breivik.

3. How many attacks happen?
 There were two terrorist attacks.
4. When were the attacks?
 In Norway, July 22.
5. What did the momo f the main carácter win?
 She won the elections.

6. Where did the first tragedy happen?

 The first terrorist attack was in front of the
Norwegain Oslo government

7. Where did the second tragedy happen?

 The second attack ocurred on an islan in Norway, in
camp organized by the socialista party.

8. What lenguaje do they speak?

 The spoke in english lenguage
9.What did the shotter whant?
 Avange the extreme left, in which he argues in the
interrogation the growth of migration and series of
racist and zenophobic ideas.

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